Post 262. Please allow me to clarify...............
The lying Southerns' Movement calls the 'picciotti', the Mafia pawns killed at the time when Garibaldi fought banditism in South Italy, on behalf of the Savoja, 'southern patriots '.........................Where were these patriots when the Army and Navy of the Bourbon Monarchy surrendered in droves to Garibaldi's 'One Thousand'? They were helping Garibaldi fight the Bourbons who had been rather hard on Mafiosi, knowing that Mafiosi-bosses would have been allowed to purchase the feudal lands of the Sicilian Nobility, vilified by Yiddish Film Producers, who are more corrupt and compromising than an African hyena, once Feudal Laws were abolished, as the Savojas had already been compelled to do in Piedmont. These Mafia-bosses were able to purchase these lands cheaply as these were auctioned, with money they had stolen for centuries acting as disloyal, conniving, oppressing, treacherous, soulless, Middle Men on behalf of the Nobility which they had forced through terrorism, acting both ways, upward and downward, to use them as Middle Men. The same scenario occurred in the Balkans and Russia where the Hebrews there were used as the Mafia was in Southern Italy, with the same results. However, the ruthless Czars, ignited/allowed regular racial/religious pay back (pogrom) by the oppressed population. As soon as the Piedmontese began to be hard with criminals, they suddenly became 'patriots'. The same is happening now when United Europe must eventually become fed up with the OCTOPUS and demand ACTION.
Ahhhhh..........they are RACIST...........they refuse us quarter..........they refuse us INDULGENCE..........we are poor............we have always been exploited by the invaders of Sicily.......ahhhhh............Garibaldi shot our 'picciotti'................Mussolini persecuted us..............Hitler hated us...........we have never done anything wrong............even the Pope says so............
These lyers and I am including all those people mentioned above, have learnt the Art of Sophistry and never address the PRESENT, i.e., " What about the problem NOW, TO-DAY ? ", but slip through their questioner's hands by pointing accusing fingers to the PAST. They arrogantly refuse to answer a specific question about the NOW and point to a RECENT PAST as an isolated event, rather than, as there is no wrong in trying to sort out a problem by studying its History, by going back far enough into History so as to be able to find the truth by a wider historical area of integration. The Mafia and its terrorism has been there since 1000 AD.
It is about time that, with modern resources and some application of Martial efficiency and Laws, 'a la Garibaldi ' the Mafia gets dismantled for good, never to rise again.
Garibaldi joined for a while the Piedmontese Regular Army as a Colonel and is known to have hanged on the spot, soldiers who had raped women.
Let no 'stronzo' Sicilian peasant ever slur Garibaldi!
The 'picciotti'...............patriots? WWII it took one Australian soldier with a 303 and a three feet bayonnet with a salami hanging from it to lead 1000 'picciotti' prisoners.
They were behind the surrender of the whole of Sicily to the Allied Forces. Compromise with them and you become like them, you stupid Anglo-Saxons.
I admire General MacArthur as an enlightened American, unfortunately a rarity, who understood Japan's stability necessitated the retention of the Monarchy.
Apparently all the Italo/American Officers/Apes from the Bronx and Brooklin must have biased American thinking in Italy after WWII.
Anglo-Saxons deserve to-day the fruits of the stupidity by which they lived since the end of WWI.
If United Europe falls you are in the shits ohh Yanquees!
Start crawling up China's or Russia's arse-hole.
But I respect the Chinese because they do not hesitate when harsh measures become essential.
The Russians do not compromise with terrorists either.
Ahhhhhhh......but we are much much cleverer..........than them. making and blowing up financial disasters.
We want to win their heart and souls.............
Let us laugh together ad libitum........
Mafias would not last for long there, although I am also aware some corruption is developing there too.
But I like the way they discovered, exposed and dealt with that Chinese/Australian Minister they proved had accepted a one-million-dollars-bribe.
Another of the Australians' many jokes.
