My most present concern to-day is the denounciation of the extremes of pornography,i.e., BESTIALITY.
I am concerned with the future of democracy. I feel modern democracy enphasizes too much the freedoms of both the individual and of the collectives, which have become increasingly abused, in the absence of complementary enphasis on the duties which are necessarily linked to their respective freedoms.
This post has been written as a response to-: " Let’s open the mouths of the bloggers " ......................................................................... Follow the link to read the post: and
Follow the link to read the post: Silence, there’s thieving - Marco Travaglio. Text:
Good day to you all. Once more we are talking about the so-called law on wiretapping, the law that will prevent the magistrates from doing wiretapping in most of the investigations into crime and that will prevent journalists, not only from ever publishing wiretapping information but also from publishing the official documents of the investigations, right up until the moment when the investigations are concluded, for years and years, up until the time when, and only if it happens that the investigations reach landfall and get to a preliminary hearing, thus cutting out all those facts that perhaps aren’t actually a crime or that get shelved because meanwhile they come up against the Statute of Limitations, as for example in the Scajola case.
Silence everyone
I don’t want to spend time on what is set out in this law because we have talked about it many times, but as a brief summary, the journalists can no longer publish news and official documents of investigations, nor can they talk about them, summarise them, nor give a brief outline.
We can’t even refer to what has been happening in the investigations until the end of the preliminary hearing. The TV channels cannot record magistrates in the palaces of justice, in the trials if one of the two sides does not accept, it’s not possible to record the debate that is however a public event. The wiretapping evidence can be neither summarised nor transcribed, nor talked about, nothing, nothing, not even if contained in the arrest warrant that is notified to the persons arrested. It’s not possible to plant bugs in the places where it’s thought that a crime will be committed. It’s necessary to have the certainty that in that place a crime is being committed, thus to prevent crimes that could be organized or committed it’s no longer possible to do anything. The typical scenario: the delinquents make a date to get together in a certain place to talk, if you aren’t certain that in that place they want to kill or kidnap someone, but you think that they could do, you don’t have the possibility to check on them and the same is true for the video cameras in the stadia where you keep an eye on the stadium to have immediate images of violent fans: if you are not certain that the fan is already committing some kind of violent act, you can’t install the video camera and thus naturally you have to ask the fan to wait before committing his violent action, to interrupt his acts of violence to allow time for the security forces to install the video cameras. This is the point that we have got to with these funny stories!
Naturally the magistrates will be pursued with regulations that say that for example if they have a press conference in which they explain the operations of the police with the arrest of one or more mafia persons or something like that, they will no longer be able to stay on the case if they have spoken. They have talked about the investigations in a press conference with the police? They will have to stop and hand over the case to another magistrate. It won’t be possible to wiretap spies, secret service agents without having first told the government for whom they work, who naturally, just think of ours, will hastily warn them to watch out for telephone calls, and above all telephone wiretapping cannot go on for longer than 75 days for certain cases. Mafia crimes are excluded. But as you well know often they discover that a crime is a mafia one after the investigation has been done on that crime. Who knows if the one asking a business owner for protection money is a band of ordinary criminals, or Cosa Nostra or the ‘ndrangheta or the camorra? You have to wiretap them to understand that, naturally, but here if the wiretapping lasts longer than 75 days, on the75th day it cannot go on and thus you have to stop it! Thus these regulations are all valid even for mafia crimes that usually are discovered only after and not before that wiretapping takes place.
Finally it’ll no longer be possible to record a conversation with another person, like D'Addario for example, who took care to do her own recording in that famous night in Palazzo Grazioli on Putin’s big bed, that is then what happened the other day when a journalist pretended to be a corrupting business person and he offered a bribe to Sarah Ferguson, the princess of the British royal family, discovering that the princess is happy to receive bribes. It turns out that she was being recorded and even videoed while she received the bribe.
This very briefly is the content of the law that naturally is causing an outcry among the magistrates who are being disarmed and the journalists who are being disarmed at the same time: let’s hope that the citizens wake up to this and realise that they are the main victims of this law because naturally it is not a law against the journalists or against the magistrates. The magistrates and journalists will continue to get their salaries. It is a law against the citizens who will no longer be able to know things that they know today and they won’t be able to have the same guarantees of security. For those who think that our security is already at risk because of criminality and the inefficiency of the state to suppress it, let them know that in the future our security will be infinitely more threatened because an infinite series of delinquents will get away scot free thanks to the impossibility of doing wiretapping.
Posted by Beppe Grillo at 06:22 AM in Information | Comments (2) Post a comment | Sign up | Send to a friend | | GrilloNews | Listen | View blog opinions
Blogger's Post-: Privacy Laws.
Facebook has recently been attacked in Australia for having allowed members to infringe Privacy Laws. This is a wide-ranging issue that requires going back to Basics/Fundamentals. Stumble Upon has already been muzzled time ago. I shall, eventually write about my experience on Stumble Upon.
I believe on principle that people who have nothing objectionable, illegal, criminal to hide do not need Privacy Laws. I admit though, as the un-complicated person I am, with almost no vice ( per sola Gratia ), always reforming myself, that this may be a simplistic statement.
However, the fact is that once one accepts Total Privacy as a universal blanket, one also opens the way to Censorship in order to indiscriminately veto and hide information. This is tantemount to a criminal inconsistency between the ideals of Justice ( Freedom) necessary to a healthy, viable Democracy and the fetterings, distortions of Justice, which, while maintaining Freeedom to Act for the Mafiosi elements, removes these from the checks of Righteous Justice for lack of supervision and information. Eventually only a bloody Civil War remains the solution, given the presence of right men. Ultimately a Civilisation collapses in the climate of general lack of trust and confidence. NO CENSORSHIP, REASONABLE, ADEQUATE TRANSPARENCY ! It may be uncomfortable for a few but discomfort is better than total failure. In a way, this is a scenario similar to the criminal enforcement of Silence or Omerta' by the Mafiosi and somehow, in a theologically controversial way, by the Church of Rome. They all love Total Privacy, Silence, Non-Disclosure, White-Washing, the Odour of Sanctity, and one can smell this fake-sanctity even inside the Households of Mafiosi, full of Images of christ-crucified and of holy maries and saints, while the men of the household wearing heavy golden chains and crosses around their hairy, goat-like necks, oppress, encourage, foster and make money out of every conceivable human frailty, weackness and vice. Indeed a repetition of Jesus' sacrifice at every corner of the streets in an obscene, un-holy distortion of the Sacrifice of the Mass. Yet the future and viability of Modern Democracies requires the abolition of Total Indiscriminate Privacy. In Italy, the extreme, totally unacceptable, unethical, unlawful Law has been made by Berlusconi in order to negate phone-tappings for himself and his collaborators. While it may be legitimate to not have phone-tappings brought to everyone's attention, of Government officials who may be discussing perfectly legal matters related to sensitive activities required by Government, requiring secrecy from opponents and enemies of the State/Civilisation/Culture, there should be phone-tappings scrutinised by politically independent, Security Officials who would reveal facts to the public only if and when illegal, criminal activities were involved, not related to Security Matters.
