Post 268. Priorities.......priorities....priorities!
Blogger's Recommendation-: Suspend all Immigration for at least five years.
Totally eliminate Immigration Brokers and Consultants. Send them to work with their hands.
Certainly of extended relatives and families. Since there are individuals sorely and tragically in need of emigrating, waiting in a queue, Immigration should have always been a privilege to be only available to individuals and one's immediate family.
With the exception of essential Professions-: i.e., Doctors, nurses.
Blogger's Comment-: Australian
( actually businessmen have no real national/civilisational/religious loyalties as they worship the god MONEY [ the ancient MAMMON ] and the Globe is their nation) businessmen appear to be obsessed with developing Australia so fast that Immigrants have become a necessity.
If they could train these, they would even bring in Chimpanzees and Orangutangs....... If and when problems were to arise for whatever reason businessmen believe that their wealth shall somehow insulate them from these problems. Water shortages? They can afford bottled water even to shower with. Or they can move to some isolated part of the world where they can somehow avoid the problem they caused.
They have no soul.
But this a dream of misguided criminal minds good at just making money, that in the end would have no value, once the basis for wealth that is NATURAL has been permanently damaged.
Businessmen see Immigrants as just another mean to an end, a consumable resource.
Why should Australia not develop at a slower, safer pace, consolidating, building RESERVES, concentrating on reforming and improving the moral standards of its population, rather than wantonly racing blindly in the abyss of future, self-induced catastrophies?
May I remind the readers that Australia is already shifting potable water from as far back as Queensland in order to satisfy the demand in Victoria?
That the Murray river is drying out?
After having been abused since WWI by Australian nitwits who irrigated Northern Victoria, ending by irreversibly salinating it, without bothering to first provide DRAINAGE, a necessity that even the ROMANS of the Republic knew about.
Their drained Vineyards are still there in France and Italy, you grongos.
Aaahhhhh.......but Australians are born clever...........they do not need learning or the lessons of History.
Agricultural land is slowly reducing its yeld for lack of adequate rains.
I would suggest that these Migrants be sent to the outback for at least three years before being allowed to settle down among their extended families and villages, in the capital cities to become secondary-type producers ( service industries-: Shish-kebab/Felafel--Barons, Souvlaki--Barons, concrete-rendering-- Barons, Massage Parlours' Barons, Chefs, Restaurants, Gardening Gurus, etc. etc. ).
Then they would begin perhaps to understand that their obsession with over-populating this extremely fragile land with more of themselves is just stupid, especially if carried out without planning, leaving no RESERVES...................the American way.
Please remember that Australia is now the LAST FRONTIER or ELDORADO , your last chance as IMMIGRANTS, unless one wishes to go to Siberia, Alaska, Patagonia, Mato Grosso, etc. But these are other peoples' reserves anyway and you would not be allowed there.
So, start thinking seriously.............Antonio, Ramirez, Mohammed, Vasco da Gama, Suleiman, Krishna, Stavros, Spiros, Costa, Confucius, Lao-Tse, Mao Tse Tung, Budhaaa......, have I forgotten someone?
Sorry Mate!
And leave the women out please....the Taliban way!
Only a baby per woman.........allowed!
Follow the link to read the post:
Peak water consumption - Interview with Lester Brown
..........................stabilising population growth, eradicating poverty, which is closely linked to the stabilisation of demographic expansion, and re-establishing agriculture, fishing, water reserves, in other words, our natural support systems.
Economics is also unable to explain the phenomenon that we call climate change. For example, the melting of the ice cap in the far northern Atlantic could lead to flooding in the rice paddies located in the Asian river deltas, thereby drastically reducing the size of the rice harvest in those regions.
The biggest problem facing the world today is the economic growth of the past fifty years – it has virtually quadrupled – and the consequent increase in the consumption of natural resources, which has increased far beyond sustainable levels.
The overall number of Countries that are in the process of failing – Countries whose Governments are unable to guarantee personal safety or security of food supplies – is busy increasing.
What this means, in essence, is that we have probably reached peak water extraction levels and peak oil extraction levels at the same time. Many people talk about the peak oil extraction level, but very few people ever mention the peak water extraction level.
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