Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Post 213. Italian Grim Everyday Realities.


It’s morning. You go downstairs. You take the refuse out to the differentiated refuse bins. In each of the bins you find all sorts of different refuse. You go out into the streets. The pedestrian crossings are blocked by SUVs. You walk around them and cross the road. The bus stop. Cars parked in the no parking area meant for public transport vehicles. You go 15 metres to the right to find a gap and climb aboard. A waiting smoker drops an empty box on the pavement. In the bus, someone steals a lady’s purse. You watch and say nothing (what if he has a knife on him?). You cut across a square. Dogs crapping on a lawn reserved for children. Red robot, there’s a pothole in the middle of the road. A motorcyclist could kill himself here. Oh well, surely someone will advise the traffic cops. Into the Bar. Comments fill the air: "Berlusconi and the clockwork justice system", "Di Pietro the terrorist". Why bother to argue? You cough, the air is unbreathable. Someone will see to it. You open an envelope from the bank. The interest rate on your savings has gone down to 0,1%. The interest rate on your mortgage for the apartment however has remained unchanged at 9%. At the office they have not renewed the employment contracts of twenty of your temporary colleagues. The managers are all still there though. The Senate has approved the expedited trial legislation. Napolitano has written a letter to the widow Craxi: "He paid an unprecedented price ". A fugitive who never spent a single day in jail and stole billions from the Italians: is that paying an unprecedented price? Someone you know has been killed in the workplace, he slipped off a roof. No one bothers to commemorate his passing even though he was a good person. The Post Office, half-hour queues. You make a 35 Euro payment to the Receiver of Revenue for a query on your income tax calculation dating back to three years ago. Through the window of the post office you spot a Ferrari. A pensioner explains to someone else that, thanks to the Tax Shield, he has been able to bring his money back into Italy. He praises Tremonti. You are well aware that the money did not simply come back and that it is capital belonging to members of the Mafia, criminals and tax evaders that has been laundered by simply paying over 5% to the State. You look straight ahead of you. You pay. The Underground. A child, perhaps five years of age, plays the violin. Begging for handouts. The people don’t even look his way. Tomorrow there will be yet another child slave in his place and no authorities about. You head home. You skirt around the river on foot. Fruit boxes and plastic bags littering the riverbank. The water is brownish black in colour. Who could be causing the pollution? Oh well, someone will intervene. A ramp meant for the handicapped is blocked, as are all the others as far as the eye can see. There are some cranes on the lawns opposite your house. A twenty-storey building is being built. The light will no longer flood in through your windows. You will just have to switch on the lights. Now you switch off the light, it’s late. Another normal day of silent assent is over.
VENETO: all the towns and stand locations are to be found on the website: http://www.beppegrillo.it/listeciviche/liste/veneto/calendario-banchetti-racolta-firme.html

: MoVimento 5 Stelle Emilia Romagna Saturday 23rd: signatures will be gathered in Bologna, Modena, Parma, Reggio Emilia, Guastalla, Piacenza, Cesena, Rimini, Forli, Ferrara and Faenza. Sunday 24th: signatures will be gathered in Bologna, Rimini, Forli, Cattolica, Cesenatico, Cesena and Modena. (Remember to bring along your identity document).
Click here to find out the times and venues for the weekend: http://www.emiliaromagna5stelle.it/

Friday 22nd: Milan – No.2, Piazza Piemonte, in front of Feltrinelli. Marco Travaglio will also be there from 17h00 to 20h00; Varese - c/o the Travaglio Show - Piazza della Repubblica - from 20h00
Saturday 23rd: Bergamo - Via Pizzo della Presolana, in front of the PalaCreberg – 20h00 to 24h00
Cremona – No.42, Via Massarotti, c/o Autobar –Presentation of Civic List and gathering of signatures for Desio – No.6, Via Garibaldi – 14h00 to 19h00; Gussago (BS) - Piazza Vittorio Veneto Market – 09h00 to 12h30; Milan - piazza Cordusio/ Via dei Mercanti – 14h00 to 18h30; Milan - piazza Lima – 10h00 to 18h30; Pavia - Viale Matteotti (Piazza Petrarca) – 10h00 to 17h00; Vimercate – No.1, via Cavour – 14h00 to 19h00; Rozzano (MI) - Red Point Café Yamaha Rozzano – No.55, Via Valleambrosia – Meeting with Marco Travaglio in Rozzano – 17h30

MoVimento 5 Stelle Piedmont - Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 January: Alba, Alessandria, Asti, Biella, Borgo Ticino, Borgomanero, Bra, Canale d'Alba, Cuneo, Grugliasco, Ivrea, Livorno Ferraris, Mondovì, Novara, Saluzzo, Susa, Verbania and Vercelli. Details reflected on the Calendar (bring along your Identity Document). Click here to find out when and where to go and sign.

Posted by Beppe Grillo at 07:02 AM in |

Post 212. The Italian Public Debt.

Follow the link to read the post:

Without any doubt, the real person of the year is none other than the Italian public debt. It has grown more than the economy, inflation or the people’s salaries. In October it climbed to more than 1,800 billion Euro and then took a break in November, settling at around 1.783 billion just before the Christmas holidays. It is ready to take off again and surprise everyone in 2010. No one knows what heights it could achieve. Those who have dared to make forecasts have always been beaten by the reality. 2009 will close with a public debt that is forecast to be about 140 billion higher than that at the end of 2008, which ended with a public debt of 1,664 billion. Every Italian is personally liable for 30,000 Euro, a debt accrued on his/her behalf by the Government. Therefore, a family of four has a cumulative liability of 120,000 Euro. Each of us would have to take out a twenty-year loan to repay this debt. In 2009, Tremorti indebted us to the tune of almost one billion Euro more every two days. On what has he spent this monumental amount of money? What we want to know is where has all that money gone? No one knows for certain. As at the end of November, the Treasury’s account balance between income and expenditure stood at less than 74 billion. Expenditure increased by 44.8 billion compared to the same period in 2008. Tax income dropped by 3.4% in a single year while expenditure rose by 11.1%. A crazy economic policy that no family man in his right mind would dream of applying to his family budget. Our public debt is amongst the highest in the world and has to be addressed, but no politician is willing to talk about it. So our debt is growing and our GDP is falling? No problem, our debt becomes part of our GDP. Italy is one of the biggest producers of debt and exports it everywhere. Tremorti placed a not insignificant amount of it on his last trip to China. Any party that holds another party’s debt can control the debtor and, if the debt is large enough, he becomes the debtor’s master. It works the same way when one is talking about Countries, but who is the holder of our debt? Who is our master and is thus able to influence, for example, our foreign policy or economic policy? The final debtor, namely the man in the street, has no answer to this question. The fact is that we simply don’t know. Prior to the coming of the Euro, monetary inflation was the tool used to balance the Country’s books. Purchasing power would decrease and we all became poorer. Now that this tactic is no longer possible, the debt increases to the point of default. That’s because not even a debt as sound as that of Italy can continue to increase indefinitely. However, today our debt is the world’s latest “Made in Italy” product, if you think about it, it’s absolutely fantastic, productivity along the lines of the olden-day Brianza. Italy is producing half a billion Euro a day of export quality public debt. The public debt is the Country’s top industry and can only grow! Heading for catastrophe with optimism.
MoVimento 5 Stelle Emilia RomagnaOn Saturday 16 January at 12h00 I will be addressing a press conference at the Farnese Chapel at the Bologna Municipality premises in Palazzo D' Accursio, to announce the regional election list; click here.

