Post 343. Boat---Refugees in Australian Camps........
What strikes me first of all in this attempt in 2011, at co-operation between two
signatories of the Refugee--Solution is the predatory and arrogant imposition by Malaya, an Islamic Nation not to be trusted, of an exchange rate of five from Malaya to one from Australia.
Why so?
Are we going to get all the no---hopers in its camps, of the Islamic Faith, ( unskilled and without a potential for training for skill---development, a quality which could legitimately be tested by trained Australian Interviewers ?) programmed to respond to the Call of their Imams, fornicating with the purpose of making Australia into an Islamic Republic on the strength of their becoming in the future, an Islamic majority within the Australian population ? This is fully within the expectations from a majority----democratic vote with a gradual infiltration of all positions of control and authority. I heard recently an Egyptian member of the Islamic Brotherhood ( the same people who murdered Saadat for his pacifist stand towards Israel ) claim their ALLEGIANCE TO A MODERN, NON-VIOLENT, NON-DISCRIMINATING/TOLERANT FORM OF THE SHARIA LAW, AND A WEEK LATER ONE HEARD OF THE RECURRING, NEVER--ENDING CIVIL UNREST IN RELATION TO THE PERSECUTION OF THE CHRISTIAN COPTIC COMMUNITY WHICH IS DESCENDING FROM THE ORIGINAL , PRE-ISLAMIC EGYPTIAN POPULATION THAT HAS ONCE BEEN A MAJORITY, NOW REDUCED TO A MINORITY IN AN OVERPOPULATED EGYPT THAT CANNOT EVEN FEED ITSELF IN SPITE OF THE ASWUAN DAM AND THE NILE RIVER AN EGYPT THAT ONCE FED THE WHOLE ROMAN EMPIRE ( with more Refugees to be expected ad loaded onto us by Islamists. Hence my suggestion to deny Moslems Refugees relief status and aid in general) .
My claim in a preceding Post that the anti-Mubarrah revolution had been organized by the Islamic Clergy is being vindicated.
Nothing short of a global, public recantation of Wahabism and the creation of a centralized, accountable and responsible World Islamic Centre of religious authority can be accepted as convincing and binding to the West.
All other diplomatic solutions including Europe's stand against Gheddafi( with the naive, gullible, Polish intervention ) are a total waste of time.
Going back to Miss Gillard's proposal, my astonishment and questioning is motivated especially after considering the 300 million dollars of tax---money in aid and compensation to Malaya grandly and irresponsibly offered by our Labour leader , our glorious Queen---Bee.
The World---Refugees problem is unresolvable with 52 millions of these
running away from their original countries instead of actively opposing their alleged persecutors, or offering to do so in our Forces, or just accepting their fate as most of us shall have to do facing the uncertainties and insecurities of the FUTURE..................I am advocating temporary, revocable refugee----solutions, pending the re-establishment of the failed Regimes and Nations which caused the Refugees Problems in the first place. For example, the rebellions against Mubarrak, Gheddafi or in Syria or in the Yemen, cannot be considered as having been genuinely inspired by a democratic aspiration or solution as the causes of these are non---addressed problems of overpopulation and Islamic theological doctrines which are being totally and criminally neglected by the members of the U.N. ( don't tell me I am not qualified to speak please as this has been going on for a century by now) among which many are Islamic members only seeking a new beginning of the same old status quo and of the same game with more Refugees being made are responsibility. We in the West must begin to say----::::FUCK YOU ALL! And impose CONDITIONS, CAVEATS.......etc. Citizen Certificates should not so easily be conferred, but should be earned after having participated in wars in defence of the conferrring Nation, or against the defaulting Regimes. No Double Citizenship Status should be allowed as our esteemed M.P. and ex Portfolio Holder, the Liberal Mr. Costello advocated ad councelled before the Rudd---- Government took over. The matter should not be closed by the U.N.. Also......a time may certainly going to be coming for someone of us to just accept one's fate and die..................In fact, EUTHANASIA should be made readily available with suitable safeguards, of course.
It is about time someone speaks up for the West, ending this MYTH about the West’s unlimited capacity and ability to accomodate all the spill---overs from Nations which have been irresponsibly procreating in excess of their resources.