The following Article motivated by the Southerns' Movement does not address the problem of a South Italy no one can invest capital in for fear of extortion rackets and sabotaging terrorists and criminals. Actually I did not know such a movement existed ( probably part of the Mafia-propaganda ), although I am aware of several Monarchy/Duchy/Papacy-Restoration-Movements in Italy, one even working for the restoration of the Papal Territories, which could renew all that went wrong in the course of European History since Charlemagne usurped the Merovingians' crown, and I am referring here to the rise of separate Monarchies competing and warring one against the other untill, recently enough, WWII.
And perhaps there may be such a one.
If on the other hand, if scarcity of resources are the reason for all this propensity to crime and illegal activities, double morality ( the correct one for their own, an evil one for everybody else who is expendible and exploitable ), hypocrisy face-to-face the Roman Catholic Religion they have polluted and are destroying, why keep on procreating like rabbits or rats?
It should make Mafiosi think too, but all they wish to do is to sweep it under the carpet and maintain the status quo.
A similar function is supplied by the Concentration Camps of Holocaust-memory in Germany and the Museum of the Holocaust in Jerusalem.
I advise the Hebrews to ponder carefully about the Holocaust............not in the biased, simplistic way they are doing.
The interviewee does not come up with an explanation himself and offers as a solution the closure of the Museum or places the blame on the North and on Garibaldi. I say to all Terrorists and Criminals in the world that the ball is in their court, i.e., they have the onus to dismantle and cease from ther activities, not the elected legal Guardians of Law and Order.
They are outside Humanitarian Conventions and Laws.
I repeat, the same purpose as the Lombroso Museum in Italy, is served in Germany by the Camps of the Holocaust that reminds us of what can happen when people keep on keeping a ghetto culture and mentality when moving to live in someone else lands, that of their Hosts, sharing resources.
These problems/issues have nothing to do with racial prejudice but have everything to do with the arrogance of immigrants or local populations somewhere who somehow tend to refuse integration and persist in forming and perpetuating their ghetto-like-communities, remaining foreigners in the land of their Hosts, else barring others from sharing their own resources while claiming their human right to share in those of the people they antagonise and wish to one-sidedly exploit, justyfying themselves by purity laws and religious ideologies, while irresponsibly procreating at to-day-unacceptable rates with the purpose in mind to eventually predominate and take over their hosts.
It is actually Racism in reverse.
No........mine is not Paranoia, although I must admit for honesty's sake 40+ years in Australia have caused me to become a bit paranoid. But I am aware of this.
Tibet is a different scenario and the Chinese are wrong there.
Because they wish to use the clout Islam can supply them, not because they love Allah.........Who is the Holy Spirit and hates lyers. They are allowed by the Chinese to keep their culture, however without the Islamic bias of a theocratic solution looming in their midst, that would eventually demand the adoption of Sharia Law in lieu of Chinese Law, unchecked demographic expansion, with the eventual demand of secession and independence, etc., but should recognise the right of the Chinese in whose lands they are living, by accepting Chinese language and culture as the principal one, like I/we the honest/gentlemanly immigrants are gladly and voluntarily doing in Australia.
I am personally PROUD of my dozens of anscestors of different/various blood-groups that improved my breed.
May I ask my fellow migrants of various ethnic groups what the hell have their Countries of origin they abandoned in despair, what these have to show to the world, to justify their hubris for government here in Australia?
As soon as a Suburb gets one of these ignoramuses leading, Local Regulations and Bylaws get bypassed, violated, probably in exchange for bribes, any landlord can charge whatever the landlord wishes, compelling migrants to overcrowd by as much as four times the health-wise allocated number, Villa Units, Flats, Houses, etc. with an unavoidable health problem ( even if only mental ) inside these residences and in the community around.
This is a beginning of Mafia-rise, how Mafia begins.
