Post 327. Is the Australian a self-sabotaging hihly inconsistent society?
But we did not have any better choice anyway and we ( my brother and I ) have integrated ( we both married Anglo-Saxon comments..............) and am helping Australia by not being a sycophant, speaking the naked truth, unlike most migrants have become, including my brother.......the YES BOSS, YES OH GREAT ONE........THOU ART A GOD OH MAGNIFICENT ONE!
I am reminded of that leader from Congo, decades ago, NKRUMAH, and the posters people there carried saying-: " KRUMAH KNOWS IT ALL.......KRUMAH CAN DO NO WRONG! "
We thought we had been distancing ourselves from Islam by coming to Australia, idiot called Gorton ( if I remember correctly or is it Gordon?) with the crooked face......they say he ruined it when a fighter pilot.......and the gigantic Philippino secretary he liked ( lots of kissing surface I'd say and vast cleavages..........What?), brought them into Australia.
But how crazy and stupid can one be?
His knowledge of World History probably began as for many Australian Politicians at the Eureka Stockade and the First Fleet.
Yet idiotic voters, with alcohol-induced-brain- damage at 45--50, made him a Prime Minister!
The smell is strongly GOATISH!
I recently noticed on TV, houses in Darwin which is in a Cyclone prone area, with blown up roofs and it appeared to me that some of the corrugated--roof--steel was too thin, judging from the tears in it, and not of the cyclone-type. Have you heard about HIGH-- TENSILE FINELY PROFILED STEEL SHEETS ( 'STRAMIT ' etc. )??????
I know what I am talking about because I am an ex-engineer and poured over catalogs for weeks when designing the house in Bailieston.
Also, in cyclone-prone-areas nailing should not be acceptable and some bolting is required. But........I say.........where is your mythological intelligence/cleverness/cunning oh Australians?
And Canberra is full of their disciples.............
Shall I mention names?
And these pen-pushing-lawyers from Canberra, destroyed overnight small Australian manufacturers.
When in Europe, in 2004, I was continuously apologizing to my more civilized, better dressed relatives for being able to wear only cheap Chinese clothing and whatever else I wore. Aaahhh yes........I'll give you oh esteemed readers a particular example of a complaint I have about Chinese underpants of the James Bond type, seems male Chinese may have smaller balls than I, as one of my balls appears to always not be able to fit in the crotch of their knickers and therefore hang hopelessly and helplessly out.......bloody uncomfortable I'd say......what? Now is this fit for an Australian male deprived of adequate Australian-made knickers designed for large--balled Americans and Europeans?
It must be our diets of spaghetti and corn- flakes.
I have been tempted to buy female---ones as it appears they enjoy the availability of generously sized ones.
How comes?
Larger posteriors?
But then I would be labelled either a feticist or a transvestite and be harassed by all sort of sexual deviationists!
Looking at the Queensland---floodings........again there is there a great deal of stupidity, lack of foresight, self-inflicted sabotage, general incompetence.
Yet, the answer many came up with is that the Nina is at fault.
But if we know about the Nina through our most enlightened Doctors of this and that University with Doctorate Degrees and what not, including computers, why can we not plan our locations, buildings, drainage systems, whatever may required by using that celebrated cleverness our Myths tell us we all possess?
Bullcrap............and they are all going to stolidly rebuild exactly as it was......and wait for a re-occurrence of the same!
Australians you are dangerous!
Why not rebuild and elevate the houses or change location? Too expensive?
Perhaps that is where money should be spent, not in over-ambitious, megalomaniac, Broadband many in Europe do not have and do not want. Australians, please re-dimension your expectations and ambitions.
Finally, the greatest Australian inconsistent, illogical, stupid utterance that I have been hearing for years now, no one appearing to notice it, warning about the aging population of Australia while pursuing the dream of the prolongation of LIFE..........
So, the aging population is not sustainable, they also say, unless we bring in migrant---youth, many of whom are unemployable and a dead weight, breeding no-hopers like rattle snakes, who, in their turn, stress the system with their extended families and reunions, of ill and old migrants, these youth to be supposedly used as sacrificial./propitiating offerings to the GOD OF ETERNAL YOUTH, while billions are being spent not to relieve medical--systems--overloads, which would help our medical staff to remain human, but to PROLONG LIFE for people who are totally useless, many of whom have abused their organs in excessive and futile sporting activities, or excessive fornications, or by the epicurean style of their lives.
You make me spew!
Sorry to be so hard, but you really worry me!
I am not a Politician!
I am a Theologian!
I do not crawl up people asses or cleavages!
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