Post 288. No One Needs the Myth of Italian Unity!
Italian Unity,
Only the Mafia!
Blogger's Comment-: Garibaldi became a Colonel of the Piedmontese Regular Army after his liberation of Sicily, Calabria and Campania following his beginning of the Campaign for the impossible, utopian, misguided, naive, Mazzinian dream of a United Italy, already infested by the Saracenic Mafia that had historically sabotaged every attempt of a just Government in South Italy, including that of the pathetic Bourbons. Garibaldi ' s 1000 Red Shirts, were a para-military force secretly financed and equipped by Piedmont, of which Garibaldi had remained a citizen notwithstanding Piedmont having ceded Nizza to France.
The para-military force had been resorted to, to avoid the complications of a declaration of War against the Bourbons, involving the whole of Europe.
Garibaldi had desertors, rapists, looters, spies, brigands, terrorists, Mafiosi shot!
Similar strong measures at Caporetto during WWI , encouraged by the Savojas, when Italian soldiers refused to fight the Austrians kept Italy from an international shame!
This is why one still finds propaganda to-day accusing the North of atrocities, as if Mafia's terroristic methods were humane, like hitting leaders by kidnappings, even of their children, cutting off of fingers, ears, murdering and dumping of the bodies in ravines, now by blowing up their victims, Hamas and Al Qaeda-style, with the available high explosives, like in the case of high-ranking, honest, State Prosecutors Falcone, Borsellino, Carabinieri's General Della Chiesa and dozens of incorruptible others, the true Italians, not Saracenic fake-ones.
However, in their over-confidence and belief in the innate goodness of humankind, no account was taken of the Saracenic underground, white-teethed, smiling, cunning, long armed ubiquitous, treacherous, extremely wealthy, wealth-hiding MAFIA.
Knowing now how things were to develop it would have been far better for Piedmont to stay as it was and the rest of Italy to remain under foreign European Powers, since all these considerations are purely conventional now that we have a United Europe and when considering the rise of the MAFIA which is like an octopus wishing to strangle the whole of Europe.
Please read-: Kosovo and the wolves in the fog,
about the Albanian Mafia,
strangely tolerated,
already during a period of ten years now,
by the UN
and by the USA.
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It is said that the yearly non-taxed-revenue of the Italian Mafia alone, is the same as that of a Nation like the level of hundreds of billions of Euros.
And there are other National Mafias in Europe and in the World!
When the Feuds were eliminated in South Italy the Mafia bought most of the latifundia at a ridiculous low price. The Aristocrats who had been robbed and sabotaged by their Mafiosi estate-supervisors and had borne the weight of Royal Taxation on Incomes on the basis of free-land-tenure of their feudal lands, could not afford the purchase of their feudal-lands.
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Gaeta and Wounded Knee
As everyone knows, on 29 December 1890, at Wounded Knee the massacre of 300 Lakota SiouxGaeta, as almost no one knows, nor are they expected to know, another massacre was carried out by the Savoy army, in which thousands of women and children civilians died. Hundreds of thousands perished in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies during and after the war of occupation. Gaeta was the epilogue of the war. While the government of the United States assigned reserves to the Lakota people, the Savoys expropriated Gaeta and even today it is territory that is almost completely the property of the State. The celebration of the Unity of Italy is a farce if its origins are not remembered. Without the memory of the past, there can be no future for Italy. What does it mean to be Italian for those who don’t even know their own history?Interview with Antonio Raimondi, Mayor of Gaeta, Antonio Ciano, an essayist on the Risorgimento and Luca Ciardi, an historian.
The end of a kingdom women and children was carried out by the army of the United States of America. Thirty years earlier, in 1860, at
Antonio Raimondi, Mayor of Gaeta: “A kingdom ended at Gaeta, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, rather than the birth of the kingdom of Italy, it was the end of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Just this idea, allowed me to turn upside down the accepted view of things, the history of the Risorgimento is a story told only on the side of the winners, the great personalities are Garibaldi, Mazzini, Cavour and still others, Victor Emmanuel II, are in so many squares in Italy, the main streets are dedicated to these characters, especially Victor Emmanuel II is to be found on horseback in many squares and streets in Italy. However, it seems that Francesco II was a “reuccio“ {little king}, and they even referred to him as “Franceschiello”, but this was in an affectionate way, then king Ferdinand II was a shady character. In the historiography of the nineteenth century, it seems that the Bourbons are a second class lineage.
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