Thursday, July 30, 2009

Post 124. Anti-terrorists Laws.

Follow the link to read the post by Beppe Grillo:

Comment by Blogger ( to be translated )-:
Anti-terrorrist Legislation.

La Costittuzione!
Siamo tutti uguali di fronte alla Legge.
GIUSTO, se cio' significa che tutti dobbiamo essere processati e giudicati quando agiamo contro la Legge.
SBAGLIATO, se e quando i criteri di giudizio sono gli stessi per tutti i Malfattori.
La Legge deve riflettere proporzionalmente sia in relazione al Misfatto che al Malfattore, alla natura del Misfatto ed al danno alla societa' prodotto dal Malfattore.
In fatti, ad esempio particolare, il danno prodotto
a suo tempo, all'onore dell' Italia dall'ex-Ministro mafioso Andreotti e dalla Mafia degli avvocati Sardegnoli, ( del Sud-Italia) alla quale apparteneva, fu' incalcolabile.
Nessuno ha fiducia dell'Italia o di un Italiano.
La Legge deve chiedersi chi sia questo Mafioso, che non e' assolutamnete ne' un cittadino, ne' un criminale tipico, ma bensi' eccezionale.

I Mafiosi sono membri di una Segreta Societa' che ha scopi ben definiti e premedita, anzi, PIANIFICA meticolosamente tutto cio' che fa'.
La Mafia ama presentarsi come Onorevole.

Forse lo fu' ai suoi lontani inizii,

( ARABA ).

Il Mafioso non e' Italiano ma un criminale senza Societa', ne' Patria, ne' Civilta', ne' Dio, al di fuori della Mafia.
Il Mafioso ha infatti come Dio, Patria e Societa' solo la Mafia.
La Mafia ha distrutto la nobilta' italiana che libero' l'Italia nel 1860, rimpiazzandola con della MERDA che sta' trasformando l'Italia e l'Europa intera in una FOGNA puzzolenta.
I Mafiosi sono dei terroristi antisociali, anti-civilta', anti-DIO, e non devono essere processati come individui o esseri umani ma come robots senza coscienza o qualita' umane. Come i terroristi politici, i Mafiosi perdono i loro diritti umani dato che, o premeditano e pianificano criminalmente cio' che fanno o eseguono senza pensare, da robot, gli ordini che vengono dai padroni. Lo stesso vale ad esempio, oggi, per i membri della Irlandes IRA e degli Islamisti.
L'unica Legge per loro e' quella Marziale, non quella civile o criminale. Cio' vale tanto piu' che lo Stato, gli Stati non si sono dimostrati capaci di sradicare questi pericolosissimi parassiti, sabotatori, corruttori della nostra Civilta', della Societa' negli ultimi 150 anni. Come si puo' quindi mettere alla pari ed usare la stessa Legge/mentalita' Democratica per un povero disgraziato che ha agito isolatamente da individuo ( essere umano=persona) per passione o disperazione, la cui azione ha danneggiato in modo riparabile la Societa', che lo Stato e' in grado di tollerare, e un Mafioso che non e' piu' un individuo, un essere umano ma una PIOVRA robotica senza coscienza ne' umanita', il momento quando si affilia a questi maledetti da Dio? No, il Mafioso deve essere giudicato come un traditore, una spia, un defettore, un terrorista, da una Legge Marziale spietata e devastatrice quale le sue attivita' criminali e le sue mete lo sono. La Mafia non e' l'Italia ma una infiltrazione estranea, fatale e diabolica. Leggi anti-terroristiche severissime e disegnate a porre questo mostro in svantaggio di fronte alla Legge, dovrebbero essere promulgate ed applicate.
La Cavalleria mori' con i Templari nel lontano 1300.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Post 124. Who needs a Dictatorship in a Mafia Democracy?

from Beeppe er' Grillo-:


"Good day to you all. Let’s use the “Passaparola” of this holiday period to be a bit shorter than usual and to sort out a few issues that are outstanding. These are things that often have been coming out of the questions you have been asking, that are in your blog posts and your requests for explanations.
What I want to talk to you about today is the Mondadori affair, because the verdict is soon to be issued – we don’t yet know whether this will come before or after the holidays – it is an event that could put a lid on the famous “guerra di Segrate” {Segrate war}, the war that , between 1989 and 1990 saw De Benedetti against Berlusconi in the battle for the ownership of Mondadori. Some of you will remember how it started off. I will give a brief summary for you.

The theft of Mondadori-:
In 1989, Berlusconi bought a small fraction of the Mondadori shares. The mandate that he gave himself and that even Craxi gave him after the occupation of all the private TV stations was that of also getting his hands on the biggest Italian publishing group that, at that time published Repubblica, Espresso, Epoca, Panorama, and about 15 local newspapers, the newspapers of the Finegil Group and then the whole book division, because it was a Group in which the freedom of the press was something serious and thus it was a journalistic and editorial Group that went nitpicking in the “CAF” (the Craxi-Andreotti-Forlani axis) and that consequently, Craxi wanted to bring to heal, as he had done with the commercial TV stations. Berlusconi did not have the hope of 100% occupation of Mondadori and nor did he hope to get a majority shareholding, because the Mondadori heirs, the Arnoldo heirs, the Mondadori Formenton family had already given a written agreement to hand over to De Benedetti the majority shareholding of those packets of shares before 1990 and thus Berlusconi would only have been able to have a minority shareholding. But he didn’t lose heart and with his usual persuasive arts, (to use a euphemism) he convinced the Mondadori heirs to give a written promise to himself for just what they had promised in writing to De Benedetti. A dispute. It was decided by the two parties to the litigation to entrust the matter to arbitration, that is, an alternative dispute resolution. The three arbiters, of whom one was chosen by one side, one by the other side and the third chosen by the Tribunal, the Chair of the arbitral tribunal, issued the famous “Lodo Mondadori” and found in favour of De Benedetti and so he once more gained ownership of the publishing house. At that point, Berlusconi turned the tables upside down and took everything to the Civil Section of the Court of Appeal in Rome. It was asked to uphold or overturn the “Lodo” and the person called to deal with this was judge Vittorio Metta who was a friend of Cesare Previti. In a lightening verdict, the judge managed to overturn the “Lodo” and thus he extracted Mondadori from De Benedetti’s hands and hand it over to Berlusconi.
Straight after this verdict, Metta received 420 million lire in cash. This was money coming from “black” funds originating from the Fininvest Group in Switzerland. To get the money into Italy was a complex financial operation that involved all three of the Fininvest lawyers: Previti, Pacifico and Acampora.
The fact that this verdict was rather smelly comes also from the fact that in the first few days of 1990, 24 hours after retiring to the Judge’s chambers , that is the judge went into chambers and 24 hours later, he came out with a handwritten reason for his verdict that was 180 pages long: it is a sign that either he was better than Balzac and he managed to write 180 pages by hand in a single night, in fact, apologies it was 169 pages, or he had written that verdict earlier or perhaps he hadn’t even written it himself and , in effect, it seems that it was written (or suggested) by the Fininvest lawyers, who then corrupted him in exchange for that purchased verdict. Result: Berlusconi found the Mondadori Group in his hands. This shocked that part of the Christian Democrats that were suspicious of the rise of Craxi and thus, in the end, Andreotti obliged the thief to return a part of the booty. It’s a bit like obliging a thief who has stolen a car to give back the exhaust pipe, the gearbox and the steering wheel. Berlusconi and mates gave back Repubblica, L’Espresso and the Finegil newspapers, while the Mondadori Group held on to all the rest of the newspapers, including Panorama and Epoca that at that time were going really well, and then all the book division. Since 1990, Berlusconi has been the owner of a publishing house that was stolen from De Benedetti with a verdict that was purchased: this is the basic picture.
... "

Posted by Beppe Grillo at 07:42 PM in

Please remember, the little haunchback from Sardinia, Andreotti ( There was a collusion at the time, of a large number of Lawyers born, bred and educated in Sardinia, seeking election to the Parliament, or the House of Senators, by good or foul means, including the support of the Mafia ), who actually governed Italy as a Prime Minister and who, a few years ago, was proven in Court to have actually been affiliated to the Sicilian Mafia ( La PIOVRA= The Octopus ).
I can understand the rise and desperation of the Brigate Rosse and of anti-Mafia terrorism.

