Post 346. Boat--Refugees.
( Private People such as these should not be allowed to exist!)
I cannot understand how this issue of fundamental importance to the security and future History and ethnic development of Australia, which Australians have a right to determine by making choices and distinctions ( i.e., different from discrimination ), has lasted so long without a solution. As an example..........Australia has been motivating itself to make an effort to raise the educational standards of the local Australians, and God knows that this is sorely needed, yet we have to be affronted with this seemingly unending, seemingly unresolvable problem of uneducated, untrained, hopeless people somehow illegally crossing our sea---borders on boats launched in neighbouring, malisciuosly scheming Nations such as Indonesia and Malaya, jealous of our achievements and still manageable populations! Why don't they do something to achieve a measure of population control in their countries and in Asia overall??? Australia has in my understanding come to suffer from the relentless frictional presence of Islam in both Malaya and Indonesia.
In fact, it is my opinion the boat--people are inspired directly or indirectly by Islamic planning designed to eventually swamp Australia with people open to Islam. And in a Democracy where votes are anonymous, and all voters equal irrespective of the fact that some of them are liable to be uncostitutionally biased, of colluding for the purpose of dominance, this is asking for western--culture's extinction in this Nation. Labour discredits the WHITE AUSTRALIA POLICY but I am afraid this is what the Fathers of the Commonwealth knew would happen, without having to spell it out.
However, I recognize the fact that the Policy is wrong since it penalizes Chinese and others who can become usefull and acceptable members of our Society.
If Ghandi failed to have Moslems and Hindus living harmoniously together, even in India where the Hindus are a majority I cannot see how the self-deluded Australians can believe they can succeed.
The boat---people is a beginning of yet another ruse of Islam to cause trouble in a neighbouring western nation.
In fact such Laws exist and are strictly applied to Air Traffic no matter the size of the airplane, be it even a glider, a wing or a hand--held---motorized unit or even a lighter---than---air---Montgolfier .
So..........why all the discussions, struggles, wastage of money, and immense STUPIDITY by our Politicians who let themselves become the pawns of LOBBIES with secret vested interests, including covert TREASON, and the numerous national saboteurs without reasoning ability or something to occupy themselves
Since the illegal refugees come from a couple of Countries, it should not be difficult for Australia to hire a Passenger Ship and economically send these people back to the Country which neglected to exercise proper policing and first allowed these people-:
(1) To illegally arrive in their territory ( i.e., Maleya, Indonesia, etc. )
(2) Organize, undetected, with local boat---- owners and Agents linked to Australian ones, ( second/third----generation Mafiosi----- offspring seeking sources of income additional to the drug---traffic and prostitution),
(3) Failed to register and licence the boats used for such illegal traffics.
I would even consider ferrying these boat--people to their respective countries of departure on boats belonging to that country, using war ships.............after having politely asked the Nations involved to honour the International Sea Laws regarding the responsibility of Law----breakers departing from their shores, who at some stage were residing in their territory, their ignorance of the boat--people's' presence not being our problem/fault but their own,
These people should then be placed into legal Refugee Camps or sent back by the aforesaid Countries to their original Countries of origin. The basic truth is that somehow, somewhere, someone is going to have to make a sacrifice and these people should at least embarass their allegedly defaulting, criminal Governments with the power of their own ultimate defiance...............even if this may mean their own death or inprisonment.
No one has the right to impose on someone else (i.e., us, the low---social--- strata of already struggling Australians ) a sacrifice when this not willing to make it himself/herself.
Do not forget that the arrival of all these people, added to the Immigrants, is pushing up the Costs of Living. rents for example.
And enormously stressing our Medical Services.
So, I bloody well know what I am talking about when mentioning sacrifices oh you well--to----do---Australians living in your ivory towers and affording Private Education and Medical Services and Care
( i.e., especially ELDERLY CARE ).
Of course, all off--shore charity helps to allay their guilt about failure to exercise effective care at home (i.e., the Aborigenes Issue as an example.........).
These people ( the boat---people and Refugees in general) do not even volunteer to join a Force that were to be assembled to fight against their oppressors.
And procreate like rattle-snakes.
Finally........the problem of World---Refugees, said to be 52 millions........growing and lustily procreating in their Camps as if the problem did not unsolvable unless the Refugees do something themselves...............about it.
I remember when in Libya, prior to 1959, Palestinian Refugees rejected by Islamic Libyans as they were found to be arrogant, demanding and incompatible by their own brothers and sisters in their Islamic Faith!
That was also the time of the Egyptian propaganda aiming at the severance of ties with the West ( the British had an air base at Tobruk with some Army logistic/supply centres in Benghazi, the Americans an air base in Tripoli), the rise of Gheddafi, the nationalization of the Suex Canal by Nasser, the American intervention to stop French and English retaliations to Egypt, the failure of Nasser to defaet the israelites he had attacked from within an Islamic Confederation and the assassination of Saadat by the Islamic Brotherhood.
It seems to me Islam may have a vested strategical/tactical interest in trying to destabilize the West with the issue of Refugees.
Why do we keep giving aids to Islamic Nations, such as Pakistan for example, when
Islamic Nations do nothing for Refugees not even their own Moslems ones?
I would say that Islam should become responsible for Moslem Refugees in the World. Aaaaaahhhhhhhh.........but they say.........there is no Islam...............there is Hezbullah, Fatah, Al Qaeda..........
whatever.........those are not Islam..............Islam is not violent...........etc. All lies.
Well.........I'd say that the first step of the U.N. should be a request to have a Unified Responsible, Accountable representative of all Moslems in the World. At the time of the Ottoman Turks there was a an Islamic Pope. Until this is done Moslems shpould not be accepted as migrants, given Refugees---status, aid by Western Nations etc.
This is a World in which no one must expect anything for nothing. The West has already many local problems ( i.e., financial social, welfare, criminality, medical, mental--health, etc.) at its various National Centres, which must be addressed and managed before the West can indulge in a pseudo and misplaced humanity towards people who may be acting with MALICE!
SELAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell Islam to stop wasting money on weapons and propaganda and force IT to help all Moslems in the world, as the Q'uran commands..............."the humma or Theocratic---Islamic----World--Society".
Are you oh LIERS going to tell me now
"the humma" does not exist ?
You bloody INFIDELS!
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