Ohhhh yes............the value of Property rises tooo........howww niice...........and this is the weacknes of Australians. Money-worship. You are cutting your throats and giving away your birth-right in the future for the volatile present!
Anti-ghetto laws should be promulgated to avoid Suburbs becoming occupied predominantly by one ethnic group alone. Coburg/3058 is for example becoming increasingly Moslem as Moslems buy vacated properties and businesses. Coburg market has become almost totally Moslem. properties in the streets and in a Market or Mall, should be bought by people of different ethnic origins and I do not care about the ruse they are all Australian citizens.
This might temporarily lower values of Property, but it would represent assurance of a trouble-free future without entrenched ghetto-like foreign communities.
That is also the reason why I am a Monarchist, since the Monarchy cannot be infiltrated and represents STABILITY.
Wherever an ethnic population acquires a majority in Australia there is a drive to elect an ethnic Major or Councillor, elected by collusion/conspiracy in a biased way.
Why should the Chinese accept this farce?
Of course the Uighurs most certainly do not like the Chinese-demographic-limiting Laws that exclude their ever acquiring a majority. What is wrong with their remaining a minority if they were willing to integrate as they should? Who is the RACIST here? These people are also using, when convenient, slogans belonging to a non-theocratic democratic culture, i.e., human rights, freedom, racism, etc. etc.
Yet Islam normally abhors our biased type of unreformed democracy and I do not totally blame them.
Their opponents can say the same then and adieu peace!
By right, Turkey should then go back to Greece, or at least Cyprus.
And Islam illegally destroyed all existing Titles of ownership and carried out a great deal of ethnic cleansing.
These are crimes and illegal acts by any civilised language.
I must admit the Hebrews of the Diaspora were the victims of Roman ethnic-cleansing, but they asked for it by refusing appeasement with the Roman Empire which crucified trouble-makers ( unfortunately Jesus also was judged as a trouble-maker, however in Justice, Pontius Pilate gave the Jews a choice between Jesus and Barabbas. Please don't give me your crap you ex-Lady-Professors of mine at the United Faculty of Theology-Melbourne, justifying the Hebrews in exchange for yearly cheques/donations the United Church receives from the Jewish community, for teaching anti-Roman interpretations of the trial of Jesus ) and by their never-ending unrest and claims to esclusive election by God as the only pure and worthy race in the whole world.
That is tantamount to hiding or corrupting the truth.
What if there was a Museum in Berlin dedicated to Alfred Rosenberg, the Nazi mastermind behind the idea of the superiority of the Arian race?. And what if this Rosenberg Museum displayed the remains of the Jews that were deported to the concentration camps, including their skeletons and their skulls cut open as proof of their inferiority? What if there was a museum in Turin, which there is, dedicated to Cesare Lombroso, the master mind behind the idea that northern Italians are superior to southern Italians? And what if this Lombroso Museum displayed, which it does, the remains of the southern Italian patriots, labelled as criminals, who were killed in their tens of thousands during Piedmont’s occupation of The Kingdom of the Two Sicilies? Their skeletons and their skulls cut open as proof of their inferiority, displayed in cabinets in their hundreds, instead of being buried in their homeland as human decency would demand. This lazy, racist Italy that is unaware of its history is celebrating 150 years of unity. The Piedmont Regional Administration should shut down this Museum, or at least return the southerners’ remains to their places of birth.
Blog: "Well, they say that it is part of our history?"
