Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Post 168. I Defecate Therefore I Am.

I would like to explain
to those readers, especially the gentle ladies I love so much, who shall accuse me of outrageousness, rudeness and uncouthness, why I have chosen such a natural activity that we share with all living beings in the Cosmos, i.e., the one of evacuation, of excretion......................
' Thinking ', chosen by Descartes who wrote
" Cogito ergo sum " as the paradigm of existence, is not in fact a universal activity common to all physical/material beings and biological LIFE in general.
I try to be as exacting as I know how, as many among us do not believe in non-material existence, but cannot deny excreta/dung/manure. One can smell it, see it, touch it, fertilize Life with it, obtain drugs from it, burn it as fuel, make tough and sticky paint with it, etc......................................................
In fact Mothers gloat upon, salivate and dribble about their babies' crap as the evidence of their REALITY and BEING.
In fact all the range of the important, nay even essential " Terra colours " of the Artist -: Burnt Umber, Burnt Sienna, Yellow Ochre, Gold Ochre, Raw Sienna etc., including Gold that is a sort of yellow, belong to the landscape-scenario of excreta.
In fact one could even generalise and state with the same perfect self-assurance and certainty with which Professor Garneaud does, croaking frog-like about Global Warming, that in virtue of the Theorem of the Conservation of Energy and Matter, implying the mutual transformability of the two, i.e. matter and excreta, that at least two thirds of the earth surface including the atmosphere, must be excreta of one sort or another. We are in fact embedded in excreta, we are excreta!
Also remember that excreta do not have to be necessarily solid/liquid, as the gaseous ones are worrying us to-day, more so than the solid ones. Ask our Politicians and Professor Garneaud himself.

I like to fantasise sometime of the mighty loads of crap excreted by the largest dinosaurs, brontosaurus etc.......................!
And the stuff is still there somewhere in some form or transformation of one sort or another, owing to the afore-mentioned Theory of the Conservation of all Energies and Matters, which gives me great comfort!

How can one deny then the existence of a Superpowerful Being Who planned the lot of the mighty, almost self-sustayning excretory system, a godly work, a Principality in its own right?

We are in fact not even sure from where thinking comes from and multitudes among human beings are incapable of real thought.
Karl Rahner S.J. believes our Circle of Knowledge is a part of God's own and Saint Thomas Aquinas gently, suavely insists that all knowledge is through sensual experience, the English nominalists disagreeing of course, as usual.

No, no, no, you moron, not sexual.............sensual.

We are talking here of a priori not of a posteriori experiences which may be corrupted and corrupting ones.
Sola in prioris existet Innocentia!
( I am not sure of my Latin, someone please correct me ).
In a way, in the field of the sensual, the excretorial is even superior to the sexual/fornicatory in providing existential certainty as the latter can already somehow, sometime become mixed analogically speaking of course, with the loftiness of the ideal of divine unity, which could be THOUGHT of ( remember my uncertainty about the realm of THOUGHT ) as unreal by multitudes, provided these were able to THINK at all, a vicious circle indeed. For many starving people in the world the sexual may become the only alternative to feeding with a reduced capability for.................... and THINKING, of course.
Remember also that empty stomachs encourage dreaming rather than THINKING. I am not being at all sarcastic or ironic or cruel here, merely THINKING.
Also remember that the sexual experience normally requires a partner and this can be a most elusive, delusiory, uncertain, stressing activity bordering on the allucinatory, the unbelievable.
That is why I chose to not say-: " I fuck therefore I am ".
I have actually not been fucking for probably the last ten years, only sometime fantasising about it.
No one dies for a lack of fucking, but does so for a lack of excretion, for various reasons or causes, like no inputs, i.e. starving. While eating and its complementary.........excreting, may be a human right, fucking is not!

Having said all these negatives about the sexual, let me add the only positive about it, that is about its reality-convincing-capacity whenever it results in the making of a baby, which can be seen also as a perpetuation, an extension to, a multiplication of crapping, a sub-event of the excretory function. Again, Mothers, please forgive my uncoutheness, apparent lack of reverence for functions and matters considered sacred by the ancient Egyptians, who had special;ised diviners analysing excreta, etc.........................
But philosophically speaking, a baby is some sort of living excreta, in the sense of its being out-putted, from the mother, albeit from a different orifice of her body than the excretory one, which many are sexually prone to confuse and delight in abusing, as if a sexual one too, in this degenerate
and fallen Era of Manure of ours.

There is in fact no THINKING without knowledge, without the sensual, without the first feelings of hunger, without feeding from a plumpy, rotund, soft, velvet-like-feeling breast, and a satisfaction resulting from a good crap and of noticing someone kindly changing your nappies, coooing gentle nonsense to you in your praises, which generates the lofty feeling of gratefulness, the beginning of the religious feeling, etc. etc. etc.
This is why the Catalans of the Costa Brava humbly and wisely celebrate the cacatorial functions so highly, even making representations of excreta, I would imagine in plastic to-day, to keep as reminders of our adamitical (earthly) body-wise origins. Read the eminent Australian Historian Hughes in his work " Barcelona ".

Evacuation also necessarily implies some material INPUT and this implies in turn a self-sustaining and perpetuating cycle, also most transparently showing the Entropy that rules all cosmic activities large and small.
Defecation can surely provide more certainty than thinking can about being, existing, as, in the sphere of the material and the physical it is certainly a greater absolute and universal than thinking is in the sphere of abstraction and .............perhaps the fictional.

In fact, it might even convince many doubters even God exists.

I would like therefore to ask you to THINK about what I said, next time you sit and evacuate.
In a sense one can even say that the humble, universal of defecation may even promote, facilitate THOUGHT.
Who shall ever know how many Insights may have been gathered by our great THINKERS while defecating? It is said the great Archimedes of Syracuse discovered Specific Weight and all its ancillary applications while bathing. Perhaps it happened while he was.........................
" Per ardua ad Astra! "
I used to know a brilliant Senior Technical Officer in the Commonwealth of Australia's Department of Civil Aviation when I worked there as a Drafting Officer 2, who used to keep a small Library in his toilet were he did most of his studying. But he could not understand Mechanics and Structures, although being first rate in Electronics and a cunning THINKER. Perhaps his cacatorial function was marginal.

And praise the Creator for this function, always.

Post 166. The Naivity of Science. ( A repeat)

The Roots of Life and Death.
"Eureka" said the scientist!
"To find the roots of life
one must be radical,
one must be bold
to the elemental
one must go, my darling.

What elemental is more then
than a bacteria
or even a virus,
-----one is to life
the other
to death devoted-----
that from a comet
or a metheorite even
may have been
to earth
down brought ? "
Says she.

"Not so " says he," as more elemental
than a virus or bacteria
a gaseous emission would be.
No need to posit
a One called God,
oh my beloved one.
In fact,
to solve the problem,
all one would then have to do
is to find

who was the bugger
who first farted

a long, long time ago."
Quod Erat Demonstrandum.
I admit this is a desperate effort at poetry. Sorry! I was inspired by a Documentary I just saw on TV, that claims life on earth originated from bacteria.

Post 165. A repeat. A Poem about the Zeroand its Analogical Relations.

A Poem about the Zero and its Analogical Philosophical Relations.
Of Gaseous Clouds, Walkingabout, the Nullarbour Never Never Wastes, etc...............

( dedicated to David the Gaseous Telstra-Blog-Bard, Timothy the Heckler and Pecker or Haystack-Staker, Grotty Yaughty my disappeared bovine-ice-bleue-eyed, blonde, bleu-jean-tight-on-the-crotch-toting, alluring, strongest Fan, probably sunk off the Queensland Coast in her live-in Yacht, to whose memory I dedicate a contrite Requiem In Aeternam......, Yamarka the Scottish-Aboriginal Winger, The Ten-Canoe-People, Salem's Cafe' and its Comedies on TV, Douga the Eternal anti-Catholic Doubter and the sodomitic Anglicans, etc. ).

Sometimes I sit and wonder,
my thought
in analogies drifting
like smoke does,
in its upward
random twirling,
like a fat gaseous cloud,
in the sky sitting,
slowly drifting,
patrician looking, all white, but unlike a cloud,
humanly and patchily bald,
with just a twinge of grey,
that carbon emissions betray,
to better contrast the immensity
of the bleu sky around,
in contemplations immersed
of self-possessing doubts
watching the red vastness
of the Nullarbour plain below,
as seen alike in my memory,
by a passenger,

sitting tightly in the economy seat,
on a Flight of Virgin Lines,
going from Melbourne to Perth
or vice-versa bound,
wonderously it all contemplating,
yes the Nullarbour Plains,
of Yamarka and of the Ten Canoes-people
the incomprehensible delight,
resulting from too much sunlight
on bare headed skulls
when still young,
for the want
of a good bush-hat I guess.
Strangely enough
my everlasting obsessions arise
of how the Arabs for Salam Cafe’s
now highly noted and
in even greater repute than ever before,
could have had the brains to discover
of the big Zero,
the vast array of virtues and uses,
without which zero
neither God,
Who is reputed to have created everything
out of nothing (nihilo) or Zero,
the One with a Capital Zed,
mind you,
nor capitalism,
which would have been limited
to a jewish abacus to count,
could have prospered at all.
Bill Gate himself
would not have had a PC
to play around with and
the chance to invent
Window Microsoft to boot.
Especially I, the gaseous cloud
which aforesaid I talked to you about,
rememberst thou?
Even I wonder of why,
while the West chose the Zero
to appear as a big Capital ‘ O ‘,
like a big holy halo
or to be more earthly bound,
even like onto the large,
bovine, arctic blue eyes of G.Y.,
extolled and sung about
in greek ladies,
by even the great Homer himself,
in his famous Iliad and Odissey,
through which, looking up at you
as if in eternal and innocent wonder, struck,
who is to know?,
even this being the result perhaps,
of some superhuman orgasmic feat
she may have indulged in,
in times memorable, bygone and past,
( don’t you be fooled by them, o stranger ),
gently stirring your innards
like a gallon of olive oil;
how the Arabs decided,
perhaps more wisely and fittingly than the West,
that the zero should rather be shown
as a fig-shaped, twisted, squashed,
long suffering small ‘o’,
an ‘o ‘ that has been traumatized
by some sodomitic experience,
or perhaps just piles, or even both,
God may forbid, halas!
all contracted, twisted and anorexic-like,
perhaps to improve the picture slightly,
perhaps as being otherise too dry,
even like the little 'o'
a de Laurents model
would probably sport,
as if just out of a sodomitic, spasmodic and spastic
orgasmic gasping,
or, just after an aggravating cracking
induced by vigorous farting, in turn
induced by loud laughing brought about
by Salem Cafe’s poor antics,
not to mention
the more subdued and discreet ones
resulting from effeminate
oxfordian and cambridgean,
Anglican chantings
Honny Soit Quy Mal Ye Pense.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Post 164. More about the Ferrers-: The Triptych.