The first Signature Day for the MoVimento 5 Stelle in Emilia Romagna: On Saturday 16 we will be accepting signatures in Bologna, Modena, Reggio Emilia, Cesena, Piacenza, Guastalla. On Sunday 17 it will once again be the turn of Modena and Cesena. Click here to view venues and times:


MoVimento 5 Stelle VenetoOn Saturday 16 January at 16h00 I will be dropping in to visit the guys of the MoVimento in Piazza delle Erbe in Verona and at 18h30 in Piazza Ferretto in Mestre (VE). At 21h00 I will be addressing a press conference at the Adria Municipal Theatre at No.1, in Piazza Cavour, to announce the regional election list for the Veneto Region.
MoVimento 5 Stelle PiedmontOn Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 January the second Signature Day will be held for the Piedmont Region. Come down and add your signature to the list, free of charge, at the tables in Turin, Ivrea, Chieri, Bussoleno, Asti, Alessandria, Cuneo, Alba, Bra, Mondovì, Fossano, Biella, Cossato, Novara, Vercelli and Omegna. Full details regarding the agenda (remember to take along your identity document). click here.
MoVimento 5 Stelle Lombardy - To find out when and where to sign to support the election list, click here.

Posted by Beppe Grillo at 06:45 AM in |

Post 211. Water Resources.

Follow the link to read the post:

Water resources must once again become a public asset. Listing the rainfall on the Stock Exchange is tantamount to entrusting people’s survival to a bunch of sharks. The next V3day will revolve around public water and is scheduled for 8 May 2010. Italy lacks a widespread water culture. Our rivers and streams are being polluted with almost total indifference, our water sources are unprotected and water is being wasted as if it were an endless resource. Water is this century’s crude oil, an object of desire to the multinationals, which we must defend at all costs. However, in Italy we do have certain movements and groups in favour of water as a public resource, such as the "Italian Forum of movements for water resources ".
"I am Paolo Carsetti, Secretary of the Forum italiano dei movimenti per l’acqua, a network of associations, local committees and trade union organisations that has been going since 2006. The forum is fighting a battle to ensure that water remains a public resource and to uphold one of our basic human rights.
We began at the end of 2006 by drafting a public inspired Bill proposal, for which we then gathered more than 400 thousand signatures. The Bill is now under discussion in Parliament, however, given the current government-institutional framework, the bill is not enjoying must support from the parties in Parliament and is therefore lying forgotten in some or other desk drawer. We held the first ever demonstration in Italy in support of public water on the first of December 2007, which was attended by more than 40 thousand people, and we are now busy conducting a national campaign, involving all of the local committees, associations and individuals, because we believe that this is the only way to guarantee the rights of, and service delivery to the entire population.
In Italy, the process of privatisation of water supply services began in the mid nineties. Various pieces of legislation were introduced, entrenching the principle of private management of the water supply services. This resulted in a number of consequences for the citizens. Firstly, the water supply charges have risen constantly over the years because, in addition to the fee for managing the service, according to law the operator’s fee must also include a margin of profit, which we as citizens and users are obliged to pay to the operator. What we were told at the time when the privatisation process began was that the State could no longer afford the costs involved in managing the water supply process, nor was it able to provide the funds required to upgrade the water supply infrastructure, which was already then antiquated and described as “a sieve”, so the only possible thing to do was to privatise the service since the private sector was the only party that had the necessary capital to invest.
What we are seeing now, and all of the data supports the fact, is that in the early nineties some 2 billion Euro per year was being spent on the provision of water while now, instead, that figure has dropped to approximately 700 million Euro per year. So, on the one hand we have tariff increases to ensure the profit margins of individuals and operators and, on the other hand, a simultaneous reduction in the level of investment and in the quality of the service provided.
There is also another undeniable fact underlying the privatisation process, which is that I, as a private sector operator, am charged with managing a service and thus distributing a resource, my main objective will be to increase the amount of product that I sell year by year, so much so that, in Italy, the so-called "scope plans", namely the plans via which our water resources are managed, forecast an 18% increase in consumption over the next few years. In other words, the operators are forecasting an increase in the sale of their product. I believe that this is to be avoided at all costs, also because water shortages will also be one of the initial effects and final consequences of climate change and the resulting global warming. We should therefore be working on plans to save water and on policies aimed at sustainable use of this resource, something that the private sector is unable to do due to its, perhaps even legitimate, entrepreneurial "mission". The only way this can be achieved is by allowing public bodies to manage the resource because their prime objective is to provide a service and uphold the rights of everyone, including enabling future generations to make use of the same natural resource.

What can we as citizens do to resist the privatisation of water resources in Italy? We have set up a number of campaigns, one of which is aimed at amending the municipal and provincial charters, precisely because the last piece of legislation approved by Government in 2009, refers specifically to the privatisation of water supply services in that it recognises said service as being of economic significance and must, therefore, necessarily be put on the market and be subject to market forces and free competition. We instead believe that water supply service, and therefore the actual water resource itself is not an economically important asset and should not, therefore, be subject to market forces but must be guaranteed to everyone as a right. For this reason, citizens can gather signatures within their local provincial and municipal districts, aimed at forcing their Town Council
We have already announced, and will do so again in the next few days, a national demonstration scheduled to coincide with “World Water Day”, which is held on 22 March every year. We are calling for a mass demonstration in support of protection for water resources, to be held in Rome on Saturday before World Water Day, namely 20 March. We are also appealing to all the movements and groupings to come and participate, even those that are somewhat disillusioned after the failure of the Copenhagen Conference but are still fighting for climatic justice.
At the same time, various political forces have launched an appeal for a referendum calling for the revocation of all those pieces of legislation that have enabled, and indeed ensured, the privatisation of water provision in Italy, a campaign that the forum must support wholeheartedly. This includes not only the latest Art. 15 of the Ronchi Decree approved in November, but also all of the laws that have granted private parties and multinationals access to water provision services in Italy in recent years.
You will find more details about all of the initiatives that the water movement has implemented and is currently busy implementing on the forum website at www.acquabenecomune.org, which is updated on a daily basis, as well as the option to add your signature to the call for the amendment of Municipal Charters, the upcoming call for the referendum and the initiatives relating to the national demonstration planned for March 20."
or Provincial Council to adopt resolutions to amend the Municipal Charter so that it acknowledges that access to water is a basic human right and that the supply of water is a local public service with no profit motive. In this way, the local body or Town or Provincial Council can reclaim its right to make decisions regarding how best to run water provision services, thereby sidestepping the national legislation, which is an essential step towards putting a stop to the process of privatisation in Italy.