- "No, it is neither part of history nor part of science. Cesare Lombroso used his theories to justify the colonialisation of the South, which has continued on to this day. I’m from Naples. "
Blog: "So why are you here? "
- "I came here to demand the closure of the Lombroso Museum. "
Blog: "But what precisely did Lombroso do? "
- "Nothing to me personally, however, he kind of said that my ancestors were genetically inferior, so he essentially considered the entire population of the South to be genetically predisposed to become criminals because he claimed to have discovered some sort of inferiority trait in the occipital fossae in the corpse of Criminal Villella, one of the Southerners who was fighting against the Savoian invasion of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. According to Lombroso, this was a trait displayed by delinquents, unlike the inhabitants of the North of the Peninsula who, in his opinion, were not delinquents due to their biological and genetic predisposition. To now remember this man and celebrate his life as they have done here in Turin with the re-inauguration of this Museum, which had fortunately been shut down until November last year, is, in our opinion, an affront to not only to the thousands of men that died, but particularly to the hundreds of corpses that are now obviously only skeletons and skulls on display in this Museum. I visited the Museum on 9 December and I saw this shameful spectacle, … and it really is shameful, because he (Lombroso) is a historian that should be viewed as an abomination, also because he was scientifically denigrated and his ideas have no scientific foundation whatsoever. "
Blog: "However, at the time, he was considered to be an eminent authority. "
- "He was indeed so educated that the Germans, more precisely the Third Reich, adopted his racist ideas as the basis for their theories regarding the inferiority of certain races and indeed, in the case of the Germans, the concept of the supposed superiority of the Arian Race. But his theories were even utilised in the United States, so much so that on Ellis Island, the Island where the immigrants used to disembark, northern Italians were classified as whites while the Southern Italians were classified as “white niggers. "
Blog: "Where have you come from? "
- "I am from Sicily and I’m a member of the “Insorgenza Sicilia” movement. "
Blog: "So why did you come all the way up here? "
- "Because this where the Lombroso Museum is located, but obviously we are here for political reasons, because everything that happened 150 years ago can still be seen to this day, naturally in other forms and in other ways. Today, the South is not being invaded using weapons, but rather by means of entrepreneurial colonialism, which has found a strong ally in the Mafia organisations that exist in the South and on the Islands. "
Blog: "But what precisely does Lombroso have to do with any of this? "
- "Lombroso has a lot to do with all of this because he stands as the symbol of a State that comes in, destroys the area, humiliates the people of the area and then proceeds to steal their wealth. This has to be justified in some way, and was to use the Lombroso ideology, namely that the Southerners are somehow inferior beings. Today, the justification is that the Southerners don’t have any entrepreneurial ability anyway and that they are not capable of providing a better future for themselves or their kin. For us, naturally the Lombroso Museum not only represents colonialism as it was 150 years ago, but also as it exists today. "
Blog: "Where are you from? "
- "From Mantua. "
Blog: "And what are you here to demonstrate against? "
- "To protest against the Lombroso Museum, because the man was a would-be scientist that did some terrible things. He was essentially a forerunner for what the doctors were eventually doing in the German Lagers. "
Blog: "So you are demanding that this museum be shut down once and for all. "
- "What we are demanding is a bit of a re-think in order to bring some clarity to Lombroso’s ideology, as well as to shed more light on what was, and essentially still is the destruction of the South by people like Lombroso, who never fought in any of the battles but who, instead, through his research, gave rise to what eventually became the Pica Law, which established that all southerners could be killed and massacred. This was their opinion, which was fuelled by hatred. "
Blog: "So you also think that Lombroso wasn’t a nice guy. "
- "Shame, Lombroso was only doing his job. Pity he wasn’t so smart after all and had managed to convince himself that southerners were inferior human beings after conducting some very strange research. He was a confirmed racist long before the days of the Nazi theories. "
Blog: "And people believed him? "
- "Yes, during the 1800s Lombroso was very successful, and this is the greatest pity of all, namely that he was so successful. "
Blog: "In your opinion, should a museum like this not exist? "
- "No. While this museum may well be part of our history and while it may well document certain past events, and everything relating to the past has to be respected, studied and made known, we should nevertheless take into account that this museum houses certain relics, hundreds of skulls of men and women of the South, which were brought here simply because they were deemed to be inferior human beings so, you understand, you cannot simply … this psycho-physical determination, this philosophy that was so fashionable in the 1800s. Do you have a large thumb? Well then you must be a criminal. Do you have a small thumb? Well then you must be a good fellow. These things are totally ridiculous … "
Blog: "But your marked Sicilian accent makes me think that you…"
- " No. I live in Alessandria, in the Province of Alessandria. I’m very happy here ,but I am merely disgusted and nauseated by the fact that still today we continue to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of Italian Unity, namely a sort of Renaissance of the very same Savoias who came down South to conquer us. I’m a transplanted staunch Southerner now living up here in the North. I love the Northerners and I respect them, however, I would like to see this Republic becoming a true Republic, in which everyone is treated with equal dignity. For example, the current Deputies and Senators sitting in Parliament at the moment, those apparently representing the people of the South, are almost all bad people who really don’t give a damn about the interests of the people they supposedly represent, but are in fact only concerned about obeying orders from the party offices, so they build up their client lists. Can I say tell you something? I would replace the skulls of criminals, of our heroes that were labelled as criminals, with those of the Deputies and Senators of this Republic of ours!"