The Triptych at Tamworth Castle.
The Triptych consists of three heraldic oil-painted panels sequentially numbered 53, 54 and 55 on the ceiling-corniche of the Withdrawal Room, at Tamworth Castle in Staffordshire. There are a total of sixty five Coat of Arms similarly painted, in both the Withdrawal and the Breakfast Rooms, all quartered per pale with a few exceptions, to commemorate marriages by and to the House of Ferrers, a few being individual Arms, one about Sir George Vere-Ferrers-Townshend, either the 16th or 17th Baron Ferrers de Chartley, Knight of Tamworth Castle, Baron Compton, Marquess of Townshend of Raynham, Earl of Leicester, being multi-quartered.
The series was commissioned in the times of the Hannoverian Dynasty (1714-1901 ), following the fall of the Stuart Dynasty ( 1603-1714 ), as panel 54 appears to refer to the reign of King James II ( 1685-1689 ), just before whose reign, John Ferrers, the last Ferrers Knight of Tamworth had died, in 1680. His daughter Anne had then inherited the Honour of the Knighthood of Tamworth Castle which was passed on to the son of her marriage to Robert Shirley Esq., who died in 1698, yes, her son Robert Shirley
(1692-1714 ) who styled himself Viscount Tamworth in 1711.
Robert Shirley died without issue, and all Ferrers’ resources assembled in turn in the hands of the Shirley, the Compton the Townshend, the Ferrers of Baddesley-Clinton being unable to accede to these probably owing to their lack of adequate rank, in spite of the marriage of Edward Ferrers de Baddesley-Clinton to the Ferrers-Townshend-heiress, Lady Harriet Ann Townshend, who died in 1813.
Owing to the presence in the series of the already mentioned, multi-quartered Coat of Arms of a Sir George Vere-Ferrers-Townshend, Marquess of Townshend,
either the 16th (1755-1811 ) or the 17th Baron Ferrers de Chartley ( 1788-1855), both of the same name, and with the same Titles and Honours, it is quite possible one of these two gentlemen may have been the one to have either commissioned or at least to have had the works completed.
There are a few errors, either pertaining to heraldic representation or of an historical nature in the Arms of the collection.
Although the principal aim----------there being several goals aimed at in the collection of heraldic nuptial Coat of Arms, all discussed in my book------appears to be to summarise and commemorate the most influential alliances with other noble Houses, since the beginning of the House of Ferrers at the landing at Hastings from Normandie, then known in the Latin used in those times all over Europe for legal purposes, as de Ferrariis, the Triptych holds a central position in the Nuptial Collection and focuses on the Britishness of the Ferrers by its summary of the links of this House with the Scottish Crown and its British traditions and aspirations, about which Sir Laurence Gardner ( of St.Clair, the traditional hereditary guardian of Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland ) writes so well and extensively in his books about the Holy Graal and the sacred Desposyniic Dynasties. Gardner fails however to ask vital questions about the failures of the Desposyniic ( Davidic ) Lines, thus also failing to seek suitable answers and to synthetise this knowledge for our times, a task I am trying to accomplish.
The three panels of the Triptych are in fact floating in a badckground of five-petal Rosae Rugosae or Templar Roses, pink and silver, which symbolise par excellence the Holy Graal tradition of the British Monarchy .
Let me quote from page 286 of Sir Laurence Gardner’s “ The Bloodline of the Grail Kings ”-:

On 26th March 1371 the Royal House of 6th century Arthur [ b. 599- d. 603 ] mac Aedan of Dalraida, the key Graal successions of Britain and Europe had conjoined in Scots Royalty, and the Stewarts’ ancient legacy of kinship was fulfilled.


Another Article in my book shows the links of the House of Ferrers to the Order of the Knights Templar since its origins, their contributions to and participations in the affairs of the Order, founded by Sir Godfrey de Bouillon, under the instigation and inspiration of Saint Bernard de Clairveaux, the reformer of the Cistercian
( Cluniac ) Monastic Order along stricter Benedectine Rules, until the loss of the Earldom of Derby at the time of the eighth and last Earl, Sir Robert Ferrers
( 1241-1279 ).
I shall come back in this Article, to this stage of Ferrers’ history, which has been much maligned and misrepresented by most historians slavishly protecting the reputation of the English Royal Dynasties of the Plantagenets and of the Tudors, among whom there were some really abominable and diabolical Kings, worthy of the worst and sinister side of their ancient barbaric anscestors. Being of the blood of Jesus has not been, does not necessarily mean a guarantee of sanctity as God’s Will, Grace and the assent to God’s Grace by the individual are required.
Both King David and Sholomon were corrupt, King Arthur was incestuous with his sister and we all know about King Henry VIII of the Tudor Dynasty and his nine wives many of whom he had judicially murdered.
Being related to Jesus can mean however a natural ( inherited ) predisposition to and openness to Grace.

