Should Western Nations interfere in the Islamic Middle East and North Africa?
Absolutely not and the reason to be adduced to the UN is that it is impossible to know what the real causes of the crisis are.
In the atmosphere of dissembling and hiding the truth about a secretly existing, collusive and conspiring Islamic Unity ( i.e., the Humma ), traditionally fed by the Islamic Clergy and the still existing islamic aristocratic rulers ( i.e., Sheikhs, Sherifs, etc.while we have become a mass of peasants, ready for slavery, having got rid of our aristocracies ), through Sharia Law, Wahabis' theology, the interpretation of the Q'uran, the obsession with Theocratic Imperialism, belief in the use of violence and revenge, etc., it is difficult to believe that the present crisis are the result of a desire for freedom and democracy. In my opinion, since both Mubarrak, Gheddafi and other similar leaders have wisely refrained from armed escalations and overtly open terroristic associations, the Islamic Clergy and its para-military arm financed, equipped and trained by Iran, are asking for fake---democratic reforms in order to clear the political scenario for the infiltrations and escalations by these various para-military groups. Eventually, new dictators shall rise to power and our young men shall have to die for nothing in order to remove them, becoming gradually more and more demoralized and dismotivated.
This is a strategy of attrition through time and sabotage which Islam has been using for millennia.
This is an Islamic problem and should be solved by Islamic Nations with their own blood and resources ( including stocks of weapons). No member of Islam, no matter how lowly in the population structure, is innocent I am afraid. People with enough brain, normal brains, know when procreating offspring without a future or hope becomes criminal and irresponsible. I have seen Islamic morons, migrants from the Middle East here in Australia, men my age, with white hair, without education or skills whatsoever, permanently on the dole, married through the agency of their Priets to young females, already having procreated more than the two offsprings perhaps justified by their own replacement. If this does not amount to planned demographic explosion by Islam, I do not know what is. And they help cluttering the medical facilities for those who are already here. These people receive help from both the gullible , blind, hipocritical Australian Government and from their Islamic Congregations. "Hipocritical" since Australian Politicians and well-to-do, callously overload their own people who may be at a marginal low level of living standards, many without a fault of their own, with the compulsion of sharing scarce and thinly spread-out resources ( i.e., like the medical ones. Australians cannot produce their own Doctors............. ) while they, the well-off, luxuriate in VIP facilities and clinics. For us waiting times at medical appointments are generally several hours....... One gets sick by just attending the Appointment. If the reader were tempted to see the help these people receive from their Congregations as Loving, please first of all it is a Love directed exclusively to Moslems, secondly it is party of a strategy supporting Islamic Impersialism. I am a Catholic, sure one not subscribing to Mambo Jumbo, but we Catholics have become so detached from Realities that a Catholic does not receive any extra consideration for being one, by his own fact, I have been knifed in the back and betrayed more by my own co-religionaries than by non-Catholics........I am seriously considering Euthanasia.......... In a World in which cliques and groups discriminate against individuals, Catholics should learn to stick together again and Catholic Institutions and Organizations should first take care of their own. Until others get the message at least.
The present Islamic Crisis is a self inflicted one and simply resulting from the obscene rate of population explosion and the waste of oil---resources in the acquisition of military equipment by which to blackmail the West. The problem has got out of hand and escalated beyond Islamic leadership's plans, in a climate of depleting resources, just to mention sweet water.
The West should be there to just contain the escalations if/when directed towards our allies, i.e, like Israel.
So, no direct involvement by the West.
Zarkozy of France who has got an intimate knowledge of what it means to France to have six millions Moslems there, would wholeheartedly agree with me.
Likewise, with the so called Refugees caused by the Libyan crisis. These are mostly Moslems and the by---product from elsewhere than Libya, of the same demographic irresponsible escalations referred to above.
These people should be told to take a side in the Civil War and fight for a solution of the crisis, which would eventually qualify them to be Libyan Citizens with full National rights. this is the correct solution as libya needs them. We do not.
We have already too many of these yellow---bellied pacifists in the world who are expecting us to spill our blood for them while all they do is fornicate and procreate and ask for Human Rights.
I would like to know what the percentage by Religion of the 42 millions refugees in the world, is to-day. No......I am not being racist or discriminating at all.....just rational and intelligent you waffling morons..... I bet the majority is Islamic, a callous, irresponsible by---product of Islamic strategy for the destabilization of many.
Just yesterday, sitting while waiting at around 12.30 pm, for my Solicitor to call me into his Office, in Brunswick---Melbourne, I observed a group of local Australians, mostly of Anglo--Saxon origins, a rather emaciated and miserable group, obviously living off the dole.....poor bastards......but I did too for years......forming up, listening to a speech of a woman leading them, waving a Lebanese Flag.
I could not go out and listen to what the Hell they were talking about. After a while they walked towards the Town Hall. Most of those people barely know where Lebanon is or about its History and how it fits in History in relation to both the West and Islam. Even most Autsralian politicians lack this knowledge, in spite of the Internet. What this indicates to me is that there is money being spent here by Islamic Agencies to sow discontent and lies among our marginally endowed Citizens. One thing I urge all Australian politicians to do is to ensure that information about all Parties be provided on shelves in Voting Premises at Voting times and that the availability of this information is not limited to hand--outs by party representatives. I have noticed for years the lack of Liberal representatives handing out local Voting information, in areas such as Coburg and Brunswick where labour has always been strong. Moslems in general tend to float to Labour as members of this party atend to generally be more gullible and ignorant of History, easily persuaded Islam is still being victimized and not about the contrary which is the real truth!
Wake up Americans and Australians!
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