My impression is our politicians may be using the Refugee---Issue to escape their responsibilities/FAILURES in relation to Medical, Nursing and Welfare problems, most probably with the high criminal and mental----illness---ratios ( including the drug-pushers who shoulf be jailed for life, and heir resources confiscated to finance the struggle against them, their families just given a pension and the barely necessary living accomodation ,and the drug-abusers who should be f orced to reveal their sources) in our population.
In fact, unlike for our ancient Kings and Aristocracies our democratic politicians' responsibility and accountability ends with their term of government's ending.........By far too easy.....Dear Watson..........And their retirement with at least a million dollars and their perks is guaranteed.............Hey cucchi and bacucchi...........!
No guillotining and financial confiscation may be considered as a retribution in relation to their mis-government.
Yet, badly managed Immigration is hardly going to solve the latter two issues as Immigration generates stresses and unbearable competition, insecuritiy and instability in our Nation.
I was forgetting the poor neglected Aborigines.......Sorry!
An issue Australians have been ‘buggarizing ’ with for about, say, 250 years!
Australia has at present problems with inadequate Medical and Elder---Caring Facilities, in addition to managing a world--first---class Welfare Program, which
is one of our prides and which Australians justly deserve as the result of their love for Justice, Equality, hard work and a rejection of religious/sectarian and political violence which ensure that a minimum of wastage of resources is indulged in.
Yet I learnt of five or six Refugees---Camps of unproductive, yet procreating people, costing us millions per year, for a time indefinite, as the problem is unsolvable and a continuous one, to maintain. provides a few jobs for more ‘ bludgers ’, a training for experts in ‘ bullshit’ .
Most Refugees come from Nations ( such as Afghanistan, an economically not--sustainable Nation, which was programmed by Islam for the invasion and control of India since 1,000 AD ) which have been riddled with religious and political violence for millennia................some of which have been making
population---increases a policy of justification for their attacks on neighbouring Nations thus causing the problem of Refugees.
This policy has been in existence since the times of the Barbarians ( it includes the anscestors of the Arabs and the Turks, etc.) who mutiplied beyond the Steppe’s/deserts’ capacity to sustain them thus claiming the right to cross the borders of either China or Rome where they totally destroyed achieved improvements, causing famines, pestilences, historical retrogressions, ETC. TO WHICH THEY THEMSELVES eventually SUCCUMBED.
To-day the ' Barbarians ' have become more subtle and dialectically use our christian---inspired human rights philosophy ( without duties though), philantropic leanings, the wrongly----projected----to----all----of----us sense of guilt of those well-to-do among us, with fat Bank Accounts, Contacts, Prospects, Private School, Private Medical access whose anscestors may have some skeletons in their closets.
Shut up and think you hypocritical, hymn---singing, inane, futile mongrels!
In most Nations causing the problem, which unless properly addressed by bluntly shouting in the faces of those involved, the fundamental, historical CAUSE , (are you
listening you idiotic Australian politicians/caucuses in Canberra? ) is never ending, endemic, the solution of which is like trying to empty a sea with a spoon.
A realistic quota preferring people prepared to limit procreation in writing ( sterilization of the female after one child ), should be set, after first satisfying our Medical, Nursing and Welfare------problems, on the basis of our accounted resources leaving an ample margin for unforeseables. Don't give me your religious crap please........Genghis Khan, Attila, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, the Pohl-Poht's leader.........etc. were all beautiful babies once.
One of the first steps in an attempt at a solution in the far Future is that people who have no prospects should not be allowed to keep on irresponsibly procreating
..................women being offered sterilization in exchange for a pension.
In fact, I myself, having been a low ability income-----earner ( deafness and low
energy---levels) had to limit my procreation to one offspring only, a daughter, now a very succesful member of our society, although having contributed to the maintenance of three from other irresponsible parents. I married twice, the second time a sterile widow.
The Socialists in China have honestly addressed this problem for years and
I would like the West, the U.S.A. in particular ( i.e., lady Clinton ), to stop hypocritically crapping about human rights when human duties in the West are being sadly neglected.