Post 123.The Perfect Prayer of Recognition in Invocation.

The Perfect Prayer
of Recognition in Invocation.

In the name
the Holy Spirit ,
oneness ,
image-less ,
hidden ,
the ATEN ------:

Word ,
operative in CREATION ;

Yehwah ,
Father the MAKER ;

Jesus Nazarene ,
Son and Mediator .


Friday, July 24, 2009

post 122. Beeppeee er' SIMPATICO Grillo!

uploaded   from   Beppe

Last night I was interviewed live on air by the SkyTG24 news service. This is something that hasn’t happened to me in the past fifteen years! Here is an extract of the video text.
Journalist: “So, as we promised, I would like to welcome Beppe Grillo who is joining us live on air on Nightline SkyTg24. Good evening Beppe, thank you for joining us”.
Beppe: “Thank you, Thank you indeed. Finally, after fifteen years, here I am live on the television. You are only the second the second lot of people filming me live, after the Police’s General Investigation and Special Operations Unit, that is. So everything is okay. On top of it all, your TV channel is absolutely extraordinary, you almost feel like family. ‘Gino, have you seen this? Hi Cinzia! How are you? Are you there? Say hi to Davide …’ I don’t know why it is, but I don’t know what to say. There are billions of things that I would like to talk about. I have not given a live interview on television since 1993. But I want to be brief because we are busy putting together something that has been five years in the making and that will maybe come to fruition in Florence on Sunday.
We have spoken about the Civic Lists. Has anyone perhaps heard about the Civic Lists, the Meetups, the Blog… It is something that began five years ago. I was working as a comedian at the time and then I learned about Meetups and Blogs in the United States. I proceeded to set up a blog and, thanks to the participation of thousands of people, of informed citizens, we became the seventh biggest Blog in the world of one billion users worldwide, that is according to Forbes.
The Web is busy changing the world as we know it, with the social networks, with Facebook, with MySpace and with the Blogs. The Internet is changing people’s lives.
Journalist: “Because of your attitude regarding the Internet and technology, certain people have labelled you as the Italian Obama. This is certainly not because of your skin colour.”
Beppe: “Obama is copying me. He is copying all of us. I’m not joking. Obama has risen to stardom thanks to the Web. He posts potential new laws on the Web and allows ten days for people to discuss these laws before signing them. He is a man of the people and he is financed by the people. His very first speech was posted on Youtube and his support base is the people. It is a down-up, or upside down democracy. Here in Italy we have a total impasse and we are in the middle of a crisis that will provide a severe beating to these psychodwarfs, dancers, gnomes, elves and friends of friends. We are raving mad. There is a general economic and political madness all around us. The parties have disappeared. When I said that the parties were busy dying, they accused me of practicing anti-politics. Do you remember? Yet now they have all disappeared. They disappeared because they never really existed in the first place. There was no real left wing, there was no real right wing and there was no real opposition. All that there was, was a general taking the piss out of millions of citizens. Elections were held without the voters being able to choose their preferred candidate. We are sitting with 18 sentenced criminals still in our Parliament. The outlaws are making the laws. We have about one hundred more that are already found guilty and awaiting appeals, awaiting trial, statute barred offenders and plea-bargainers. You name them and we have them. Our Parliament has become little more than a rubbish dump.
Journalist: “You have clearly jumped in with both feet and immediately started talking about important political issues.”
Beppe: “No, this is not politics. I’m talking about toxic and hazardous waste. This is not politics. Politics involves overturning the status quo. It means sending the parties home. Informed citizens, with helmets. Informed citizens that draft civic lists. Civic lists, getting into City Hall. That is where the quality of life of the citizens is decided. In the various Municipalities.”
Journalist: “Okay. Let’s start here then. On Sunday, in Florence, you will be presenting you “Civic Lists for a New Renaissance” as you have called them. Many young candidates and, above all, people with certain very precise characteristics required in order to become a part of this project.”
Beppe: “Yes, that is the idea behind these Civic Lists. They grew partly out of the Meetups, which are groups of people that work with me and share my vision, in fact our vision. These are real 5-Star Civic Lists. We are discussing the real issues, real politics. We talk about the recycling of refuse, we talk about door-to-door differentiated refuse collection rather than about incinerators, we talk about WiFi and about free, unlimited connectivity. We talk about. That is the madness of these people, who are spending millions that they don’t have in the first place, on infrastructure that is totally absurd and they will never be built. Because mobility has nothing to with getting some trucks across bridges, corridor five or linking Turkey with the Ukraine. They are going insane. The mobility of the future is all about moving as little as possible. All about circulating ideas. The Internet is mobility. […] There is a 27-year old from Treviso that has developed a huge following thanks to two ideas. He currently earns 250 Euro per month and he lives in the district of Treviso, a pretty large municipality. This young man has done two things: firstly he organised differentiated refuse collection at 90 schools, at no cost to either the municipality or to the schools themselves. Secondly, he devised an open source software programme. Via Skype and with only one call, any resident of Treviso can now make contact with the person that can solve his/her problem, without having to climb in the car and drive anywhere, thus increasing the traffic jams. Via Skype, only one chat on Skype. At no cost to the municipality. We have forty-thousand such ideas. Free access to the Internet …”
Journalist: “Why is it so difficult to get these ideas off the ground when these ideas could be coming from small local councils?”
Beppe: “We start from the other end. We start from the communities. We have launched a “breathe down their necks” campaign. Currently it is like a resident who goes to his own home, where he finds his employees holding a meeting to discuss his life and gamble with his property and his quality of life, yet they don’t even allow him in to the meeting. The residents would like to attend these meetings, film the proceedings and post them on the Web. When these people are filmed and exposed on the information highway that is the Web, then everyone will know what games they have been playing, and that is precisely why they don’t want to be filmed. The answer is simple. Let’s get rid of these seventy year old geriatrics. Away with them. Bring in some new blood. Residents that can start in the town councils and then move from there on to the regional councils and perhaps eventually from there into Parliament. We talk about public water. I would like to know what the right wingers and left wingers think about privatising water and allowing it to be owned by some or other “Pty Ltd”. I want to know what they think about WiFi. Our current law is absolutely unbelievable. One you will only find here in Italy, in Burma and in China. The infamous Pisanu Law. I personally watched that half-pint, Pisanu, go on television and make believe that is a democrat. As a matter of fact, with his anti-terrorism law, he succeeded in blocking free WiFi. Go to Paris or to London and you will find people working on their computers in the libraries and in the parks, like in many other cities around the world. We, instead have some very serious shortcomings […]
To summarise what I have said then, there are a number of young people that have been addressing these issues, namely water, incinerators, energy, WiFi, mobility and transportation, in other words the real issues, for the past five years. We have discussed these ideas, debated these ideas with Nobel Prize winners, because that is what they are being called on the Web and, well, these young people will appear on the civic lists. They are nobodies, they are only youngsters. They don’t have a cent, none of us have any money, we are not being financed by anybody and we receive no subsidies. The media is obviously against us. This is my very first television interview. That is why I am so happy and why I’m trying to be brief so that I can explain what has been happening in my life for the past five years. […] I repeat. There will be civic lists. I believe in them because I have put my life and my profession into them. I have put everything on the line for this project. Just as thousands of youngsters and young adults have done, simply because they want to know that they have some good prospects for the future. The civic list are only the first step and it won’t stop there. The process has been slow because we are having to fight against the media, especially the newspapers. But we are like a virus that attacks from below and they will never get rid of us. You can try, but you won’t get rid of us, ever. Thank you for the interview.[…]
Journalist: “Let me add just one final postscript. The time and place of the appointment in Florence?”
Beppe: “The appointment is at the Saschall Theatre in Florence. I will be there from 10 in the morning until late night and there will also be a number of other people making speeches. There will even be some big names. Riccardo Petrella will be talking about water being a public asset, because he is the world’s greatest philosopher on the topic of water. He is a marvellous person and a professor. There will be a number of professors, doctors and journalists talking on the day. Travaglio will be there, as will a number of economists. There will be a number of fantastic people there, the same ones that attended the Vday event, names that you have not even mentioned. We will be leaving the city with the “Florence Bill” in hand, the famous Florence Bill. I have great faith in this city. The Florence Bill will reflect the twelve things that we want to achieve in all our towns, with every civic list under our control. The names on the list must be youngsters with no criminal record and must not have held public office for longer than one term, must be residents of the town that they will be representing politically.”
Journalist: “We will be reporting back on the event, as proven by this, your first interview since 1993. Thank you Beppe Grillo.”
Beppe: “I thank you. Many thanks to you and, as always, to the General Investigation and Special Operations Unit!”