Posted by Beppe Grillo at 10:29 AM in |

Post 210. Poor Dishonored Italy

Follow the link to read the post:

The magistrates Antonio Ingroia, Sergio Lari, Gaetano Paci, Nico Gozzo and Giovanbattista Tona are living targets. They are at risk of an attack. The Antimafia prosecutor Nino De Matteo who is investigating the revelations made by Massimo Ciancimino is luckier, he has just had bodyguards for the last 16 years, like many of his colleagues. In France or in Great Britain the ones with a police guard or the ones to have fled abroad would be the mafia people, not the magistrates. In the South, the Offices of the Prosecutors of the Republic are outposts, small forts surrounded by the Anti-State. Cuffaro has been sentenced to 7 years, that’s two more years because of the additional complication of mafia involvement. Dell'Utri is waiting for the second level verdict after the elections. At the first level he was sentenced to 9 years. The sensational thing is that these are two Senators of the Republic interviewed with reverence on the programme called "Porta a Porta" and in the TV News services by journalists who are at their service but who are paid by us.
Many turncoats are talking about the relations between the mafia and the State as a founding part of the Second Republic. The trials for the slaughters at Capaci, and in via D'Amelio and in the whole of Italy during the two year period of 1992 and 1993 are starting up again and they involve the politicians of that time in a bipartisan way. In prison serving out multiple life sentences are just the mafia people, from the Graviano brothers to Riina to Provenzano, but not one politician. Who cheated? Who has not kept their promises?
A new cycle is about to open up. After 16 years of slaughters, a few of which were commissioned by instigators from the so-called “continent”, according to the turncoats, and from which the mafia would just seem to be the armed wing, there has been the “Pax mafiosa”, which has also lasted for 16 years. The forthcoming trials could send to prison, top class politicians, and destroy careers that have been built on blood. The ones ongoing in Sicily relating to the slaughters are not mafia trials, but trials against the State. This is why there could be the start of a new cycle of murders. It takes just a moment to go from the “short trials” to the dead magistrate. The parties that have occupied the State cannot be convicted. The Christian Democrats did not want to be on trial in the streets. The current politicians (and Berlusconi is just their representative) don’t even want to be on trial in the Tribunals.
The Internet has got to adopt the magistrates Antonio Ingroia, Sergio Lari, Gaetano Paci, Nico Gozzo and Giovanbattista Tona. Give to them and to their investigations maximum visibility. Information is their body armour. First they defame them (and they have been doing that for years), then they isolate them (current operation), then they kill them. They will never give up (but is it in their interests?). Neither will we.

VENETO: all the signature points and the towns at the website: http://www.beppegrillo.it/listeciviche/liste/veneto/calendario-banchetti-racolta-firme.html
EMILIA ROMAGNA: MoVimento 5 Stelle Emilia Romagna Sunday 24: collection of signatures at Bologna, Rimini, Forli, Cattolica, Cesenatico, Cesena, Modena. (bring ID).
Click here to find out the times and places over the week end: http://www.emiliaromagna5stelle.it/
All the signing booths and the locations at http://www.lombardia5stelle.org/
MoVimento 5 Stelle Piemonte - Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 January: Alba, Alessandria, Asti, Biella, Borgo Ticino, Borgomanero, Bra, Canale d'Alba, Cuneo, Grugliasco, Ivrea, Livorno Ferraris, Mondovì, Novara, Saluzzo, Susa, Verbania, Vercelli. All details in the calendar (bring ID). To find out how and where to sign and to give support to the List click here.

Posted by Beppe Grillo at 07:19 PM in |

Post 209. A Little Bit of Common Sense on Carbon Emissions.

  A  Little  Bit  of  Common  Sense  on   Carbon  Emissions
Generated   from   Coal-Burning  Power  Stations.
The  following  is    from  an  e-mail  I  received   from   my   really   good,  but  halas,    hopelessly    naive,  well-meaning,    popularity-dependent  Australian  neighbour,   introducing  an   extremely,   unbelievably-good   article  on    Energy   by    a     T.L. Cardwell,   who,   amazingly,  may  be   a   truth-telling   Australian-born,   a   very    rare   animal  in  Australia.
This  article   shows   how  hopelessly   self-sabotaging   the   whole  Australian Nation  is!
How   can  anyone   ever  hope   to   reach   concurrence  on   any   issue    with   such  mongrels   as  the   majority of   Canberra  politicians   and  of  the   Australian  people  consist   of,   beats   me  to  death!

Hello Louis ,
  I thought you might find this of interest as a former work colleague of mine (who still works for one of the power companies in Victoria) sent it through to me recently - I'm forwarding it on to you without editing.
  Cheers - your neighbour-

  "Serious food for thought.  Wonder what the response from government and greenies would be like?
   Interesting material for your consideration - This article appeared in the Rockhampton morning Bulletin on 22.12.09.
   Although I have never ever met the author I was, after some difficulty, able to contact him by phone. 

  This is an excellent piece for my friends to send to their politicians or to anybody who needs to be educated about Australia's Coal driven power houses.
   Terry is now retired and is in excellent health at age 69. Nobody paid him to write the article which was, (to their credit), published by the local press.
   Terry told me I could distribute his article as I saw fit."

  Written By Terence Cardwell      terrycar@iinet.net.au

  The Editor
   The Morning Bulletin.

  I have sat by for a number of years frustrated at the rubbish being put forth about carbon dioxide emissions, thermal coal fired power stations and renewable energy and the ridiculous Emissions Trading Scheme.
  Frustration at the lies told (particularly during the election) about global pollution. Using Power Station cooling towers for an example. The condensation coming from those cooling towers is as pure as that that comes out of any kettle.
   Frustration about the so called incorrectly named man made 'carbon emissions' which of course is Carbon Dioxide emissions and what it is supposedly doing to our planet.
   Frustration about the lies told about renewable energy and the deliberate distortion of renewable energy and its ability to replace fossil fuel energy generation. And frustration at the ridiculous carbon credit programme which is beyond comprehension.
   And further frustration at some members of the public who have not got a clue about thermal Power Stations or Renewable Energy. Quoting ridiculous figures about something they clearly  have little or no knowledge of.
   First coal fired power stations do NOT send 60 to 70% of the energy up the chimney. The boilers of modern power station are 96% efficient and the exhaust heat is captured by the economisers and reheaters and heat the air and water before entering the  boilers.
   The very slight amount exiting the stack is moist as in condensation and CO2. There is virtually no fly ash because this is removed by the precipitators or bagging plant that are 99.98% efficient. The 4% lost is heat  through boiler wall convection.
   Coal fired Power Stations are highly efficient with very little heat loss and can generate massive amount of energy for our needs. They can generate power at efficiency of less than 10,000 b.t.u. per kilowatt and cost wise that is very low.
   The percentage cost of mining and freight is very low. The total cost of fuel is 8% of total generation cost and does NOT constitute a major production cost.
   As for being laughed out of the country, China is building multitudes of coal fired power stations because they are the most efficient for bulk power generation.
   We have, like, the USA, coal fired power stations because we HAVE the raw materials and are VERY fortunate to have them. Believe me no one is laughing at Australia - exactly the reverse, they are very envious of our raw materials and independence.
   The major percentage of power in Europe and U.K. is nuclear because they don't have the coal supply for the future.
   Yes it would be very nice to have clean, quiet, cheap energy in bulk supply. Everyone agrees that it would be ideal. You don't have to be a genius to work that out. But there is only one problem---It doesn't exist.
 Yes - there are wind and solar generators being built all over the world but they only add a small amount to the overall power demand.
   The maximum size wind generator is 3 Megawatts, which can rarely be attained on a continuous basis because it requires substantial forces of wind. And for the same reason only generate when there is sufficient wind to drive them. This of course depends where they are located but usually they only run for 45% -65% of the time, mostly well below maximum capacity. They cannot be relied for a 'base load' because they are too variable. And they certainly could not be used for load control.
   The peak load demand for electricity in Australia is approximately 50,000 Megawatts and only small part of this comes from the Snowy Hydro Electric System (The ultimate power Generation) because it is only available when water is there from snow melt or  rain. And yes they can pump it back but it cost to do that. (Long Story).