- "I am here to demonstrate against this Lombrosian ideology and thus against this fake Doctor, Cesare Lombroso, after whom a number of squares and streets throughout Italy have been named! "
Blog: "It would appear that while you are here to demonstrate against this Lombroso Museum, what you are actually demonstrating against is a sort of general malaise."
- "Undoubtedly! The malaise of the South, which is indeed the malaise of Italy as a whole. Italy as a Country is busy dying. The Italian system, meaning not this Country’s nationalism but rather Italy as a productive system is dying. This structural dichotomy has resulted in absurd levels of growth in the North while the South has been totally abandoned, thus the overall level of wealth has never changed, the Northerners become wealthier while the Southerners have their backs against the wall.! "
Blog: "And where do you come from? "
- "I was deported to Milan in 1954. "
Blog: "But where were you actually born? "
- "I was born in Casanova Monterotaro, in Foggia Province. As regards the Lombroso affair, which is truly a shame for the entire Italian system, you must take into account that this man was a fake doctor, and I say fake because he was subsequently shunned by the entire International scientific community long before he actually died, on the basis of whose theories the Germans unfortunately built their own theories about the Jews, namely based on physiognomy as you all know. So certain ethnic groups, certain races were persecuted, at least partly due to this man’s theories. This man, who was subsequently disowned and indeed even laughed at worldwide because he was more of a witchdoctor than a real doctor, made his fortune during the military campaign of 1861, down in the South, by getting people to him an incredible number of corpses of insurgents, of soldiers of the Two Sicilies who were fighting to defend and protect their territory, their homeland, which was eventually conquered by Piedmont, hiding behind Garibaldi’s army as we know. "
Blog: "But are you against Italian Unity? "
- "We are certainly against this type of Italian Unity. We are against it because even my sons that live in Milan are unable to find work, which means that the original plan has gone totally haywire. It is useless to try to hold the Renaissance together with Scotch tape, with glue, with Garibaldi or with Cavour, we all know that Italy’s wealth has unfortunately remained unchanged, or even shrunk thanks to the rate of emigration to foreign countries. "
Blog: "So would you, like the Lega, want to see two separate Italies? "
- "No. Unfortunately we are not quite as strong as the Lega, even thug the Lega is merely a leftover. Personally speaking, we members of the “Per il Sud” organisation refer to it as the fourth phase of the Renaissance, namely the one where everyone grabs the money and runs! If you think that there are 18 million of us southerners here in the Centre-North and another 20 million of us down in the South, you will realise that we in fact make up the majority of the Italian population, without even counting all the people that have emigrated abroad, and yet, for the past 150 years we have had no Government to show for it, that is the weakness of the Italian system. "
Blog: "So you also don’t like the Lombroso Museum then? "
- "Absolutely not!"