For example, a Labour Local Government (Victoria) Minister for Traffic and Transport, a Mr. Campbell has recently been photographed exiting one night a Gay Club he has been attending, unknowingly to all for years, misrepresenting himself to his constituency as a normal family man with a wife and two children, while participating in the discussion, drafting, promulgation of Laws about sexual behaviour, even if at least at a Caucus level. No wonder that Facebook's Liberties have been attacked by that ' nitwit', the Labour Federal Minister for Communication who has sabotaged Australian Telstra in the name of the Whitlam-Keating Level-Carpet-Policy, in spite of Telstra's general efficiency, in spite of the Government's sabotage. Australia has already got, by World's standards, a fast enough Broad-band Network and Telstra honestly concurrs on this. We should wait untill the existing copper-system has been fully ammortised, rather than wantonly writing it off in the name of a mad hubris for world-outstandingness, and replacing it with an optical fibres one. It is foreign Companies who advise a faster system which would benefit a bare 5% of Australian Business, whose interest is to benefit from the enormous spending spree that the Labour Party desires for purely megalomaniac aims. Most Australians would be sitting on their posteriors waiting for the answers of slower systems world-wide. Southern Europe has, for example, for censorship and freedom inhibiting-reasons, slower systems, Italy being typical. Berlusconi virtually owns the Media in Italy. Voters have a right to know the true stand on most issues of their political candidates. This is why there cannot be a secret life or double life for politicians or outstanding public figures. They are referential witnesses ( see term as used by Juan Luis Segundo S.J.) and the morons among ourselves rely on these as exemplars by which to inform their opinions.........i.e., if Campbell says that bunging arse-holes is a normal and safe practice, it must be so, as he is a normal outstanding family-man.
Although there are some who do not find anything objectionable with sodomy, I would like to say that, a politician who has a say in the discussion, drafting, and promulgation of Laws on sexual matters, even if at the Caucus-level, must declare one's own leanings, specially if and when practiced. There are those who, suffering from sexual aberrations and distorted views-------this can happen to anyone in one's life, even to Priests and Saints, and be a temporary temptation of long or short duration--------remain humble about truth, struggle with it and resist it, never accepting it as normal, changing definitions and labels to suit their failures, in a Martin Luther's fashion, i.e., finding he was unable to remain chaste, he declared it impossible and un-scriptural for all humanity, even outside the realm of Grace, while extolling all the way Sola Fides. In short he made himself the standard of humanity. Idiotic is it not? Yet in other ways Martin Luther was historically necessary, i.e., rightly against the sale of Indulgences. Sola Fides by-passing and fatally ignoring Sola Gratia, was an extreme reactionary claim to an extremely both naive and paradoxically malingering ( depending on the intelligence-level ) Roman Catholic claim of what I call the Mambo-Jumbo repertory. The bottom line is that a Politician has duties towards Self-Transparency.
To ensure this transparency Privacy cannot therefore not be total.
Mr. Campbell practiced the slimy/damning vice while wishing to give an impression of a normal outstanding family-man. As I have suggested for years in my Posts, there should not be any stigma attached to homosexualityper se, one that does not involve sodomy, and one who is so acting should rather be called a sarcophile ( lover of flesh regardless of gender, age, species, yes, even animals.......). Lesbians are in fact homosexual persons of the female gender indulging in mutual erotic carnal games, which can virtually imitate sodomitic acts. Although not as objectionable as the real sodomy performed by male persons, they are not as innocent as a pure homosexual non-carnal attraction. Masturbation is always a dangerous beginning to more serious distortions but may have some justification in the real world. No one appears to be able to take me up on these fundamental distinctions that should actually give me fame and praises as they can comfort many who are homosexuals without being practicing sarcophiles.
Freedoms/liberties/human rights depend on the prior performance of duties, i.e., the observance of some minimum ethical standards, else Democracy becomes a horrible self-delusion.
Blogger's Comments-: Northern Italian Mafiosi...........The Mafia-Virus is catching and affecting the whole LEGA PADANA ( led by Senator Bossi ) ( 'Padana ' is a word related to the Po river that gives North-Italy its agricultural potential )-: Aaahhh cornuti.........!
How can anyone clean up Italy ( Europe ) without hanging, drawing and quartering these bastards?
Sacking them is not enough as they return by some other way to the top-levels, pushed up again by the Mafia-infiltrators everywhere.
They and members of their extended families should be barred from Public Service for a couple of generations.
Moreover their Bank Accounts and Fixed Capital Holdings should be investigated, explanations supplied of the history of funds held there and of the acquisition of Fixed Capital, their confiscation......................................... etc., etc. etc. funiculi'...........funicula'..........trallali'...........trallalaaa!
