Post 347. Drastic Solution to the Boat-people--Problem.
All Nations in the World are, more or less being affected by the population explosion that is seing the number of 9 billions people looming on the horizon.
Australia is vastly unpopulated but this does not mean that its empty spaces can support civilized human life. Perhaps nomad aborigines can be supported there but please note that the aboriginal population in the Continent has never been large even before colonization.
Global warming is going to further dry up this vast Continent. Surely we can desalinate sea--water but this requires capital expenditure that can only be provided by civilized human entrepreneurship and management of resources.
At present the whole of the Australian Economy is being boosted by China's race for energetic self-sufficiency, but what if..............................this were to cease?
Australians of course in their gambling minds and gamblers' pride do not admit their limitations...........acting in the grand manner of a being wealthy beyond limits.......................
This must stop oh irresponsible larrikins in Canberra.....................
We need reserves of viable space and resources and cannot afford to have these exploited to their limits by an unending stream of newcomers, mostly uneducated, untrained, fornicating, irresponsibly procreating peasants, shepperds and goat-herders.
Get Doctors, Nurses, Dentists, Scientists, Managers, skilled tradesmen for God's sake if you must have migrants at all!
We are having a boat---people---problem that has become unsolvable by christian humanitarian standards which are being abused by our neighbours in so far as they deny responsibility for these people living their shores in boats belonging to them which are by International Sea Laws an extension of their land on the sea and who become their responsibility the moment these boat---people board the said boats.
Their failure to stop this occurring is their fault not ours.
This appears as if going on forever, resulting in thousands of these people Australia's fragile Economy and Ecosystem cannot afford to take.
I am afraid that Australia shall have to adopt stern measures to solve this problem, measures compatible with Old Testament Ethics rather than with the sweet, castrated ones of the New Testament.
The solution would solve three problems at once. One is the problem of general world overpopulation, not necessarily as the result of the limitation of the procreation by local western christan ( or of christian origins and/or influence) Australians who are generally a one or two children families, but of the overpopulation resulting from the new incoming levies of migrants from non-western Nations whose culture/religion has so far spurned them to irresponsibly procreate even when the area around them is totally deprived of resources.
This culture, even when some outward progress appears to have been made, is the ancient, primitive steppe, desert----one of the barbarians who, when becoming a vast horde crossed their boders and invaded like locusts their neighbouring territories.
Well, to-day there are no borders to cross or so it should be.............and perhaps it needs a hard hand to achieve................
One can still see in Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, places totallly devoid of resources except rocks with dwellings in which hopeless individuals are procreated destined to illegal activities for a livelihood.
Afghanistan's only reason to exist since 1000 AD when Islam reached India, was the growing of opium and the procreation of warriors by which to enslave India.
And it worked until the English, the French and the Portuguese reached India, something a Hindu should thank us for eternally.
Now it is possible that the boat-people is an attrition--policy, no matter how small and trivial it may seem nunerically to be, with which to un-endingly annoy us, the Australians, its aim being a loss of morale, of face...................of feeling totally fucked.............With the passing of time it shall amount to thousands upon thousands of hopeless unemployable people we cannot afford to keep when we have an ageing population, and many problems of our own.....................
These people take up marginal jobs the less intelligent members of our Society need..........and raise the costs of living.
Sure they may constitute future potential disgruntled Labour Voters but Labour's thinking along these lines would be tantemount to TREASON.
Coming to the SOLUTION-:::
I suggest that Australia adopts a Population Control Policy that allows two children per woman applicable to all Australians.
Sterilization to occur after the birth of the second child.
All newcomers to Australia to be made to understand this limitation and made to sign a document signifying their understanding and acceptance.
I am sure this would automatically dismotivate and take the sting out of any possibility that Islam may be behind this boat-people--problem. It would also give Australia a measure of stabilization of its ethnic ratios, and this would be the third achievement.
In general, it would discourage those migrants whose aim is to fill up the earth irresponsibly............without caring that their offspring is well trained and educated.
We have already too many dudes and useless fornicating BUMS running around, cluttering our allays, etc. material for criminal organizations.
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