post 121. ALLELUJAH1 Good on you Beppe Grillo!

from Beppe Grillo-:

Uploader's Title/Comment-:
Luigi de Magistris
has been elected Chair of the European Union Committee on Budgetary Control. It’s this summer’s best news item. He will be able to check up on the allocation of money to the various countries of Europe, to see how the money is really used, to attack fraud, to keep Italian citizens informed through the Internet. In 2007, I went with de Magistris to Strasbourg to denounce the scandal of the European funds assigned to Italy that land up in the pockets of the parties, of the lobbies and of the mafias. A figure equal to nine billion euro a year. I asked the parliamentarians present to send no more money as it was like sending the money to Bokassa. Two years later, we have an amazing result. The right person in the right place. And this is thanks to you, thanks to the Internet. Luigi is the European parliamentarian with the most preference votes, half a million votes. And this was what was crucial in his being elected as Chair of this committee. They will never give up (but is it in their interests?). Neither will we.

Blog: Luigi de Magistris, a Euro-parliamentarian elected as an independent in the lists of Italia dei Valori, in the last few days elected as Chair of the Committee on Budgetary Control. What does it mean having this position and what will you have to do?

Luigi de Magistris: It’s a massive responsibility that the European Parliament has entrusted to me. The Committee is made up of 30 parliamentarians. It deals with the way the money is spent. This is the money that the European Parliament gives to the various European Union institutions and so this is really important. If the Committee acts in an effective way by exercising its powers to the full, it means that it is checking up on the transparency and the correct use of the spending and on the rule of law.
Then another really important task of the Committee is to check up on the work of the European Investment Bank. Another issue is the cost-benefit ratio in relation to the European funds that are assigned to the various States, thus we have to verify for example, if it is worthwhile giving certain sums of money to the States, if the work to be carried out is effective for an overall development of the European Union.
Another fundamental issue that is among others an element of continuity with the work done as public prosecutor in recent years, is that of the fraud. In fact the Committee on Budgetary Control deals with European fraud. It has relations with Eurojust, Europol, OLAF { European Anti-Fraud Office}, the European Court of Auditors and thus it basically means that there is verification and control in relation to fraud taking place in member countries and this is extraordinarily important because it means giving value to the member States that use the European funds in a correct way so as to bring about economic development, that is compatible with the environment, that creates effective employment and that is not based on recommendations and various systems of “belonging”. However, on the other hand, it rigorously provides sanctions against all those member States, those regions, those places where public money is wasted and is used only to enrich the usual business committees, to reinforce organised crime, to damage the territory and subjugate the population.
Thus it is a very important role. The impression I’ve had is that, as with everything else, much depends on the men and the women. Thus if this position as Chair is carried out in a serious way, with courage, I immediately said in my first speech, that the fight against corruption, against organised crime, against the mafias, against fraud, will be the priorities of this Committee and it will want to verify in a way that is adequate and forceful, the correct use of all the spending carried out by the various European institutions, by the European Commission in relation to all the other institutional settings.

Blog: Has it already been possible to identify the main routes used by the funds or by a part of the funds to get from Brussels or Strasbourg to the Italian regions?

L.d.M.: The Committee was formed just the other day so we are at the absolute start of our work. There has been a very important first meeting in which it was decided how we are to operate along the lines that I am explaining now, that is, that of wanting to exercise its powers to the fullest extent, to verify that there is transparency, accuracy, and legality, and to fight fraud.

Further Comment-: Let us sincerely hope Luigi de Magistris is incorruptible and not too vulnerable in relation to the Mafiosi's means to persuade.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

post 120. All Bloodshed, Rivalries, Enmities, Competitions, Oppositions, Confrontations to be Resolved in Jesus the Nazarene.

Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Miryam, Aaaron and Eleazar
from pages 346, 347 of
Sir Laurence Gardner’s
“ Genesis of the Grail Kings ”.
Note 0-: Miriam was the daughter of Amenhotep III and of Gilukhipa, Princess of Mitanni, where an indo-european language was spoken.
Note 1-: Mahalath ( or Nefru-sobek ), an Egyptian Princess of Royal blood, from the 17th Dynasty of Egypt, married Ishmael, the son of Hagar the Egyptian slave of Abraham. Ishmael was the half-brother of Isaac, and as a widow of Ishmael, Mahalath married Esau, giving birth to Igrath, also of Royal blood, who became the second wife of Pharao Amenehmet IV (1797-1786 BC ), of the 17th dynasty, giving birth to daughters, including Zelekha and her sister the Dragon Queen, Sobeknefru or Sobekhkare, the latter becoming the wife of the last Pharao of the Sobek Dynasty, Amenehmet IV, son of the first wife Aat of Amenehmet III (1841-1797 BC ).
Note 2-: Aye (ca. 1352-1348 BC), the son of Yuya (Joseph ), became the traditional Am-ram in Egypt ( see page 147, ‘ The Fire-Stone Project.’ in Sir Laurence Gardner’s “Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark. ”).
‘Am-ram’ was a designation or title probably inherited by Aye from his father Joseph, as another name fo this designation became ‘ Joseph ha-Rama-Theo ’, phonetically corrupted to ‘ Joseph of Arimathea ’.