The issue of double and triple income earnersworking for the relation to the 1800 billions-Euros-debt oppressing European Economy and endangering the World's Economy. The issue of double and triple income earners working for the State is a scandal that cannot be allowed to continue. The "MoVimento 5 Stelle" is demanding the resignation of Roberto Rosso, Deputy in the Capital and Councillor on the Piedmont Regional Council. Mr. Rosso (a native of Casale Monferrato, Ed.) was absent for reasons of ill health when the Piedmont Regional Budget was under discussion. Apparently in search of some sort of treatment for his ailment, however, he went to Rome to cast his vote at the Chamber of Deputies. The least we can expect is for him to gracefully tender his resignation. But Mr. Rosso is not the only one. There are indeed hundreds of individualssufficient grounds for laying charges of misrepresentation against Roberto Rosso. With your help, this blog will publish a list of names of people holding multiple posts. People that make me sick to my stomach. Government employees’ salaries, which amount to little more than one thousand Euro a month on average, are being frozen for three years by Tremorti while he and his buddies are feasting on caviar and champagne, but for how much longer? The end-of-break bell is already sounding. I will be checking with our attorneys to find out whether there are sufficient grounds for laying charges of misrepresentation against Roberto Rosso. With your help, this blog will publish a list of names of people holding multiple posts. People that make me sick to my stomach. Government employees’ salaries, which amount to little more than one thousand Euro a month on average, are being frozen for three years by Tremorti while he and his buddies are feasting on caviar and champagne, but for how much longer? The end-of-break bell is already sounding. Ps: Roberto Rosso is Labour Councillor, perhaps that’s why he has two jobs. "The dis-Honourable Roberto Rosso, deputy in Rome as well as Vice-Chairman of the Regional Junta and Labour Councillor of the 9th Legislature in Piedmont, is apparently struggling to meet his multiple commitments resulting from his multiple posts. The entire discussion of the Piedmont Regional Budget went ahead within the Regional Council in the absence of both Regional Premier Cota, who is apparently also fascinated by Tremonti’s interim budget, and the vice Chairman of the Regional Council. What a pity that while Cota was on leave for institutional reasons, Rosso claimed to be absent for reasons of ill health. The fact remains that, on 25 May, Rosso was indeed presentChamber of Deputies! So much for his health problems, indeed we congratulate him on the miraculous recovery! The day after, he was unable to return to Turin because, notwithstanding the fact that he is Labour Councillor, he was apparently unaware of the strike by Sagat employees working at Caselle Airport (perhaps he is totally unaware that there is another airport at Malpensa, which the Lega ally campaigned for in his election campaign, and also other airports, as well as the trains). We are beginning to think that this it is high time to put a firm stop to this business of multiple posts (a prime example being Lega member Buonanno who, in addition to being Regional Councillor and Parliamentary Deputy, also appears to be Mayor of Varallo Sesia [ one of the most beautiful Alpine multi-layered towns, rising from the valley up to almost the snow-line, a fairy-like setting...........polluted by a disgraziato such as Rosso, once governed by a Marques FERRERI, now debauched by these goat-herders in the name of democratic freedom to steal the fornicating masses blind and to sabotage Europe ] Deputy Mayor of Borgosesia) (so much for the Lega Nord's slogan that goes “Thieving Rome”, Ed), which has also spread to Piedmont regional and Turin municipal councillors such as Carossa, Goffi, Cerutti and Ravello, the latter also being Environmental Councillor.
In this regard, we wish to announce the establishment of a Facebook Group called “Rosso dimettiti" (Rosso resign) while, as regards the 5-Star MoVement Council Group, we are already busy working both in court and in council chambers to address the issues of incompatibility and ineligibility. Any information that you let us have regarding the elected councillors for your area could prove to be extremely useful." MoVimento 5 Stelle Piemonte for the vote in the and
Post 275. The Quest for JUSTICE or the Holy Grail.
The Quest for JUSTICE or the HOLY GRAIL.
The Holy Grail signifies JUSTICE , an absolute to me, and I believe it did so to the Templars as the cathalysts and representatives of the Sumerian/Mesopotamian Tradition in so far as this inspired all Scriptural thought, and I do not say writings as some of these are suspect, suppressed and/or manipulated/biased. The Templars attempted to carry out their Policing Duties against all odds, as the result of a lack of communication, until infiltrated/dissolved. This is why the Mormons talk so much about Restoration rather than and/or in addition to Reformation. Martin Luther whose Theology and Scriptural understanding is not perfect ( so one needs to remain critical about sola Fides.....), and no one born of woman is so or ever knows all, did not go far enough with a Restoration as he did not know enough, then..............What he did was a daring and large jump anyway....................... What we have to-day, if one is wealthy, is lots of FREEDOM to go to HELL with. If one is poor, ungifted, unskilled, weack, woe to him/her! In the absence of Justice, or in the presence of a hypocritical malicious appearance of one, a slave in Roman times, protected by Slave-Laws was better off than a poor bastard to-day, fallen by the road-side. The USA has more than a million women at risk sleeping in vehicles or in the streets. The Political GURUS say " Aahh, but this it is statistically acceptable measured against the total population.......". The larger the demographic escalation becomes the more acceptable the scenario becomes. Like the rats in the laboratories. JUSTICE is a large, large step above FREEDOM on the ladder of Realities and Ideas and unlike Freedom with its complementary Duties, has no complementary ideas. That is why we call it an absolute. The mistake of modern Democrats is to consider Freedom as an absolute as if it were the same as JUSTICE. Whereas Individual Freedom can and does work against Justice by negating Collective Freedom, and vice-versa. So, the American MASONS and their puppeteers the French Rationalists remained in 1789, ARE still, in a doomeed, democratic scenario, one step below the true ancient AIM or Holy Grail of Sumerian Tradition: i.e., A Godly, Just Government. How could enlightened, mighty, intelligent men such as they were ( we are referring to giants such as George Washington, etc. ).............go so wrong, be so naive in their Constitution, miss the true, higher goal? Let us just make one example for education's sake, not for a personal condemnation as we all are not innocent, in the spirit of the great Apostle, St. Paul of Tarsus, in the name of Western Reformation and Restoration. One of the Founding Fathers, Thomas Jefferson, loved to have sexual relations with some of his African-ladies and even impregnated them. If this is what Freedom means, than this is unti-ethical, unti-christian and unti-Justice, since I take it he had a wife and children............a family. He was a perfect hypocrit, worthy of the worst company from among the corrupt members of the Clergy and of the Nobility of the European Renaissance. The so much abused/criticised Middle Ages were, in contrast to our modern democratic societies, in relation to the paucity of resources and the primitive development, a self-reforming scenario, owing to the ongoing existence of some righteous warrior ( i.e., the Templars ) fighting off some corrupt member of their class. This remained so until the Monarchies became absolute and/or Parliaments corrupt.
The Founding Fathers of the U.S.A. were all Masons as Dan Brown writes in his non-committal, inconclusive, cowardish/reporting style, in his latest work "The Lost Symbol ".
