Post 349. The 'Halal'/'Kosher' type of primitive, animal slaughtering.
'halal ' ( Islamic version), 'kosher '
( Hebrew version ) of animal slaughtering, that points back to the Stone Age 'Beginnings ' ( yes...... transmitted orally then written down in about 500 BC...redacted.....etc.), that scripturally requires the shedding of the animal's blood at butchering ( a God-inspired practice which facilitated preservation of the meat in a non----- refrigeration----available age ). PLEASE NOTE THOUGH THAT THE HEBREW SCRIPTURES WHICH ARE THE BASIS, FOUNDATION AND INSPIRATION OF THE Q'URAN, AS THE LATTER WAS WRITTEN IN CA. 750 AD, EXPLAIN THAT only STRANGLING OF THE ANIMAL IS FORBIDDEN.
I believe this is even forbidden by the New Testament.....see St. Paul.......since the Pagans, even when killing animals for the their religious sacrifices found unbled animal------flesh generally strangled , more tasty. St. Paul warns Christians against buying the meat of animals strangled in Temples' Sacrifices, probably to be able to sell it more readily, since the burnt----offerings would have bled anyway, being chosen portions of the animal
In ancient times, bleeding by cutting the jugular artery, strangling, a hammer-blow on the head, were the only available means of causing the animal's death.
The whole range was sometimes used.
Do not forget the ancient custom of hanging a pheasant or bird, the neck of which was broken by twisting it, to become to say.
Jehovah Witnesses even forbid blood--sausages, a delicacy loved by many European and Australian/European Barbarians to-day.............
To-day, bleeding can occur immediately after the animal's killing by, say, the use of a special pistol firing a captive nail in the animal's brain................this being an improvement allowed by Civilization and progress. There is no need of the animal's heart to still be pumping the blood out, that is...........of the animal being alive for the blood--drainage to occur. The animal should not be butchered and skinned in front of its companions as a sign of respect for the minimum of intelligence that even animals have, the 'substance ' of which, the material/flesh of which, we human beings share, together with ADAM ( Adamath=red earth ), our common human anscestor who was genetically produced out of the already made Natural World. I believe in fact we, the Australians, who mostly originate from a Christian Civilization, are responsible for these lovely animals which have been bred on our sacred soil of Australia under the protection of our Christianity---inspired Laws, whom we sacrifice for our well---being, and cheaply sell to our neighbours, whether the reader is a believer or not I do not give a our Laws are Christianity-----inspired and God/Allah knows this perfectly well..........Wallahiiiiii.....oh people of little/no Faith..........! However this appears to have become an increasingly forgotten and ignored issue in Australians' educational curricula, under the inspiration of heathen and atheistic Politicians who arrogantly take their Civilization for granted. Some of our Politicians who claim to not be believers are in fact simply ARROGANT people who are taking for granted even the little they know and their Civilization, and should not be allowed no way----near an Education-----Portfolio. The sad state our youths are in, in general, loss of civilizational identity, substances---abuses, crime---proneness, rebelliousness to authority, suicidal--rates, and whatever my innocence may ignore.....he.....he....hee..... if one is not blind and deaf, shows what a miscegenated/sabotaged Education has produced in the past years of Education------ Mismanagement.
However, to be honest, I have seen Australian/Europeans of Christian origins kill animals by the traditional, ancient way of cutting their throat and let these bleed away........................But the sheep was removed from the flock............some respect was felt for its attitude of respect and sadness existed..........not of arrogance, scorn and sheer violence. And this makes a difference in God's eyes. Some Hebrews may even say an appropriate prayer on behalf of the animal I least I did so, speaking to these, before killing roosters, pigeons or rabbits I unprofitably bred in the wilderness of Bialeston/Nagambie/Rushworth in the Goulburn Valley..............for five years !
This is one apparently harmless way that Islam begins its domination in its host----- nations...........through the imposition of 'halal' food--consumption and the fostering of Islamic dress in order to maintain divisions and resist integration.
Naive Australians pay attention please.........!!!!!!
Wallahiiiii! ( By God! )
I believe we have a right to demand at least that they slaughter these animals with respect for the sanctity of LIFE and BLOOD.
HEY......AUSTRALIANS......MA CHE CAZZO FATE................HEY???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I believe God does not forbid to-day " BIRTH CONTROL ", on the contrary, since this can facilitate peace and co-operation.