When John the Baptist died murderd by the Herodians, without heirs, Jesus inherited the traditional ritualistic title of Zadok High Priest ( the first Zadok was Ahimaaz son of Eleazar, elected by King David, but the divine Zadok was the Archangel Gabriel, operating in Jerusalem as King Melchizedek in the times of Abraham ) from him, while also being the Royal David or Messiah and his brother 'James the Just ' took over from Jesus the traditional ritualistic title of ' Joseph ha-Rama-Theo ' or Craftsman, which had been a prerogative of the Sumerian and Egyptian Priesthoods, since the times of Hermes Trimegistus, or Chem-Zaratusthra.
I believe that at several times in Scriptural History elohim descended and operated on earth with special missions at various levels of power and tenure and that Yehwah the Father and Creator retained for ever this Mission and Power together with Jesus Christ.
Note 3-: Smenkhare, the scriptural Aaron, married a second wife Elisheba, daughter of Aminadab or Amenhotep, son of Rama ( the Aram or ha-Rama-Theo ) and of the latter’s marriage to Kiya-tasherit, daughter of MIRIAM, sister of Tutankhamun and had a son Eleazar who married the daughter of Nashon/Putiel, son of Aminadab. Hezrom was son of Pharez, who had illegitimately been born from Judah and Tamar, however legitimated through Pharez's marriage to Barayah, a legitimate daughter of Judah.
David descends from Jesse, Obed, Boaz , who through Salmon, via Nashon/Putiel, originated from Aminadab, related through Elisheba, sister of Nashon/Putiel, to Aaaron back to the lines of Hezrom and Shelah, both sons of Judah, however intermarried with the lines of Moses ( through the marriage between Aminadab and Kiya-tasherit, daughter of Miriam ), also related to the first Judge of Canaan, Othniel, from the line of Hezrom, to Bezaleel, the Master Craftsman, from the line of Caleb. Since Eleazar, born from the second marriage of Aaron to Elisheba married a daughter of Nashon/Putiel, and fathered Ahimaaz who was the first Zadok High Priest created by David, the Aaronic Priesthood of levitic origins and the Zadok one eventually coincided.
So, both the Davidic Kingship, the Zadok High Priesthood and the Aram Craftsmanship converge into the line of Jesus and James through the death without issue of John the Baptist.
Note 4-: The oppositions between Cain and Seth, Ishmael and Isaac, Esau and Jacob, between the precedence of Aten the Holy Spirit of Moses and the Israelites and Yahweh the Creator, of Lord Jethro of Midian and the Hebrews of Canaan who manipulated the Scriptures to favour, needlessly so, their ancestral lines, are all resolved in Jesus of Nazareth.
However this coincidence/convergence has not been seen, understood and accepted by the Nations in the present world and various opposing alignments as for example, between Hebrews and Islamists, Costantinianism and the upholders of the pristine ideals of Christianity, still linger-on in opposition to the Holy Spirit which requires Peace and Good-Will between the members of human kind and a stopping from all bloodshed.
Note 5-: Miriam is a very important biblical character mentioned in Exodus and Numbers, however diminished and obscured by the Hebrew Priesthood ( Yahwists ) of the post-Babylonian captivity, in ca. 538 BC. She is mentioned as the nameless sister of Moses in Exodus 2:7, as the sister of Aaron in Exodus 15:20 and as the sister of both Aaron and Moses in Numbers 26:59. There is clearly something missing in the whole scriptural account of the origins of Moses, considering the magnitude, importance and influence of the biblical personality of Moses, which gives an impression and feeling someone is hiding something without an outright use of lies, a typical talmudic approach and attitude to morality and ethics, later on adopted by the Roman Catholic Canon Lawyers. The obscuration of the truth about Moses and Miriam has also been the result of the eradication of all records and inscriptions referring to all members of the 18th Dynasty by the last ruler of this Dynasty, an egyptian general called Horemheb who became Pharao through marriage and one suspects, usurpation, after the death of young Tutankhamun, whose existence was discovered through the accidental discovery of his tomb. Horemheb’s motivation was both a hatred of ATEN ( the Holy Spirit ) and a seeking of popularity with the egyptian, polytheistic, idolatrous, well-to-do classes. There is a much respected Book of Jasher known to biblical circles which tells a more rational story and let me quote from “Genesis of the Grail Kings “ by Sir Laurence Gardner, who, although confused, unable to synthetise what he knows for our times, is an excellent guardian and narrator of a more likely truth. I am quoting from pages 290-291-:
Outside the Bible, however, Miriam’s story is told at some length----particularly in the book of Jasher, a work not selected in the canonical Old Testament. It was not until after some time after the death of Jesus that the separate scriptures of the Jews were collated into a single volume and it was then that certain books were excluded because they were at variance with the compositional strategy. One of these was the book of Jasher-----a bool so important to the earlier Hebrews tha it is still mentioned twice in the canonical Bible. The very fact that these references are to be found in Joshua 10:13 and 2 Samuel 1:128, indicates that Jasher was around before these books were written-----and they each claim that it was a repository of essential knowledge. But although not promoted by the mainstream establishment, Jasher has not been as historically secret as one might imagine. The 9-foot ( ca. 3 m) Hebrew scroll was a prize of the Court of Emperor Charlemagne ( AD 800-814 ), having been discovered in Persia [Iran] by the monk Alcuin, who later founded the University of Paris. As a reward for his discovery, Alcuin was awarded three abbeys and became England’s Archbishop of Canterbury. In the fourteenth century, the British Reformer and Bible translator john Wyckliffe (1320-1384 ) wrote “ I have read the book of Jasher twice over, and I much approve of it as a work of great antiquity ” . It is generally reckoned that Jasher’s position in the Bible should be between the books of Deuteronomy and Joshua, but it was sidestepped because it sheds a very different light on the sequence of events at Mount Horeb. In person, Jasher was the Egyptian-born son of Caleb; he was brother-in-law to the first israelite judge Othneil ( Judges 1:13 ) and was the appointed royal staffbearer to Moses.............................
There is a further question a discerning, thinking reader of the Scriptures who has not remained brainwashed by some fanatical church, should ask as to why Moses or his sons Gershom and Eliezer were excluded from the Priesthood in favour of Aaron, if Moses had indeed been a natural brother of Aaron, rather than nursed and fed
when a baby by Aaron’s natural mother Tey, who was a Jewish woman of Levite descent? Moses was not a descendant of Levi, and did not have a fully Jewish mother, although rightly called a son of Tey in virtue of her having been his feeding-mother, and his only Jewishness was second-hand, from his own mother Tiye, the paternal aunt of Aaron, the daughter of a Jewish father, Joseph the son of Jacob who had married the Egyptian daughter of Potifarre the Priest of Ra’, his original master when a slave in Egypt.
Note 6-: AMRAM, RAMA, ARAM, RAMTHA, IMRAN, HA-RAMA-THEO, ARIMATHEA and Jochebed or Tey, Moses’ feeding-mother.

The manipulations and obscurations present in the Canonical Scriptures are inevitable owing to the number and diversity of writers and redactors, each seing scriptural events from different angles, at different times in history, with different theological understandings and interpretations of the past, without a complete knowledge of the events, with different goals and world views. Most contributors meant well and what we have received is still a miracle of God’s Communication and Revelation achieved with such biased and flawed tools.
As I observed above, in spite of all the obscurations and manipulations tending to minimise all influences/contributions other than those of the Hebrews of Canaan, Jesus’ anscestors included all participants to the scriptural events in Mesopotamia and the Middle East, which shows the Holy Spirit DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE and loves to rehabilitate sinners, as in the end, there is no one innocent in relation to God
( see St. Paul’s Romans ). In spite of the efforts of Judaism to maintain the worship of Yahweh strictly a Hebraic Monopoly, Christianity became a universal Religion. It is time for Christianity to set some order in the Scriptures’ Interpretations, further honouring the wisdom of, say, Galatians 3:28, achieving and presenting a united Religious Belief to all other religious people in the World, this not to dominate but so as to act as an example of the praxis of Christian Ideals.
I personally cannot understand the malice of Jews and Moslems in rejecting Jesus as the Ultimate teacher when/once it can be shown how he descends from Juda/Jacob through David, and that Jesus’ ancestors have also intermarried with most representatives of the ancestors of the Arabic people.
This is why, although the obscurations and manipulations have not damaged our present understanding of the Holy Trinity, having only reduced the essentiality and independence of the Spirit, and of the fact that the WORD is the Spirit operative in time and creation, it is important to correct these faults, perhaps by adding a few more Books to the present Canonical Scriptures. This might require another Council to be convened.

