I have just followed on TV that documentary about the Vietnam War described as the unwinnable war.
The whole thing is an insult to all our soldiers who died in that war and died doing their duty, killed by the incompetence and unsoldiery attitude of their leaders.
First of all, I wonder how is it possible for a western politician to enjoy high office by never having been actively involved with military service of some description.
Secondly, how can Rules of Conduct in War be written by Lawyers who may also never have been in actual combat under fire, having had to actually return fire, or initiate firing activity in the front line.
The documentary made a big deal sophistically and fallaciously relying on the sensitivity of civilians and the softbelliedness of yellowbellies in our Civilisation. Every decaying and degenerating civilisation produces a majority of these in its masses who never had to kill a rabbit or a chicken for a meal and buy all their meat neatly butcherd and packaged in the Self Service. These baby-faced, cute pinocchios, oh yes, they have nice musced bodies shaped in gymnasium, someof them are bi-sexual or sexually deviants too, but are soft bellied, do not give a damn about the chicken, pig, cow, or fish they eat but shout aloud, very loud, even against as deadly a decision taken by a democratically elected leader, such as War, or for the protection of the Koala Bear, the Rat-Kangaroo and the Yellow-Striped Budgerigar, oh yes the Barrier Reef too whch is going to be coverd anyway by the rising sea levels. these Yellowbellies are a specie of humanity apart, one which wishes to enjoy their its high standards of living and consumerism without having to do anything to earn it.
Perhaps the present Economic Catastrophe might help to re-educate thee Pinocchios about the proper attitude an values in life, however they can choose to democratically make a useless revolution.
The whole impact on the public was effected by showing the destructivenes and cruelty of Napalm, by showing what it did to the unfortunate children and women who happened to be there where the Vietcong where, or vice-versa there where the Vietcong decided to be, using the civilian population as hostages.
The same is being used by terrorists all over the world where western troops have to fight irregular and illegal combatants.
Are we supposed to stop fighting because of these ruses by our op[onnts?
Are we to believe that had we to stop fighting and allow our opponents to become able to field regular forces and acquire more lethal weapons that we have at present, they would not come and harass us?
What guarantee is there when Israel has not had a chance to rest at peace since its formation in the Middle East in 1945 and its opponents have made it quite clear that they want Israeli totally out of a land that is ancestrally theirs and there is even a Bible to confirm it? Please remember the Q’uran was written in 750 A.D. for a people who could only claim then three cities in the Hejaz, Medina, Mecca and another one I do not remember the name of as it wa so small? Humility and history should make Arabs and Moslems more humble but it does not.
This is not an attitude that plesea Allah, I am sure!
Allah is also the God of the Christians and of the Jews!
Deny it you false and snaky Mullahs or watever yo may call yourselves.!
La’, ila la’, illaa Allaah!
Going back to Napalm.
I consider that if my opponent who treacherously goes against world-wide=acepted War Conventions and uses civilians to embarass the opponent, msut ber te eponsibility of whatever I may be compelled to use to defeat the opponent, as tghese are the aims of war.
And War is bad!
The other side must consider that war is bad before engaging in it, else be oprepared to bear the consequences of it. Napalm used to defend an isolated platoon’s retreat or similar tactical cases may be justified.
I may admit the North-Americans may be too prone in abusing its uses in a strategical way.
Fundamentally and finally, there is no difference from dying of napalm or atomic blast or from a modern high velocity bullet that may have it a vital organ, in some cases frequent in modern ambushes in the jungles, from multiple wounds that mean shattered body parts.
I have seen the photo on Geographic Magazine of an american GI with half his face blown off, no legs and arms, kept alive by modern surgery, attended by his ageing parents, with no one among our throllopy viragoes feeling to have to be kind to him. That is what a road-bomb can do. Yet no one complains about road-
bombs and the illegal, irregular terrorists who hid among the civilian population and come out to treacherously hit some unsuscting american soldier in the back. Come here and talk to me you one-sided sophistical mongrels ho disagre with this.
If you hae lost your job bcause of t e present Economic crisis i am overjoyed since you caused it through your western de-stabilising activities and attitudes.
Suffer you and your family you bugger!
The Dysmall Failure of Colonl Allen teh leader of Delta Force of th Lion Regiment.