He misses the conclusions I am making without the rewards he is reaping for his lukewarm involvement in his important scenario-reportage, designed to not upset anyone, to not make waves. He mentions for example and I thank him for the INSIGHT he caused me to achieve, that the Masonic Founding Fathers and their inspirers, the French Revolutionaries are the erectors of the statues of LIBERTY in New York Harbour ( made in France by the way) and on top of the Capitol. How unacceptable from such lofty historical figures! Remove the Flame of Enlightenment and replace it with the Balance of Justice please! You are FAKES! Dan Brown may be a good reporter but is a mediocre personality/character, a typi cal American dollar-maker. We are surrounded by an ocean of moral mediocrity and decay! However, as is the case for Sir Laurence Gardner, Dan Brown, and people like them, thanks anyway for and in spite of their self-uncommitting reportage. JUSTICE requires good ( ethical ), honest, incorruptible/unselfish Government. Where do we get the men to-day? Show a 'pussy' or a 'cock' or some equivalent temptation to any Police Constable/Public Servant and he/she shall most assuredly, salivate, swallow and dribble............and fail. Just pay attention to and meditate about the latest Australian T-V-Show, technically well made, "UNDERBELLY ", substantiated by recent scandals, i.e., poor local Victorian Minister for Transport Mr. Campbell. I know I am different in spite of my acting, writing and talking, sometimes as a is all a facade and helps to focus......................... and bypasses all the swallowing, dribbling and salivating as one cannot do two things simultanously.We should bring back Abbeys and Monasteries/Training Camps without too much Mumbo-Jumbo, where the best is trained in seeing TRUE REALITY. Show them what happens to all the piss-farter-rounders after a few years of over-indulgence. Publish statistics of how many criminals and drug-pushers, self-inflicted-Aid-sufferers, STDs sufferers, we have in each suburb, no names just numbers. Make everyone compete toward achieving moral improvement. Call what is evil bad not by some neutral name. For example, there is nothing wrong against Homosexuality, per se, what is wrong is Sodomy, i.e., to place homosexuals and flesh-lovers/sarcophiles ( regardless of gender, age, species [ there are some who go for animals in bestiality]............) in the same bag. Print photos of the heap of drug self-administering syringes discarded in the back-lanes. Call it a Crime-Awareness-Campaign. Show how bad the Society is without claiming extravagant, non-existing perfections. In times now bygone, this was a duty of the honest, daring Clergy of the Christian Churches. Something of the sort is already being done in relation to the damage resulting from cigarette-smoking, in the form of the ravages of tar-induced-cancers..............
Society has a right to know.
Ban advertisements such as " Anyone can get HERPES " and its alluring set of knickers associated with clean, harmless sexual relations.
Herpes is filthy like all STDs are!
Promiscuity spreads and generates these. Individuals who engage in sexual relations knowing about their state of uncleanness, without telling their partners, should be prosecuted by Laws. The Medical Profession should report their condition and condition of uncleanness to a National Register. The Catholic Church is being criticised for its silence about the paedophiliacs. What makes self-inflicted STDs sufferers different from paedophiliacs?
Comments by Blogger-: The Roman Catholic Apostolic Church is a valuable, irreplaceable, yet- unequalled, from now on even non-imitable, educational Institution, carrying out essential good works, considering the down-hill trend of western and global morality. Yes, one must admit there are members within it who are grossly unworthy of its high standards and Traditions and these men and women should just get out or be kicked out, to resume lower positions in Society. This should be so in the impossibility nowadays to apply the ancient prescribed correctives. Unworthy members are not a novelty in such a vast Institution such as the RCC is. The Reformation of whole Abbeys and Monasteries has been a continuous activity all through the History of the Church and measures taken were very drastic and harsh at times, such as a democratic society would not accept to-day. In Civil Law rapists were castrated in Normandie in the days of William the Conqueror. And modern societies are the least qualified or justified to criticise and ever claim a right or capacity to tell the Roman Catholic Church about how to solve its problems in view ot the general failure of these same societies to solve their problems, like corrupt Politicians and Police, certainly not caused by the Roman Catholic Church. So, in the name of the RCC I say to you Mongrels-: " Shut your traps ". It is clear that many among the Bishops whose task has been to select the applicants to the lofty and prestigious Church positions, related to the functions of the Roman Priesthood, and Religious Brotherhood/Sisterhood have failed in their duties either because of their own lack of capacity, of their own mediocrity, or as the result of the application of Mumbo-Jumbo Rules and Beliefs to-day made obsoleted by the impossibility of applying the prescriptions, penalties, corrections once considered to be essential to Reformation, made possible/allowed then by a social/institutional fabric that had its justification in the morally strict, stoic-like, spartan in so far as the application of corrections were concerned, yet compassionate in so far as the understanding of human frailty was concerned, in the ancient Roman Age and in the Middle Ages, now superseded by democratic interpretations of human rights not consistently matched by their complementary human duties, which deny the Church the application of the ancient correctives and physical penalties. If the Church were to apply the ancient correctives, the general public would rise and condemn harsh measures in the name of modern human rights. Many blame the forced celibacy of Priests and of the Religious for the distorted sexual practices of some Religious persons. Yet, marriage is not a guarantee about orthodoxy in sexual mores, nor faithfulness to the marriage-bond as sexual libertinage and/or sexual un-orthodoxy has never been greater than what is witnessed to-day among our modern married couples. So what are you Mongrels talking about. I believe the RCC needs Reformation as every Religious Institution does, all the time. But I love the RCC passionately, as I do good girls, its hospitals, its good religious, its ethos, its potential for good. The RCC is the best! As I hate passionately the Mafiosis who tend to corrupt it! Now coming to the victims of sexual abuses or paedophilia. There is a Saint of the RCC, Santa Maria Goretti, canonised in the 1800, whoas a young girl was stabbed to death by her would-be abuser for refusing co-operation, submission to his intent. It takes two to Tango is the old saying. Most of these abuses and are abuses, occurr repeatedly for a long time, even years, during an institutional life-time of the victim. Most of the time, the companions of the victim know about it, see it occurring. Age does not really come in as I know that a normal male child becomes aware of sexuality, not clearly so, but clearly and intuitively enough even when only six-seven. I had when six and a half, while attending first Elementary, the experience of an Egyptian young man esposing himself to me on a College-Bus, who was attending the higher classes ( Gymnasium or Lyceum) at the same Catholic College of the Freres ( Brothers) de Bab-El-Louk I was attending. I immediately knew it was an evil/base act and objected and reported it to my father when on Leave from the Royal Navy as it was then WWII. I was not popular with the Freres who considered me, in spite of my British Citizenship a Mussolini, wing to my surname, an Italian form of the de Ferrariis surname, which is paradoxically a romanised Breton/Celtic surname. The French Freres were in fact obsessed with their PR with their 'fuckumitic' Islamic Egyptian students. I have had to put up with these idiosincrasies all my life........But there was no repetition and I went to Italy soon after when the WWII ended. As I said I could have had a propensity for popularity, going with the waves, and co-operatd with the 'fuckumite '. I did God's election and Grace. Let us analise motivations, temptations, in addition to natural propensities one is born unfortunately with. It takes two to Tango. There must be acceptance and response. The abuser generally offer some inducement....... privilege, favouritism, etc. The abused accepts as he/she is attracted by thre inducemenrt. The scenario would not continue unless this were so. I doubt in fact that the element of pleasure would exist as an attraction on the side of the abused who at that age is not ready for the general brutality of the event. The abusers are on the other hand con-artists, dissemblers, liers ajnd this is where I criticise the Church for its incapacity to filter these bad elements. But this is where the Mumbo-Jumbo of the Middle-Ages comes in to allow all the charade to take place, that has no place any longer since the complementary corrective system has become obsoleted and cannot be used as considered to-day to be too harsh and anti-human rights. In the Middle Ages, if one survived the Inquisition, which decided about the redimeability of the offender, one ended in an Order with a harsher discipline than the state in which one had committed the infraction. And that was no picnic......just take my word. To-day most Priests and Religious, at least in Australia, live in much better conditions and with higher standards than those I live in. Every state of life has its advantages and disadvantages. There cannot be Reformation without self-deprivation, renunciation, some self-induced or voluntarily accepted hardship.