Monday, July 20, 2009

post 119. Service in Our Defence Forces.

Service in Our Defence Forces.
I have been for sometime dwelving on the issue of all these political refugees reaching our western nations many of whom are able bodied male persons, costing us a fortunre to sustain and settle.
Why on earth are we not testing their sincerity and political attitudes by asking them to volunteer in our infantries where they would receive training and earn their keeping, fighting against the oppressors, not necessarily in their country of origin so as to avoid they becoming exposed to people of their nation?I would like to hear about the various excuses they would come up with.

118. Afghanistan, China and India.

Afghanistan, China and India.
( With a mention of
the Uighur, the Palestinians and the sodomites in Canberra)

Let us face it: The War in Afghanistan has been going on ineffectively for a few years now. The Rules of Engagement are a laughing stock among the Moslems who believe that Allah is blinding us and making us fools, reinforcing their distorted beliefs rather than generating good-will! Islam interprets all our demonstrations of good-will, charities and diplomacy as signs of either foolishness or weackness, giving nothing back in return.
Yes Pakistan has made a belated military effort in our aid and what a magnificent one in contrast to our military games, but only because the Talibans were threatening the big bags of manure among and the Bank Accounts of their glorious Nation’s leaders and aiming at the nuclear artillery there.
And what a magnificent effort that was from single-handed Pakistan who did not fight with Rules of Engagrement like our sodomitic cliques in high places in the Democratic leadership of the West insist in doing in a distorted interpretation of human issues. The only other advantage of Pakistan, in addition to the freedom to engage in and deliver serious war, was that, as the Talibans seeked refuge across the border, they were PERHAPS/SOMETIMES/POSSIBLY open to attacks from the Coalition, an advantage we do not enjoy since Pakistan normally plays an unnecessary, suspicious game of equilibrium with its islamic brethrens.
Which brings us to the question as to why we insist in talking about TERRORISTS rather than to give these fighters their correct appellation-: ISLAM.
It may perhaps be true that there are moderates among ISLAM, who are seeking to worship Allah, the Spiritual, hidden, imageless God near to our Judaeo-Christian Holy Spirit, religiously, moderating all ancient, anachronistic hebraic distortions by the Hebraic Priesthood of the post-exhilic restoration of Israel in ca. 538 BC. , when the Bible was written, manipulating various ancient sources, which created an eternally cruel, punishing Yahweh, a revengeful God, an image of Arabs and Hebrews alike, etc. There is no doubt whatsoever the Q’uran drew vastly from the manipulated Scriptures and from Nestorian contributions and distorted interpretations, especially in relation to the Gospels, and is not a complete and exhaustive theological work, having stopped at the Spirit, i.e., Allah. There is much, much more to it, Mohammed, you simpleton. These moderates, a majority we should call Mohammedans could, if allowed to do so, live in harmony within a democratic society in which religion is separated from Politics/State. However they are brain-washed or made into robot-like-beings since childhood by their accursed Priests and programmed to respond robot-like-fashion to key-words which send them into a frenzy of religious fanaticism. Although potentially moderates these creatures shall never raise a hand against their fanatic leading minorities, the terrorists, or leaders, passively enduring all types of oppression and punishments in the belief all is in accordance with Allah’s Will, which is part of their childhood’s indoctrination.
A similar indoctrination has been carried out by the ancient Christian-Church-rulers and is even now being carried on in some circles, about the Crucified Christ in every human being.
Christianity must struggle to uncrucify the Christ in us not to crucify IT over and over eternally.
It is blasphemus.
Moslem shall fight Moslem but only as the result of some sectarian dispute like in Iraq, or as a part of a wider horison or strategy of deception.
ISLAM does not yet wish us to see ISLAM as united, lulling us into a delusion that Moslem Nations are separate and divided.
They are waiting for a time when our fossil-fuel supplies are totally exhausted or insufficient for a WW escalation while ISLAM has both nuclear and enough fossil fuel left to get the upperhand and destroy us piece-meal-wise while our strong ( ? ) men lackadisiachally, play Cricket, Aussie-Rules and Tennis, damaging their brains with alcohol abuse.
Our leaders in the West refuse to use the word ISLAM as they are afraid this might unite Moslems, but the fact is you stupid imbeciles ( including Mr. Smith the great waffler as he can talk for an hour without saying anything. It's Mazing!), they are already united.
We are afraid of islamic suicide bombers, but all we have to do is to issue Special Laws for such blackmailing tactics that establish suitable Retaliation anywhere in the islamic world or society.
If they choose to consider this an act of war, so let it be it.
I would tell them to first stop their attacks to our civilians and then we shall stop ours to their targets.
We could require all funds from all Mohammedans in our Countries to be located in a special treasury in each bank and exact compensation for each and every explosion and the damage caused. Each Bank Account would proportionally be reduced every time an attack is carried out.
I would hit them in their Pockets.
I would even make Australian Moslems pay a special tax for the costs of our increased security and policing.
If they threaten cutting petrol supplies, then destroy their oil supplies, never occupy their territory, just devastate their economic or military powers until they accept to co-operate in earnest and to act in a civilised way.
We can still do this now, but in a few years from now we may not be able to do so.

