Post 338. Some clarifications between Saxons and Britons.
Gibbon reports the Anglo---Saxons were guilty of gross acts of genocide against the Britons which made the Serbians and the Bosnians and their ancient masters the Ottoman Turks ' pussy---cats' when compared to the former .
A quote from Gibbon I ( 2 volume edition by Encyclopedia Britannica ), chapter xxxviii, note 142-:
Hoc anno [490 AD] Aella et Cissa [Saxons] obsederunt Andredes--Chester [Newenden, Kent ]; et interfecerunt omnes qui id incolerent; adeo ut ne unus Brito ibi superstes fuerit (Chron. Saxon. p.15, edit. Gibson);
an expression more dreadful in its simplicity than all the vague and tedious lamentations of a British Jeremiah.
My translation from Latin-: In that year [490 AD] Aella and Cissa placed Newenden in Kent under siege; and slaughtered all those living therein; in such a manner that no British person would survive.
The following is not meant to be divisive, as I always keep in front of my mental eyes and ears, a habit acquired when reading the Scriptures, Galatians 3:28, which must be reciprocally held, alike, by both utterers and listeners, writers and readers. Historical distinctions, criticism can then be safely made, at least in my personal case, since I am a civilized person who likes to know where I stand and with whom I am dealing with. The final aim is to iron--out the differences, by a rebuilding based upon the foundation on the naked truth. Lack of historical continuity, a hiding of truth and historical distortions eventually lead to failure and disaster. This is happening now in the West which is in great need of truth---lovers both as readers and utterer----writers such as I am...........a lay---Theologian, independent from MAFIA---infiltrated Institutions peddling vested---interests, with members like the famous Jesuits ( about 20,000 wasted intellectuals.... the best in a Church wasted by the Mafia elects), who have their hands tied by Rules of Engagement, like our western soldiers are in war, the former depending from what the Bishop or the Cardinal or the Elder allows to be said, the soldiers by arm--chair-lawyers and politicians most of whom, in Australia, have just been at Duntroon, the Academy for the Australian Army.
People have ancestral memories in their DNAs and cannot be fooled and manipulated too long. This is the recipe either for wasteful Revolutions the world cannot any longer afford or for a total loss of morale like the ones suddenly
experienced by the South American Incas, Aztechs and Mayas
They all just apathetically quitted.
The endless obscene sacrificing of human hearts and demographic increases, too great in relation to the then existing resources, requiring these sacrifices which became a religious LIE, a BIG LIE.
An Example-: The Australians are justly proud of their incredible gallantry at Gallipoli, incredible because they were forced into an impossible task by the sheer incompetence of the English
( and note I am not saying British ) under a Saxon Monarchy which like all Monarchies and Parliaments tends to generate incompetence and stupidity. In fact, the stupidity of the English Military and of the English Parliament became legendary and evident even before the Flanders---engagements and the Somme, with its trench--wars at the time of the debacle at Csetifont in Iraq, before the beginning of the WWI, when Sir Vere-Shirley-Ferrers-Towshend was stalled a few miles from Baghdad for lack of supplies while leading an Indian Army with a skeleton of English troops. Upon being promised supplies and two gun-boats to deploy on the Eufrate River by which to afford to outflank the surrounding enemy, in a bend of which he resisted for about four months, resisting Turks led by German Officers, 40 times the number of the English force, waiting for the promised essential supplies, while the democratic riff-raff waffled in London, unwilling to spend the required money, he was forced to surrender to the Turks who even rejected the English ransom of two million gold sovereigns, offered them through Sir Winston Churchill then in the Foreign Office and one of his promising man the future Laurence Shaw later surnamed ' of Arabia '. The English were then an arrogant stiff--necked people and nature is no respecter of their kind. In the Lybian Desert they died like flies, gallantly admittedly, for lack of imagination. Their Workers Union then dismantled the Empire..........another idiocy, really a natural type of punishment for insufferable arrogance and stupidity. Yet, they were admittedly, a dashing lot..............To go back to Gallipoli, I do not believe the Australian Leaders in Australia were any better than their English counterpart, as what was needed there was an unlimited number of mortars and artillery to blow the Turks off their entrenched positions or bury them there.