  Tasmania is very fortunate in that they have mostly hydro electric generation because of their high amounts of snow and rainfall. They also have wind generators (located in the roaring forties) but that is only a small amount of total power generated.
   Based on a average generating output of 1.5 megawatts (of unreliable power) you would require over 33,300 wind generators.
   As for solar power generation much research has been done over the decades and there are two types. Solar thermal generation and Solar Electric generation but in each case they cannot generate large amounts of electricity.
  Any clean, cheap energy is obviously welcomed but they would NEVER have the capability of replacing Thermal power generation. So get your heads out of the clouds, do some basic mathematics and look at the facts not going off  with the fairies (or some would say the extreme greenies.)
   We are all greenies in one form or another and care very much about our planet. The difference is most of us are realistic. Not in some idyllic utopia where everything can be made perfect by standing around holding a banner and being a general pain in the backside.
  Here are some facts that will show how ridiculous this financial madness the government is following. Do the simple maths and see for yourselves.
   According to the 'believers' the CO2 in air has risen from .034% to .038% in air over the last 50 years.
   To put the percentage of Carbon Dioxide in air in a clearer perspective;
  If you had a room 12 ft x 12 ft x 7 ft or 3.7 mtrs x 3.7 mtrs x 2.1 mtrs, the area carbon dioxide would occupy in that room would be .25m x .25m x .17m or  the size of a  large packet of cereal.

  Australia emits 1 percent of the world's total carbon Dioxide  and the government wants to reduce this by twenty percent or reduce emissions by .2 percent of the world's total CO2 emissions.
   What effect will this have on existing CO2 levels?
   By their own figures they state the CO2 in air has risen from .034% to .038% in 50 years.
   Assuming this is correct, the world CO2 has increased in 50 years  by .004 percent.
   Per year that is .004 divided by 50 = .00008 percent. (Getting confusing -but stay with me).
  Of that because we only contribute 1% our emissions would cause CO2 to rise .00008 divided by 100 = .0000008 percent.
   Of that 1%, we supposedly emit, the governments wants to reduce it by 20%  which is 1/5th of .0000008  = .00000016 percent effect per year they would have on the world CO2 emissions based on their own figures.
   That would equate to a area in the same room, as the size of a small pin.!!!
  For that they have gone crazy with the ridiculous trading schemes, Solar and roofing installations, Clean coal technology. Renewable energy, etc, etc.
   How ridiculous it that.
   The cost to the general public and industry will be enormous. Cripple and even closing some smaller business.
   T.L. Cardwell

  To the Editor   I thought I should clarify. I spent 25 years in the Electricity Commission of NSW working, commissioning and operating the various power units. My last was the 4 X 350 MW Munmorah Power Station near Newcastle.   I would be pleased to supply you any information you may require.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Post 208. Italy is a Third World Nation!

Follow the link to read the post:
Italy  is  a  Third  World  Nation!

The attack on the Internet is by now shameless. The government, thus the owner of Mediaset, has decided that the right to information on the Internet has to be ratified, that copyright be used to close down websites and to eliminate videos from YouTube. That the live recording by a citizen using a webcam in live streaming is considered to be on a par with a live TV broadcast. That websites that provide information on the Internet have to provide rectification that is on a par with national TV News. All this shit that should be returned to sender. The Internet will have to do an act of civil disobedience, starting with this blog, when faced with a law packaged for Mediaset and for the RAI.
Berlusconi is paying just one per cent of the income on the three national TV channels. He is rich thanks to D'Alema who, when he was President of the Council, packaged for him a tailored-made law in 1999. Have a go at giving away some property of yours, an apartment for example, in concession to someone and then you just ask for one per cent of the rent. This is what the PDminusL has done. I propose at least 30% to keep the concessions with Mediaset and a single network, and packaged with this, the immediate resignation of Berlusconi. A concessionary of the State in fact, cannot have roles in the government. Violante reminded Parliament that the directors of the PDminusL guaranteed (in private) to Berlusconi that his TV channels would never be touched. Furthermore, the PDminusL, in the last Prodi government, followed the advice from Arcore and organised the appointment of Paolo Gentiloni as the Minister of Posts and Telecommunication  instead of Antonio Di Pietro. That
    Gentiloni, “ surprised” by this law, who as a Minister, did not lift a finger to apply the verdict in favour of Europa 7 and move Rete4 to satellite. The Guarantor of the Communications will have to ensure respect for the law on the Internet, “their” law, he’s the person who controls the information and uses a person like Minzolini to dishonour the RAI and to humiliate the Italians who are listening, with the celebration of the thief Bottino Craxi. Let Clito Minzolini come to the Internet, live, and tell his lies, and he will understand how the Italians are thinking, let him read the comments, listen to the “chat” and book himself a helicopter.
We have to move forward with our work. To eliminate toxic refuse from the Internet. Delete Mediaset programmes and publish no more of them. I’m starting, from today, let’s make the Internet a better place. Denounce Mediaset and the RAI every time they make use of, in their programmes stuffed with advertising, one of your videos or one of your articles that is published on the Internet. They will never give up (but is it in their interests?). Neither will we.

Posted by Beppe Grillo at 08:16 PM in

Comment-:     I  urge   Italians   to   unanimously  and  collectively   throw   rotten  tomatoes,   eggs     and  excreta   onto  Berlusconi,  (  if  not  a   heavy    solid   Torre  di  Pisa,  or  San  Pietro ),    who  is   a  shameless   criminal,     unworthy   to   lead  a   Nation   with   a   civilised   MEMORY/PAST (   yes  to-day   a  memory  only  due  to the   mis/mal-education  of  its   youths  )   like  Italy.       A    MAFIA-style-explosion   would  be  better  though  as  those    he   caused    Falcone  and   Borsellino  and  others   to  be  executed   by!   Does   Berlusconi  ever   look  at  himself   in  the  mirror,   the  FREAK?   There  are  moments  when   he   reminds   one,  with    his   jutting   mandible,   of  that  other  Italian   idiot,   the    adulterous,   fake,   neo-,    pseudo-Roman,     Corporal  Benito  Mussolini   who  was   hung-up  like   the  pig   he   was  with   his   adulterous   mistress  Claretta   Petacci.  
The  comment  also  applies   to   Craxi,   Prodi   and  other  Italian   politicians  including   Bossi  of   the   now  corrupt  Lega Padana!
Lombardi................andate  a  cagare   con la  luna   piena  con  la   postina  della  Val  Gardena!

Italy   is  not   fit   to-day    for   sovereignty   and  independence  in  Europe  as  it   lacks   men  fit  for  Government!
It  should  again  be   placed   under  the   supervision  of  more   disciplined    nations  like  Germany   and  Spain.
Modern   Italians  are   traitors  to  their  Past!   I  am  ashamed  on  behalf   of    Italians!  

Go  and  play   Football   you   mongrels!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Post 207. Back-Door Immigrants.

10,000  black   Spartacuses  in  Calabria.