Which brings us to another mystery, not noticed by our glorious leaders-: Why don’t China and India particdipate in this fight against the so called TERRORIST?
India is afraid of Pakistan’s displeasure, they say, but Pakistan
( including their lying cricketer Imran Khan ) says it is not an issue having anything to do with ISLAM, or with them in particular, as the issue relates only to TERRORISTS, saying so, the lyers, while having been antagonising Hindus for decades now and staging the Munby attack: and what an occasion would be for the Indians to eliminate the source of the best islamic fighters: the Talibans for all future generations!
Afgahnistan was specially formed by ISLAM before the Moguls' invasion of India as a training ground of crack mountain warriors to be used in the conquest and domination of India and so on, maybe even of China. its livelihood had to be earned through opium and warriors supplies.
But I am convinced Hindus are basically/genetically/fundamentally flowed, else they would not be Politheists. If I were the West I would ask the Indians to join the coalition in Afghanistan or anywhere else, as required, or else face certain limitations to India’s crazy industralization that is threatening western jobs.
Above all and with the top priority, we should not accept indian migrants as India should begin a program of population-stabilisation, like China has.
Reduce procreation.
China is similarly playing games of dubious intelligence and wisdom, as it has been anti-islamic for millennia, having had to bear the attacks of the Turks from Kamchatka ( the Turks’ original territory beyond Mongolia, facing Japan before they became Islamists ), then the Huns in a struggle that endured until the British occupation of India and Czarist Russia began pushing back Mongolians and Turks occupying the steppes’ lands invaded by Islam since the fall of Byzanthium in ca, 1450 AD.
From my comparative studies of both the European and Chinese Barbaric Invasions, carried out in my writing the history of my Clan of the “gensferreria/ferraria”, it became evident to me that these invasions occurred in a complementary way, as, for eaxample, the attacks of the Huns on Europe in ca. 350 AD. that occurred as the result of their defeats at the hands of the Chinese. Most steppe-tribes were motivated against Europe, in a way similar to the Huns.
So, China should be our ally.
However, perhaps China bribed the Barbarians to attack Europe, but it is most unlikely.
Recent events in Singkhiang, at the chinese borders, have shown us that the Uighurs, a turkish-mongolian mix of ancient nomadic steppe-dwellers, continuously raiding China ( Gibbon clearly mentions them in his “ The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire ”), are seeking to steal Singhkhiang from China on the basis of their occupation, probably allowed by the Chinese by default, when fighting for their lives in their civil wars and against the European occupiers and the Japanese invaders.
It so happens, as one who knows history and is not bamboozled by the excuses of human rights ( both Uighurs and Chinese have the same rights anyway to Singhkhiang provided the Uighurs moderate their Islamic leanings) would expect, that the Uighurs, like the Turks in ca. 1,200 AD. embraced Islam centuries ago for political advantages, i.e., as an excuse to justify their raids agaisnt non-Mohammedans.
The Russians pushed them out of their newly-occupied territories, as their Cossacks did not have Rules of Engagements or Geneva Conventions or sodomitic attitudes either, as we do.
So the Uighurs went to Singhkhiang.
Now, it is to be expected that China, just out of a Civil and Foreign War and preoccupied with an unwise effort, like India to industrialise, that is damaging the West and the World ( hence the equalising American Bubble Burst ), does not have, with the vast population it is carrying, resources to squander among peripheral societies like the Uighurs.
These are the facts of life dear Australian Humanists and Pinocchios of the World, and before Australians begin criticising the Chinese, please fix the obscene problem Australia has with its Aboriginal minority which has been wasting billions without a return.
The Uighurs being an islamic society, like all islamic societies
( as an example, the one in Indonesia ) are not willing to live within chinese parameters and to become integrated, as their religion forbids it ( they can assure me, smile to me, protest with indignation I am wrong, that they love everyone, but this is the bottom-line reality ), and this is exactly the same problem we shall have in Australia as soon as the Moslems ( with Australian double citizenship) shall reach a given demographic level, when they shall begin to throw around their democratic muscle/weight demanding more islamic inputs to our culture, using Democracy like a form of Ju-Jitsu.
I’d say that the Uighurs must learn to place their Chinese nationality first and Islamism second, keeping it strictly a Religion as the Chinese, who are not as gullible as we are, are aware of, by placing Rules and Regulations of religious-conduct-teaching.
The same applied to us Roman Catholics in Australia in the days of fanatical Protestantism, before the sodomites took over in Canberra, democratically equalising and unifying everything, to the stage of inducing in all a moronic state of optimism in our own Australian greatness and infallibility, the down-under-sideways-inverse syndrome or the religion of self-delusion and self-sabotage, a diabolic scenario indeed.
Catholic church bells and processions etc. were forbidden and still are so, lest these provoke a coitus-interruptus early in the morning.
We, the Roman Catholics are at present a majority in Australia, yet we are not agitating to have our religious customs and cultural traits flaunted publicly and imposed on all Australians.
It is basically a matter of human good manners and human rights have absolutely nothing to do.
Since I am always referring rather disparagingly and sarcastically to the sodomites among us, I am going to clarify my attitudes and understanding about these people-: I am not denying their God-given right to exist, as some are born like that, but asking them to spiritualise somehow their sarcophilic cravings, admitting they are freaks of nature requiring self-control.
How can anyone accept as normal a man penetrating the excreting orifice of another man or a woman?
Come on “ grongos “: Give me a fair hearing!

The problem between China and the Uighurs is the same problem with the Palestinians of the Gaza-strip, under a different historical scenario. The trouble there is magnified by the scarcity of resources especially land and the arabic/islamic, irresponsible crazy urge to procreate beyond sustainability, encouraged by their Priests.
Islam is the only society in the world or history that includes in its Credos the Tenet that any land that has become invaded, occupied through the dispossession of the vanquished no-moslem, eternally remains islamic. In some islamic circles they are still grieving for example, praying for the return of Spain or the vast islamic Indian teritories occupied by the Mogul Empire,
to Islam, that was dissolved by the British.
The Hindus should eternally kiss the feet of the British, in thanks for having been spared Sharia Law and oppression.
Hence ISLAM says that Palestine, that was assigned to the Hebrews by the United Nations after WWII, as a land were these could find sanctuary, and that ISLAM lost in an armed confrontation with the Hehrews, over and over again, should be returned to Islam. But what about the fact that ISLAM itself only occupied Palestine by warfare after ca. 700 AD, dispossessing others who left entire populations, now hopelessly bastardised, behind?
Were are the ancient titles of land-ownership? Gone up in flames? How convenient Mohammed. Do me a favour and PISS OFF and waffle your dialectics and sophistries to the babboons or to the undiscerning Australians in Canberra.
Go and study history in a European University not Cairo.
The difference from today is that in 700 AD there were no Rules of Engagement or United Nations and any protest by the conquered people for adequate representation were drowned in massacres and blood.
Moreover, it is the war-and-blood-given-right of the West ( Csetiphont and Gallipoli) that liberated the then ineffectual, passive Islamic World from the oppressions, humiliations and bastardisations of the Ottoman Turks and created the Islamic Nations at present in the Middle East and even in the Far East, i.e., Pakistan, to determine the setting-up of the Middle East and wether the Isrealis have a right to stay there or not.
In my opinion, it is only a lack of BAD WILL on both the Islamic and Hebrews's parts that deny a solution to the problrem since the democratic West has shown the possibility of co-existence in co-operation and equality between members of various cultures, religions, etc., provided these eventually integrate and do not begin agitating for changes to the hosting culture that accepted them in good faith and not to be displaced, but adopted in synthetis with each of the migranting cultures.
My articles are for example, mighty, inspired works of cultural and historical synthesis and I believe I am earning my old-age Pension.
I wish members of our Foreign Office were to read and learn from this article of mine and begin telling all these people surrounding us where the truth lies, instead of avoiding the real issues, using incorrect definitions and talking a great deal of ineffective inconclusive nonsense.
Are you hearing me Mr. Smith?

Friday, July 17, 2009

post 117. An e-mail to Tim of "gensferreria/ferraria".

You teasingly asked me what sort of rare Spanish dialect I used in my e-mail to our cousin Antonio from the Alhambra's Division of "gensferreria", in Spain, the very one El Cid himself belonged to. :):):):)
By the way, El Cid was the corrector of all Moors, in the days prior to the glorious Ferdinand and Isabella when Spaniards were Spaniards and would not have loosed control of and opened their bowels at the death of 200 civilians blown-up by some al Qaeda's coward mafioso on a train.
No offence meant to Antonio.
I wish we had someone like El Cid now in Afghanistan. But some sodomitic leader would court-marshall him for being cruel to the enemy's civilians even if everyone knows that Islam uses civilians as a weapon/resource of war. A waste of El Cid then.:):):):)
The times of reckoning and of a gnashing of one's teeth are near.

Someone said that Spaniard is the language of Theology & Prayer and I believe this as I have some theological Books in the language, one, printed in 1756 en Roma, about St. Fidel de Sigmaringa . Sigmaringa is some place in Germany where he was martired by some blood-thirsty Protestant at a time when there were also plenty of Catholic ones ( see Inquisition).
You said to me once, you met some Germans,
ex-Nazi refugees, hiding there in the Venezuelan Amazonia, when you were preaching there the noble Kerygma of Jesus,
threatening you with a revolver.....................................................

May aaaahhhh....aaaaaskk what caliber......? Or was it a 9 mm. parabellum, a beautifully sleeky LUGER? Funny?:):):):):):)! ).