Where were these essential weapons? A mortar is a rather simple weapon to make. The Italian Alpini in Albania in WWII had personal little ones trowing shells just a bit more powerful than a hand---grenade. Dangerous to use but generating fire-power, provided logistics supplied the ammunition, as required.
This is why I cannot help fuming when I hear praising, cryings, and a glorifying of what was a total, shameful failure. Sorry Mates! This is what I mean basically by the naked exposed truth to be taught at school with suggestions to avoid its recurrence in the future.
Who was responsible for the failure at Gallipoli?
We de Ferreri/Ferrari have been around too long to passively, gullibly accept historical bullshit!
Tobruk a success was only made possible by the British Royal Navy supplying the Rats and my father Walter was serving in the Royal Navy. Yet he never got a thanks from the R.S.L. ; shame on you Australians! So were many Maltese, Greeks, Jews, Poles and Asian people......yet Nazis, Fascists and Turks got the same privileges if not better than the former ones. Come on! Something stinks somewhere!
I have not got much longer to live and I am glad I have not got a male heir to leave behind.
There is an Italian saying-: " Chi si loda si imbroda ". means
" Whoever keeps on praising oneself ends dribbling his/her broth all over himself/herself ". According to St.Paul of Tarsus, the beginning of self-reform.........leading to salvation through God's Grace, is self-criticism or a criticism uttered by someone who wishes for reform as the result of Love and survival.
The negative aspect of this scenario is what the BBC has been, is doing in some of its Historical presentations, uploaded by University Graduates, I am assuming they are so, who are good actors but totally biased and have not tried to see the opposite side of the historical medals they are irresponsibly and authoritatively plastering on the TV screens of the Western Nations.
The BBC Serial about King Henry's Creation of the Itinerant Judiciaries and Common Law.
Australian Law is a scion of English Law. I have first hand knowledge of the great bias against the common, average, not--wealthy Australian, Australian Law normally has to--day when inequality is on the increase.
My experience is in relation to the injustices perpetrated against the Senior Citizens living at the " Summerville Retirement Village--- Preston ". Australian politicians aware of their predicament who are doing nothing about the principle at the basis of the problem, i.e., the exploitation of legal technicalities to deny real justice to the poor, should be hanged from a street light. The owner of the Village plays games of 'bamboozelment ' and 'imbezzelment', supported by the Law, the Barristers at Law, the politicians etc., centered on technical, theoretical definitions of the status of the Village, i.e., whether it is a Caravan Park or whatever else........... In the meanwhile, the stalling word---game sees some of these Citizens, fragile, old and sick, forced to leave, unable to pay the excessive rents. They all own their dwellings on paper and the rent is for the small plot of land and services, electricity and gas being extras. The Landlord even charges a hefty managerial fee when the Property is sold to a new Buyer. If/When they leave, they are not sure if and when they get their money back on the dwelling as the owner, a real RUFFIAN, encouraged by his politician friends, has the freedom to change the original contract and the number of years the new customer is offered on his/her lease. Similarly.........if/when one dies............thus discouraging their potential heir to aid them. In the meanwhile, while the dwelling is up for sale, if any heir exists he/she has to pay rent until the dwelling finds a Buyer, the sale depending on the whim of the Landlord who can change the terms granted to the new Buyer on the Contract of Sale/Lease. There is more.......the heir is not allowed to live in the dwelling even while paying rent. A ten--years---Lease can be reduced to a two--years one. I do not know what happens in the case the dead tenant has no heirs. The all---overriding issue is that most of these Senior Citizens have no Bank Accounts worth mentioning and their dwelling worth about 110,000 dollars is all they have, while the Landlord would not suffer normally, any real hardship had he to be honest fair and humane ( This a word hypocritically used by all our politicians in relation to foreign affairs........the mongrels), without insisting in greedily putting all onus and financial risks on the side of his already oppressed tenants. Honesty, fairness, humanity are all jettisoned on the basis of legal technicalities. Yet, the most Honourable Mr. Baillieu, the Liberal Politician, claimed years ago, everyone was happy there during one of his bogus visit/interviews and that he could see no problem whatsoever. He must have spoken to the few dwellers with a Bank Account of, say 250,000 plus dollars.