In a short but necessary digression, it is important to note that all modern democratic ideals of personal liberties, freedoms and privileges, unless complemented by their corresponding duties are but shallow and hollow, aimed by abusers at justifying the liberties of corrupt leaders and rulers, including present Mafiosi
( i.e., anti-society, anti-civilisation, anti-State ), Repubblican Governments ( a typical example being Italy to-day, in 2009). These abusers of Modern Democracy claim in fact to be democratic while abusing and corrupting the ideals of freedom by separating these from their corresponding complementary duties, and by neglecting a suitable and satisfactory education of the people, alienating these from their histories, noble traditions and heroic, sometimes saintly, referential witnesses, thus giving rise to generations of Pinocchio-like individuals, who have lost most of the knowledge of their national and even personal identities/histories/glories/honours, becoming open to the evil, shallow manipulations of their soulless, mercenary leaders who fill these with hollow heroes taken from ball games, sports, the stages etc., a repetition in a different, bloodless form, of the Gladatorial Games of corrupt Imperial Rome. Much of this History is erased from school curricula on the basis that it cannot interest the children of our Immigrants who originate from different cultures. This is totally wrong and absurd, since one ends with new generations of people without identity at all, and a cultural vacuum and emptiness that becomes filled by the Pinocchios’ advertisements from our moneyed powers, the new rulers without honour, tradition or belief except money. Our Immigrants should embrace our culture while retaining whatever is not inimical to our own in their own cultures, else stay there where they came from. All Modern Democratic ideals had their origins in the Golden Age of Greece which reached its peak at the times of the ostracised, exhiled, maligned, persecuted oligarch Pericles, the last of the true, noble Greeks, and were championed and implemented in Medieval Europe, before the rise of the corrupt National Monarchies, fostered by the Constantinian Church of Rome, to antagonise the Holy Emperors, by the Templar Movement which has its roots in the times of King Zedekiah of Judah ( 597-587 BC), martired by his captors, from the New Babylonian Empire ruled by Nebuchadnezzar II ( 605-562 BC ) Zedekiah’s daughter TAMAR being brought to Ireland by the Prophet Jeremiah together with the Royal Guards of the Temple of Jerusalem or Sion ( the anscestors of the Templars) and married in ca. 586 BC, to EOCHAID I, the King of the Irish, giving rise to the ‘Stone Royal Dynasty’ reaching down to UGAINE MAR THE GREAT of Ireland in the 4th century BC and from the latter down to the ‘Royal Scots and Welsh Dynasties’ of ARTHUR OF DALRIADA and ARTHUR OF DYFED in the 9th century AD.
There is also a publication from the The Covenant Publishing Co., LTD., London, “ The Royal House of Britain an Enduring Dynasty ” by Rev. W.M.H.Milner...... which gives at page 21 a genealogical list not much differing from the one supplied by Sir Laurence Gardner.
In the former Tamar is rendered Tea Tephi of Tara and Jeremiah was by the Irish called Olam Folla. According to the ancient Epics, Tamar married, sometime after her father death in 587 B.C., a Milesian ( from Miletus/Greece ) Prince of celtic origins rooted in the area around the Caspian sea in 6000-4000 B.C., whom she met in Spain during their migrations to Ireland where they soon landed founding a Dynasty that gave rise to the Royal Irish and Scottish Houses, through which the present Stewart line as well as those of most Desposyniic European Monarchies can be traced, since they all intermarried.
One must also mention at this stage, the other judaeo/christian alliances through Jesus and Mary Magdalene, James of Arimathea and other intermarriages between Celtic, Gothic and Shythian Princes during their migrations from the Caspian Sea to Northern Europe and its islands, begun in ca. 6000 BC and even earlier prehistoric mediterranean semitic ones to the prehistoric anscestors of Cro-Magnon origins of the mentioned Celtic/Gothic/Shythian groups, which occurred in ca. 30,000, prior to the Last Glacial Maximum ( L.G.M.) that occurred between 25,000 and 13,000 BC.
Constantinianism, although motivated at the time of Emperor Constantine,
( who was incidentally a Desposyniic Ruler through his saintly mother’s anscestry ), by then plausible historical and political reasons, has attempted during the first centuries of the Roman Christian Church to erase or somehow manipulate all these memories and origins and give Western History an exclusively Latin/Hebrew-dressing, however to-day, when this dressing has become alienated and corrupted by the rise to power on the waves of a corrupted and abused Democracy, of the moneyed, collusive, scheming, sinister, goat-herders and shepperds, ex-slaves brought into Europe by the naive Romans, or later Barbarian Invaders, who are also religious hypocrits, to-day has the time come to bring these memories and traditions back, to purge Constantinianism from its Mafia accretions, affiliations and infiltrations, to reform, revive, Christianity, and save Western Civilisation and its democratic achievements, by looking back to the original Templar understandings about a healthy and godly government. It is important to remember that the Scottish King Robert The Bruce ( 1306-1329 ) gave sanctuary in Scotland to the Members of the Order of the Templars which is still active there in hiding, its ideals also being still alive to-day.
The Stuart Dynasty ( 1603-1714 ) tried to spread these ideals for the benefit of Europe, however England was then bent onto becoming a World Empire, a process begun under the Tudors and the religious wars among christian hypocrits and fanatics of various denominations, who made a mockery of Democratic Ideals, destroyed their well-intentioned attempts. The English Empire is now no more and the Tudors fizzed out in a couple of generations, killed by STDs contracted by King Henry VIII, paradoxically also a Desposyniic Royal. England ( I do not say Britain ), although still in better moral shape than Italy, France, the Balcans and the USA, etc. is fast degenerating too under Anglo-Saxon laissais-fairism which is not Democracy but its corrupted form. We all know now in the Era I qualify as “of Manure ”, the catastrophic events the Western World and the whole world has had to endure since the French Revolution and the Era of Enlightenment, without any real or permanent political progress having been achieved, except a vast wastage of resources and the danger of Islam and an all-engulfing and fagocitating global demographic expansion threatening to obliterate Western achievements.
With the rise of a United Europe a possibility has now eventuated for another attempt at returning Law and Order to governing bodies infiltrated by moneyed power groups ( vulgarly called Mafie) who are so mercenary, selfish and stupid, as to not be able to realise the number of further catastrophic events looming at the horizon of their self-deluding ways. The Mafie have ruined the USA, are sabotaging Europe, and even Australia, a Continent the Cities of which can show such a transparency due to their open and clean areas and suburbs that organised crime should not be able to exist, is fighting a loosing war against Organised Crime since, even the High Police Force Commissioner has admitted the goal is now to just maintain existing Crime manageable. We are referring here principally to the drugs’ traffic that is damaging our young generations for which so much money is being invested when adolescents, a great deal of which is being wasted due to the damage caused by substance-abuse and a lack of identity. The inability to effectively hit Crime is the result of Democratic Laws that insist in dealing with it with an excessive amount of safeguards protecting the Criminal. Drug-users should also be prosecuted and punished. Gentlemen are required at all governmental levels, not just a couple of them as puppets at the top, members of the ancient noble Houses. In order to get these gentlemen to leading positions, the restauration of all Desposyniic Monarchs is required, joined into Monarchich Assemblies, with elected Monarchich leaders, ranked in accordance to their educational achievements and experiences, according to merit, working together to balance and check Parliaments, Senates, Congresses, all governmental levels, through series of Permanent Royal Commissions, in relation to issues of corruption, selfishness, delusionary fraudolent practices ( including bubbles of all sorts and descriptions ), monopolies, in relation to all moneyed powers in the Western Nations. These Monarchich Assemblies would also ensure the protection, survival and perpetuation of our Western Cultures, Traditions, Languages, Values/Ideals, Religious Beliefs and Liberties from the infiltrations, encroachments and take-overs of foreign, alien, opponents, mostly masquerading as Immigrants or lovers of Democracy.
The West should remain open to adoption of Immigrants but these Immigrants should be West-Lovers, else they should remain where they came from, not emigrate just for the sake of acquiring political rights and to benefit from higher standards of living and being. These people, if serious, should remain in their own Countries and actively fight their corrupt leaders if needs be through armed Revolutions. There is no room for loafers and fake pacifists in our World. There has never been a place for these fakes and yellow bellies, unless they are prepared to renounce the world like some ancient,
genuine, catholic, buddhist or islamic saints did.
These Immigrants must either fight their Revolutions at home or be prepared to fight in our armies.

End of Digression.

The Triptych is a Templar legacy from the Ferrers who are members of “gensferreria/ferraria/farrar ”. The reason for my spending so much time and effort in researching the Ferrers is therefore in the fact that they are Desposyniic, have these strong Templar links, which have also existed in other European families of “gensferreria ” as exemplified by the Arms of the Ferrari of Genova, have behaved extremely well when compared to noble families from the Middle Ages, surviving by the Grace of God until our present times, having given rise to this Clan which is unique in the History of Europe, and can be used as an example of Desposyniic excellence, in spite of the general failure of Desposyniic Monarchies. This legacy, this tradition, being of a spiritual rather than a material nature, can serve as an archetype for all those in the West who have descended from Celts, Goths and Scythian tribes who as the “gensferreria....... ” ( a late Clan assembled in about 100 A.D. around the lake of Lemann where Geneva is in Switzerland ), migrated to Europe from the Middle East prior to the establishment of the civilised borders of the Roman Empire. The Triptych is about all these issues I have written above, once one has taken the step and made the effort to know the History it has been associated with, this history having been interpreted correctly.
The abridged Charts preceding this Article have been supplied to provide some of the landmarks required for this understanding of the human resources and their progress in experience, distance and time and of the European scenario, which gave rise to the Templar movement from its Biblical origins in the times of King Zezekiah, the last King of Judah (597-587 B.C. ) of the Prophet Jeremiah, the Temple of Jerusalem and its Body of Guards of Syon.
The Triptych begs the honest and enlightened reader to ask and to consider the question why did all these somehow well-intentioned Nobles and Monarchs, related to the Davidic Lion of Judah, to the Royal Houses of Israel and Judah FAIL?
The House of Ferrers at least, which is a member ot he Desposyniic Clan of “gensferreria/ferraria/farria” has always been extremely well intentioned and behaved better than most, when contrasted to various Dynastic and noble Houses, all fallen along the way.
It still has to-day, representatives at the House of Lords.
The explanation asked above about the reasons for all this failure, a question which is not asked or answered by Sir Laurence Gardner ( who as a descendant of the St. Clair should know better than anyone else ) and the present descendants of the ancient Desposyniic Monarchies, still bent on and bound to try and repeat the errors of the Past, if allowed to do so, is the spirit of greed and competition that animated all these Desposyniic Monarchs, as well as their predecessors, since the Fall of the Roman Empire of the West ( about 450 A.D.), who tried to eliminate one another in continuous fratricidal wars, including and up to WW I, all fighting against the ideal of European unity under the German Emperors of the Sacred Roman Empire.
These failures can be somehow ascribed to the complex and confusing scenario caused in Europe by the fall of the Roman Empire of the West, the continuous Barbaric invasions and the competition for dominance and survival. The Roman Church, which also became infiltrated by competitive factions, is also to blame for hiding the original truth about Jesus' Royal Mission and presenting Him as a poor, crucified carpenter without earthly ambitions. In fact, one must remember that the Emperors had been originally intended to have been dynastically issuing from the ancient Line of the Desposyniic Fishers Kings that was from King Clovis the Merovingian.
The interferences of the Constantinian Church in Rome aimed to generate an Imperial Line totally dependent and submissive to Rome and tried to achieve this aim by manipulations and exclusion of texts ( at the Council od Nicea and at later ones ), by the total Judaization/Latinisation of the Biblical sources, the removal of Desposyniic mandates and missions in History from the Nordic Lines that had intermarried with the Davidic descendents. The Constantinian Church had however always been opposed by the survival of the Roma Empire of the East, in which the religious power was subordinated to the one of the Byzantinian/Greek/Macedonian/Illirian Emperors, the refusal of the Saxon/German Emperors to submit to Rome, aiming at the same control Byzanthium had of the religious power. The Consatntinian Church therefore began the dangerous game of encouraging the rise of the European Monarchires and of the cultural divisions in Europe, politicising these diffreences aiming at reducing Imperial Power, an aim they achieved at the cost of an enormous waste of resources and the cretion of artificial barriers between the European ethnies. This is why “gensferreria/ferraria/farria ” is such a unique phenomenon in Europe, since the members of this Clan unconsciously retained in their surnames, by remaining at least true to their surnames, amidst the chaos and disorder of European history, like the struggle between Ghibellines and Welf and those caused by the Religious Wars, just to name a couple of issues for division and dissent, the evidence of common ancestral roots-: i.e., in the latin irregular verb fero-tuli-latum-ferre.
This is why I am suggesting to-day a restauration within the framework of a Federated and United Europe, democratically governed, of all existing surviving Monarchs to the ancient European seats of Monarchich Government, under democratically controlled conditions and safeguards, afforded by modern Media and Communications, benefiting from the new realisations and understandings afforded by our present knowledge of History, interpreted according to the lines pointed out here in this Article.
These Monarchs should have advisory and legislative powers in parallel with Parliaments, Congresses, Senates, etc. and would provide a guarantee of the perpetuation and protection of our cultural heritage from opponents and infiltrators, due to the fact they would only be allowed to intermarry within the European, Christian, historical framework in the same way the Islamic Monarchs have been doing.