The U.S.A. should first carry out a massive clean out and rehabilitation of their millions of sub---human population--sub--strata which is one of the shames and horrors of a MODERN DEMOCRACY, that justifies its existence upon the guillotining of thousands of Aristocrats of the Ancient Regime in which overpopulation was always one of the causes of social injustice in relation to the lack of the benefits of Industrialization and Mass--Production which cannot however sustain an unlimited world population. It is just a matter of numbers........many secretly hoping their neighbour becomes extinct, with a little doing of their own, and the Church's Blessings at Week--Ends, while they somehow survive........ eating, unabashedly, unconcernedly, irresponsibly, hypocritically, generally unaffordable Porchetta, Prosciutto Crudo ( at 45 dollars a chilo....) and the Mafiosis of Cosa Nostra do. Watch ' Italian Cuisine ' on our TV........he.....he.....he.........
Also remember that in the days of the Ancient Regimes no contraception or surgical intervention was available.
The decision to exchange the boat---people in Australian Camps with those honestly waiting in Malaya, is a good idea , one that is also meant to discourage the Trade in Refugees that has been going on in Australia, involving Law---breakers ( also involved into drugs, prostitution and organ harvesting, which are logically and inevitably related to the trading in desperate people ), Lawyers, Politicians, Immigration Officials, etc. What is not good is Malaya’s exploitation of the Australian Predicament, in so far as Australia does not know what to do with these law---breakers who should really either be deported to their countries of birth or to the coutries to which the boats belong or from which the boats came from.
In fact our good----will is mocked by these dishonest Asians and Moslems!
Our TV shows us large families of Afghani and others with physically fit men, who succeeded through their wealth, in escaping from Afghanistan and other such places, as refugees, and to settle in Australia unashamedly enjoying our resources while our young men are dying fighting their persecutors, without any self-questioning as to whether some of these young men should join up and help us fight their persecutors, which would have at least a reassuring credibility and morale boosting purpose!
OOOOOOhhhhhh......noooooo..........they say....... the Talibans/and similar vermin are our Islamic brothers, our Moslem brothers........the Imam forbids it!
And what the hell are we?
Every boat in Asia should be registered and licenced, with a Number Plate, so that its illegal human cargo can be returned to the country which failed to police the beginnig of the illegal move/process in the first place, we the Australians having detected the infraction at its end.
As things stand we are treated as if we are a guilty Party and this is simply unacceptable, sophistical Oriental duplicity and bullshit.
This is not our problem but theirs.........Walllahiiii!
The Australian Camps offer by far better living standards than the Malayan ones and it is not Australia’s fault, in spite of the neurotic, mercenary complaints by some of our crazy and misguided fellow Australians, if the boat----refugees who are law--transgressors anyway, find camp--life difficult and riot.
We have a right to make logical, reasoned distinctions which is a totally different issue from arbitrary discriminations in our selections and choice of
potential migrants in the same way that racism is different from culturism.
We must be wary of Moslems and make distinctions and selections in response to Moslems' attitudes, until Islam creates an accountable, responsible , authoritative, centred, global Leadership as Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, and Buddhism and other reputable Religions have, which publicly and globally condemns Wahabism with its violent interpretation of the Q‘uran and Sharia law.
This is a universal human duty without which Islam cannot claim human rights.
So I advocate that, since we need 80,000 skilled migrants for our mines, we do the following-:
(1) Train as we do in Wartime any of our suitable locals. We used to be able to produce a Spitfire pilot in less than one year from a raw Queensland, uneducated Jackaroo as in the case of Sergeant Boyd of the Malta Air Defence in WW II. Similarly for Bombers ferried from the U.S.A., etc. I worked with some of these returned men in the Public Service and they were not geniuses at all......he....he....he....!
(2) Send a team of Australian Psychologists and Tradesmen to interview and test fit young men in the Malayan Camps with a potential for the acquisition of skills. And please make sure these Officials do not have their brains in their genitals or orifices else we end up with the mess the late Commonwealth Aircraft Factories at Fishermen Bend, Port---Melbourne experienced where ex---milkbar----attendants passed for Aircraft Mechanics in virtue of their loyalty to the Trade Union and Labour and owing to thye sexual favous of their sisters and friends.......!
(3) We preferably look for Buddhists or non-Moslems, at least as long as Islam does not publicly and globally normalize its theological attitudes.
The Templar has spoken.................
Honny Soit Quy Mal Ye Pense!
Every politician in Canberra should be compelled to read this admittedly long Essay...............which touching as it does on many interrelated Issues, cannot be made shorter than it is. You prove your criticism if you can............don't just waffle and dismiss it............
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