What the hell are more than ten thousand illegal immigrants doing in the countryside of Calabria? It’s obvious; they are creating wealth for the people that are exploiting them. In order to do this, they are living in the kind of unhygienic conditions that you would expect to find in a pigsty, they are paid very little and then under the counter, without any benefits whatsoever. The immediate and unwavering reply from the third-world burkes is always the same: "They are here by us to do the kinds of jobs that the Italians are no longer prepared to do!". On the contrary I say, pay the Italians a reasonable wage and there would be a string of unemployed local Calabrians ready and willing to take their place.
These immigrants work in the kind of inhumane conditions that the Italians are no longer willing to endure and that is why these people are here in Italy. So, I ask again, who actually scores from this situation? The new landlords, organised crime syndicates looking for cheap labour, or those looking to rent out hovels at sky-high prices? This is only the tip of the iceberg, the bit that is most visible. Immigrants are essentially a voter pool, they bring in votes for both the right wing and the left wing. They are a mass diversion tool that is used by the political parties. The Lega and the Pdl live of the black man, for them he is the bogeyman. The Pdwithoutanel and similar bleeding hearts stand up for them, at the expense of the lower echelons of society that live cheek by jowl with the immigrants and land up fighting over the few available resources. Votes to the right and votes to the left. Quite clearly then, in a Country where thousands of exasperated illegal immigrants take to the streets in a village such as Rosarno, swinging iron bars and setting fire to things, the rule of law has ended. Africans against Calabrians and, in the middle, are the ones who have never taken responsibility for the inflow of immigrants, for welcoming them or for helping them to settle in.
What do we want, cheap immigrant labour or immigrants that are integrated into our society? We don’t need more slaves, we already have enough of our own. And so, a revolt by these black Spartacuses can ONLY a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTafjHw7b9s" target="_blank">become a problem of law and order and a problem of control in our area. Minister Maroni, I ask you, also on behalf of previous Ministers of Internal Affairs: "Where were and where are the forces of law and order in Calabria, the very same forces that managed to immediately spot a 30 x 50cm banner against Schifani that was held up by a citizen yesterday in Reggio Emilia?".
The illegal Africans have always been there, skins glistening under the sun in the fields of the South and then rotting in the slums. So, where were and where are the various institutions that continually bust the chops of the last stallholder at the market because of hygiene, till slips, hawkers licences and employment tax, where the hell are they? Furthermore, why do we continue to pay them if they always and only spot the splinter and overlook the beam? Italy is a small Countryessentially an exploited labour force, a commodity for unscrupulous businessmen and for politicians and journalists who can’t pronounce their “R”s and rattle on endlessly about poisoned wells. A precious resource for the politicians that then proceed to leave these people to their own devices. There is a war going on, which sometimes explodes into skirmishes: immigrants and Italian citizens alike, all being taken for a ride. The Country ends at Rosarno.

The “MoVimento 5 Stelle” in LOMBARDY: I will be in Milan on Saturday, 9 January, to announce the “MoVimento 5 Stelle” list of candidates who will be running in the regional elections in Lombardy, with Vito Crimi as candidate for the position of Regional Premier. Come and join us at 15h00 at "SPAZIO TADINI", via Jommelli 24 (MM1 Loreto, MM2 PIOLA, Tram 33, Bus 62 - www.spaziotadini.it)..
The “MoVimento 5 Stelle” in PIEDMONT: The first signature-gathering event in Piedmont. You are all invited to simply come and sign, FREE OF CHARGE, so as to give the people on the "MoVimento 5 Stelle" election list the chance to stand in the upcoming Regional Elections scheduled for March 2010. Saturday, 9 January 2010 in the following towns:

Posted by Beppe Grillo at 07:25 AM in |

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

post 206. Invitation to the Mafias to Convert & Donate their Funds.

Follow the link to read the post:

 Invitation  to   the  Mafias   
to   Convert  &   to   Donate  their   Funds  
to  ''gensferreria".
Opus Dei is an organisation that can influence the choices of the State. Its language is like that of the “Smurfs”. It’s not easy to understand its members when they speak. Instead of using the verb "to smurf" they use the word "pitare". There are the "numerari" and the "sopranumerari" and the "piani inclinati" and a President instead of "Papa Smurf ". In the interview, Emanuela Provera, the author of "Dentro l'Opus Dei" {Inside Opus Dei} describes a secret organisation that keeps its own documents secret. And she explains that: “Almost half of all legally recognised university colleges report to Opus Dei … Everything that relates to the introduction in our country of consumer credit in a certain way is labelled Opus Dei.” Stalin wondered: “How many divisions has the Pope got?” I’m wondering how many Ministers, bankers, military undersecretaries, presidents of public associations are in Opus Dei? And to whom are they responsible: to Opus Dei or to the State?
And how do they intervene in public life in our country?

Interview with Emanuela Provera, author of the book: "Dentro l'Opus Dei"

“I am Emanuela Provera and I have written “Dentro l’Opus Dei" published by Chiarelettere, after having participated in writing the book called “Opus Dei Segreta {Secret Opus Dei} three years ago with Ferruccio Pianotti. The book “Opus Dei Segreta” was born from an online forum with the participation of men and women, like myself who have had an experience inside Opus Dei for a number of years. Within the forum, there are people who have been in the “Prelature” for a short time and others who have lived inside Opus Dei for ten, twenty or more years. The forum has been an experience of comparing our situations and thus it was created above all with the objective of letting us talk to each other, because the experience of leaving Opus Dei is an experience of isolation. Most of the people that leave this institution think that they are the only ones, so it is difficult to create a situation of making comparisons, of debate and of discussion. The second objective has been to make known the reflections and the outcomes of our discussions, the most appropriate tool, the one that could get to the greatest possible number of people has been that of writing a book.
Why was it me and not other people in the forum to write the book? Because, generally, up until now, most of the people who leave Opus Dei prefer not to put themselves in the public eye in such a strong and transparent way. There’s a lot of fear, probably even because we are in Italy. We are in a country where there are a lot of intrigues between the ecclesiastical world, the world of politics and the world of the institutions.

... "

Italiani, Europei, Occidentali, simpatizzanti tutti, purche' non-Mafiosi, questi ultimi benvenuti se aperti a conversione,     aderite a 
e  leggete
Ferrarii  Clan . / Sir  Laurence  Gardner #:  A  Study

e-mail gensferreria@bigpond.com

Monday, January 4, 2010

Post 205. Decisive and Determinate Action in War.

   Decisive  and  Determinate   Action  in  War.

 ( Note-:   The  following  quotes  are   from  an  article  I   wrote,   titled   'Armorica '.
Always  remember   Galatians   3:28   when  reading  this   article,  please. ).

A quote from Gibbon I, chapter xxxviii,note 142-:

Hoc anno [490 A.D.] Aella et Cissa obsederunt Andredes-Chester [ Newenden, Kent ]; et interfecerunt omnes qui id incolerent; adeo ut ne unus Brito ibi superstes fuerit ( Chron. Saxon. p.15, edit. Gibson );
an expression more dreadful in its simplicity than all the vague and tedious lamentations of the British Jeremiah.


My translation from Latin-:
In that year [490A.D.] Aella and Cissa placed Newenden, Kent under siege; and slaughtered all those living therein;    in such a manner that no British person would survive.