Panel 55 of the Triptich shows the marriage alliance between Sir William Ferrers, the seventh Earl of Derby, wrongly designated in the Panel as the 2nd Earl, to Margaret de Quincy, the eldest daughter and co-heiress from the marriage of Roger de Quincy, the Earl of Winchester, to Helen, daughter of Lord Alain of Galloway and Margaret of Angus & Huntingdon.
The House of Angus & Huntingdon is also the pivot of the alliance between the Bruce and the Stewarts who gave rise to the present pretenders of the Royal House of Scotland.
The three panels are self explanatory. There is an execution error in the de Chartley Arms, vairee or et gules, shown on panel 55 in so far as the design should begin with gold, not red. The differences in the Crowns, distinguishing between a baronial, earldom or royal rank, should also be noted.
The heraldic roses are a fundamental symbolism pointing to the Templar associations and affiliations of the Houses represented and their sympathies for the Stewart Dynasty. This does not have to detract from present loyalties to the Windsor Monarchy, which is also Desposyniic, but apppears to have relinquished this knowledge and Mission, which should in justice do something about a Stewart-restauration in Scotland.
Since my book is about the Clan I call “gensferreria......... ” of which the Ferrers are illustrious and important Members, I would like to say something about the Clan, the Ferrers and to point out, in particular, paradigmatically, the injustices, abuses and persecutions which this House had to suffer from the Plantagenet and Tudor Dynasties, in spite of the Tudor al;so being of Desposyniic descent.
At page 2 of this Article I have mentioned Sir Robert Ferrers, the eigth and last Earl of Derby who lost all the Ferrers’ resources belonging to the male side of their ancestry with the exception of those inherited from the marriages to the Peverell, the Chester and the de Quincy heiress or co-heiress.
These resources were confiscated by the Crown with the blessings of Parliament at a stage when this had begun to be infiltrated by the new nobility of the pen and law, like the Dugdales ( i.e., Sir William Dugdale of “ Antiquities of Warwickshire ” ’s fame ) and given to the Lancaster Branch of the Royal House. This at a time when Parliament began to play the Monarchy against the Barons and vice-versa, in a similar way the Papacy played the Monarchies against the Emperors. These games are very dangerous ones to play and can result, in spite of an apparent paltry achievement acjieved at the end of a move, in the serious damage of the governing system which eventuates centuries after the game has been played. The Westminster System of opposing Parties debating in a Parliament must never be abused by fanatical partisan enmities. Love of Civilisation and Nation must always be paramount in the order given. The Plantagenets ended badly and were replaced by other Dynasties. It is possible to show, in a way that English Historians have failed or have been unwilling to do, that the Policy of the conquering Norman Dynasty in relation to neighbouring Scotland was one of recognition, toleration and respect of the then ruling British Monarchs of Scotland and Ireland, provided these reciprocated the same attitudes. This criterion of non-aggression, if mutually repected, in the absence of the many
interfering forces, would have been a minimum requirement for a Dysposyniic balance. It was in fact King Henry II, the Plantagenet of flawed Visigothic descent, who, having obtained the English Crown by marrying Eleanora d’Aquitaine, the daughter of King Henry I, embarked in wars against his neighbours for the purpose of dominance and conquest. Eleanor d’Aquitaine, who had been during her father’s reign the ruler of Aquitaine, showing great wisdom and ability, opposed in fact, together with her sons, her greedy and power-crazy husband twice, first when Henry refused to return the Scottish territories of Northumberland and Cumberland to William The Lion ( 1165-1214 ), the second time, when Henry asked to divorce her, bent on marrying Alice the daughter of the King of France who had been living at the English Court since the age of five, as the betrothed of Richard ( the future Lionheart ), one of the King’s son, aiming at the conquest of France as a step towards the throne of the Holy Roman Emperor. Much has been said about Henry’s reforms of the Law of his times, ( even in a recent BBC Documentary by an archalogist called Anderson, a little blind sycophant leading the blind ), and the enpowerment of Common Law. However, England is the only western Nation that has not yet achieved a Constitution, thus leaving all Law in a state of flux. Moreover, Henry’s own character and way of living showed he was without scruples, morality or good intentions, a dissembler of truth. His real aim was to increase Royal Power, by playing for the favour of the masses at the expense of existing cheks provided by the Church and the Nobility of the Sword, which is the true Nobility, insofaras it is the only real people prepared to fight injustice consistently for honour and justice ( in a modern abused Democracy these classes can easily be replaced by dishonorable moneyed Mafias ), by increasing the authority and jurisdiction of Common Law and of his appointed Judges, creating a Nobility of Pen and Law, the arm-chair fighters, knowing he could always control and dictate to them, since he alone had the power to choose and elect his judges.
In modern abused Democracies these become the creatures of the moneyed powers, the Mafias.
To-day ( 2009) the danger is the Judiciary System gets infiltrated by Mafiosi elements as it has happened in Italy and elsewhere, and there is then no other power to reform the whole judiciary structure. Civil War becomes the only solution, like in Franco’s Spain in 1938, but a Civil War leader does not happen everyday, especially in a the yellow-bellied societies the West
is nurturing. Republics, in a worse situation than Monarchies, in which Royal Commissions can be mandated, given that honourable, incorruptible individuals are still existing, show the weackness of an abused Democratic System of Governmment. Otherwise a stalemate is reached in which corruption is balanced by incorruption and nothing can be done.
Again, the Common Law is only as good as the people of a Nation are. With the present abuses of Democracy, and the corruption of the Mafiosi leaders and of the Middle Classes, the Law suffers from being biased in favour of the moneyed individuals and is too expensive for the average citizen. Even when the scenario were to be uncorrupted, what may appear to be acceptable and normal to-day may not have been so in Henry’s times, when justice depended much on the activities of some good powerful Nobles or Institutions who had the power to oppose a corrupt Monarchy or Papacy. The Military Monastic Order of the Templars was such a Power in the Europe of the Middle Ages until its persecution in 1300.
No, it was not and could not be legally dissolved and is still theoretically there in existence owing to the resistance, defiance, and opposition of the Grandmaster, and of his Assistant, unto death, by burning. An example of this to-day would be the United Nations. However, in this Institution there is too much collusion against the West by Islam, India and China with Third World Nations. What the world needs to-day, is a strong, Christian, healthy European Union, with a strong balance of checks, between a Parliament, a Senate and a Monarchich Assembly or something similar, and of course, a strong, flexible, open-ended Constitution to protect the endurance of the system and to prevent infiltrations and its being damaged, weakened or taken-over by foreign elements, factions, factors, forces and powers.
The members of the Monarchich Assembly would like the Royal Monarchs of Islam ( i.e., Saudi Arabia ) only marry members from within its own ranks or from families recognised as being the descendents of old European Noble Houses, not for racial motivations, but in order to avoid the infiltration from incompatible foreign cultural elements aiming at unreciprocated power trade-offs . Try and find out how many barriers there are to infiltrate the Saudi Arabian Monarchy.
In any case, the fact remains that, in spite of all evidence that Henry improved the administration of the law, he was an absolute Monarch that did not hesitate to use evil ways to attain his aims, as the case of the murder of Saint Thomas a’Becket shows and his exhorbitant ruinous, ruthless taxation that alienated all the people subjected to his rule in the Angevin Empire. I am not an enemy of the Church of Rome ( and I shall die a Roman Catholic ), which is an Institution worth saving, except that I believe Constantinianism is now redundant and obsoleted, only cherished by Mafiosi bent in controlling the Roman Church which must get rid of them, since they represent, in spite of their chamaleontic camouflages, in Europe and in the West, ancient, foreign, destructive inplants and infiltrations. King Henry’s feud against Saint Thomas may appear to have been justified by unrealistic priviledges safeguarded by the then too powerful and wealthy Constantinian Church, bordering on injustice, protecting criminal prelates among the Clergy, however, let us say that the Clergy is subjected to by far greater temptations and forces of evil than the average lay person who can eadsily let off steam when under pressure, and should be judged by their own peers. As I have already said, Henry’s aim was to decrease the Church’s power seeking the increase of Royal Power. This was shown in the reign of King Henry VIII when the humiliation of Rome was to serve his lust and attempts at siring a male issue from a succession of marriages, a vane one, owing to the fact that his reproductive system had been damaged by STDs ( syphilis ) acquired in his dissolute youth. The fact that his wife and his sons opposed him most of the time does also not go in his favour. His times were those in which the Nobility was asking for unfettered balancing judicial checks, both against the encroachment of the Church and of the King. Magna Charta and the Provisions of Oxford and Westminster were to be achieved only in the times of King Edward I ( 1272-1307 ), after the rebellion of Simon de Montfort, the Earl of Leicester to which Sir Robert Ferrers participated (1241-1279 ).
A new Religious movement had actually risen in the meanwhile in Italy, that of the Franciscans, clamoring for justice and the protection of the poor, and was replacing the persecuted Order of Templars. Simon de Montfort was a Third Order ( lay) Franciscan. These were the times when the whole of Christendom was debating the issue of Church and religious poverty.
Even the Franciscan Order was divided by these issues.
The struggle for Magna Charta backed by the Order of Templars, had begun in the times of Sir Robert Ferrers ( died 1173 ), Lord Tutburie, the third Earl of Derby, who rebelled against King Henry II, in a rebellion that lasted for 16 years, in support of Queen Eleanor and her sons aiming at curbing Henry’s obsessions with further imperial expansion that was causing increasing poverty in the Angevin Empire. How could a Knight, a Baron or an Earl find the capital required to stimulate the economy of his estates and the welfare of his people as well as to finance the costs of an unending War for Empire, with the new nobility of arm-chair Nobles, the itinerant Royal Judges and their pen-pushers breathing down their sweaty necks and lusting for a share of their wealth?
The sixth Earl of Derby, Sir William ( died 1247 ), perhaps the most brilliant among the eight, also opposed absolute monarchich power, in support of Magna Charta, however using diplomacy rather than violence and brute force. However, one must also keep in mind that he lived when the Templar Order was still active and exercising its balancing activity in European Life. Even so, all the opposition by the Barons to the centralisation of all powers in the Monarchy, had to be prolonged until the times when Simon de Montfort
( 1251-1266 ) was forced into a rebellion, against his wishes for peace and justice and his loyalty to the Crown, that almost wiped out the Plantagenets. The proof of what I am saying is in the fact that he fought his last Battles ( Lewis and Evesham ) while holding King Henry III a prisoner in his camp, instead of having had him
executed as he should have.
See “ Simon de Montfort and His Cause ”, by Rev. W. H. Hutton, London, 1888, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, a little work that shows the honesty and good will of Simon the Earl of Leicester. On the other hand, L. F. Salzman’s “ Edward I ”,
although confirming the prolongation of the struggle for judiciary balances ( at least theoretical ones ) in the times of this King, fails to do justice to the cause of Sir Robert Ferrers whom he dismisses without any research of his motives and of his aims, not even mentioning de Montfort and the fact that Robert had joined the latter’s rebellion, being made a scapegoat, while de Clare and others had been pardoned.

