Sunday, May 30, 2010

Post 276. Northern Italian Mafiosi. The Mafia Virus is catching..

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Blogger's  Comments-: Northern  Italian  Mafiosi...........The   Mafia-Virus   is  catching  and   affecting  the   whole  LEGA   PADANA   ( led   by  Senator  Bossi ) (  'Padana '  is a  word   related   to  the   Po   river  that   gives   North-Italy  its   agricultural    potential   )-:    Aaahhh   cornuti.........!
How  can   anyone   clean   up   Italy  (  Europe )  without   hanging,  drawing    and   quartering these  bastards?
Sacking  them  is    not   enough  as  they   return  by  some   other  way   to  the   top-levels,   pushed  up   again   by  the  Mafia-infiltrators   everywhere.
They  and   members   of  their   extended   families   should  be  barred   from   Public  Service    for  a  couple  of   generations.
Moreover   their  Bank  Accounts  and   Fixed  Capital  Holdings should  be  investigated,     explanations supplied of   the  history   of   funds   held  there and  of  the  acquisition  of   Fixed   Capital,     their  confiscation......................................... etc., etc. etc.
The issue of double and triple income earners working for the  relation  to  the    1800 billions-Euros-debt    oppressing  European    Economy   and  endangering   the  World's   Economy.       
The issue of double and triple income earners working for the State is a scandal that cannot be allowed to continue. The "MoVimento 5 Stelle" is demanding the resignation of Roberto Rosso, Deputy in the Capital and Councillor on the Piedmont Regional Council. Mr. Rosso (a native of Casale Monferrato, Ed.) was absent for reasons of ill health when the Piedmont Regional Budget was under discussion. Apparently in search of some sort of treatment for his ailment, however, he went to Rome to cast his vote at the Chamber of Deputies. The least we can expect is for him to gracefully tender his resignation. But Mr. Rosso is not the only one. There are indeed hundreds of individualssufficient grounds for laying charges of misrepresentation against Roberto Rosso. With your help, this blog will publish a list of names of people holding multiple posts. People that make me sick to my stomach. Government employees’ salaries, which amount to little more than one thousand Euro a month on average, are being frozen for three years by Tremorti while he and his buddies are feasting on caviar and champagne, but for how much longer? The end-of-break bell is already sounding.   I will be checking with our attorneys to find out whether there are sufficient grounds for laying charges of misrepresentation against Roberto Rosso. With your help, this blog will publish a list of names of people holding multiple posts. People that make me sick to my stomach. Government employees’ salaries, which amount to little more than one thousand Euro a month on average, are being frozen for three years by Tremorti while he and his buddies are feasting on caviar and champagne, but for how much longer? The end-of-break bell is already sounding. Ps: Roberto Rosso is Labour Councillor, perhaps that’s why he has two jobs.
"The dis-Honourable Roberto Rosso, deputy in Rome as well as Vice-Chairman of the Regional Junta and Labour Councillor of the 9th Legislature in Piedmont, is apparently struggling to meet his multiple commitments resulting from his multiple posts. The entire discussion of the Piedmont Regional Budget went ahead within the Regional Council in the absence of both Regional Premier Cota, who is apparently also fascinated by Tremonti’s interim budget, and the vice Chairman of the Regional Council. What a pity that while Cota was on leave for institutional reasons, Rosso claimed to be absent for reasons of ill health. The fact remains that, on 25 May, Rosso was indeed presentChamber of Deputies! So much for his health problems, indeed we congratulate him on the miraculous recovery! The day after, he was unable to return to Turin because, notwithstanding the fact that he is Labour Councillor, he was apparently unaware of the strike by Sagat employees working at Caselle Airport (perhaps he is totally unaware that there is another airport at Malpensa, which the Lega ally campaigned for in his election campaign, and also other airports, as well as the trains). We are beginning to think that this it is high time to put a firm stop to this business of multiple posts (a prime example being Lega member Buonanno who, in addition to being Regional Councillor and Parliamentary Deputy, also appears to be Mayor of Varallo Sesia   [ one of  the  most    beautiful   Alpine    multi-layered    towns,    rising  from  the    valley   up  to  almost  the   snow-line,  a  fairy-like  setting...........polluted  by   a   disgraziato  such  as   Rosso,   once    governed   by   a  Marques   FERRERI,   now   debauched   by  these    goat-herders  in the   name  of    democratic    freedom   to   steal   the  fornicating  masses   blind   and   to  sabotage     Europe ]   Deputy Mayor of Borgosesia) (so much for the Lega Nord's slogan that goes “Thieving Rome”, Ed), which has also spread to Piedmont regional and Turin municipal councillors such as Carossa, Goffi, Cerutti and Ravello, the latter also being Environmental Councillor.
In this regard, we wish to announce the establishment of a Facebook Group called “Rosso dimettiti" (Rosso resign) while, as regards the 5-Star MoVement Council Group, we are already busy working both in court and in council chambers to address the issues of incompatibility and ineligibility. Any information that you let us have regarding the elected councillors for your area could prove to be extremely useful." MoVimento 5 Stelle Piemonte
for the vote in the and


At June 16, 2010 at 4:03 PM , Blogger Templar said...

Anastacia, dear, thank you for your kind comment.
Regarding the sexual enhancers I am happy to be quiet as, where would I find pussy at 71, without paying or corrupting females?
I have an enlarged heart and that makes me naturally quiet although still an admirer of the gentle (?) gender.


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