From an outsider's point of view, the under-reported cases of pedophilia in the Church by Italian media fails to give readers the breadth and depth of the phenomena. And it also seems to me that anybody dealing with that issue is viewed as an enemy of the Church. Case in point: last Thursday, Santoro showed the problem on Annozero. As is in Santoro's style the issue was dealt with frankness and thruth. It must have been traumatizing for believers to take it all in but, going from there to Paragone accusing Santoro of trying to detach believers from the Church tells me that Paragone, at best, missed the point. Santoro doesn't denounce the Church per se, nor does he underestimate the Church's mission as caretaker of the poor and the weak, nor does he necessarily crucify the individual pedophile. Santoro merely points out how the hierarchy of the Church covered-up a sin and how the victims were abandoned. I know it's not an easy thing to accept, but it's also a hard thing to deny. Yet, there is more to come: if reports of women forming a movement seeking justice for having been sexually abused by priests is correct, the Church hierarchy had better brace for second scandal. Even though studies say that 81% of the victims were boys, researchers also say it takes thirty years for a victim to report hers or his child abuse. If they're correct the Church may be forced to ride the sexual abuse storm for years to come since female servers were only allowed to serve in the seventies.
We could perhaps ask the Mafia to SALVAGE ITALY in Exchange for favourable laws, perhaps this is why Southern Europe has reached the present level of a Pinocchio scenario.
I doubt the Germans would stomach having to nurse Italy without the freedom to clean up the Mafia first.
I can already hear the Italian Pinocchio population cry out at racism, anti-democratic solutions, human rights for the terrorrists............................
Italians, please
listen to the Pope preaching restraint and discipline, duties and suffering........
and hang the Mafiosis before it is too late.
The economy has disappeared from the front pages of the newspapers and from the television news headlines and has become yesterday’s news. Yet the Milan Stock Exchange continues to lose more of its already scant value. The Telecom Italia share price has dropped below the one Euro level and now stands at 0.972. The share price of Intesa San Paolo, the Country’s largest bank, have shed 33% of their value since the beginning of the year (*). In general, share prices have lost between 20 and 30% of their value. Ms. Merkel has stated repeatedly, on several occasions, that the Euro is at risk. The reason for its collapse is the level of National debt. The Government bonds that underpin the debt of the PIIGS could turn into scrap paper at any moment, as occurred in Greece. National debts converted into government bonds are the equivalent of the toxic derivatives that have caused banks to fail worldwide. After the banks fail, Countries themselves begin to fail. Now, in order to keep the Euro alive, Germany will have to step in and underpin the National debt of Countries like Italy by buying up Tremorti’s debt. But why should they have to do this? In Germany, the citizens pay their taxes while in Italy, tax evasion is estimated to amount to 130 billion Euro per year. In Germany, there is no fraud amounting to hundreds of millions of Euro against the EU, there are no Mafia groups turning over somewhere between 100 and 150 million Euro every year and corruptiondelay going on pensionpublic debt and deficit limits be established for member States and that any Country that doesn’t comply with these limits be expelled. Tremorti has met with the individuals that we inexplicably insist on referring to as ministers but who, without Berlusconi, would be nothing more than mere trainee pen-pushers in some or other public body or perhaps station toilet cleaners. Tremorti has threatened to resign unless cost cuts amounting to 24 billion Euro are implemented. He of all people should know that we need to cut at least 100 billion and that no elected government can afford to impose that kind of budget cut on its Country’s citizens, not even spread out over time. In 2010 alone, while our public debt is increasing at the rate of 100 billion per year, Tremorti will have to sell a few hundred billion Euro worth of fixed term government bonds. But who on earth is going to buy them? Unless the EU buys them up, which it won’t, the holiday is over. We could perhaps ask the Mafia to buy them in Exchange for favourable laws. Now there’s an idea. Tremorti should think about doing that. Perhaps that’s his last hope before he hops on a helicopter. The best option nevertheless remains that of selling Italy off to Germany in exchange for a debt write-off. That way Italy would become Germany’s southernmost protectorate, a balcony overlooking the Mediterranean. Merkel for president. Now! doesn’t drain 50 billion Euro like it does here in Italy, so why should the Germans help us? Why should the German citizens have to do without social services or have to because of criminal mismanagement of public funds over the past 25 years by the likes of Craxi and Berlusconi? Ms. Merkel insists that
(*) data as at 20/5/2010.
Ps.: A "No smog parade" will be held in Florence on Saturday 22nd, a demonstration against the smog and traffic induced stress, against allergies and tumours and against the non-compliance of the public administrations. The appointment is for 14.30 in Piazza della Repubblica. Come by bicycle or use public transport to get to the demonstration!
Issues are discussed at this stage which open the way to some historical/theological considerations, which allow the introduction of the Order of the Templars in its unsuppressed key. The interest in the Order of the Templars is the result of Members of 'gensferreria' having continuously participated in foundations and activities of the Order since its foundation in 1090 AD
The Carolingians had always been poor in the cavalry-- arm, and this weackness was the result of the little known fact that, although Charlemagne was able to field about 500,000 heavy infantry and to keep it supplied, with great difficulty, for a limited time, say about three-four months, since he lacked a feudal system and had adopted centralisation and absolutism, a retrogressive step, in the absence of the Roman-type Public Administrative Service, he did not have access to the relatively heavy cavalry of the Roman model that had become the special military resource of the Armorican Romanised Celts in Brittany and to a lesser extent in Normandie, one that had allowed the attaining of a draw against the Huns at the battle of Chalons-sur-Marne in ca. 455 AD and the victory of Poitier by Charles Martel in 732 AD against the invading Saracens.