I quote from page 45-:
Early in 1273, there had been a rising, anarchical and aimless, in the north; Robert de Ferrers, the restless Earl of Derby, had seized Chartley Castle in Staffordshire and had had to be brought to order by a force under Edmund of Lancaster [ to whom later on went all confiscated Ferrers-resources ] and the Earl of Lincoln.

Dugdale, an extremely skilled, intelligent, Antiquarian, Lawyer and Heraldist, however still a yellow-bellied pen-pusher, unfit to be an Historian, in his “Antiquities of Warwickshire ” also comments as one who blindly and servilely believes that every opposition to the Government ( the Monarchy ) is always wrong. He was a King Herald of Arms, a very gifted man, but he belonged to the new, rising nobility of the pen, of lawyers, people who fought sitting in arm-chairs.
As a contrast, there is not one Battle of the English Middle Ages in which the Ferrers did not participate, including the famous, mythical ones of Agincourt, Crecy and Poitiers when the English fought the French outnumbered-: 1 Englishman against 10 Frenchmen.
De Chartley was a Castle or Barony that had been acquired by Sir William Ferrers ( died 1247), the sixth Earl of Derby in the days of his marriage to Agness, the third daughter of Hugh de Kevelioc, the fifth Earl of Chester, sister and co-heiress of Ranulph de Blondeville, the sixth Earl of Chester, Duke of Brittany...............with which the Arms Vairee or et gules had become associated that had been inherited by the marriage of the third Earl of Derby
( died 1173 ) to Margaret, the daughter of William Peverell, the Baron of Nottingham. Since de Chartley was a Ferrers’ possession sourced by their matriarchal lines, it was not liable to confiscation by the Crown and as a matter of fact it allowed John the son of the last Earl of Derby, the disgraced rebel, the foundation for a request of a Chartered Barony of de Chartley to be approved
together with a pardon, by both the Crown and Parliament.
It is most likely then, that Robert Ferrers, the eigth Earl was fighting for honourable causes, as perceived by the Chivalrous/Feudal Laws of his times, following intolerable provocation by the Crown, to retrieve an ancient maternal inheritance to which the Ferrers’ Coat of Arms, Vairee’ or et gules, were linked, something every noble in England would have respected and assented to by existing Law, rather than seizing a new possession as the sycophant and ignoramus L. F. Salzman reports. It is important to emphasize the fact that the Ferrers had by then already lost the use of their ancient, original Coat of Arms, the one born by the first Earl od Derby, born 1083, i.e., Silver, six horse shoes black nailed or, arrayed 3, 2, 1, prior to the de Chartley one, which latter Arms they had inherited from the Peverells. The former Arms had in fact been placed in abeyance, following the rebellion by Robert the fourth Earl of Derby when King Henry II punished him with the loss of Tutburie Castle at the border between Staffordshire and Derbyshire, to which these Arms had been linked. Some Arms, when linked to an Honour such as a Title or a Castle, etc. are lost with the loss of the resources. Salszman should have known this when judging Robert Ferrers, the eigth Earl, in his dismissive, condescending, superior way. Please remember that the first Robert’s crime had been to support Queen Eleanor and her sons against Henry who pardoned his sons.
Was that Royal Justice inspite of the so much praised establishment of the Itinerant Royal Judges?
It is obvious to anyone considering the enormous power held by the Ferrers as the Earls of Derby, that they could not remain neutral in the struggles between the Barons and the Monarchy. It is also obvious to one who keeps on reading the History of this House with an open mind, seeking the path of Justice in History, that the Ferrers, whose line had failed in the male issue and had been taken over by the Devereux, when a Walter Devereux (1461-1485 ) became the 7th Baron Ferrers de Chartley through his marriage to Anne Ferrers
( born 1483 ) the only daughter of William Ferrers de Chartley
( 1412-1450 ) still kept on seeking Justice rather than self-aggrandisement when, in the person of Sir Robert Devereux-Ferrers (12591-1646 ), Knight, 12th Baron Ferrers de Chartley, Earl of Essex, Viscount Hereford, Baron Bourchier, financed, organised, trained and led Cromwell’s Roundheads in the days of the Civil War between the Protestant “ Puritans ” and the Monarchy. Incidentally, in order to further show by contrast the flexibility and readiness of these patriotic, by-partisan, great western historical examples to champion/serve political justice/righteousness, rather than a rigid, fanatical, partisan attitude, let me tell you that, while the afore-mentioned Walter Devereux-Ferrers, Knight, the 7th Baron Ferrers de Chartley, died on 22nd August 1485 with three of his sons at the Battle of Bosworth, in support of the Plantagenet King Richard III, Sir Robert Devereux-Ferrers, Knight, ( 1568-1601 ), the 11th Baron Ferrers de Chartley, Earl of Essex, Viscount Hereford, Baron Bourchier who had become the favourite of Queen Elisabeth I, was condemned to death on trumped-up charges, beheaded and atteinted in 1600-1 by a corrupt Parliament filled by pen-pushers, Lawyers and servile Judges. However, his son, Sir Robert Devereux-Ferrers, Knight, was restored in blood and honours in 1604 since Queen Elisabeth I died in 1603.

To conclude, let me make a short list of grievances the Ferrers have against the English Monarchs which point to the possibility they were continuously being provoked by the jealousy of the Monarchs about their wealth, successes, good-will, their power for good they never abused, using it only when some cause in the name of Justice required it of them, in accordance to conscience, as the Earls of Derby-:
(1)King Henry II overlooked the fact that Robert, the fourth Earl, had cavalierly supported his wife against him. He should also have punished his sons but did not. The walls of Tutburie Castle were reduced in height and the Ferrers lost the use of their ancestral Arms. Duffield Castle was also reduced to its foundations, remaining as such till to-day. Agatha, Robert’s daughter was seduced by King John, abused as a mistress and Joane, John’s illegitimate daughter sent into exhile, married off to LLewelin the Prince of Wales who had fought against Robert and Eleanor, had captured Robert’s brother, Walchelinus, the Baron of Eggington, Joanne's uncle, and had had him hung.
(2) Robert the eigth and last Earl of Derby had not participated in the Battle of Evesham ( some say he was forced to by Simon against his will to do so but Simon would not do such thing) that saw the defeat of Simon de Montfort, withdrawing from the cause of Simon after the Battle of Lewis ( 1263) together with de Clare who was senior to Robert and of a higher status than Robert was. Yet he was severely punished while de Clare and others were pardoned. His daughter Elisabeth was married off to the Welsh Prince as a way to exhile.
It is interesting to think about the possibility that the Tudors may have had Ferrers blood through two Ferrers-ladies in their ancestry, and that they caused the final fall of the Plantagenets, who had persecuted the Ferrers.
Had the Plantagenets been more bright and polished, they would have raised the Ferrers, who are anyway of Desposyniic descent, to their Royal Status by intermarriage, but they were a vain and corrupt lot of Gotic stock who preferrred to bring foreigners into England, so weakening their own cause.
A short account of the debacle is supplied in “ A Survey of Staffordshire ” by Sampson Erdeswick................together with “ The History and Antiquities of that County ”, by Reverend Thomas Hardwood, B.D.F.S.A, see pages 398-400, the Latin petition sent by Robert to King Henry III, therein being given also.
A short history of the strategically important Castle of Tutburie is also given (3) It is probable that had the Order of the Templars survived the French and Papal collusion, Sir Robert Ferrers would have retained the Earldom of Derby since there would not have been rebellions against the power-usurping and taxation-grasping Monarchy. However, even after their impoverishment and the reduction of the Ferrers' Power in Staffordshire where the bulk of their Manors had been
( 114 out of 210 ), they were suspected of hoarding Templar resources. King Henry VIII, in his move against Rome, confiscated Church-property-: Abbeys, destroyed monasteries, sent Clergymen and Religious to starve in the streets. Merevale Abbey, that had ben founded by the second Earl of Derby ( 1101-1163 ) was dug-up below its foundations in search for buried treasure and is now Merevale Farm in the hands of the Dugdale family of pen-pushers, bent on allowing time to erase all memories and monuments left of the Ferrers, a few of which have been collected in the Gate Church of Our Lady of Merevale at Merevale.
The most ancient of these is the Knight-effigy of Sir William Ferrers, Lord Tutburie, the 5th Earl of Derby, who died as a crusading Templar, in ca. 1197, at the siege of Acre in Palestine, led by King Richard I, the Lionheart. His effigy is coeval with and made by the same artist who made the one in the Church of the Templars at Temple Court in London, commemorating Sir Geoffrey de Mandeville, one of the leaders of the struggle for Magna Charta, who aldso participated in the same Crusade as Sir Willim Ferrers.
Incidentally, the Ferrers’ effigy has been wrongly identified in the past by so called experts, as belonging to Sir William Ferrers (1200-1254 ), the seventh Earl of Derby, and I have rectified the error, when visiting Merevale Church in 2004.
Knowing the pigheadedness and arrogance of the English, nothing has been done yet about this serious error.

