Post 326. Kelvin Thomson MP.
I am writing this on the basis of Kelvin Thomson MP WILLS Report dated February 2011.
I wish to congratulate this Australian Labour-politician for his modicum of honesty and concern for truth, and his relative freedom from the obsessions with popularity and vote-retention which are plaguing australian and other western nations’ politics, especially Labour ones, in Australia.
I am a non-partisan Australian and my praises of Kelvin should therefore be the more valuable!
(1) I commend his concerns, foresights, insights on the necessity to limit Australian population growth to a present foreseeable target of 26 millions.
Every baby born in Australia should be planned, wanted, nurtured, educated, trained and expect to get involved in a useful lifetime.
Every woman in Australia, if healthy, responsible and capable to deal with these human lives, should be limited by Law to from one to two babies in her life-time.
We must exit from the
irresponsible, happy-go-lucky culture in which we have become trapped since the beginning of the so-called Age of Enlightenment with its false promises
( when one considers pre-WWII--Italy, Germany and Japan ) blown up by France, the U.S.A., England and two World-Wars.
(2 ) One can hear Australian Public Servants and Politicians say from the one hand that Australia is getting an unsustainable, unsustainably--aged population, while from the other hand asking for resources to prolong LIFE...................
I am continuously receiving request for donations from hospitals for specialized equipment which might benefit only the wealthy who can afford Medical insurance and private fundings.
And I was retrenched at 47 and financiallly survived by God’s Grace! Admittedly, CENTRELINK has been good to me.
There are always exceptions!
I’d like to suggest that perhaps Australia should concentrate FIRST in achieving medical facilities and structures to adequately provide everyone and all its citizens, without waiting queues, with a hospital-bed, doctors, nurses, equipment sufficient to provide such a medical care that ALL can equally benefit from, without
distinctions, between Private and Public (VILIFYING FOR SOME like me-: i.e., Being deaf and having to endure hours of waiting at a hospital-appointment in a crowded room full of background noises, with one’s blood-pressure rising with the anxiety and concern of missing one’s surname, when called up by someone who does not give a shit whether you can hear him/her, since the grongoe, a medical person, ignores the basic truth that a hearing-aid is only good at one meter-distance and the deaf has to get body-queues and be eye-balled. Please note I do not ask to jump a queue, just to be treated as a deaf person needs to).
I realize medical personel is overloaded with work but this is the point-: We must concentrate in eliminating overloads first by streamlining care to an affordable level.
Pressure and stress are killing us all and making us into monsters.
All talks about Home Care and so on are evasions from what the basic, required needs are.
Forget all the fancy science-fiction-dreams in an overpopulated world!
Concentrate first on basic hospital care, forget about fancy expensive surgery not available or possible for all, concentrate on availability of beds, doctors and nurses and PALLIATIVE CARE so as to provide a dignified humane DEATH to all.
Perhaps make EUTHANASIA also available.
(3 ) This brings us to the issue of NURSING HOMES.
Again a sustainable, affordable standard for all aged Australians should be specified and implemented, independently from location in a town as it appears every suburb has different capabilities and standards or in the Continent.
Personally, frankly, if I could walk into a clinic tomorrow and get put-out like a cat or a dog, I would do so as soon as I felt I reached the point when I would have to place myself entirely in the hands of Australian Carers.
There are talks of using up a pensioner’s Residential Home to finance care, in those cases when the old person’s income is below, say, 650 Australian dollars a week, inclusive of pension.
I would rather spend some money in a Swiss-Euthanasia-Clinic than submit to Australian Piracy!
Why should my inheritors be deprived of their inheritance?
Read MAGNA CHARTA, you false Democrats, you bandits!
This means that the rich keep on getting richer and the poor poorer.
Some transfer their properties to relatives and get away with it.
Hey bloody grongoes.........Ma che cazzo state facendo?
I have gradually lost my Faith in Australians, yet there have been some lights in the course of time........ as there are always
Yet Australia is immensely better than, say, Congo or the Darfour!
BIIIIG DEAL........BIIIG DEAL............!
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