In fact, while the Merovingians had received the allegiance of the Armoricans ( Brittany-France ), on the basis of their common recognition of the alliance to their previous rulers, the Western Roman Empire of Emperor Honorius ( 394--423 AD), Charlemagne had alienated them with his absolutism and centralisation of power.
Without heavy cavalry Charlemagne lacked the capacity for deep penetrations into enemy-territory, without a prior, long and extensive time of consolidation and a build-up of local power in conquered territory requiring a whole generation to pass, and could not hold conquered lands from opponents able to raid in depth with even light cavalry, as the case were to be with the Breton/Normans, the Saracens, the Byzantinians and the Magyars ( modern Hungarians). This is why Charlemagne, in spite of his military capacity as a leader, and a very long life as a ruler, was compelled to limit his conquests to the occupation of Saxony, the Septimania in the South of France which included a limited territory in Spain, and to a stalemate in Southern Italy, facing the Saracens who had occupied Sicily, the Puglie, and Calabria. This is evidenced by Maps of the Carolingian scenario showing Brittany as an independent and autonomous Region, ruled by descendents of the Merovingian Princes belonging to the Desposiniic Sang-Real.
This was finally demonstrated when the Carolingians lost their hold of the imperial crown which passed to Otto I of the Saxon Dynasty after the Battle of Lechfeld in 955 AD when Otto defeated the Hungarians who had been raiding Europe for about 150 years, unchallenged.
The Saxons had in fact been able to benefit from the improvements achieved by the Bretons and Normans in horse-breeding and cavalry--equipment ( including the breeding of horses that produced the medium-weight, flexible and versatile Andalusian--type used by William the Conqueror ) and tactics that they had not share with the Carolingians as the latter had been denying, since the times of Charlemagne, these two ancient regions of France, their ancient priviledges and rights given them by Emperor Honorius, 394-423 AD.
So, while North Italy may have been influenced by Carolingian culture, the South of Italy, including Sicily, was not.
Italian members of “gensferreria/ferraria” did not therefore receive that training in cavalry lore that their Northern cousins developed for Europe on the foundation of the roman model.
Under an Imperial/Papal domination/competition and influence, which soon developed into the struggles between the Guelfs ( Imperial ) and the Ghibelllines ( Papal )-followers, which even shaped the crenellations on their castle-walls, Italian nobles were directed/encouraged towards the exercising of the Arts of Diplomacy, of the Merchant, of the Banker, Armour-making and trading, and the Whool/Clothes-trades and manufacture.
For example, the Ferrero of Biella following an adoption by a member of the Fieschi House, soon became Bankers and Minters of Money for the Papacy, a privilege they retained and exercised until the end of the Feudal System, in the times of the French Revolution.
As shown in the case of the English Ferrers, the Templar tradition has been very strong and determining of the History of their House and Branches and similarly of all the other great Houses of the Early Middle Ages, exercising their power from the English Midlands, known in pre-Hasting-Britain as Mercia, prior to the rise in the power of the English Monarchy, aided by its meretricious
Parliaments, bent on unwisely controlling and reducing the balancing power vested in their Nobility. In a different way, however with a worse outcome, King Louis XIV’s excesses were achieved and perpetrated through his planned corruption and weackening of the moral fibre of his Nobility when he concentrad it in Versailles under his total control. The Syon Cope, a priestly-vestment displayed at the Victoria and Albert Museum is an important and powerful symbol/icon of these alliances based and linked together by Templar Power and Traditions in the English Midlands.
Before talking of the Templar Order, one should receive more
information regarding the complex Christian, European/Middle-Eastern/Sumerian scenario, without the pre-judices resulting from much malingering and the suppressed truth.
My aim is a modern synthesis based on reform rather than exclusive destruction/violence and revolution.
I have previously mentioned the conversion of the Franks to the type of Roman Catholicism which was in accordance with the
Constantinian political-policy and world-view, then prevailing, with its own historical reasons, therefore historically/pragmatically justifiable, although requiring to-day reformation an a new synthesis.
The judaeo-christian religious picture is confused------due to suppression of knowledge by the Constantinian Roman Church---- about the greater complexity of the real scenarios then in existence, as these appeared to exist, in accordance to writers such as Sir Laurence Gardner, who is himself confused, and even in a smaller measure Edward Gibbon. According to Gardner, sustained by a vast array of Bibliographical works, it appears that in Northern Europe, particularly so in the British Islands as well as in Southern France there existed in the times of the Merovingians, in a more or less strong competition with the Constantinian trend of Christianity in Rome, branches of Christianity which drew their traditions predating the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, from ancient Sumerian sources brought to Europe by ancient Israelitic migrations from the Middle East, some of these even drawing back to the times of King Zedekiah blinded by the Babylonians and of Hebrew Prophets such as Jeremiah and Ezekiel, who are believed to have landed in Ireland in ca. 590 BC. Althouh these traditions may appear to be far fetched, these traditions cannot be ignored and swept under a carpet, in the same way that the broad, cultural band of scriptural myths cannot. We are dealing here with Belief/Faith rather than with Truth and Myths are important, the alternative being a Cultural/Ethical Gap/Vacuum, with resulting Chaos and Anarchy labelled Freedom that ignores Duties, hence resulting in the Reign of Injustice. While these traditions, even when derived from events which are said to have occurred before the birth of Jesus, have come to accept Jesus of Nazareth as the descendant of King David, as the Sang Real, or Holy Grail of the later Templars, they have not accepted Jesus, as Arianism did not, as the Christ or Son of God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, God Himself, the homeostatic unity of a Perfect Divine Being, i.e., the Word, incarnated in the Perfect Man Jesus of Nazareth, born of Mary, conceived through the agency of the Holy Spirit………… understanding confirmed at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD and defined by and promulgated in what is known to-day as the Formula of Chalcedon at a later Council held at Chalcedon in 451 AD.
Many of the traditions and beliefs held in the North of Europe which have also become known as Christian, have maintained links with esoteric forms of knowledge which drew their sources from ancient Sumeria and Mesopotamia, the undeniable cradles of all Scriptural traditions, myths, people, history and Civilisations which originally contributed to our present generally accepted one, defined as judaeo-christian.