Poor Fidel was a Capuchin, a branch of St. Francis of Assisi's Franciscans. Spanish can be a language full of passion, real passion. Women cannot just resist well-spoken Spanish, either in its sacred or secular aims, as it can have the same effect on them as the Beatles, the Stones ( wether static or rolling, it makes no difference at all), and even Michael Jackson ( before he began getting bald as he could not endure becoming bald. So where is the strength, the real power, as Mr. Schlinder asked Amon the Nazi- fanatic murderer, in the film about the Holocaust, in an admittedly different scenario? )

I am bald, half deaf, have an enlarged heart and still live, by God's Grace. How comes?
Italian can be passionate too but one can always feel a lack of commitment, the means to an end-: ............. The twat or monney.
My e-mail to Antonio is in Italian, the language made for Angels who are not any longer interested in the twat since the miscegenation told in Genesis when the Enlil Yehwah Elohim cut-off the defaulting minor elohim's fuel supplies......... the vital juices and rendered them sex-less, and took all unnecessary-to-Angels, orifices away, including their mouths as they speak since then by waves of some sort, interacting with spirit in human kind. St. Teresa de Avila almost died listening to Angels' speech and song.
You could speak as if with the sound of trumpets, you......................................... ( Remember St.Paul about LOVE? ).
Italian, ( the Dante Alighieri's [ he was a Grand Master of Templars in Italy] version though that even I speak and write, not the one most Mafia speak and cannot write as it is a vile thing ) is also the language of Opera Singers with their bullshit and cheap, sentimental emotions. ( Oh, Lola ch'ai di latti la camisa, si bianca e rusa como una cirasa, quannu t'affacci alla finestra e fai la vucca a risu........................Haaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..........!).
This is a sample of vulgar sicilian spoken or sung by Turiddu in " La Cavalleria Rusticana ". Lola liked it, but she had no choice as she did not know Italian ( the Alighieri's version I mean), but Turiddu ended slain by her husband!

I forgot what that fellow said about French and German............. ..................................
You can imagine though...................................French...........
to woooooooooooooooo anorexic-twatted call-girls,
the St. Laurent-model type, you know....... they dislike the normal way......... ( the disdainful, dreamy-like, with the John Wayne-like, swinging-type-of-walking, when about to charge Burt Lancaster, shouting: " Timber!").
German.............. to threaten somebody especially the Talibans!
But for some mysterious reasons, it has not been working since the Germans have adopted Democracy.

The miracle is that Antonio could not understand my lofty english ( Be honest. Is it that bad?). but can my angelic Italian.
As to my own French, it is " a la Moyen Age" and I lie and say in shame......... I interrupted my studies of the language at the second year of the Sorbonne's High- French Course where the study of the language is historically /chronologically made, you know how thorough can the fastidious, primadonna French be intellectually, and stopped at the Middle Ages, just before Montesquie and Rabelais, etc., otherwise I would still be doing Modern French there now, instead of having done Theology with the mighty, cunning, irascible Australian Jesuits. Incidentally and very strangely,( no one shall ever fathom God's ways or means or plans) my best and almost only friend there among them was, but he was not an Australian though, Father Hogan S.J., who was, believe it or not an irascible IRISH, but a most honourable and noble individual who made me cry when he died. I am truly not being sarcastic or ironic here.
He had a spanish-like severity when teaching that I somehow respected, and was my tutor in Ethics and Morality, who bluntly told me to improve my english or else ( actually tha was Father Hamilton S.J.)................ but he is not responsible for my twisted, corrupt, decadent, distorted sense of humour.
We had in his Class that year a student, almost my age, from a Nation of Central Africa
, who was finding the course rather hard, as his written English was much worse than mine, and when assigning the written Essay for the Semester, Father Hogan told him he would have taken his limitations in consideration, then turning toward me with a beautiful challenging, provoking spanish- conquistador's smile, implying " Look-here, I know you can do it ", he told me that in my case, no allowances would be accepted. I understood his implication, felt honoured by it and smiled back and assented, like a noble conquistador would have at the invitation for a tourneament. Now that is what I call a teacher.
I am fluent in fact in Celtic-Gaul, a very rasping sort of French, good for cursing someone. It would make the women definitely refuse you even a glimpse of the you know what......................... c'est la vie, par Toutatis, mon view! Which reminds me sadly of AR60 one of my ex-friends from "Stumble Upon" who did not appreciate me calling him, or perhaps he was a she
( you never know on "Stumble Upon" where members practice lots of psychological hiding and make believe. It is apparently a most American practice since the beginnings of Al Qaeda, especially since after 9-11 ).
Now, having mentioned the Nazi and the Holocaust in relation to Mr. Schindler, who was a good Nazi, having been a Nazi-Party's member (Can such a thing be?) someone may challenge me, asking me in what way are we ( I am including the Israeli) different from the Nazi, when accidentally, unwillingly killing civilians in our war operations.
We, the West are asking Taliban, Gaza-strip dwellers, whichever civilian opponent or sympathiser of our opponents, to evacuate, sacrificing the element of surprise which is a legitimate means of warfare, before beginning a military operation.
Suicide-bombers sent among our civilians by islamic terrorists, use the element of stealth, treachery and surprise as if an ethical norm in a secular milieu not a military one.
Let me tell you,
oh my dear Pinocchio ignoramuses from Australian Universities, including foremostly their two-bobs sophistical Professors, among whom we have to suffer Journalists and Reporters and Senators like Faulkner, patrician looking ( oh, they look fantastic ) sitters on both sides of an issue without enough data in their brains to resolve the issue, that their Ethics are those of the steppes and the deserts from where they originated! The only outstanding qualification of this recent breed of Australians ( after WWII's baby-boom), a few exceptions excluded, being...........being-Australian-bred-and-taught- ignoramuses, as if this qualification by itself, fanatically produces excellence. Of course they soon become the darlings of Islamic leaders who can see a fool, as soon as they see one.

Let me remind you there is a vast difference between the Jews of the Holocaust and the fake civilians of Vietnam ( in Korea they used to evacuate the poor people. The Chinese who supported North Korea, allowing evacuation. I respect the Chinese vilified by our Pinocchios without moral discernment), Afghanistan or Lebanon or of Iraq.
The German and Polish Jews would have in fact willingly have left Germany and Poland, if allowed to. The Nazi however ( not the desperate Germans) were guilty in so far as they decided to plan the total eradication of the Jewish Race.
Let me also tell you that most Islamic Nations remained neutral during WWII and were as the genetic. ideological cretins the are ( especially so their religious-ideological leaders ), salivating in anticipation of and wishing a Nazi victory.
I, my family, was in Egypt prior to the battle of Alamein, my father Walter serving in the Royal Navy for the duration of the War, and know what I am talking about.

The Germans were not totally to be blamed for their suspicion of the Jews as, people who, accepted as migrants in a Nation keep on maintaining, flaunting their cultures based on a religious ideology, in competition with the local culture ( a part of the European one), a viable one in existence fo millennia, maintaining foreign-like enclaves in the midst of the host-Nation, are bound to be considered as suspect in their behaviour. Migrants have a duty to attempt assimilation, integration, synthesis and this is what I have been doing since 1959, suffering all the way, but keeping on going with it, in spite of the fact that the process should have been a vice-versa-0ne in my case as I am the better educated European in the process of assimilation, in relation to the founding Australians who are from a European Culture they insist in reviling and rejecting for pure, misplaced, wicked hubris and malice. It is a self- sabotaging attitude that explains many of Australian failures as a society. I am leaving out the Aboriginals who belong to the Stone Age. Sorry! Please don't give me your un-working plausibilities and hypocritical bullshit, oh Australians, as you have achieved nothing so far, [ how long are you claiming you have been trying?], nothing for the Aborigines, a failure in relation to them.
Apologies are lies without facts, however I must also admit that most Aborigenes are not co-operating, but again it is difficult, not being in situ, to know why.
Australians can make great actors. Another fact is that progressed Aborigenes generally refuse to live among their own people and act as a leader by example, preferring to mouth plausibilities like their masters in a vice-versa fashion the whole exercise becoming a political, ideological FARCE, Canberra-style.
Australia is becoming a Nation of democracy-abusing Pinocchios.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

post 116. Public Transport.