The Hebrew----Scriptures were written in the days after the Babylonian captivity when Palestine was a desert resulting from the holocausts and genocides carried out by the Assyrian------Babylonians............Hitler, Mladic were pussicats in comparison.......!
Stop 'bullshitting/ brainwashing ' us Rabbis and Ayatollahs and stop the Islamic versus Israeli feuding and blood---lettings and begin preaching BIRTH-----CONTROLS ad sexual restraint all over the Middle--East and all the Islamic world............will you ????????
How could Osama Ben Laden justify his recent three wives, one of whom he had married by the still existing Islamic practice of buying her, when 12 years old? Plus those we may not know about, whom he may have divorced as surplus---to----use?
FEMINISTS THE WORLD OVER...........CHE CAZZO FATE..............HEY!?!?!?!?!?
He certainly beats our western tycoons with their multiple however costly/punishing divorces.
In comparison to these 'buggers ' whom Ben Laden labels as Satanic, I, in spite of not wearing a white hat or turban and a 'ghallabia ' ( a sort of long tunic with many, many, many buttons so as to resist sexual temptations and give the 'girle ' a chance to run away and cry out for help, unless she decides to help you to unbutton.......................
proving consensus, and then, according to NUMBERS, you cannot be stoned.......she alone gets stoned...............Wallahiiiiiii!), should be declared a beatus of the Roman Apostolic Catholic Church with all the sexual deprivations, vilifications , social sabotages, false slanderings and spartan living in my life...................still going on...................
Just by saying he can afford these? By the Law and Rights of the wealthy? What about the duties of the compassionate, the merciful, the believer and the righteous? Hey????????
When the whole of the Islamic world is spilling----over with an excess population causing most of the Refugees and the present CIVIL WARS there????
Was Osama Ben Laden a paedophile of some sort ???????? God---forbid............oh you he only loved SEX!
I am saying all this to point out he fact that much of what is believed in all theological circles, may to-day be redundant. One's predicament, one's necessity, within limits which are always there, one's attitude in behaviour is what counts at the end..........
( recently on "INSIGHT ") with his enlightened wafflings about " socializing carbon tax costs " worshipfully listened to by the devotees, women in particular, I cannot understand why, as he looks like a cave-man, of "political jargon " as if "jargon" is going to solve our problems........In fact he would have made a good political Commissar in the defunct USSRS! Send him to CHINA! The Labour Party thrives on "problems " which give IT the hope to be seen as a problem----solver when in fact IT generates the problems.
Hitler and Mussolini, all Dictators in fact work by the same principle of generating the problem people ( the 65 % moronic Australians) then ask them ( by voting for them) to fix........perhaps too late.
One cannot resurrect a defunct Mining Industry.........and re-establish the credibility and confidencde of a disgruntled client, i.e., CHINA!
Find out how to generate safe NUCLEAR and Australia can be independent of its dependence on the Mining Industry.
Energy, Sweet Water are the keys to a vigorous Steel Industry, Paper Industry, Food Industry.............allowing a strong, vigorous, formidable, invincible, if expensive Defence Force our opponents would be wary and careful to not tread upon.
Let me ask our Military a simple hypothetical question-:::Can we defend ourselves to-day from an Islamic Indonesia, swimming over and across our watery borders, sailing an Armada of sailing Junks, so many of them, our small number of obsoleted FA---18 would have to fly in permanence 24 hours a and re-armed in flight......he.....he.....hee.........what a challenge for us the supermen and superwomen of the " down---under" ........he....he....he.........cowering us into accepting their population excesses meekly and sodomitically------wise as we are doing, with boat---people just sent across our borders????????????????
Why should we have to accept unfavorable terms such as a refugee---exchange----rate of one bird----in----Australia against four from the Refugee--Camps???????
HEY...............GILLARD............MA CHE CAZZO FAI.................HEY?????????????
Global Warming has begun in about 13,000 BC and, although, granted, accelerated somehow by the present WORLD----population-----explosion, cannot be reversed.
There is only a 10% chance we may retard it for a few years, at the cost of reducing our present achievements, becoming weaker in our capability for Self-Defence, increasingly being imposed on by terrorists and opponents surrounding us, etc. .
How comes NO POLITICIAN talks about the problem of POPULATION CONTROL that underlies all others??????? is unpopular with the majority of our voting CRETINS!!!!!