Even from the point of view of the genetic origins of Scriptural people, the Y-DNA Haplogroups of some of them, except the E1b... which reached Europe mainly via North Africa and Spain, arrived to Europe from their place of departure north of Lake Victoria in Africa, via Mesopotamia and the Middle East.
It is a proven fact that people of the Semitic type of the I, J......
Haplogroups had already reached Scandinavia and the British Islands as early as 35,000-25,000 BC when the LGM ( Last Glacial Maximum) occurred that closed the migratory routes. It should not be difficult to also accept later movements of semitic people using the same treks.
Successive migrations of other groups including the R1b and R1a as well as the E1b--type, followed after the end of the LGM in ca. 10,000 BC .
It follows that religious/cultural divergences that have been latent for centuries in Europe have kept on surfacing during the course of European History and are still doing so to-day among various groups of people. In ancient times, these differences resulted in religiouswars as these differences became manipulated and exploited by leaders of various communities, villages, towns, nations, political, ethnic groups etc. All in the name of the same and one God uttered in different ways.
Roman Catholic Constantinianism bitterly fought all these divergent traditions which valued, desiring to propagate and perpetuate it, Sumerian esoteric knowledge, often of a mythological source, which sourced most scriptural writings. It is a generally accepted fact that the Hebrews became extremely racial and fanatical about the alleged purity of their race, language and history after their return from the Babylonian captivity in the times of Cyrus, the Emperor of Persia, 550-530 BC, when many of the books of the Old Testament became redacted on the basis of various known sources, as the result of the Hebrews' distorted understanding and belief about their being the only humankind chosen and loved by God whom they saw with the anthropomorphic bias which had been criticised in earlier times by the great Prophets ( Isiah ca. 650 BC) and later on by Early Christianity ( including Jesus of Nazareth ).
So it came to pass that all other Mesopotamian/Israelitic influences on their religion became either negated and ignored or mythologised in such a way as to give these influences a negative bias, placing these on the side of sin and impurity.
These views were totally accepted by Constantinianism and given a further Christian bias aiming at the replacement of Judaism with a Christianity re-born in a Latin mould.
The Northern-European Christian traditions which came to be correctly embedded in the ancient Mesopotamian moulds as the result of semitic migrations to the British Islands and to the south of France, were bitterly fought and discouraged by Rome for the sake of the Unity of the Empire, divided by Gnostic and Arian views.
Sub-Digression Regarding
the Influences on Christian Sects
of Sumerian/Mesopotamic Traditions.
However these memories and traditions survived among the northern aristocracies of Celtic origins and in France, among those that had come into contact with the Merovingian dynasty which had, after the times of Clovis, 481-511 AD, the King of the Franks, been influenced by these migrations from Palestine, even intermarrying with their prominent members. These aristocracies eventually merged and concentrated their powers through inter-marriages, in the regions of the Champagne, Flanders, Belgium, Holland, Saxony, the Luxembourg, Alsace, etc. where they still survive to-day, waiting to be called to action again by History. However, the West -: (1) Must not allow these Aristocrats to resurrect the independent, competing, selfish, Monarchies of the Past, encouraging their representatives as belonging to a perpetuated class of people historically, intrinsically devoted to our Civilisation, to take part in Government as a 'European Aristocratic Legislative Assembly' in a continuous legislating--dialogue with Partliaments and senates, etc., (2) Must not allow the Papacy to resurrect the Papal States in Italy, in order to maintain separation between State and Church, ( 3 ) Must declare Religion and Theocracy to be Costitutionally barred from becoming a negotiable political issue, regardless of any future democratic majority asking for this, this to discourage/exclude the possibility that any foreign/criminal element/clan/race/colour/religious-ideological-group/etc...........from planning demographic expansion as the means to achieve some political/religious aim/goal, against the wishes of the minorities, the general spirit, religious status quo at the drafting of the original Constitution to remain unchanged, for the sake of precedent, as once one begins drastic changes, as for example from Monarchy to Republic or vice-versa the way becomes open to continuous changes exploitable from foreign/criminal groups, ( 4 ) Must ask and encourage Christian Churches to unite in so far as recognising that God is purely the Holy Spirit and all manners of worship are the individual self-expression of worship, in response to personally perceived revelations of the Holy Spirit, none of these being allowed exclusivism and a right to claims to the possession of exclusive truth. (5) Must encourage the study of Ethics, inclusive of all classical types, to be made mandatory to all. There are not many of these systems.
Sir Laurence Gardner whom I do not believe to be an impostor, and supplies very extensive Bibliographies in support of his information, writes very well about these issues in several of his books, as for example, “ Genesis of the Grail Kings ”. Costantinianism eventually succeeded in predominating above all other Christian sects, however, at every sign of weackness in Rome, these traditions floated to the surface of human consciousness and never became totally eradicated.
Christianity is a system of ethics and transcendental belief that is paradoxical as it opposes the corruption inherent ( I avoid using 'intrinsic to ' ) in Creation.
Paradoxically and perhaps also as the result of ‘large numbers’ as spoken of in Statistics, while Constantinianism periodically tends to become corrupt, for its Theology is delicately balanced, and permanently in a state of fluctuations between truth and hipocrisy, these contrasting traditions are embraced by those who truly or falsely respectively call for Reformation. or just limit themselves to criticise the opponents without offering any solution/plan based on a new synthesis of past suppressed knowledge.
Modern, materialistic, democratic ( worshipping a biased Freedom without Duties, rather than Justice ), badly educated masses lack the abstractedness required to understand these issues and the political sophistical puppets they elect, even less so.
Corruption within the Church of Rome or other Churches and Religions, is generally the result of criminal diabolical infiltrations by elements who wish to use and control its power. These elements in turn influence the choice of leaders etc., triggering a vicious circle, requiring reform.
A theological form of corruption within Christianity, is also possible owing to the loss of the equilibrium between the understanding of Jesus having a Divine Nature as well as, homeostatically so, a Human one.
In other words by loosing the balance that the Formula of
Chalcedon warns about but cannot automatically grant without personal understanding and involvement of the reader between a Christology from Above and One from Below, confusion and
corruption is facilitated.
