A Rule of Modern War.
I have been speculating unceasingly about the stupid, idiotic Rules of Conduct under which are modern-days soldiers are forced to fight and unfortunately to DIE by democratic imbeciles who have not got the experience, the brains ( most of them are pathetic Lawyers ) for, attitude for, DNA from, interest for, understanding of History and War.
My advantage over professional Academy-trained Officers is that I have not been brainwashed by military imbeciles pushed up for promotion for sympathizing/crawling-up-their-herpetic-arses [ "Anyone can get herpes "...... is their CREDO, the Australian CREDO, on TV ] with our majority of our un-military-like leaders since WWII, some of whom I would even label incompetent and unfit if not even bordering somehow on the treacherous, to advise or dictate on military matters.
One of these ineffective, incompetent men was Truman.
Mac Arthur was one of the best American Generals, but happened to be overruled by the little-hairy-brained-whysky-soggy Irish cunt [ begging the pardon of the ladies in whom it is a lovely, mind-mesmerizing distinction, a man being undeserving of such a beautiful apparatus for which he paid with a rib at Creation ].
One of our best was Sir Winston Churchill ( everyone can make an error in a god-forsaken place such as Gallipoli, with unimaginative leaders of the type described above unable to consider anything but frontal attacks ), but then in him one had breeding, DNA, History, dedication to the West, etc.
Up to WWII and the excessively biased Western/Yiddish propaganda against the Nazis and the Samurai, and in a little measure, to the ineffective Italian-Salami-eaters, which ended glorifying Partisans and para-military organizations in spite of their foul, un-disciplined, un-military, un-controlled, irrresponsible, un-accountable, precedent-causing operations and practices--------one of the Geneva Convention's Rule allowed anyone caught fighting out of uniform and without a clear distinguishing label or flag, as a para-military criminal, to be shot as and when caught, without court and other expensive bullshit pseudo-humanity, in accordance to the decision of an Officer-in-Charge ( this was when an Officer was an Officer, not a pawn of some idiotic President who has never been at war or even near the military scenario, like sweet Rudd, Obama, Abbott, Gillian, etc. ) of the capture/apprehending or discovery-party.
Spies of both sides, in spite of their dedication, usefulness or necessity, were also so dealt with.
This gave a soldier a certain pride and motivation in his profession, it made fighting sacred, respected, etc.
The harm done the West by WWII Yiddish propaganda which the Hagana has not been observing anyway ( read dear darling Moshe Dayan ), with typical Hebrew cunning and double-morality/standards, blowing up Arabs, British, whoever was in opposition, should be recognized, counteracted and, while condemning Nazism, Fascism, Samurai and, to-day, Islamic/Hebrew etc. ideologies, ( Nazi) German/European-methods of true and realistic warfare----------forget your cretin-journalists who have not got a clue, the mongrels-------I am happy when they get kicked up by Islam------and Rules of Engagement should be made to suit the human ( not superhuman ) nature of a soldier/Officer in the FIELD, who should not be saddled with too much responsibility in deciding if/when/how to press a trigger, as any hesitation to-day is suicide at the rate of 750 bullets a minute.
The Terrorists have no Rules of Engagement, why should we Dear Watson?
Why not sell portable Gattling Guns to the Talibans you American/European Mafiosi?
That would make it suicide at 2000 plus...........bullets a minute.
AAAAhhhhhhh.............what a feeeeeeeeeeeeelling !
Enough to give one an erection or an itchy........................
So, Obama dear darling, first generation out of Africa, show us how..........by serving as a Platoon-Officer in Afghanistan in a Tour of Duty, and I would make sure you contact the enemy, in action not in wafflings, before going for the Presidency........
So if Spies could be shot in war, why not terrorists, to-day?
Example-: The Islamic Bali Bombers who are receiving privileged treatment in the Indonesian Prisons.
Reward them, give them medals and a pension.........why not?
How it happened..................by what form of treachery!
Oooooooh.......noooo............. it would make us angry, hating..........the enemy.........
Are you achieving with this foolishnes of yours any victory at all?
We have been in Iraq and Afghanistan for ten years!
Our soldiers are getting killed over and over in the same places.
I claim that--------in spite of all the explanations, motivations plausibilities, driving a member of any para-military group, to fight, forcing him/her to involve civilians even against their will, to use their civilian structures in the armed conflict, and I am including all Partisans of WWII, or of any Historical Era, whom I curse, may they rot in Hell, for causing the present precedents, as I am for Law and Order-----------all para-military organizations should be declared illegal, criminal and dealt with by a World-widely-applied-Marshall Law, starting to-morrow, now.
The new rule, amply advertized should be that any illegal fighter is automatically condemned to immediate execution as soon as caught, at the discretion of a responsible Officer in Charge of Legal Military Operations, legal meaning 'sanctioned/accepted' by the UN or ONU, if/when caught using civilian resources or structures in the course of his/her fight.
Only if caught in the open, using natural/terrain-structures for deployment and resistance, without involvement of civilians for logistics of any type or purpose, shall he/she be considered for prisoner's rights.
But I would have NO PRISONERS, NO GUANTANAMO, in general.
Terroristic activities and these would include those involving civilians and civilian resources or structures whether willing or unwilling, it would not matter as it causes civilians deaths and confusion, and is a psychological war resource used against our soldiers who are legal fighters, our soldiers, and to be considered as a measure of war, part of logistics, and I am extending the meaning of logistics to include any psychological-force.
So, wake up you Mafia's offspring............. Duntroon, West-Point, Annapolis, St. CYr, Military Academies ( Modena/Livorno in Italy) mongrels, and start thinking you pampered, idiots/dudes. Spend less time in the building of unnecessary muscles, including your genitals, and try to achieve better brains.
You'll never get a chance to use those muscles against guerrilla like the Vietcongs or the Talibans, or the Chinese.
What you need is brain, spiritual power.
Templar-like training!
The ladies among you especially..............................what a JOKE!
I would like to say to our Politicians in general that if they lack the guts, they should not aim at a leadership for which they are unfit.
Most of them should stick to local politics with all their Caucuses-Rules/regulations for which they are eminently genetically suited and play their silly peasant-games of knifing one another in the back.
I'll continue spewing-up whenever I see them and all their Brass in their Churches singing their worn-out Hymns.
I dissociate myself from them.
Sorry mates!