Some Americans are loosing their temper with regard to Islam! I do not blame them, but they deserve Islam and all the shit Islamists are heaping on the West and the World for employing Mafia scions from Sicilian and Calabrian, Irish Ira converts and Slavonic double-crossers, now the African lobbyists with Obama in charge ( fuck you Obama! ), all from peasant-stock, to lead their Masonic lodges, FBI and CIA and what not.
Yet Americans have some enlightened knowledgeable gurus like Kelley L. Ross Ph. Dr. and his Friesian group, reacheable on the Internet, who know their/our histories and can make intelligent predictions to the present trends.
Islam is a fossil ideology that has no place in modernity when all religions have progressed and evolved to allow for peaceful reciprocity and mutuality among people. Islamists should not be conceded unconditional freedom and democratic liberties in our lands, amongst our communities and societies, until they prove to us to be totally reformed and show us a centralized responsible authority authorized to deal as the representative of the whole of Islam, and extend to the whole World the same liberties in their lands including La Mecca and Medina that they require of us in the name of our democratic ideology which they despise, but use as a weapon against us.
You do not deserve the resources you have been squandering since 1700 in your materialistic, wasteful ways..........somehow Islam is correct in attacking You. If Islam were as saintly as it falsely claims to be.
Islam is still obsessively tied-up to imperialism and conquest with the imposition of Islam on everyone.
Their strategy has not changed since the times when their masters the Turks-------- running away from the Chinese-retributions/retaliations, after harassing the Chinese for centuries, and they are still there in China with the Uighurs-------looking for an opportunity to take over, took the Arabs over and began to lead them in cunning and treacherous ways of warfare. This strategy consists in appearing to be divided so as to be able to maintain a constant activity of attrition against their opponents. They love peace talks, diplomatic exchanges, negotiations which buy them TIME, FOR REGROUPING, RE-ARMING PLANNING, ETC. however, in the absence of a centralized authority for the whole of Islam-------it exists but no one knows who and where it is, it might be Al Qaeda itself----------as we achieve a peace-treaty with one section OR PARA-MILITARY GROUP, another allegedly not linked to the former, they might even stage a mock inner-fight to convince our gullible FBI and CIA and whatever else, starts the attrition again somewhere else.
I ask ( Obama should ask) Western/American Moslems if thy exist at all, to stage street demonstrations asking Palestinians and Afghani Talibans to cease from their killing activities. And not to give me the hipocritical statements of their Associations, some of which are of Islamic women, that they are for peace. What they mean is that the West withdraw and lets Islam have its way.
I ask Obama to tell the 40 millions World-Refugees to fight for their rights not expecting our soldiers to do so for them. They should be able to supply us with a million able-bodied men asking to be trained and armed and sent back to their countries of origin to fight the corrupt Regimes which made them into Refugees.
This is how mighty Bizantium ( Ross Kelley L. calls it ROMANIA ) fell and it took from 800 to 1453 AD to do it.
Those Balkanic Nations are now, including Greece-: The ARSE-HOLE OF EUROPE as those people have been emasculated by Islam led by Turkey.
Islam claims and has been claiming since 650 AD it is doing so in the name of Allah!
However an analysis of the leadership of Islam, probably 1000 families, and of their creme the Saudi Princes and their crawlers like Bin Laden and Obama shows that, while they impose hard rules on the masses they secretly enjoy every form of pleasurable entertainment and luxury.
This is reminiscent of the recently disbanded Communist Parties in the Soviet Union, who enjoyed access to priviledged Stores, while keeping the population of non members or nominal members, on the smell of an oil drop, which was not even olive oil.
I would have imagined Obama to be more intelligent and recapitulating in his statements about the liberties and rights of Moslems in America. I would have asked American Moslems to exert pressures on their Middle-Eastern brethrens and the Palestinians in so far as peace with Israel is concerned. I would have asked the American Moslems to show they are Americans firsts and Islamists second. I would have asked American Moslems to be less shameless, arrogant, bad/ill-mannered, insensitive, provocative and to avoid desiring to build a super Mosque near the tragic site of the Twin Towers and September 11.