Blog: "Why not? "
- "Because it is a racist museum, because it stands as a symbol of the Italian Piedmontese invasion of the South and because this museum has no right to exist. That’s why I have come here to demonstrate my objections. "
Blog: "From where did you come? "
- "From Rome, but my parents are Southerners and therefore I am also the son of the Sothern Diaspora. "
- "Of course it should be studied, by all means. However, Lombroso’s theories were used as the basis for a type of racist, anti-South culture that was very widespread in the North of Italy at that time and that continues unabated to this very day. Don’t forget the fact that, until just a few years ago, there were signs up in this city, namely Turin, saying: “We don’t rent out our property to Southerners”. "
Blog: "But what do you have against Garibaldi? "
- "Garibaldi was the one that invaded our lands as a mercenary, so he was used as a mercenary for this act of aggression and colonialism that is now being called the Renaissance, namely the Uniting of Italy "
Blog: "Where are you from? "
- "I have come here from Rome, but I’m originally from Caserta. "
Blog: "But wasn’t this demonstration meant to be against Lombroso? "
- "Lombroso is one part of it. Lombroso is a symbol of racism against the Southerners, a symbol of the colonialisation of the South. "
Blog: "But that sounds like a slogan worthy of a member of the Lega! "
- "The ‘tricolore’ flag is the Freemason’s flag, the flag of those that occupied our land, so I have no problem shouting any slogan that you may consider to be those of the Lega! "
Blog: "Where are you from? "
- "From the land of Bari! "
Blog: "What did Lombroso actually do. "
- "Lombroso was a prime example of a racist and a know-it-all, whose theories formed the basis for the Pica Law that killed people and was the expression of the phenomenon of that era, which was called criminality but that was merely our compatriots resisting the Piedmontese invasion. I am here because, after 150 years of false history, it’s about time that we began to remember what really happened "<
Blog: "But what does Lombroso have to do with it? "
- "He has something to with it because he was the tool that was used by certain people to crush the South to further their own interests. "
Blog: "But he was just trying to be a scientist. "
- "You can’t say that he just wanted to be a scientist because there was very little that was even remotely scientific about his theories. It has been proven that it was merely another way of labelling people as criminals when they were not really criminals, but merely partisans defending their territory that was being occupied by virtue of that undeclared war! "
Blog: "And you’re also here in the streets because?? "
- "Because I am the promoter of the Lucio Barone Committee, which first launched the idea of demanding the return of the bones of the “criminals”, of the Southerners that are being displayed shamelessly in this so-called Lombroso Museum, which I have renamed the Lombroso Prison because no one was allowed in for any reason whatsoever, except for pseudo-scientific purposes that have never been dignified by any scientific authorities, and to display the human remains as a public mockery with an entrance fee. I wrote an open letter to the Provincial Premier of Piedmont, Mr. Cota, to which I never received any response but in which, in addition to informing him of this affront to human dignity that exists in his Provincial Capital, as if he didn’t already know all about it, in memory of those soldier-farmers that defended their territory at the expense of their very lives I also asked whether he would be prepared to meet with me to shake hands as mere citizens and not as Provincial Premier. "
Blog: "But don’t you think that it is important for people to know what happened all those years ago? Just so that they can understand … "
- "Certainly, that’s why … "
Blog: "But that is precisely what museums are there for! "
- "Museums can serve this purpose without necessarily displaying the remains as if they were some sort of trophy. You should know that some time ago, when the Piedmontese Sabaudo Army arrived and conquered the South, after having killed the “criminals”, the Piedmontese snipers started having photographs taken with them holding up the bodies of these so-called “criminals” for public viewing. This is the very same mentality as the one that lies behind the Lombroso Museum, where the intention is to confirm a kind of superiority based more on the wealth of the powers of the time than on real value … "
Blog: "But what did Lombroso do? "