There are two further examples of sinful ( slander is as sinful as murder ), criminal malignity by certain Anglo-Saxon quarters who have anachronistically kept on their ancient barbaric feuds against anything Latin not having anything to do with Constantinianism or religious belief, in virtue of the Latin roots of the Ferrers’ surname which does not make them Constantinian or less English than most Anglo-Saxon mongrels. The 65 heraldic panels at Tamworth Castle prove the antiquity, nobility and integration of the Ferrers with the best in the the British Islands and supply any ethnic qualification anyone in the British Islands may wish to claim as prerequisites for a claim to be British or English, keeping in mind that the English are latecomers to these islands, in the same way the Ferrers may have been.
I say ‘may’ as there is evidence the de Ferrariis of Normandy and Brittany had been intermarrying with the Britons even before the Romans were compelled to evacuate the British Islands, centuries before the Angles, the Jutes, the danes, etc. etc. invaded England.
The two examples are of the nature of slander resulting from attributing to the Ferrers killings which were perpetrated by their next of kin by marriage.
One was the killing of a Catholic Priest by a Brome, the father-in- law of a Ferrers. According to the jealous husband, the Priest had been taking some liberties with hs wife. The killing was pardoned by the Pope and the penance was the addition of a storey to the bell-tower of the local Church. The other was the shooting of a provoking, disrespectful steward by a Shirley ( ancient Saxon surname: Siwalis ) who had acquired the use of the Ferrers’ surname in virtue of descendance from an anscestor who had married a Ferrers only heiress.
When it came to crime the Ferrers’ surname was used in preference to the principal one. Please note that in both cases the people involved had Anglo-Saxon surnames.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Post163. Some more Logic to educate modern Pinocchios.

Beppe Grillo's Article from
followed by various comments, including
( Attilio Louis Ferreri ).

According to tradition, it was in Villa Madama where in 2009, on the occasion of the discussion on the sites of the airports of Malpensa (closed in 2012) and Fiumicino (now called "Nicolas Sakozy") in a reserved room, the historical meeting between the then President Silvio Berlusconi (who was later a fugitive in Tobruk, Libya) and Massimo D'Alema who was at the time a simple deputy, the occasion that went down in history as: “mess-up of the Madames”. The precise location where the meeting took place is anyway still the subject of debate: certain historians in fact base their ideas on documents that report the position as the nearby Palazzo Grazioli in company of escorts from Apulia, while according to other evidence, the meeting between the leaders was celebrated in Putin’s big bed that was moved for the occasion into a suite in Villa Madama.
Dialogue of the meeting that changed Italy:

MD: «I am here, because on matters that are important relating to the future of the country, I am present.»
SB: «There should be more occasions to meet up in the interests of the country. I am always saying that.»
MD: «President, however, I feel offended. Because Palenzona who is here present, while looking at me, said that there is a part of the Minority that is “responsible”, implying that the rest is not. However, it’s not like that. We are all responsible.»
SB: «I am the one who is happiest. I hope that there are other occasions like this. »
MD: «I am always ready … »

Shortly before that, Palenzona had praised Gianni Letta comparing him to water, “that you are aware of its worth only when it’s not there”.

MD: «If I’m not mistaken, it was Baudelaire that said the same thing of “love”, however, in Letta’s case, even though he is good, it seems slightly exaggerated.»
SB: «But do you know, president D'Alema, the reason why I have never learned to use the internet? Because I don’t need to, given that anything that comes to mind, I ask Letta. Who, anyway, is much faster. »
MD: «OK, if you will excuse me … I’m going to get a glass of this famous Letta’s water »

(in relation to the previous, disturbing comment by Robert Morrison )-:
It is easy to criticise soldiers who are afraid of death or wounds, perhaps capture by the Talibans! Owing to my physical unfitness I have never been a soldier. But I descend from military ancestry since the Middle Ages, actually since times immemorial, and War is in my DNA, unlike the goat-herders, the shepperds, the merchants/Lawyers ( Obama) and drug-store keepers ( Berlusconi ) modern Democratic Republics insist in their egalitarian bulshit, in training as soldiers, a waste of money, believing they can fight and die honourably on a field of battle just because they are big dudes and have big Cro-Magnon 'cazzo ' ( dicks) and the girls scream for them! But I would be ready to go there anytime as a Fighting-Morale-Building-Officer if there were any such Office. Let me say something though. Italians are too intelligent, sensitive and imaginative to be good soldiers. Especially so when the Rules of Engagement written by Lawyers who have never been in actual combat are simply unrealistic and favouring the Opponents, our ideals of humanity are misplaced and a waste in relation to the barbarity of the anachronistic islamic world-vision, and the leaders are Politicians who have also never been in combat ( by combat I mean on the ground, in the line of fire, at Platoon-level ), like Obama, Berlusconi have not, etc. I would actually make it as a necessary prerequisite/qualification, as it was for the Romans, that the rise to any Govenment or Public Office be only allowed to those who have actually seen and commanded in battle or been members of the Defence Forces. But please leave out the Corporals like Hitler and Mussolini and the Sergeants! The West is asking soldiers to fight with their hands tied behind their backs, when War is all about achieving superiority and ruthlessly exerting it on the battlefield, denying the Opponents retreat, resources, quarters etc. The Talibans are illegal, irregular fighters, partisans, terrorists, hiding among the civilian population, even using this, against every civilised convention against our soldiers. They are war-criminals worse than the Nazis and the Fascists and the Samurais, who at least fought with a uniform on. The Talibans'
( terrorists/partisans) next of kin, their people are actually military resources and should be targeted, their women and children removed from the villages they use for resupply. Warnings should be given and ultimatums with time to evacuate and the mountain villages blown up when compliance is not made. Western soldiers are reacting to the stupidity and wastefulness of their plebeian, unmilitary leaders. Give the Generals total control, a blanque cheque and immunity, for God's sake before it is too late! Keep the treacherous, shortsighted ( historically and politically-wise), sensation-loving and seeking, fake-emotion stirring, Reporters and Journalists out of it. Once a war has been declared the only decision for its termination is a reaching of its objectives. In Iraq the sufficient objective was hanging Saddam Hussein. Reconstruction should be the Opponents/Resistors' responsibility not ours at all. We should not even occupy the Country. This, repeated as often as necessary, would finally teach good manners and a love of peace. An embargo should be placed on habitual trouble-makers, to obtain heavy strategic armament or in the manufacturing or assembling of the same, wasting
scarce natural resources.
Look as an example, to how educated and wise
Japan has become after the lessons of WWII!!!!!!!!

Allow our soldiers to fight, not to waste time and resources, including our precious soldiers' lives. Punish yellow-bellies by depriving these from civil rights and good jobs when they return.

It has been suggested that paying the Taliban to forego attacking NATO troops is not a novel technique. In fact, the de-escalation of the war in Iraq may have more to do with Sunni fighters being placed on the American payroll than the surge. If that's the case, the news that Italians paid the Taliban to spare them from their attacks, is not as serious as the headline in the British paper makes it out to be. What is serious, however, is the fact that when Italians were redeployed and the French took over the patrol duties of an area thought to be calm, they were never told of the monetary agreement between Italians and the Taliban. And of course, with the Italians gone, the Taliban found themselves no longer bound to any agreement and that made the French fair game for ambushes. The deadly bungle - costing the lives of ten French soldiers - however, seems more like a "failure to communicate" than "willfull neglect." Sure, I understand Italians angrily denying bribing the enemy but, again, the tactic may have been inaugurated by the Americans in Iraq. Now, pundits are speculating on the timing of the leak. Many are saying that the news may have been leaked to the media to further embarass ( as if it's needed) the Italian government, make Berlusconi's hold on power much more tenuous as his foreign policy (too cozy with Putin and Ghadaffi) is not aligned with American and British interests. Possible. However, right from the get go, the Italian Prime Minister did not exactly endear himself with the international community at large. His antics and free-wheeling mouth even grated right-wing politicians and conservative newspapers all over the world. He made himself persona-non-grata (Michelle stayed well back when she met him) and the tragedy is that he surrounded himself with fanatical loyal aides who worship him like a saint, boosting his narcistic mindset. I think Berlusconi has no idea to what degree democracy is important to the leaders of Western nations: he may have been elected democratically, but they cannot forget the huge conflict of interest he is in and that's a big no-no in Western democracies. Also, the fact that Berlusconi is embroiled (and in trouble) with the justice system to the high degree that he is and refuses to do the right thing by stepping down like a Western democratic leader might do is certainly winning him no friends and is alienating Italy from the big European democracies.
Posted by: louis pacella | October 16, 2009 05:18 PM

What a crappy English translator. Must be Italian.
Posted by: Robert Morrison | October 16, 2009 02:28 PM

What a crappy English translator. Must be Italian.
Posted by: Robert Morrison | October 16, 2009 02:28 PM

Che grandi cazzate! Poor Italy!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Post162. Let us try to think logically, hey?