This is why I get ferocious and angry against Australian bullshit and Australian Myths, prepared to kick some of them, a least the many LIERS among them.
And my curses carry.........
The 'rot ' goes back a long time ago in history.
The 'buggers ' are not even original..................or as clever as they believe they are................I'd say that they are just 'human mongrels/slime '.
Reform before it is too late.......and your worn---out hymns and Pastors/Ministers and Priests full of plausibilities, shall not save you or them................................!
This Serial about English Law is a glorification of the English Law Reform created by that Visigotic villain, the Plantagenet King Henry II, guilty of having dispossessed numerous members of the Norman aristocracy, totally ruining some, like Sir William " The Younger " Peverel, probably luring him into acting against the Earl of Chester, whom the said King had asked for help against the rebellious wife he was committing adultery against by sexually tampering with the daughter of the King of France who had been brought to England as a child, in order to marry, as an adult, Richard the Lion Heart his second son. Henry II wife's was Eleanor of Aquitaine a woman of the highest reputation and integrity, who had given him four sons, who all, except the young John, who was worse than the father, rebelled against Henry during a 16 years--old--war, involving several Norman magnates in support of Eleanore, including the de Quincy, the de Magnaville and the legendary but vilified Ferrers as Earls of Derby( the English have better to apologize to the present Earl Ferrers who is also a Shirley for their unlawful slanderings of this great House, and I made a List of these in my Book, as Universal Justice is not a respecter of democratic/even parlamentarian abuses or of the will of the many when wrong ). Henry was in fact obsessed with acquiring the Imperial Crown from the Saxon Dinasty
( Hohenstaufen), which had been usurped by the latters from the Carolingians who had in their turn usurped it from the Merovingians, who had usurped it from the Romans their ancient masters, having Siagrius the last of the Romans, who ruled Neustria, ( ancient Normandie and Maine) at the times of King Clovis, who had Siagrius slain by his Visigothic lackeys. After centuries of the 'fait--accompli ', with an established Roman Constantinian Church that had encouraged all the oath---breakings, rather than censuring these, on the basis of an alleged divinely---granted authority to determine historical events, probably in an effort to maintain peace, however obtaining the opposite result that escalated through the course of centuries into the WWI and WWII, thus creating a never ending PRECEDENT ongoing still to--day in all the Christian West, with Monarchies still vying for ascendancy. The Templars were then charged with the non--enviable task to act as International Law--Enforcers, similarly to what the U.N. are trying to achieve to--day. However the Templars as an Organization, became engrossed with their own wealth and failed to react when the French King attacked them. They should have been more vigilant and quickly reacted against the King of France and saved millions of dead resulting from the European competitions between Royal Houses. According to the Templars, on the basis of ancient tradition founded on agreements resulting from a discussion of historical errors such as the first usurpation of Imperial Power by the Carolingians, the rightful heirs to the Imperial Crown had been supposed to be the Merovingians. Strictly speaking, the ideal of the unity of Western Roman Europe should have been preserved by all the people in Europe, but this would have required a de-centralized structure of power and control that came later with the Feudal System, however vitiated by the simultaneous rise of the competing European Monarchies which worked at destroying the Feudal System together with the idea of a United Europe. What the Feudal System provided was a structure of power---checks all along the power pyramid. I am not advocating a return to the Feudal System, just asking for honest, fair, humane interpretations and applications of our modern Laws. The Landlord at the "Summerville Residential Village" spoken of above is in fact acting as a Feudal Lord gone mad, supported by a villaneous array of Legal Experts and Government Officials. As already mentioned above, King Henry II was obsessed with the acquisition