You wish to provoke? I provoke you, you bloody mongrels!
Kill me and cut your own throat doing so!
September 11 cannot be forgotten or pardoned according to Islamic or Judaic Law.
Our New Testament allowances can be suspended confronting that act of pure unadulterated treachery, in the same way these were suspended during WWII against the Nazis and the Samurais.
Remember Dresden and Hamburg and the phosphor bombs! remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki! The Old Testament which Jews and Arabs have as a source can be brought back into any judging about Islam!
Jesus Himself said he did not come to cancel it, but lift it for a better behaviour, if/when such eventuates.
Jihad, fatwas can backfire onto Islam!
I praise Bush for invading Iraq and hanging the peasant, corrupt, murderer of Curds ( the great Saladin was a Curd ), Saddam Hussein!
All Middle-Far-Eastern nations owe the Christian West and to the millions of dead, western christian soldiers, for their liberation from the Satanic Turks, in 1919 and their modern existence.Make peace with Israel and spend the money of your dwindling oil resources in the re-education and reformation of the Q'uran and of Islam.
I can help you with the redaction and re-interpretation of the Q'uran.
Put all your Ayatollahs, Khalifs, Khans, Emirs, Sherifs, Muftis, Imams, Meuzzins to work the soil for their own feeding. They have been bringing Allah's wrath on your heads with all their preachings about blood and wars. Floods, earthquakes, lack of food, deseases as the result of Islamic population- escalations. Exercise sexual restraint you fools! Hearing the Talibans talk on TV documentaries about History is a heart-rending experience! They, even the leaders have not got a single book in their homes except perhaps propaganda from Al Qaeda. Can they read at all???? It seems to me they are individuals who prefer terrorism to work. The Internet has got excellent true information.
Look up Kelley L. Ross.
Allah is pure Spirit.
Mohammed had it right but got it from the Syrian Christian preachers in Mesopotamia.
The Jews have Jehovah the Father whom I believe to have been a man like Jesus in whom the Spirit incarnated as the Word. So, when we say the Father is God we mean really that the Spirit in Jehovah is God. Similarly with Jesus.
The Father and the son are essential to a focusing onto God the Spirit who is so little HUMAN.
Islamists don't give me your bullshit, please and be honest or be cursed, as you cannot say anything better than what I just said above.
The Latin/Orthodox/Constantinian Church stressed the Jewish theology as the result of the rising of unending sects dividing/weakening the well-meaning Roman Empire. Islam could be seen as one of these sects as it is pure Arianism.
Sectarian differences have been becoming ideologies as fanatical people have been getting hold of these to justify their wars of conquest and domination.
This is what Constantine the Great wished to avoid. The problem is still with us but we have fools, peasants leading us who have no historical understanding but skills, wealth who knows how begotten ( investigate the source and origins of their wealth ), and misplaced personality.
Islam is the only religious Sect of Mesopotamian origins like the Hebrew and the Christian that has not reformed or evolved, that has remained a fossil and is extremely dangerous.
Just consider the unending feud between the two Semitic people the Jews and the Arabs ( with their various scriptural names ) that has been going on since David and even earlier than David.
And they dare to claim to love God, Jehovah, Allah!
You bastardic mongrels!
Are you not ashamed?
"Mannaggia !........Non hanno sangue in faccia........sti' gomorriti e sodomiti !".
It follows that ISLAM's demands made on the plead for democratic freedoms ISLAM does not honour in its own lands through its own people, with a secret, non-centralized, confusing, all-deceiving, planning and scheming AUTHORITY, should not be honoured in the UNCONDITIONAL manners that we in the West have become wrongly accustomed to expect.
It is not a religion but a dangerous ideology acting and operating as a secret, wordl-wide SOCIETY-:
Allelujah, Maranata and Amen and Ahem!
P.S.-: I cannot understand how China can remain neutral in relation to Afghanistan, when it has got Moslem-groups within its borders burning for mischief.
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