Let us try to think logically, hey?
Continental Chinese are right about Xinghiang, in denying Independence Status to the Huighurs since this territory has been Chinese for thousands of years, since the days of the first known Chinese Emperor, and is being claimed by the Islamic Huighurs on the basis of a local majority that has occurred as the result of a demographic escalation that has gone on for centuries, in order to make of it an Islamic State. Why should the local Chinese Minority become subjected to someone who refuses to adopt and respect the culture of the original Host Nation, independently and in separation from religious biases ( theocratic obsessions)? Should we Australians be prepared to accep the same scenario were Moslems in Australia to procreate at such a rate as to acquire a majority one day? Let us not kid ourselves that this could never become a reality. On the other hand, I condemn the same China for having attacked and invaded Tibet that has never been a part of Chinese territory, although having antagonised China in the days when the Silk Route was extremely important to China, the former not being so today. We have to learn to thing logically and to discriminate between different scenarios. Take for example another issue, that of wether a Partisan or Terrorist is always right just because he/she has got a grievance motivating him/her even his/her risking death, mutilation or imprisonment. We in the West tend to think a terrorist is always right on the basis of the example of Partisans of the WWII who fought the Nazis, the Fascists and the Japanese. Please remember that in the days of WWII there were also Partisans loyal to the Nazis who fought the Russian Communists ( i.e., Mareshall Tito's opponents in Yougoslavia, Polish partisans against the Russians)).
I am on principle against all irregular, out-of-uniform fighters, who hide among the Civilian populations, actually involving Civilians even against their will, by blackmailing these to use these tactically against their opponents, or massacring civilians for sheer terror, stealthily and treacherously murdering unsuspecting soldiers who are fighting in a declared war for a legal Government elected by a Majority. In the case of the Nazis, the Fascists, the Japanese, the Iraqi, the Irish fake-Catholic Southerners, the North Vietnamese, the North Koreans, etc.etc, etc.
their partisans and terrorists, if any, are totally wrong.
Civilised nations have tried to remove as far as possible war from the civilian scenario and to minimise destruction of resources. Modern, World-Scale Warfare beginning with WWI, has gradually moved again toward the involvement of a denial of resources to the opponent by destroying these at their source which is Civilian. The problem arises when two ideologies are so incompatible, that no one can afford to submit to the opponent. Historical analysis and one about the ideologies at play, becomes then necessary to determine the nature of the origins of the conflict. If an opponent clings to an ideology ( i.e., or religious ideology or political creed ) only as an excuse to justify total and uncompromising defyance, or just becasue totally ignorant of anything else but the one ideology ( ignorance does not justify anyone ), than obliteration is justified as I cannot see why the older, viable, legally existing ideology should give way to a later rising one that has no exceptional superiority, this being only in the eyes of its biased beholder. At the end the confrontation becomes one of willingness to die for one's belief and/or one's readiness to destroy an obdurate, uncompromising opponent. Waverings, hesitations, false hopes or ideals ( like the hope to win your opponent's hearts and minds ) may mean extinction and defeat. Look at and remmeber the determination and ruthlessness the Allies had to resort to in WW II, in order to survive an equally determined, desperate and obdurate opponent represented by the forces of the Axis Powers. For example, in order to finally crush the Talibans one may have to eradicate their villages and resources ( remove their women and children first or give these a warning and a chance to evacuate firts) and deny them their mountaineous ground. There may be no other way. If you prefer extinction, and the loss iof all your good things, please yourselves by all means. I am 70 and on my way out. What annoys me though is stupidity and lack of logic!
Hasta La Vista Babes!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Post 161. Beppe Grillo's Reform For Italy!

Beppe Grillo's Reform For Italy!
At the inauguration of the Five-Star Movement in Milan, I sketched out the Movement’s Programme in broad terms. In the coming months, there will be plenty of time to discuss it online and to improve and amend the programme accordingly.
It includes more than 120 points, all of which are utopian in nature and therefore feasible.
Download the complete programme

Beppe Grillo’s address at the “Smeraldo” theatre in Milan on 4 October 2009:
The State and its citizens
"One of the most important things that we must review is the relationship between the State and its citizens: if we don’t resolve this issue, then all of the others become meaningless. Immediate abolition of the Provinces: they are sucking the lifeblood out of the Regions and the Municipalities. Abolition of the Prefectures: the Prefect is the Prefecture and who the hell is the Prefect anyway? What does the Prefect do? Away with the Prefectures, restructure the embassies and restructure the consulates. Abolish the Alfano Bill, because if we don’t get rid of it now, we will never get them out of our hair! And for public representatives, they must learn the Constitution and pass a compulsory test.
- limit parliamentarians in and all public posts to two terms in office and get rid of all parliamentary privileges, including the right to a full pension after only two years of service!!
- prohibit parliamentarians from practicing another profession for the duration of their term! Bloody hell, there are certain people that work as actors , go on tour and then supposedly also work as parliamentarians! One thing at a time is enough!
- prohibit the holding of multiple posts: for example, mayor and deputy. Choose one or the other. Citizens with criminal records must not be eligible for public posts: go away, you can’t work as a school janitor and also be a parliamentarian! Parliament must be obliged to discuss popular law proposals: When a popular law is proposed, Parliament must be forced to discuss it and not simply shove it in some drawer and leave it there for years! Force them to discuss it! Proposed laws must be made public online at least three months before, so that the citizens know about them and have time to intervene, precisely as that miraculous Saint on Earth Obama does dammit! Obama is a product of the Web!
Excuse me folks, but this is the way I feel. I didn’t want to break into a sweat and get all pissed off! The Web, that thing which they know nothing about and that lands up taking them for a ride! Well, in Sweden, a bunch of youngsters just like you set up an association, a movement called “The Pirate movement, the Swedish Pirate Party” and now, two of its representatives have been voted onto the European Parliament! They were just taking them for a ride: well, the Web-based parties in Germany now hold 2% of the power, it all happened very suddenly, but this story of the pirates is truly fantastic because they only tackled one issue, a brainwave, namely the issue of copyright and said “no more copyright”. This is the gentleman that would have liked to be here with us, he sent me a video and he is now online. We will show you the video later, once we’re done with everything else. Copyright is what lies at the base of the kind of knowledge that should be freely available to everyone, free of charge. Our Creative Commons must do a turnaround. The copyright law must be reformed, it is not the Web that needs to be reformed on the basis of copyright. That is precisely what happened to me last week when I posted a video clip of Obama’s appearance on the David Letterman Show: Obama spoke for two minutes and sounded very much like me at age 20, when I still used to say some wonderful things! I don’t want to boast but at age 20 I was black, I swear, I was black! OK? He talks about the environment, about renewable energy sources, and because I am one of his biggest fans, I take that and I show the world what a true leader is telling the world. I post a two-minute clip of his talk on my blog and next minute a letter arrives at YouTube from the American CBS network, claiming that I violated Obama’s copyright, as if there was some or other sponsor or television network that holds the copyright on Obama! Obama is part of our world heritage and not something that belongs to a television network or sponsor, Obama belongs to the world! So what does the Italian branch of YouTube go and do since they all love us very dearly? Instead of simply saying “remove the clip that is subject to copyright”, no, like thieves in the night and thinking that I wouldn’t notice, they remove not just the film clips, but they close the entire account, in other words they removed all of the material that Beppe Grillo has posted over the past five years, simply swept away during the night until there was not a single one of our clips left! What you should know is that our video clips, my 168, Travaglio’s talks, the clips on the deaths in detention, all of the clips that we have ever made, have registered a total of 51 million hits, OK? 51 million hits. We are the second most watched on YouTube after RAI: yet they simply took us off overnight, all gone! So now what could we do? Do we post a link? This is the Web, I’m not the Web, you are: within five hours, 17,000 e-mails were received by the Letterman Show, heaven alone knows what Letterman thought was going on since he doesn’t even know me, “who the hell is this Grillo guy?” Well, YouTube reinstated all of the videos! If we weren’t so strong we would have been dead in the water!
All of the points in this programme are issues that we have discussed previously and that I took to Prodi at the time, remember? He used to fall asleep while I was telling him these things saying “no, no”, but they are all things that are subject to change and we will develop these points with your help. I know that you have thousands of ideas, indeed you have more ideas than I could ever have and what I’m saying is that we have to start somewhere. So let’s start somewhere and let’s discuss things.

Access to essential healthcare via a universal and free National Health Service. Separation of public sector and private sector doctors and don’t allow a doctor who works in a public hospital to also run a private practice. Allocate the 8/thousand voluntary donation to medical scientific research. Fund independent research by using the funding that is currently allocated to military research. Introduce the crime of “massacre” for illnesses and deaths suffered by citizens due to the actions of the public administrators in charge.

Energy. Provide incentives for decentralised electricity generation and expand the possibility of inputting any excess electricity generated into the national grid and of selling any excess electricity. Eliminate the incentives envisaged by the Cip6 levy for the burning of refuse. No more funding for the petroleum guys from our CIP6 levies on our utility bills, away with them! Instead, provide incentives for decentralised thermal energy generation from renewable sources. Provide incentives for the production of biogas via the anaerobic fermentation of organic waste. Provide incentives for the development of renewable energy sources, from wind power through to solar power and heat pumps. Fucking hell, in Switzerland they have 900,000 heat pumps, it’s not what you’re thinking, because these days we are being poisoned by so many things. These are probes that go down into the earth and draw out natural underground heat, which they then use to heat the people’s homes! 900,000 of them! We want a complete ban on the construction of nuclear power stations in Italy and the funding of power stations abroad, enough is enough!! Now way should Enel, using our money and notwithstanding the referendum that rejected nuclear power, be permitted to go out and purchase two 1970’s technology nuclear power stations in Slovakia with our money!! No longer must a man with a criminal record be permitted to head up a company with a 30% public shareholding. Mr. Scaroni is a convicted offender and we can no longer allow such things to happen. Enough is enough and it is the end of the road for such people! It’s over!!

