A Marriage for gays.
A couple of days ago I heard on the News ( TV ) that marriages
between sexual deviates, i.e., vulgarly called ‘ Gays ’, has now become legal and meaningful in Australia. They can adopt children, even
generate them within their distorted relationship say..... ‘in vitro’ or whatever else may be available in the Laboratories.
They call it liberation and progress in a world that is hopelessly
overpopulated and does not need them, cannot afford them.
But they have got human rights even if without the corresponding, complementary human duties that are supposed to be associated with rights.
So, I say to you oh Gays..........Good luck to you as you shall need it.
Has anyone seen Gays beyond the age of 50?
Has anyone noticed the pathetic disasters they have become at that age?
If they survive the diseases their mutual pollutions generate?
It is a matter of chemistry dear Watson!
The News always show them to us when young full of their
illusions to become eventually terrible delusions.
Among the ones shown in that session of the News there were even two male TWINS.........................................................
Now, this is serious because the politicians, clergymen, professional, educated Australians have become so insensitive spiritually blind and hopeless in an abused Democracy that allows every sort of foul playing to occur, that only a humble, ethnic migrant such as I, alone, isolated, vulnerable if not for God's protection, appears to see the obscenity of it all and dare say something about it.
Perhaps I have reached the last or seventh stage postulated by some Theologians when speculating about the stages of Christian development, at which one is asking to get crucified. Go ahead and try it you mongrels! I warn you that the only avenue available to you to object to what I am writing, is to use the comments section attached by Google to this Blog. If you are unable to do so........be humble and go and work the soil and grow vegetables, please, without abusing Democracy by bending truth through the weight of number.
Noah had the same problem before the Deluge when the majorities of his world were against him. The Scriptures tell of many scenarios such as this when shear number tries to enforce lies and the cheating of Nature. And remember abused Nature also hits back........and how!
The human being is a partnership of spirit and matter/Nature. Both spirit and Nature react adversely to any abuse by the other to re-establish the necessary balance.
( as Al Capone used to say).
I am a Bachelor of Theology ( UFT ) and an independent writer and utterer, this is
therefore my sacred duty for which I do not need NIHIL OBSTATS, hand-impositions, directives, and whatever the Clergy requires to speak out.
Shame on you Australian Clergy!
The TWINS, that is two brothers, have now got the secular blessing for their mutual sodomisation through which alone, they appear to be able to express their lofty brotherly love.
There must be some physical relationship going on in these marriages else there would not be a need for soothing the resulting natural guilt by the charade of an innatural marriage in imitation of the ceremony that registers and validates the contract for a natural marriage.
Modern versions of the ancient Christian Marriage are arrogant, obscene parodies since the prerequisites for a valid Christian
Marriage have always been-: (1) Capacity to consummate it. (2) Fertility and the intention to generate issue.
Of course , INCESTUAL Marriages have always been considered a Pharaonic obscenity.
Mind you oh reader, before you begin to inveigh against me...............
I am absolutely not opposed to friendships between people of the same gender, the so called homosexuals, those who have their bodily-chemical balances unbalanced. However Morality and Ethics is still a human-duty-responsibility............or are they not human, outside the pale of humanity????
What I am against is SODOMY, pure and simple.
Are homosexuals indulging in SODOMY as a rebellion to their predicament, to their Cross?
What about others who suffer in many different ways and have their own Cross to bear?
As a personal example to you........I am deaf, and that is hard to bear at times, but I do not indulge in substance-abusing or in sabotaging activities directed to others or self. It might make me a bit aggressive, but that is good since I am normally very, too subdued.....he....he....he..........
Even in heterosexual relationships restraints may be necessary to avoid harm being caused to the active partners and those to whom they may be related to, even society considered as a whole, as no one of us is or should become an island to himself/herself.
Yet individuals such as I are needed and life is not easy for us...............believe me. So, give me your support, oh you ethical minorities......for your own and that of your children' future interest's sake.
There is no need to expand. Ask any honest, unbiased Psychologist or Psychiatrist...........however, the trouble with the majority of them is that -: “ The greater the problems the greater the earnings ”;
the ancillary problem being that majorities win and assert themselves in an abused Democracy without checks and safeguards. And don’t give me your crap about ethical professionalism and politicians' honesty and integrity, as what is going on unchecked shows Ethics have gone by the Board a lot of time ago in Australia ( and America........the Daughter, together with her Mother of all democratic and political whores.........France ! A bas la Revolution Francaise ! Les cochons! Fils des Putaines!)
I am not going to pour rivers of ink to explain my views, something I have already done in previous Posts. What I am going to do here is to open up the eyes of a spiritually blind society that is
unable to see the slow moral escalation into a diabolical dead-end.
Now, the newly achieved progress talks about Equality in Marriage.
If Equality has been achieved, then INCEST, which is applicable to normal, Natural Marriages should still remain a concern in Gays Marriages............or am I being illogical?
But we just witnessed two Twin-brothers being joined in a Gay
Now, this means that a precedent is being created in LAW in Australia that a gross act of Incest is permissible in a Gay Marriage.
So, theoretically and hypothetically-speaking, brother and sister, father and daughter and whatever sexual conbinations and permutations one may consider, should be able to have sexual relationships under the
umbrella of ' Gayism '
provided there were to be “No procreation ” as a caveat......and this is where sodomy becomes handy....................very cunning indeed.........................worthy of the Lower Egypt and Ethiopians-baboons, if these were able to think it out................................
As, except for the known facts that incestual generation causes degeneration, and the World is overpopulated, what would there be in a ‘ morality-way’ ( I am not saying ‘ ethical-way’, to stress the issue), to stop us from indulging in it ???????
Why should INCEST be wrong as even X-HAMSTERS appears to suggest in its pornographic clips, to stimulate viewers' curiosity??
Moreover, if statistics had to show that Incest had become a common event in Australia, being, say, practiced by 60% of the population, then, Democracy should/could stamp it with a Stamp of Approval.
If one does not keep the Scriptures, as a reference to Ethics, and I am not saying Morality, which is a changeable field with respect to time and place, what does one then refer to?
To Bob Hawke, Keating, Rudd, Gillard, Garret or Howard or to the self-seeking, weak, degenerate, substance-abusing 60% ignoramus and misfits in our society??????????
COME ON AUSSIE COME ON....................................
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