Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Post 210. Poor Dishonored Italy

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The magistrates Antonio Ingroia, Sergio Lari, Gaetano Paci, Nico Gozzo and Giovanbattista Tona are living targets. They are at risk of an attack. The Antimafia prosecutor Nino De Matteo who is investigating the revelations made by Massimo Ciancimino is luckier, he has just had bodyguards for the last 16 years, like many of his colleagues. In France or in Great Britain the ones with a police guard or the ones to have fled abroad would be the mafia people, not the magistrates. In the South, the Offices of the Prosecutors of the Republic are outposts, small forts surrounded by the Anti-State. Cuffaro has been sentenced to 7 years, that’s two more years because of the additional complication of mafia involvement. Dell'Utri is waiting for the second level verdict after the elections. At the first level he was sentenced to 9 years. The sensational thing is that these are two Senators of the Republic interviewed with reverence on the programme called "Porta a Porta" and in the TV News services by journalists who are at their service but who are paid by us.
Many turncoats are talking about the relations between the mafia and the State as a founding part of the Second Republic. The trials for the slaughters at Capaci, and in via D'Amelio and in the whole of Italy during the two year period of 1992 and 1993 are starting up again and they involve the politicians of that time in a bipartisan way. In prison serving out multiple life sentences are just the mafia people, from the Graviano brothers to Riina to Provenzano, but not one politician. Who cheated? Who has not kept their promises?
A new cycle is about to open up. After 16 years of slaughters, a few of which were commissioned by instigators from the so-called “continent”, according to the turncoats, and from which the mafia would just seem to be the armed wing, there has been the “Pax mafiosa”, which has also lasted for 16 years. The forthcoming trials could send to prison, top class politicians, and destroy careers that have been built on blood. The ones ongoing in Sicily relating to the slaughters are not mafia trials, but trials against the State. This is why there could be the start of a new cycle of murders. It takes just a moment to go from the “short trials” to the dead magistrate. The parties that have occupied the State cannot be convicted. The Christian Democrats did not want to be on trial in the streets. The current politicians (and Berlusconi is just their representative) don’t even want to be on trial in the Tribunals.
The Internet has got to adopt the magistrates Antonio Ingroia, Sergio Lari, Gaetano Paci, Nico Gozzo and Giovanbattista Tona. Give to them and to their investigations maximum visibility. Information is their body armour. First they defame them (and they have been doing that for years), then they isolate them (current operation), then they kill them. They will never give up (but is it in their interests?). Neither will we.

VENETO: all the signature points and the towns at the website: http://www.beppegrillo.it/listeciviche/liste/veneto/calendario-banchetti-racolta-firme.html
EMILIA ROMAGNA: MoVimento 5 Stelle Emilia Romagna Sunday 24: collection of signatures at Bologna, Rimini, Forli, Cattolica, Cesenatico, Cesena, Modena. (bring ID).
Click here to find out the times and places over the week end: http://www.emiliaromagna5stelle.it/
All the signing booths and the locations at http://www.lombardia5stelle.org/
MoVimento 5 Stelle Piemonte - Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 January: Alba, Alessandria, Asti, Biella, Borgo Ticino, Borgomanero, Bra, Canale d'Alba, Cuneo, Grugliasco, Ivrea, Livorno Ferraris, Mondovì, Novara, Saluzzo, Susa, Verbania, Vercelli. All details in the calendar (bring ID). To find out how and where to sign and to give support to the List click here.

Posted by Beppe Grillo at 07:19 PM in |


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