Note 142 is added here because I believe that a tribute must be paid to the vanquisced and persecuted originally   civilised Britons,  until   hybridicised  by  the invading  Barbarians,   those who died and are being forgotten by some of our modern, arrogant, biased, false scholars who, in our barbaric Era of Crap, of the Sewer, Ordure and Manure seem to find the Anglo-Saxons eminent.   I invite these type of individuals to humility, self-analysis and reformation, which are one of the ethical aim of this Appendix. 
A quote from Gibbon, op.cit., I, p.629-:

The independent Britons appear to have relapsed into a state of original barbarism from whence they had been imperfectly reclaimed. Separated by their enemies from the rest of mankind, they soon became an object of scandal and abhorrence to the catholic world. Christianity was still professed in the mountains of Wales; but the rude schismatics, in the form of the clerical tonsure, and in the day of the celebration of Easter, obstinately persisted the imperious mandates of the Roman pontiffs. The use of the Latin language was insensibly abolished, and the Britons were deprived of the arts and learning which Italy communicated to her Saxon proselytes. In Wales and Armorica, the Celtic tongue, the native idiom of the West [of Britain], was preserved and and propagated; and the Bards, who had been the companions of the Druids, were still protected, in the sixteenth century, by the laws of Elizabeth............................. Liberty had peopled the mountains of Wales and Armorica: but their populousness has been maliciously ascribed to the loose practice of polygamy; and the houses of these licentious barbarians have been supposed to contain ten wives, and perhaps fifty children. Their disposition was rash and choleric: they were bold in action and in speech; and as they were ignorant of the arts of peace, they alternately indulged their passions in foreign and domestic war. The cavalry of Armorica, the spearmen of Gwent, and the archers of Merioneth, were equally formidable; but their poverty could seldom procure either shields or helmets; and the inconvenient weight would have retarded the speed and agility of their desultory operations ...................................................................................
 ( Note-:  I  believe that  the  author  is  referring   to   Cornwall   and  Gaul   when   writing  of  the  transportation  of   the  dead.)

By the revolution of Britain the limits of science as well as of empire were contracted. The dark cloud which had been cleared by the Phoenician discoveries, and finally dispelled by the arms of Caesar, again settled on the shores of the Atlantic, and a Roman province was again lost among the fabulous Islands of the Ocean. One hundred and fifty years after the reign of Honorius [ c. 553 A.D.] the gravest historian of the times [ See Procopius de Bell. Gothic. l. iv. c. 20, p.620-625   { ed. Paris; tom. ii. p.559 sqq., ed. Bonn }, the Greek historian is himself so confounded by the wonders which he relates, that the weakly attempts to distinguish the islands of Brittia and Britain, which he has identified by so many inseparable circumstances. ] describes the wonders of a remote isle, whose eastern and western parts are divided by an antique wall, the boundary of life and death, or, more properly, of truth and fiction. The east is a fair country, inhabited by a civilised people: the air is healthy, the waters are pure and plentiful, and the earth yelds her regular and frutiful increase. In the west, beyond the wall, the air is infectious and mortal; the ground is covered with serpents; and this dreary solitude is the region of departed spirits, who are transported from the opposite shores in substantial boats and by living rowers [ as the fulfilment of pagan beliefs in the power of the dead souls to vicariously occupy land ]. Some families of fishermen, the subjects of the Franks, are excused from tribute, in consideration of the mysterious office which is performed by these Charons of the ocean.................After this dream of fancy, we read with astonishment that the name of this island is Brittia; that it lies in the ocean, against the mouth of the Rhine, and less than thirty miles from the continent; that it is possessed by three nations, the Frisians, the Angles and the Britons.................


Another interesting quote from Gibbon I,op.cit. chapter xxxviii, note 135, may help to understand, in view of the thorough ‘ ethnic cleansing ‘ that the Anglo-Saxons indulged with, the ‘ bastardised ‘ condition of the Britons of Scotland, Wales and Cornwall who wasted so many of England's resources, opposing perfectly viable governments, by perpetuating the feud between Normans and Anglo-Saxons. I am criticising these peoples ( those who for some unknown reason wish to identify with the barbaric Anglo-Saxons and hate anything Norman, catholic and roman ) for their distortions of history and for the perpetuation of lies which tend to sabotage to-day Great Britain's contribution to the great ideal of the European Unity, for their trying to pass, even to-day, through B.B.C.'s propaganda, as Britons, rather than Anglo-Saxons, which, per se, invalidates the claims of modern B.B.C.'s sponsored historians who idealise them (i.e., the Anglo-Saxon lobbyists) as freedom fighters, and I wish to revive the idea that ‘ Anglo-Saxon' may be a dirty word that is being wrongly used whenever‘ Britsh' should be rather used. That is why, in the Bayeux Tapestry, Harold is shown against the background of a broken flag, blazoning the golden dragon of the false Britons, i.e., the Saxons, and a standing flag, blazoning the red Welsh dragon ( the Pendragon of King Arthur, the roman-briton by excellence ), which represents the liberation of the authemtic Britons by the Normans. It is even possible that a contingent of Welsh levies in Harold's army may have turned against him toward the end of the battle of Hasting. The question is, oh B.B.C.'s historians--: "Why the golden and the red dragons on the same field, at the moment of defeat, the former broken down, the latter standing proud?

The truth that Cornwall was indeed bastardised by the Anglo-Saxons is confermed by Gibbon I, chapter xxxviii, note 135-:

Cornwall was finally subdued by Athelstan ( 927-941 A.D.), who planted an English colony at Exeter, and confined the Britons beyond the river Tamar. See William of Malmesbury, I, ii, in the Scriptores post Bedam, p. 50.............and another, note 136-:
The establishment of the Britons in Gaul is proved in the sixth century by Procopius [ Bell. Goth. iv.20], Gregory of Tours, the second council of Tours ( 567 A.D.), and the least suspicious of their chronicles and lives of saints. The subscription of a bishop of the Britons to the first council of Tours ( 461 A.D., or rather 481 A.D.), the army of Rhiothamus, and the loose declamations of Gildas ( alii transmarinas petebant regiones, c.25, p. 8), may countenance an emigrration as early as the middle of the fifth century. and another, note 145-:
In the beginning of the seventh century the Franks and the Anglo-Saxons mutually understood each others's language which was derived from the same Teutonic root ( Bede. l. i. c. 25, p. 60)
In 668 A.D., two missionaries were sent to England in order to convert, unite and reform-: Theodore of Tarsus, from Asia Minor and an african, named Hadrian of Carthage.
While the Britons were reverting to barbarism and isolationism, the Saxons, under the influence of Catholic Christianity were learning to become members of a wider community of nations, which to-day, is being exemplified by the European Community of nations. Bede, Aldhelm of Malmesbury and the west-Saxon Boniface, the Apostle of Germany, were products of the new Saxon, cultured society. However, the Saxons were too slow at their efforts at joining the fast pace of European civilization, and it was necessary to confront them with the dinamic, efficient, progressive, morally un-ambiguous, if uncomfortable guidance of the Normans. The history of Britain is one of a malevolent, unnecessary, silent, secret, revengeful re-assertion of the ancient British tribes, confused by their wrong identification, in a promiscuous alliance, with the memories of the wounded pride of their Anglo-Saxon persecutors, rebelling against a wrongly-perceived, European aggressiveness (i.e., the Romans and the Normans ). If anyone can be labelled an aggressor in the history of the world, the barbarians from the steppes have right of precedence, including the Celts and Britons. To my way of seeing reality, historical reality, right and legitimacy are represented, moral and ethical standards being the same, by righteous co-operation, efficiency and stability in policies, productivity, law and order, etc. The Anglo-Saxons and Britons were retrogressive and inefficient nations, and still suffered, in the days of the Norman invasion from their anscestral, congenital lack of profundity of character and low morality, caused, as a contrast to their Armorican kins, by insularity, isolation, inbreeding , the oppression of savage nations like Gothic Scotland, a ‘ bastardised ‘ Ireland, Sweden and Norway, etc.
Another issue worth clarifying is that the kinship between Scots and Celtic Irish is really a myth encouraged by the ancient Irish missionaries to Scotland. Both Gothic Scots and Celtic Irish had themselves invaded, conquered and subjected neolithic tribes of natives all over pre-roman Europe, in the days of the bronze Age, therefore proving my criterion in relation to the rights of occupation of productive land, and on the basis of the fact that they also were invaders and oppressors, their descendants have no right to-day to historically vilify Romans, Normans, Roman Catholics or the supporters of the ideal of modern United Europe. One can recurringly see modern English ( they are not however alone in suffering from this type of treachery ) treacherously ready to share in whatever good Europe may have to offer, withdrawing into their insularity whenever the time comes for loyalty and co-operation in relation to some difficult issue confronting Europe. In a way, they and the French have been responsible for both W.W. I & II. As an example of my way of thinking, the rebellions of the Scots against the Romans were totally pointless if one stops injecting Rousseaussian, Wagnerian/Neo-Nazi romantic idealism in the scenarios of the noble savage. In fact, a throw-back to the true Irish type, is probably to be found in Brittany, rather than in Scotland or Ireland. Moreover, Anglo-Norman achievements in the character building of the British people have been slowly disappearing since the advent of the Tudors, as time shall unfortunately tell, unless reformation in relation to a closer unity and co-operation, is embraced by all peoples dwelling in the British Islands, including Ireland, and a correction be made to the false idealisation of the Anglo-Saxons to the exclusion of other tribes who really contributed to the greatness of England, i.e., the Normans, etc.. Moreover, in my opinion, in relation to the islamic theocratic threat to the western civilisation, member-nations of United Europe should either reinforce their ties with existing monarchies ( whose prerequisite for their being adopted or accepted should be their being and remaining absolutely christian) or adopt again, if republics, superseded monarchies or even adopt entirely new ones for the sake of providing a permanent constitutional barrier to possible future take-overs by Islamic fifth columns obsessed with a theocratic religious ideology. In fact, the fundamental weakness of the Anglo-Saxon democracies to-day, that may eventually destroy our power and civilization base, is in their abuses of the idea of freedom, which has replaced in their idolatrous democracies, the christian God.
In this atmosphere in which the worship of the god of freedom distorts all traditional moral balances (i.e., the concept of the balance required by human right and human duty ) it has become impossible for our politicians and leaders to think about the necessity that certain fundamental issues should be classified by professionally trained experts chosen for their expertise in relation to each particular issue, as " not-politically-negotiable ", "to- be-debated-and-decided-upon by experts only ", and not by the masses etc.

Let me quote here an interesting note from Gibbon I, chapter xxxviii, note 154-:

The life of Wallus, or Cambricus, homo, who possessed a hyde of land, is fixed at 120 shillings, by the same laws ( of Ina, tit. xxxii. in Leg. Anglo-Saxon. p.20) which allowed 200 shillings for a free Saxon, and 1200 for a Thane ( see likewise Leg. Anglo-Saxon, p. 71).


As we well know, paradoxically enough, the descendants of the ancient Britons never ceased from stolidly opposing whoever attempted to rule England, even when coming as a liberator or wishing to rule in the best interests of England, as was the case of the Norman and Plantagenet dynasties. Henry VII and the House of Tudors were in fact related to the ancient welsh rulers, and did not see Norman and Plantagenet ( i.e., Angevin, Lancaster, York ) dynasties with the equanimity due to the descendants of those who had liberated Britain from barbaric rulers,   the  latter  having  been  making a mockery of the christian faith and of feudal ethics, in the days of William the Conqueror. One would have expected the Britons to have co-operated with the Normans, since, from a religious point of view the barbarian conquerors of Britain had come as pagans , had acted with extreme and unforgivable barbarity and, even after their conversion to   Roman    Catholicism, had found the British Church unwilling to join together in worship, a rift that remained latent until coming to the surface in the days of King Henry VIII. In fact, paradoxically enough, even from a purely religious perspective, the Britons ( or whoever happened to absorb and corrupt them in the course of their exile in the uplands of Britain ) have always been arrogantly against centralised Roman Catholic guidance, owing to primitive Hibernian influence of the monastic rule of St. Columba, in spite of the orthodoxy of the ancient missionaries to Hibernia, i.e., St. Patrick, who was a Roman Briton born in the Severn Valley, on english soil, and later-on St. Augustine, Paulinus, Theodore of Tarsus and Hadrian of Carthage.
For example, St. Augustine organised two conferences with the christian British Bishops on behalf of Ethelbert, the King of Kent, who had married Bertha the sister of Clovis, the Catholic King of the Franks, but Ethelbert rejected pleas for christian unity on trivial, cosmetic differences.
Paulinus, a member of Augustine's previous mission to England, as the new papal Legate, and the new converted Edwin, the Saxon King of Northumbria, who had married a christian princess of Kent, made overtures for christian conversion and unity to Penda, the King of Mercia ( modern Midlands ). The latter's reaction was that a heathen English King Penda, for the first time in history, accepted in A.D. 633, the offers of an alliance with Cadwallon, the christian british King of North Wales, in order to fight a Catholic englishman.
Edwin sadly lost both kingdom and life.
The christian Britons then savagely dedicated themselves to unrestrained revenge.
Both Roman and Celtic missionaries kept on evangelising the english north, in the midst of wars between pagan and christian English and between the latter and christian Britons.
English pagans were eventually routed and converted, and, quoting from Churchill's work, " A History of the English Speaking People ". vol I, p.63-:

To the ferocious British-English racial feud there was added a different view of Church government, which sundered the races almost as much as the difference between Christianity and heathenism.
Henceforward the issue is no longer whether the Island shall be christian or pagan, but whether the Roman or the Celtic view of Christianity shall prevail. These differences persisted across the centuries, much debated by all the parties concerned.


