Post 273. Sexual Abuses.
Yes, one must admit there are members within it who are grossly unworthy of its high standards and Traditions and these men and women should just get out or be kicked out, to resume lower positions in Society.
This should be so in the impossibility nowadays to apply the ancient prescribed correctives.
Unworthy members are not a novelty in such a vast Institution such as the RCC is. The Reformation of whole Abbeys and Monasteries has been a continuous activity all through the History of the Church and measures taken were very drastic and harsh at times, such as a democratic society would not accept to-day.
In Civil Law rapists were castrated in Normandie in the days of William the Conqueror.
And modern societies are the least qualified or justified to criticise and ever claim a right or capacity to tell the Roman Catholic Church about how to solve its problems in view ot the general failure of these same societies to solve their problems, like corrupt Politicians and Police, certainly not caused by the Roman Catholic Church.
So, in the name of the RCC I say to you Mongrels-: " Shut your traps ".
It is clear that many among the Bishops whose task has been to select the applicants to the lofty and prestigious Church positions, related to the functions of the Roman Priesthood, and Religious Brotherhood/Sisterhood have failed in their duties either because of their own lack of capacity, of their own mediocrity, or as the result of the application of Mumbo-Jumbo Rules and Beliefs to-day made obsoleted by the impossibility of applying the prescriptions, penalties, corrections once considered to be essential to Reformation, made possible/allowed then by a social/institutional fabric that had its justification in the morally strict, stoic-like, spartan in so far as the application of corrections were concerned, yet compassionate in so far as the understanding of human frailty was concerned, in the ancient Roman Age and in the Middle Ages, now superseded by democratic interpretations of human rights not consistently matched by their complementary human duties, which deny the Church the application of the ancient correctives and physical penalties.
If the Church were to apply the ancient correctives, the general public would rise and condemn harsh measures in the name of modern human rights.
Many blame the forced celibacy of Priests and of the Religious for the distorted sexual practices of some Religious persons. Yet, marriage is not a guarantee about orthodoxy in sexual mores, nor faithfulness to the marriage-bond as sexual libertinage and/or sexual un-orthodoxy has never been greater than what is witnessed to-day among our modern married couples.
So what are you Mongrels talking about.
I believe the RCC needs Reformation as every Religious Institution does, all the time.
But I love the RCC passionately, as I do good girls, its hospitals, its good religious, its ethos, its potential for good. The RCC is the best!
As I hate passionately the Mafiosis who tend to corrupt it!
Now coming to the victims of sexual abuses or paedophilia.
There is a Saint of the RCC, Santa Maria Goretti, canonised in the 1800, whoas a young girl was stabbed to death by her would-be abuser for refusing co-operation, submission to his intent.
It takes two to Tango is the old saying.
Most of these abuses and are abuses, occurr repeatedly for a long time, even years, during an institutional life-time of the victim. Most of the time, the companions of the victim know about it, see it occurring. Age does not really come in as I know that a normal male child becomes aware of sexuality, not clearly so, but clearly and intuitively enough even when only six-seven.
I had when six and a half, while attending first Elementary, the experience of an Egyptian young man esposing himself to me on a College-Bus, who was attending the higher classes ( Gymnasium or Lyceum) at the same Catholic College of the Freres ( Brothers) de Bab-El-Louk I was attending. I immediately knew it was an evil/base act and objected and reported it to my father when on Leave from the Royal Navy as it was then WWII. I was not popular with the Freres who considered me, in spite of my British Citizenship a Mussolini, wing to my surname, an Italian form of the de Ferrariis surname, which is paradoxically a romanised Breton/Celtic surname. The French Freres were in fact obsessed with their PR with their 'fuckumitic' Islamic Egyptian students. I have had to put up with these idiosincrasies all my life........But there was no repetition and I went to Italy soon after when the WWII ended.
As I said I could have had a propensity for popularity, going with the waves, and co-operatd with the 'fuckumite '.
I did God's election and Grace. Let us analise motivations, temptations, in addition to natural propensities one is born unfortunately with.
It takes two to Tango. There must be acceptance and response. The abuser generally offer some inducement.......
privilege, favouritism, etc. The abused accepts as he/she is attracted by thre inducemenrt. The scenario would not continue unless this were so. I doubt in fact that the element of pleasure would exist as an attraction on the side of the abused who at that age is not ready for the general brutality of the event. The abusers are on the other hand con-artists, dissemblers, liers ajnd this is where I criticise the Church for its incapacity to filter these bad elements.
But this is where the Mumbo-Jumbo of the Middle-Ages comes in to allow all the charade to take place, that has no place any longer since the complementary corrective system has become obsoleted and cannot be used as considered to-day to be too harsh and anti-human rights.
In the Middle Ages, if one survived the Inquisition, which decided about the redimeability of the offender, one ended in an Order with a harsher discipline than the state in which one had committed the infraction. And that was no picnic......just take my word. To-day most Priests and Religious, at least in Australia, live in much better conditions and with higher standards than those I live in. Every state of life has its advantages and disadvantages. There cannot be Reformation without self-deprivation, renunciation, some self-induced or voluntarily accepted hardship.
Sexual Abuses.