of the Imperial Crown then born by the Saxon Hohenstaufen, but eventually failed, mainly as the result of his wife and sons opposing him, aided by British/Norman Barons and Earls who were Templars and wished to breack the trend to usurpations and oath---breaking which kept on going on for centuries. Henry was a villain as proven by his Creation of the itinerant Royal Judges, probably aided initially, until found out, by Saint Thomas A'Becket, a Norman clergyman, originally a layman, whom he had murdered by an Orsini knight. Henry's motivation was not a love of Justice as delightful little Robinson wishes us to believe but the creation of a weapon to subdue the Barons through men--made Law only the thieving Justiciaries, initially rewarded with Church Benefices, later on awarded the confiscated resources of their victims, could understand and manipulate. Watch the BBC series on Charles Dickens to see some portraits of Judges in pre-Victorian England with their corollary of the Fleet Prison and the Poor Houses, etc........ Going back to the case of the Peverell mentioned above, King Henry tried to draw the Earl of Chester to his side, promising him whatever fraction of his Kingdom he wished, and then at the latter's death accusing Peverell of having poisoned the Earl.
The BBC Serial about the Royal Navy Identified as English.
In this serial the British Royal Navy is claimed ( at least in the first and second part of the serial ) to be an Hannoverian---achievement, meaning a wholly Protestant achievement having begun with William III of Orange .
In part 3 of this BBC Serial "The Royal Navy ", the historian presenting it, the same one in the previous two, never uses the word 'English ' at all. 'British' is definitely more inclusive and historically correct.................thus ' A British victory........', ' the British Nation...........', 'the British Royal Navy................', 'the British achievement.......", etc. Moreover, and most importantly in relation to my objections, he admits that it took 201, two-hundred and one years for the British Navy to reach the peak it had under Admiral Nelson at Trafalgar.
Now, in parts 1 and 2 he had fanatically insisted that the English Royal Navy had been totally a product of the Hannoverian Kings' inspiration and alleged managerial expertise, beginning with the Protestant William III of Orange (1689---1702 ) who only ruled England for 13 years anyway. We know Nelson unfortunately died at Trafalgar in 1805, and 200 years brings us back to the times of the Stuart King James I (1603---1625 ). The Royal Succession was as follows-:
James I 1603---1625, ( Stuart),
Charles I 1625---1649, ( Stuart ),
Charles II 1660---1685, ( Stuart ),
James II 1685---1689, ( Stuart),
William III, 1689---1702 ( Hannoverian ),
Mary II 1689---1694 ( Stuart),
Anne 1702---1714, (Stuart ),
George I the lunatic 1714---1727, ( Hannoverian ),
George II 1727---1760, ( Hannoverian ),
George III 1760----1820, ( Hannoverian ).
The historian presenting this TV--Serial, finds his sanity and finally admits that the building of the Royal Navy must have benefited also from the Stuarts' Catholic participation. Sailors and officers came from all the corners of the British Islands in the same way that at Waterloo, it was the Scottish and Irish Regiments that broke the back of Napoleon Bonaparte in addition to FATE.
One odd issue relating to how the Dutch raiders could pass under the nose of heavy fortress---cannons blocking the estuaries of English rivers to burn and capture English vessels was not pointed out as an obvious felony and treachery against the Catholic Stuart Kings guilty of not having been capable of the same degree of brutality and severity the Protestants were able to exercise, admittedly in a very brutal era, thus coming out as having been very mellow and civilized for their times and deserving a better treatment and consideration from their fanatical subjects and present historians. The question is to--day where is the great moral/ethical achievement/progress resulting from all the religious massacres that characterized the history of those times, when Theology was used as a flag for opposing encamped forces to justify their mutual butcheries. My objections and questioning aims at the avoidance of the repetition of the same tricks in the future from an England within the scenario of a United Europe, ready to play games with powers outside Europe, such as India or China.
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