The Labour Party is still dreaming of the miracles of SOCIALISM and COMMUNISM, when history has shown us how these good ideas do not work because of the intrinsic corruption of human beings. Just think you history-----deprived Morons----:: (1) The French Revolution( 1779), (2) The great American experiment in Democracy and Capitalism, based on an abuse of LIBERTY/FREEDOM, ( not JUSTICE and the equilbrium between Rights and Duties) that gives rise to a Oligarchy of Criminals..............(i.e., the Law and Courts and Barristers become prohibitively expensive and unrecheable by the ordinary Citizens ). (3) World-Wide---Socialism or Bolshevism and the Great promise of Communism which gives rise to the Oligarchy of Party Members, another type of Criminal. This system gave rise in turn to Communist China a present monolithic power to reckon with which Australia is helping to develop while totally relying, unwisely, on future military help from the U.S.A., spending most of its revenues o luxuries and pleasurable, comfortable living..........PINOCCHIO----WISE (4) National Socialism which gives rise to " THE THIRD REICH" and " MEINE KAMPF ", with the great Dream of Arian supremacy.
(5) Monarchic Fascist Socialism with its great Dream of a Resurrection of the
" GREAT ROMAN EMPIRE " run by the Italians, no one knows exactly who the hell these are, as they are all descendants of Roman Slaves, with a veneer of European Barbarians, take or leave one in or out..........supervised by their Arian Masters Barbarians.
(6) The rise of Neo-Islamism since WWI when the Islamic people were liberated from the Turkish Ottoman Rule by the Western Powers, with American naivity/stupidity giving these fanaticallly, religiously----- indoctrinated people pseudo Nationalities, Sovereignities, Independences, Oil--Revenues, etc. which they have wasted in armaments rather than in educating their populations and reforming their archaic, obsoleted Theological interpretations.............i.e. Wahabism, a brand of violent Islamism, originating in the Middle Ages, is still taught and preached in Saudi--Arabia, supposedly being our closest Ally, similarly in Pakistan.
AMERICANS...............MA CHE CAZZO FATE..............HEY............?!?!?!?!?
It appears that, in Democracies,, "PROFIT' " can be the only motivation for excellence and justification for action/behaviour,............unfortunately.
'PROFITABILITY" defines/justifies our modern ethics................
A 'fuckumite' of a moron, uneducated, a 'bon--viveur ', 'perfect ignoramus' is considered my equal with the same 'voting-----rights as I ' who may have perhaps spent a life---time studying and training myself, with a genetic memory triggered by this training and my good-will, a memory in my DNA I am fortunate to have thanks to chance and history( my anscestors having been in the right places at the right time................i.e., od's work??????).......undeservedly of course........however there......available......but wasted. These morons are generally eloquent and quickly memorize political 'jargon' with which to mesmerize, like Hitler, Mussolini, just to mention the latest among the 'promoted, bafdly educated Corporals' the masses of devotees with their brains in their genitals and arseholes.........please forgive me I enjoy this..............he......he.....hee....
And in a way I understand why Islam is finding a reason to justify its violence and resistance against the West and its obvious corruption............----:::::Pornography, Bestiality, Sexual Miscegenations, Cultural Retrogressions everywhere, perhaps scenarios for Armageddon..........
Labour's "gurus" such as Guy Rundle, one of the latter-days Labour Messiahs get fat on useless wafflings when recent events have shown the total inability of Labour politicians, even at ministerial Level, to manage even simple Operations such as
" The insulating of dwellings " in " The Commonwealth of Australia ".
Perhaps Garret should stick to his guitar and sing like Christians---hating Nero, the Roman Emperor.
The availability of vast stores of ENERGY
( and this necessitates a breackthrough in NUCLEAR---WASTE---handling ), by which to generate the sweet water required to maintain, at least present production achievements, is the only hope.
POPULATION CONTROL is another issue, and this means establishing a variable procreation rate for Australian women correlated to sustainable maximum population projections---rates, Immigration and the intake of Refugees including the 'boat---people '.
Australia should have the smallest possible NUCLEAR RESEARCH CENTRE running and researching NUCLEAR WASTE HANDLING, which is the challenge of to-days times. all means, develop all alternative renewable energy----producing resources, bearing in mind the prohibitive costs of electrical power transmission across long distances........i.e., the cost of copper or aluminium and the infrastructures.
This problem in turn points to the necessity of building new towns in locations of concentration of all available, surrounding energy resources, to minimize energy----- distribution and transportation costs, however this requires generation of the sweet water required by such centres of energy concentration where new industries are also developed..........since as every school----child knows, Australia is extremely poor in sweet water resources.
The Templar has spoken!!!!!!!
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