Transport. Discourage the use of private vehicles and when I talk about disincentives and incentives, I’m taking about good and bad: we need to overhaul the entire tax system. We must tax those that deserve to be taxed and take the load off those that don’t deserve to be taxed, in other words we must eliminate the tax on labour and instead tax those that harm the environment.
Develop safe cycling lanes, real cycling lanes and not that shit that you have here in Milan, with bicycles that you can’t even get off the rack, and I tried! Call an immediate halt to the construction of the bridge across the Straits of Messina and the TAV (High Speed Train) in Val di Susa, no questions asked! Prohibit the construction of any new parking garages in urban areas, let’s stop these games, enough is enough! Develop commuter rail links, build new ones and upgrade existing ones. Total broadband coverage. Fucking hell, in Britain they have managed to get broadband coverage throughout the entire Country while we still have 3,000 municipal districts that don’t have ADSL! Then we must have a mobility plan for the disabled and we must encourage work from home.

Economy. Make provision for class action suits, and I mean real class action! What I mean by real class action suits is that when the country’s citizens are taken for a ride by a multinational company, they can institute a class action suit and hire attorneys to represent the group as a whole, just like in the United States! Over there they institute legal action involving claims amounting to hundreds of millions of Euro and, believe me, the companies are shit-scared of class action suits, man, are they ever scared of them! Here they have only been playing games in this regard! Abolish the Biagi Law and ensure representation for minority shareholders on the Boards of Directors of companies listed on the stock exchange. The minority shareholder, who is after all the true owner of the company, doesn’t count for bugger all because he/she is not represented on the Boards of Directors, which meet without the minority shareholder being there even though he/she is the true owner! Next to go must be the Managers’ stock options and the introduction of liability for banking institutions for the products they market, making them jointly liable for any potential losses incurred. If you palm a package off on me, some sort of shit, then the contract must clearly stipulate up front that you will reimburse me in the event of any losses! Bring all of our energy, connectivity, telephony, electricity and transport utility charges into line with those in other European Countries. Why is it that our Internet connection costs are double those applied in France and three times higher than those applied in Germany? Posting off a parcel via the Italian Postal Service costs double what it does via the French Postal Service, so if you buy something on the Internet, the postage costs you more that the item did in the first place!
Reduce the level of public debt: f… hell, this issue of the public debt! Do you understand how they run the economy? They print paper and then proceed to get into debt. You want to do something? Just go ahead and do it and never mind if the public debt increases by 18 billion Euro a month! Tremorti says “the banks haven’t taken up my Tremorti bonds”: F… hell, I wanted to let them have them at 8%. But if they are getting money at 0,5%, why the hell should they take up your bonds at 8%? The banks are not fools! They may be dishonest, but they are certainly not fools!
I’ve already mentioned the issue of bringing energy costs into line. Prohibit the appointment of convicted offenders, managers and shareholders and favour local production and support non-profit organisations because the non-profit market in Italy is worth 45 billion Euro, 45 billion Euro I tell you! What this means is that there are many of us, many, many of us! I want to mention an address delivered by someone, a man with an unpronounceable name that I’ve never quite been able to figure out who he is, who delivered a marvellous address and while he was talking about these movements that are being born around the world, and there are millions like us although no one knows precisely how many associations and movements there are that deal with the public economy and that are beginning to understand the economy cannot be isolated from environmental and ecological issues. There are thousands, indeed hundreds of thousands of associations, there are millions of us, we are the largest single group in the history of humanity, which goes ahead without a specific leader, there are no leaders as such. Our movements are extraordinary! Just look how many there are and while he was talking, out pop the names of these associations, and he says “look, I can carry on talking for two days, three days, four days or however long this screening continues", meaning that there are many others like us, people with similar views on the environment, on nature, on transport, on human rights, on civil rights and on politics! There are millions of us! ...(offline comment) I know, I know, you are Pascucci and for four years you fed my obsession with seignorage! At night I would hear a “beep”, I would go and look, only to find Pascucci, who would say “you bastard, you never discuss this”. I even did a show about seignorage. It is true that there is a legal black hole regarding the ownership of money. Money should belong to whoever accepts it and we are the ones that give money its value, but it is all a dream, nothing but a dream. They are right though, there is a legal black hole, however, if you get into that argument, there is no way that you can ever win. All that happens is that you fall into the black hole that is the global system. But we don’t want to start with the global system, we want to start with our current system, start from the bottom up with the Shakers. There are a few thousand shakers, for example those in Naples who exchange discounts between shopkeepers, who use less money starting from the bottom up, these are the kinds of battles that we can afford to fight.

Information. Digital citizenship from birth, free Internet access for every Italian citizen, this is essential! I couldn’t give a damn about an identity card. What I want from birth is free Internet access, access to knowledge must be free and unlimited, otherwise there can be neither liberty nor democracy! Eliminate the subsidies to the newspapers and no private individual should be allowed to have a majority shareholding in any national television channel. The shareholding should be widespread and limited to 10% for any individual. Abolish the law promulgated by the D’Alema government, which levied a 1% fee on the revenues earned by the television frequency concession holders, allowing Berlusconi to pay 1% for the use of something that belongs to us, earning hundreds of billion of Euro and giving us a 1% rental return on the concession that we granted him! Enough is enough! This is a law given to him by the left wing, which has spent 20 pretending to be the opposition while, instead, all they were doing was sharing out the spoils!
RAI. It’s not that I have anything against RAI, however, what I’m talking about is the good RAI that harks back to the days when it was served by people who were proper, gentlemanly and educated, namely the days of black and white television, when people still said “good evening and good day” and showed some respect. In black and white, they were saying “look, we are here in black and white while the world is in colour, we are totally different”. This was an important message and that is the RAI that I hark back to. What we have today is no longer RAI, but rather something that is absolutely squalid, so we have started a campaign to eliminate the annual RAI licence fee, not because I want to destroy RAI, I simply want to get rid of THIS RAI, which is no longer the RAI that I know! RAI must become a public television channel with no advertising, with no political party involvement and, above all, paid for by the viewers, just like the BBC and others. Well we started a campaign to inform people how to avoid paying the RAI licence fee, but since there is a legal system, these buggers will come up with something, they will invent some personal law, as these “mafiosi” always do to further their own interests, whereby this f… licence fee will probably be included in our electrical utility bills or, when you go shopping for apples, you will be told “I’m sorry but, you know, there is this licence fee”, but “bloody hell, on apples?” They will come up with something, but we will always stay one step ahead of them! I haven’t slept for the past four years you know. You reckon that you can see it, eh? The point is that there are already 220,000 of us individuals who will not be handing over our 105 Euro, making a total of around 24 million Euro that won’t be received by a channel that is currently in the hands of the political parties and Confindustria
Abolish the Gasparri Law. Prohibit the banks, public bodies and parastatal bodies from holding shares in publishing companies. We should not allow a situation where RCS Corriere della Sera, one of the country’s biggest groups, is owned by ten banks and fifteen insurance companies! Otherwise, how could a journalist ever be free to write an article on a particular bank for the Corriere della Sera when that very bank is none other than his controlling editor? Then they waffle on about freedom of information!
This next point is one that I included just for myself, “ad personam” you might say. This reminds me of someone else, but I went ahead and included it anyway. Decriminalise the offence of defamation and grant the person accused of defamation a certain sum in compensation should the complaint not be taken any further, with the complainant being obliged to lodge that certain sum with the court prior to lodging the complaint. Why should they be allowed to claim two million from me here in Genova? If they claim two million from me, then they should be obliged to lodge one million in security, to be donated to charity if they decide not to proceed with the case, so as to ensure that complaints are only laid when there is just cause and not simply in an attempt to intimidate someone!
Italians! Abolish the Pisanu Law, which essentially prohibits Wi – Fi. Anywhere else in the world, you simply go somewhere, log onto the Internet and you can work anywhere, even in the public gardens, while here instead, you are obliged to produce your identity card and to guarantee, in writing, that you are not a terrorist! Fuck off, please!

Education. Abolish the Gelmini Law. There are also.. no, it’s not a joke, there are also some things that are right, but before you touch our schools, you need to take a step back... Compulsory provision of Internet access for the students in our schools. This is not just another cliché and, if you don’t agree, then we can take note of the fact, for heavens sake, this is merely a starting point. Gradual abolition of printed school books in favour of free access to these books on the Internet. In my “Delirio” show I showed the viewers Kindle. Today Kindle is a folder, offered year by year, into which you can download 2,000 books, any texts that you desire. It is not a screen and it isn’t backlit, so all you need is a light and you can read it as you would a book. It can hold 2,000 books in a little gadget this size. With two little solar power cells you can load it up and have the knowledge at your fingertips whenever and wherever you like. Holy moly, now that’s what I call true freedom! Meanwhile, I’m forced to watch my nine year old son, Ciro, constantly having to walk around loaded down like a Sherpa, carrying around the same 20 crappy books that he carried around last year and what has changed? Only the titles?!
Compulsory English language education from nursery school level. At 61 years of age I am still trying like crazy to learn English and I just can’t! I just can’t carry on and then they ask me “how do you say “dente” in English? “Tooth”, a “dente” is a tooth, “and if one of your teeth hurts, where do you go?” To the “dentist”! I just can’t carry on like this! Yet I still remember the little rhymes they taught me in French at nursery school, like “ma mére que j’aime beaucoup, ...”. I don’t know what the hell it means, but I still remember it from when I was at nursery school! Abolish the legal value of the educational qualifications. You probably won’t agree with this, but it remains open for discussion. State funding must only be granted to public educational institutions! Students should evaluate the performance of their university lecturers. Italian language education to be provided free of charge to foreigners and must be one of the requirements for obtaining citizenship. Increased funding for research at the universities, Distance learning via the Internet. Integration of universities/companies".

Posted by Beppe Grillo at 10:43 AM in