I am so glad now, as a pensioner ( thank you Australians, thak you Centrelink, thank you Canberra, thank you El Rudd, thou greatest of leaders......................of by Big-Bursted-Bubble stricken nations) I am not going to work by public transport. I could never stand the seats facing one another that compel one to face a total stranger as bitchy and bored as yourself, who shall never communicate with you in a million years time and gives you a look of suspicion if you try talking to them, specially the glorious, athletic, glamorous, distant women.
The only way one can hope, but it can be dangerous and not for I, to fathom Australian mythology is to go to the localPub and get inhebriated with them and become brain-damaged at 50.
I do not need artificial excitations, belonging as I do to a more ancient race with a longer DNA-helix than they shall ever have, being weak in the liver though. Not so however for my grand-children who have inherited their grand-mother's liver capacity, the product of a noble Irish-english race, mostly extinct though.
I remember that she could drink a couple of bottles of wine plus a whole flacon in a day, sleep it off during the night and go to work the day after as if nothing had happened.
And this is not a Myth.
Now, hear, hear, if by some impossible miracle, the glorious women were to be approachable and gracious rather than being the dangerous, suspicious, sadistic creatures they really are, a genetical fact as God rarely gives everything to the one person, facing seats would be O.K.
I have now, thanks to God, become immune to the lures of Australian women ( one of the many Australian Myths which I am going to mention as I proceed).
Being hearing-impaired did not help as I tended to have a loud voice which discouraged me from conversing with the touchy, uncharitable, bored, bitchy, punishing Australians of various genders ( there are more than two among them), skin colours, races, religions, a real Tower of Sodom, Gomorra and Babel, all normalised and standardised and sanitised, demithologised, re-mythologised a-la-down- under-upside-downer. This is another one of the Myths -: The Australian flexibility and legendary toleration).
When I was doing Theology, yes I am a Bachelor of Theology, I found out that even the so called Christians par excellence, the Bloody Catholic Jesuits, can be extremely intolerant of handicapped people (even they complained of my loud voice ), the Bloody Fakes with all their stories of saints and self-sacrificing people! Go and plant potatoes you fools!

And I do not blame locally born persons, since I myself, who came down under in 1959, to the Great, Fair, Maty Country ( so the Advertisements in the Australian Embassies of the World tell you, showing smiling, big buttocked, boosomed women who would raise a dead from the grave and now are luring to their death by drowning an unknown number of Asians trying to reach Australia, the land of the future on leaking un-seaworthy boats. Most of those women were probably Finnish, British, Polish, Russian, etc. migrant- women now gone bach to dust, all ground-down in the down-under big, insatiable, wasteful, migrant-grinding-machine and melting pots), when going to the City of Melbourne feel as if there are more Asians or ethnic of one sort or another than Australians in the country. I can understand why the suicide-rate among the youth in this Nation is so high! In fact, a locally born Australian must feel as if his/her birthright has been sold out by some callous, hypocritical traitor, who has never had to use Public Transport with facing seats:):):):), in a Public Hospital or on a waiting list for an operation for years in a row.
I am now waiting for an eye-cataract operation that migh occurr in 12 months time The sad beauty of it all is that if one were prepared to cough out the 4,000 dollars required by a private surgeon ( I would send this fellow to Timbuctu or the Darfur to operate free of charge the shitsky) one could get the operation tomorrow.
As a pensioner, if I start miraculously to save some of my pension I get penalised by a reduction of the pension. I wonder why the reduction is not limited to a test of income that excludes savings, only considering extra income not including bank interests
normally accrued to the sum allowed by the means tests. One is actually forced to waste one's interests if having some money in a Bank.
The reason is that Australians seem to be a genetically flawed race whose thinking has become biased by their original, again mythical hardships ( everyone in the World felt even worse ones than the Australians) and is definitely a punishing, sel-sabotaging, sabotaging-of-others, people, tending to sadism, thwarted by being down-under therefore upside downer, yet another myths that affects them.:):):):):)
If a pensioner were encouraged to save a little he/she may be able to increase his/her chances to get better old-age- accomodation when reaching the stage of one loosing control of functions.
Again, there are not enough Nursing places as there are not enough Hospital beds and there are growing inequalities between Public and Private.
And we are running short of water supplies and energy.
Can you comprehend this you MORONS in Canberra and CENTRELINK, whoever you may be and the Professional hypocrits running these organisations with their faked gentilities and affected good manners and well-to-do airs?
That is a reason why I cannot stand looking in their eyes if sitting in front of me on a Public transport.
Why do we need so many newcomers?
Why don't the Third-World-Nations tell the Pope and their religious leaders in general, the Ayatollahs ..........., the indian Gurus and Brahmane, Tibet's Dalai Lhama, etc. to start planting potatoes, doing some manual work in general, for the hungry of the world, instead of donning their robes and funny hats, and urge their devotees, to limit, like China has, their birth-rates so as to cut out the demographic pressures that drive them to have to go to other peoples' countries, even on sinking boats?
Stop all the FUCKY-FUCKY business as there is absolutely no hunan-right about it.
SEX and PROCREATION has become today a LUXURY.
I can speak as one who has lived what one preaches as I have fathered one daughter only, and helped to support three girls fathered from others.

It is all beginning to get on my nerves, including above all, facing seats on public transport.:):):):):):)
Why don't we tell our self-prostituting politicians to stop worrying about being in power ( Rudd in particular) and about votes, to stop irresponsibly bringing in migrants to bolster their voters' number, and to get along with the work of running the Nation, instead of stabbing one another in the back like primadonnas or Pub's brawlers?
I am an ethnic of the Italian Language, from the North of Italy, however with some sicilian in me. I tasted the poisons of the Middle East, of the Italian Mafia, of the Australians' desperation and frustrations. So, I can be generally very understanding, flexible and adaptable and even gracious if given a chance, halas forced to be ungracious which is absolutely not my real self, having become a lover of truth in my old age, as my Templar anscestors have been, even to a disregard of my life if necessary.
I am tired of the shit!.

So I do not blame the locally born who must be feeling dispossessed, invaded, conquered, as if being colonised by some foreign power.
Yet, and this is were I begin to wonder about there being something basically wrong with the Australian ethos/people, and it worries me greatly, no one seems to be understanding these feelings as most of the Australian glorious ( I am being sarcastic as I actually believe Australian professionals are actually glorified tradesmen with a higher memory and sometimes I.Q. than the average, extremely skilled, but lacking in sensitivity and real humanity, nothing more nothing less. Sorry! ) leadership, professionals including the psychiatrists and the psychologists use private transport, enjoy their priviledged status, their large incomes, live in genteel surroundings, when hospitalised go to Private Hospitals, and do not appear to see it must be bloody hard for the foot-soldiers.
To cut it short, please position seats one after the previous one, all facing the same way, and avoid compelling people to face one another as it can be uselessly stressing, especially after a stressing day-work.
Yes, you can say I am this and that, I do not care.
I stopped believing in Australian Myths age-ago since 1959 and Australian T-V makes me suicidal.
Let us see-: Two stations on either Cricket or Aussie Rules every night. one on Hospitals with Doctors and Nurses, one on Forensic/Coroner Police Work, one on the Australian Police Force, one on the Danish Police, one on the British Police, some Murder Fiction and how to commit murder or get away with it, etc., sometimes a good Documentary, but it is english!.
Unfortunately I cannot afford Cable T-V where all the Cultural Programs are.
I hope you enjoyed my noble ramblings a la Paul Hogan.
Waltzing Matilda, waltzing Matilda...................................
ad libitum.