The other issue used to convince the viewers of the impossibility for the Americans to win in Vietnam was the case of the total destruction of the Delta Force in the area noth of Saigon.
Th Documentay does not say why Colonel Allen had become totally useless as a leader and a fighting man, since he was eperiebcing at te time the demoralising effects of a stuoid and irresponsible wife who had chosen that time to divorce him.
He had chose n as a wife one of those western, painted, pretty dolls, totally irrespnsible throllops, untrained to be wives of high-level military leaders.
The Vietcongs have not got problems of this type with their women.
Neither do Moslems have such problems as Sharia law t6akles careof these.
So, what we had there was a western social failure to which was added a gross lack of awareness about the morale of its leaders in battle by the higher echelons. Colonl Allen should have been removed and replaced with some leader not having his problems.
As it happened, a whole compaqny was wiped out, near Saigon,as they walked unknowingly without any warning whatsoever into a Vietcong ambush.
Automatic weapons can fire at the rate of 750 bullets a minute.
In one minute the combat area was saturated with more than 20,000 bullets plus possibly dozens of hand grenadesIn a f minutes the whole company was wiped out.
The question should be why did not Colonel Allen have scouts out all around his company rpring by radio?
If he was in no condition to function militarily, why did not his Captains step in and do so?
This was a case of gross incompetence and should not be used as an example for the whole U.S.A Army.
Were Vietnam or Korea or even Iraq a Failure?
I have already denid this in previous articles I wrote. No, no and emophatically no, they were not failures at all.
Since WWI winners have ceased from permanently occupying the vanquished. The West has abandoned the ancient criterion for victory and it is only retrogressive nations such as Russia, China, and te nation of the Islamic Group tht still contemplate occupation a s the means of imposing their ideologies and the predominance of their economies at the epnse of the one ot ht vanquished.
While the west seeks co-operation, a godly ideal, anti-western powers seek dominance and exploitationOf course while accusing us all the time of the ills and sins they suffer from.
The fact is the West has never tried to totally annihilate an opponent, see WWII and the help Germany, Italy and Japan received
from th U.S.A.
The damage inflicted on non-co-operating North Korea, Vietnam and Iraq has been vast and crippling. May God deliver us in the future from similar devastations and losses. This damage is the criterion fro victory to-day for us in the West.
Anyone not accepting this criteron is a fool, an utter fool!
Take the city of Beiruth in Lebanon.
Destroyed three times!
His best and most productive citizens, the Christians migrated away from it. moved to the West to help us make money!
Who is paying for the reconstruction with money that would have gone otherwise in military supplies?
Who can claim a Hamas victory there?
The days of reckoning are nigh.
Of course it is natural that islamic propaganda claims the contrary but they are natural fools and do nlot even have to try to be ones, they are so!.
So help us God!
La’, ila la’, illaa Allaah!
I have already denied this in previous articles I wrote. No, no and emphatically no, they were not failures at all.
Since WWI winners have ceased from permanently occupying the vanquished. The West has abandoned the ancient criterion for victory and it is only retrogressive nations such as Russia, China, and te nation of the Islamic Group tht still contemplate occupation as the means of imposing their ideologies and the predominance of their economies at the expense of the one of the vanquished ( Like the Russian did with their Satellite/partners).
While the west seeks co-operation, a godly ideal, anti-western powers seek dominance and exploitationOf course while accusing us all the time of the ills and sins they suffer from.
The fact is the West has never tried to totally annihilate an opponent, see WWII and the help Germany, Italy and Japan received from th U.S.A.
The damage inflicted on non-co-operating North Korea, Vietnam and Iraq has been vast and crippling. May God deliver us in the future from similar devastations and losses. This damage is the criterion fro victory to-day for us in the West.
Anyone not accepting this criteron is a fool, an utter fool!
Take the city of Beiruth in Lebanon.
Destroyed three times!
His best and most productive citizens, the Christians, ven th Mandeans, migrated away from it. moved to the West to help us make money!
Who is paying for the reconstruction with money that would have gone otherwise in military supplies?
Who can claim a Hamas victory there?
The days of reckoning are nigh.
Of course it is natural that islamic propaganda claims the contrary but they are natural fools and do not even have to try to be ones, they are so!.
So help us God!
La’, ila la’, illaa Allaah!