Conclusion-:   All  people   have   been    responsible   for    cruelties  in  War.    Napalm,   a   150  mm.   artillery  shell,    chemical   bombs,   phosphor  bombs,  carpet  bombing,     anti-personnel    mines,   etc.   are  all   cruel    weapons   of   destruction.
War   is   as  inevitable  as  mental   illnesses.   What   counts  as  a  criterion   for   a   choice   between,    acceptance  and  toleration   of  the  inevitable(s),    is   the  attitude  of  the   winner   in  the   peace   following    the   cruelties  of  war,   'winner'   being    a  bad   word   for    success  in  war,   since  no  one   really    ever   wins,    but  I  cannot  think  of   a   better   word   and  the search   would  be  irrelevant   to  my  aim   here.
What   counts  is   wether  the   winner  is   culturally   flexible   enough   to   integrate    with  the    looser   without   humiliating,   vilifying    the  looser,    fagocitating     the    looser,    erasing   the   looser's   culture,  religious   beliefs,   culture   ethnicity  as,   for   example,  I  am  not   afraid  to  say  it    as  it    is   the   truth,     Islam  has   always    done  in  History,   in  Asia   and   in  the  Middle-East   where   entire  ethnic   populations    became  first  minorities,   eventually   totally  disappearing.       In  most   lands  conquered   by  Islam   even  monuments   and  records   disappeared.   See  the  recent   further  damage  by   the  Talibans  to  Bhuddist  monuments   they  have  been   unable   to    erase   due  to   their   sheer   size,   in  Afghanistan   which  are   still   reminding  the  world   this   land   was   once    invaded   by   islamic  hordes    as  a  prelude  to the  invasion  of  India   by  the   Moguls.    Where   are   the  land-titles  of  the    Greek,   Hebrew,    Roman,    Armenian,  etc..   owners of  land  and  property  in    the  Middle  East,  after the  Islamic  invasions    since    700 A.D.?
In  my  personal   case,    where  are  the   burial   places/remains  of   the   anscestors  I  left  in  Cairo's  Christian   Cemetery,  in   Egypt,    since   just   recently............1850?
Where  are  the  remains  of  my  brother   Claude,   died  as  a baby  and  buried   in  Cairo  in   1944?
Letters   for    information   to  the  Egyptian  Government   were  not  even  acknowledged.
To   a  Mohammedan,  a  Christian  or  a   Jew  is   just  vermin.
Beware of  God's   wrath   you  mongrels,  liers,   scorpions  and   hienas!
With  the  Pagan (   at  best   Arian)  Anglo-Saxons   and   their   allied  Barbarians   in   England,    they practiced    ethnic-cleansing  and  genocide  on  the  Britons.   The  Britons  became   enslaved    during    any  peace   following   the   massacres  and  were  forced  to  intermarry   against their   will.   Taxation   was   all   on  the   shoulders  of  the  vanquished   whose  lives  were   valued   at   one  half  of  that of  a   winner.
Yes  there  were  exceptions   biased  in  favour  of  the    high  status  persons (   whose  lives  were  valued   20   times  that of  a  Briton )  but    that  was   a  universal  and   common   custom    then.    As  a   contrast,  in  relation   to   the Normans'   rule,   the   first   decision   by   the   Normans  in  the  peace   following  their   war-cruelties,    was    to   compile   Domesday  Book   so  as   to   know   the    wealth   of    the    nation   so   as   to   equanimously  tax   all.
   Law  and  Order   not   the  anglo-saxon-haphazard-laissais-fairism   appeared   over  all   the  land  allowing   development  and   improvement  and  civilisation.     Most    importantly,    whilst   the   Barbarians   and   the  Britons    had  never  been  able  to   stop    the   continuous   invasions  of  their    kins   from  Scandinavia  and  the  Continent,    unable   as  they  were   to    create   a    financial   surplus   to   build  and  maintain   a  standing    Navy,  after  the    wearing-out  of  the  Navy  the  Romans   had  left  there,   the  Normans  finally  put  an  end  to   invasions.
These are  the   criterions   and  ways   one  should   analyse   and   judge   about    war   cruelties  even  in  our  modern  times   too,   avoiding   waffling  like  a  two-bob    washer-lady,    my respect  due  to   the   washer lady   and  to  her   washing    machine   and  to  Omo   soap,     and   shutting  up,    reading   my  Posts   for   enlightenment.

post 203. Wake-up You Western Mongrels!.....A Sequele.

Wake-up   You   Western  Mongrels!.....A  Sequele.

Friend,   give  me  time   to  digest   what   you   know  and  have  seen.   My   main   concern  expressed in  my   previous   e-mail  appears   to   be   satisfied  as  I  believe   you  are   perhaps  agreeing    a    group  of  people    thinking   the  same   must  be   gotten  together   and  calling  it  "gensferreria "    should  be  O.K.   since it   appears   that   you  and   other  people  like   yourself  in  England    have  had   the   same      historical   experiences.....................:       Ferrers,  Grey,  Devereux,  Shirleys,  Compton,   Townsend..............etc.  

See  if  I   am  getting    it   right-:  (1 )  The  Barons     created   the  Parliament,    one   that   should  ideally    be   run  by     the    Barons     for  the  safeguard   of   both  the  Barons  and  the  commoners,   etc.   against the   abuses  of  JUSTICE   from   the   encroachment  of  the  King    who   supervised  the    Barons   as    local  Judges   and  Constables.         (2)   The    Monarchy   did   not  like  this    check   and   conspired    to    get  back  its  total   control  over  JUSTICE   and    retaliated    by    creating   a  new  Class  of  nobles-of-the-pen-and-mind,   Lawyers   and  Itinerant   Judges    who,   under  the   guise  of   administering    JUSTICE   and  Common     Law    ( including  the  Law  of  Precedent )   took   away  the    prerogatives  of  the  Barons   as  Law   Administrators,   carefully   using  the  carot  of   FREEDOM.     (3)    The  new   Nobles    slowly   began   to  aggrandise  themselves,    replacing  the  old nobility    by    reducing    the  authority  and  power  of  the  Old   Nobility of    the  Sword,   also    reducing    ts  resources   through  Laws   and  Law   Suits   or   for   alleged   Acts  of  Treason   when  the   Ancient   Nobles    struggled  against  the   Monarchy,   manipulating  thre   Middle  Classes,  Taxation    and    the  Commoners. .(4)    With   progress   and  the   advent of   artillery,      the  need  for  the  Ancient  Nobility   and   their   character   and  attitudes   decreesed    and    any    Commoner   with  brains  and  skills   and  some   amount  of   character    could  become  an  Officer  or  Public  Servant.      ( 5)     The time   of  the French  Revolution     with   fake   promises     of     LIBERTE',   EGALITE'  et  FRATERNITE' ,   and    riches   for  all,    not   JUSTICE,    came,  with    the   Enlightenment    and    Democracy   evolved  from  it    opening   the   way   to  MAFIAs    which  are   Oligarchies    with  money  and  profit   as the   main    motivation  and  belief   rather  than   the   GOOD  JUST   GOVERNMENT.
(6)  MAFIAs  infiltrate   everything  and  everyone   and  must  be   either    educated   to  realise  that  they  are   cutting  their  own  throats   or  have their   throats   cut   before   they   make  irreversible  damage.   That  fellow  in  Milano   throwing  the   DUOMO    into   Berlusconi's  face  is  a  warning,  a sign  of     a    beginning.       

What   I    have  known  as  a   Christian     alternartive    before   speculating  on   Sir  Laurence  Gardner    was   Greek    Orthodoxy   and   the    Reformation   begun  by  Martin  Luther.    There is  another  alternative   and  I     have  been   working  on  it,   but     it     is   bloody  hard   as  it  has   to  make   a  lot  of  people,  including    you   HAPPY.    The  main  problem  is   how   to  express   everything  in   writing   because   it is  not  an  easy  issue   and   readers    get  me   wrong   at  times.    I   guess I  have  to  make   perfect   by    improving   what  I   write.   People  like   you   are  helping  to   focus.    However    destroying  existing    western    structures   is  not    the  way   since it   would    be   as    wasteful,    useless  and   irrational  as  the  French  Revolution   has   been.    Besides    the   West   is  also    tied  up     with   other   issues  of  Life  and  Death   and  destabilisation    would   be    fatal    and unproductive  in relation  to  the   whole  World.    What is  needed  is  PURIFICATION   and  REFORM.
I  have  to  further   synthetise.   
Regards   and  thank   you.