- "He bad-mouthed the Southerners, which is already enough to make us mad, Furthermore, he was appointed as University Lecturer for political reasons after the advent of Italian Unity, in Piedmont, because the North needed some sort of racial or scientific justification for the atrocities being perpetrated down South. Lombroso provided the North with an alibi in 1863, thereby also laying the foundations for the Southerners’ resignation with regard to this State that, still today, 150 years on, still finds us addressing the same old issues, the same old problems of emigration, unemployment, organised crime in collusion with the politicians, lack of infrastructure and the draining of money from the South to send up to the North. This is the real problem of the South and one that has to be addressed once and for all . "
Blog: "But at the time he was considered to be a scientist, so this could be a museum in memory of his mistakes. "
- "It is indeed a museum in which his mistakes are remembered, but that doesn’t mean that we have to display the Southerners as if they were still atavist criminals, as he portrayed them at the time or where we try to remember or deny that Lombroso tried to study the Southerners so as to prove their supposed genetic inferiority. "
Blog: "But why the megaphones, why all the banners? "
- "Why not? Why shouldn’t we? "
Blog: "Why are you here? "
- "We are here to protest about the re-opening of the Lombroso Museum, a State funded museum that does nothing other than remember and celebrate a scientific error according to which the Southerners are all atavistic criminals. "
Blog: "The museum’s supporters claim that the museum also explains the errors committed by Lombroso… "
- "No, that’s absolutely not true. In reality, the Museum reveals and traces Lombroso’s work by means of pictures and fanciful commentary, but nothing is said or written about the fact that, in the final analysis, it was all a big mistake committed by Lombroso, so it is merely an exhibition and a celebration of an historic scientific mistake! "
- "To protest against the Lombroso Museum. "
Blog: "What did Cesare Lombroso ever do to you? "
- "Isn’t it strange the we all know, indeed the entire world knows what Hitler did to the Jews? So I now want to know from you whether or not it was precisely the same thing that Lombroso did to the Southerners. "
Blog: "But Lombroso didn’t actually kill them! "
- "Lombroso portrayed them as innate criminals, after which Cialdiniand many other wonderful guys came out and killed us! "
Blog: "In your opinion, don’t we also need a museum that also remembers Lombroso’s mistakes? "
- " A museum that also remembers Lombroso’s mistakes you say? I really don’t think so. I think that this museum is here to celebrate the Renaissance, nothing more and nothing less! "
Blog: "I see that there are a number of different banners here today. Is this not just an excuse to protest about a different kind of malaise? "
- "It is not an excuse for anything. These people just want to demonstrate in favour of the truth, the kind of truth that has been kept hidden for many years and that we are now revealing in a very civil manner out in the streets, so we would very much like everyone to join us! "
Blog: "I have come from Brescia Province."
Blog: " Do you have Southern origins though? "
- "Yes, I’m Neapolitan by birth. "
Blog: "So why are you here? "
- "I’m here to participate in this demonstration against the Lombroso Museum. "
Blog: "But what did he ever do to you? "
- "The first thing they should do is change that Museum’s name … "
Blog: "What did Lombroso ever do to you and why are you so against him? "
- "He came up with this theory that, because of the shape of their heads and the existence of these little trenches at the base of their skulls, all Southerners were also intellectually inferior to the rest of the Italian people. "
Blog: "So you reckon that this museum should be shut down? "
- "The Museum doesn’t have to be shut down, but it would only be proper that anyone visiting the Museum be told that those studies were based on crackpot theories and then that, instead of dedicating the Museum to Lombroso, it should perhaps rather be dedicated to the victims of his theories, also because his theories resulted in a myriad of killings simply due to his claim that all Southerners were criminals, which, by definition, deserved to die, often without the benefit of a trial. "
- "I’m here to protest because I believe that a grave injustice was perpetrated against us long ago and so I want to correct the perception of my history. I’ve almost reached the end of the line, but this was the last missing link in the study of the Renaissance. Now that I’ve had some spare time on my hands, I’ve spent the past few years researching this topic and I’ve discovered that this hell, our own personal hell comes precisely from there, from 1860. I have come up from Castelbuono in Palermo province.
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