Post 328. The Great Food Crisis in 2011.
"Every day brings new evidence of the need to tackle runaway population growth. I have no doubt that the present uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt have unsustainable population levels as their root cause."
"Food riots are spreading across Algeria. Russia is importing grain to sustain its cattle herds until spring grazing begins. India is wrestling with an 18% annual food inflation rate, sparking protests. China is looking abroad for potentially massive quantities of wheat and corn."
"And in many countries, grain harvests are shrinking. In the Middle East spreading water shortages are shrinking the harvest. In India and China, water tables are falling as aquifers are depleted. Irrigated areas are shrinking in the United States ( think of the depleting Ogalalla Underground Watertable and of the dried-up Colorado River). In France, Germany and the United Kingdom, wheat yields are no longer rising. Suburban sprawl, and paving of land for roads, highways and parking lots have claimed cropland in California, in the Nile River basin in Egypt, and in China and India. Soil erosion is lowering yields and destroying agricultural land. For more information on this issue, look up " The Great Food Crisis 2011 ", by Lester R. Brown."
Of course, the Labour--Caucus would kick him in the ass...........I am amazed at how far he has already been sticking his neck out........!
This is how and when I get furious and begin seeing red as my Viking anscestors did..........
Mr. Thompson does lackadaisically and mellifluously avoid telling you, just to keep his reporting nice and soft, that Victoria's water--reservoirs are still only 50% full, in spite of an extremely unusual rainy end of summer........... probably one of the Global Warming signs when things appear to get better before these get worse. The melting of the polar caps must be putting more surface--water in circulation and therefore somehow increase evaporation and rainfall in some places.
Evaporation of water must have in fact increased everywhere. It is more than 10% from Lake Nasser, the artificial lake created by the Aswan Dam in Egypt.
So, before these unusual rains, the Murray River has been disappearing and Western Australia has not been receiving its contributions necessary to the survival of a large area of ancient wet--water--lands on which water fowls from the world over used to depend.
Queensland has been becoming too wet and a liability..............for a total lack of drainage--- structures except useless emergency sand-- bags--walls. I am a rather isolated, tired, old person and do not know all that is going on in this vast Continent, and being perhaps kept under cover. Australians have in general very short must be due to excessive bibulousness ( this is another of those beautiful, soft, non--Saxon words.........from the Latin 'bibere' , to drink ).
It follows that it is doubtful whether Australian Agriculture can maintain its presently impressive development and must gradually retrograde.
The Australian Farmers, from whose midst Autralian Heroes and Myths have been issuing...........the Soldiers and Politicians of the Boer Wars, Gallipoli, the Flanders, Tobruk's Rats and the Kokoda Trail.....etc. are dying-off leaving behind generations of Chefs, Pimps, Massage Parlours' Managers, Actors, Migrant Importers and Exploiters, Vote---Catching----Politicians reduced to a Lowest Common Denominator of intelligence and cunning by the Caucuses they are chained to. When building a steel-- house, to beat the ubiquitous termites that destroy timber--structures withing 12 months, on a 85 acres block on the side of the Back Creek Valley that runs to the Goulburn River, ca. 11 miles from and between Nagambie and Rushworth, in the Goulburn Valley, that runs all the way from north of Melbourne ( Seymour ) to the Murray River, via the Reedy Lake, poisoned by mining for gold in the days of the Gold-Rush, I became aware that the irrigated lands north of Nagambie all the way downward towards the Murray River have been subjected to a salty, rising, water---table by lack of adequate drainage since having been exploited after WWI. That is why the Murray River has become salty since the times of WWI, starting from Swan Hill all the way to Western Australia even before its recent almost disappearance.
Now, the only justification the Australian people have for their historical migration to and occupation of this Continent is the just and enlightened management of it, not unnecessary maudlin Apologies.
The World depends on Australian wheat, butter and sausages ( only affluent nations worry about cholesterol.....dear Watson) ........etc.
China and India ( although the Hindus do not eat sausages as they have more than 150 million sacred cows competing with human beings for vegetation) certainly do and Australia is at present living by selling mineral dirt to them.
Ergo ( shorter than 'therefore', but could
have used 'thus', however 'ergo' is more elegant for same costs).............Should it not be logical and obvious to suggest that it should be in Australia's interest to see that these behemoths ( Labour-members to look up the Dictionary please as I wished to avoid the use of ' huge and monstrous creature ' and the equivalent Gaelic or Teutonic word would be unpronunceable to us ) get fed and remain healthy?
Having conceded this though, even Australia has limitations set by Nature in how far it can feed these bludgeoning populations without demographic controls, even supposing Australians overcome the 'tabu' ' against Nuclear that alone can supply the required sweet waters.
How stupid can one be.......oh Australians?
Ask Don Brown.
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