In general, a belief biased/unbalanced toward the Divinity of Christ, similarly to what a Platonic view of morality does, tends to
demoralise the will-to-act and acting itself, by placing more dependence on exterior and divine intervention than on the trained human will itself, directing human religious strength toward theoretical and interiorised acts of worship, like meditation, contemplation, renunciation, withdrawing from the world, dread for the human body’s appetites and of the material/physical world around us. This is the Augustinian view of Catholicism. I am not a psychologist or a psychiatrist, and cannot medically/scientifically explain these distortions and reversals of human behaviour, which can be un-conscientious ( not unconscious per se) and perhaps unaware, perhaps these reversals are mental reactions intrinsic-to/built-in the human psyche, aiming at equilibrium, but I know that paradoxically, behaviour can become the antithesis, the nemesys of what is declared/preached/desired as Belief, behaviour can degenerate and result into the reverse of what utterances and declarations state to be the desirable norm.
St. Paul cries out as a warning "...............I do not do what I believe but what the flesh ( sarkis.......the 'body of sin ' prior to conversion..........the 'body of death ' after conversion by sola fides ) tells me to do.................Who shall deliver us from this ? ". Hence the need for equilibrium, balance, of a centre-point, of a hinge---point,of a swerpunkt around which the drive of a German-Panzer-Regiment's Blitzhrieg rotated in its strike against the opponent, this case.......SINFUL BEHAVIOUR.
A bias toward the Humanity of Christ can follow two diverging paths according to wether one considers Jesus’ humanity as the outward appearance of a puppet energised by the Word, or as a truly real perfect manhood, excluding any divine connection to the Word, that is, two separate wills.
These two biased views of the Humanity of Jesus can drive the human person into fatalisticArianism, very close to Mohammedanism, in which human will plays a very small role in a human life or into one of the various degrees of Gnosticism, in which human will, as the English monk Pelagius believed, is perfectly able to avoid sin, unassisted by Grace, however opposed by Augustine who believes in the necessity of Grace, therefore of a permanent open link between a human being and the Word of God.
A fully drawn out Gnosticism also believed of course, in the Manichaen way, originating from ancient Persia, in the existence of two separate and independent Agents, one for Goodness and one for Evil.
As a bottom line though, wether one believes or not in Satan the Devil as a fallen Angel, the fact is that a section of the human
Species has evolved into a collective, quasi-demonic, self-perpetuating, self-generating even if not eternal or divine, Agency of Evil that is akin to Satan.
In view of the fact that this Agency of Evil has grown so powerful and ubiquitous, that only God can annihilate and extirpate it, it follows that it has, in so far as humankind is concerned, the virtual connotations of a separate/quasi independent Agent of Evil and that somehow, a mild, virtually Gnostic view of the world may not be entirely to be denied, in order to oppose it ( One must understand one's opponent in order to fight it).
End of a purely theological Sub-Digression.
Rome, in its dread of a return to Arianism, had eventually favoured and encouraged the usurpation of power by the Carolingians from the Merovingians who had become influenced by the ancient diverging Christian traditions which seeked a better understanding of the humanity of Jesus, the possibility that he had married Mary Magdalene and procreated heirs to the Davidic Royal Line, aiming at a European Civilisation governed by the members of the Sang Real, joined under an Assembly or Council, under one single Head, say, an Emperor. Rome wanted instead a single Head consisting of a Pope.
The interferences of the Roman Church destabilised the normal course of this quest, and allowed the rise of a multitude of Monarchies led by these members, all competing among themselves, encouraging in turn local languages that took centuries to become viable and cultural differences so artificial that these are now being abandoned and discontinued, encouraging, quasi-justifying continous fratricidal wars culminating in WWI & II.
At the end of the Carolingian Dynasty, the Empire passed into the hands of a Saxon House when Otto I was crowned Holy Roman Emperor on 2nd February 962 AD.
Most of the early German Emperors had felt the need for a measure of independence from the Popes, however the Papacy in Rome aimed at the total control of the Emperors. The only alternative models of a relationship bewteen State and Church were Islam where the secular-arm ruled the religious one and Byzantium where the Emperor governed with a degree of freedom and independence often challenged by the Church.
Eventually the Papacy in Rome favoured the rise of the European Monarchies so as to be able to divide and rule, however weakening Europe and preparing the ground for the interminable wars including the religious ones and WWI and II. One must also note that the Church of Rome and the west it struggled to control and direct, failed to rescue the Orthodox Church from the onslaught of Islam.
It is my opinion that the founding of the Templar order by Sir Geoffrey de Bouillon under the inspiration of St. Bernard de Clairveaux had several motivations-:
( I ) The reduction of the power of Islam in the Middle East. Islam had already reached India by 1100 AD. ( II ) The attainment of access to the ruins of the Temple of Jerusalem so as to be able to dig and look for treasure and documents according to information left by the Prophet Ezekiel/Jeremiah in the care of the ancient holders of the tradition of the Guards of the Temple brought to Ireland by one of these Prophets in ca. 587 BC. ( III ) The formation of a military force in Europe, independent from the rising Monarchies and the Holy Roman Emperors, nominally only subjected to the Pope, to be used for the purpose of curbing absolutism and corruption in the Christian world. The aims were not achieved or maintained for long since the founding of the Order in 1099 AD due to members of the nobility looking for a prestigious and secure organisation into which to retire.
The struggle against Islam soon tended to become within the Order of the Templars an exercise of diplomacy, as the result of the presence in the Order of the ancient Sumeric and Mesopotamic traditions which showed how scriptural history and knowledge owes its existence, development and evolution to all people and cultures of Mesopotamia, not just the Hebrews.
Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Solomonici.
“Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam ”.
(Incidentally, also the Motto of the Ferrero of Biella--Piedmont--Italy ).
Moreover, the emphasis was in this esoteric knowledge to give a pre-eminence to the Holy Spirit, rather than to the Divinity of the Father and/or the Son, in a quasi-monarchic ( Montanism ) and heretical way that could easily do away with the essential Trinitarian mediations and relations of the Father and the Son to and through the Holy Spirit. I do not mean/intend in/by these comments and considerations to belittle these mediations and relations but only to suggest that to us the worshippers and believers these should be a private matter between the Persons of the Holy Trinity not externally affecting or concerning us, certainly not justifying us in our murderous reactions in our divisions and religious wars.
However, in a way not any longer applicable to Christianity but that is still valid for Islam, there is still within the latter and perhaps even Judaism, a Theocratic obsession that excludes the value of a dialogue that cannot be mutual. Islam, or at least an aggressive and active minority within it, leading it, is still committed to the conquest and religious control of all who are non-Moslem.
The second aim was apparently achieved as all alleged texts, documents, the Sacred Ark, and treasure were excavated from under the foundations of the Temple of Jerusalem upon which the Knights had built their headquarters, and everything was successfully brought back to Europe, giving the Order great prestige and power.
As to the regulation/moderation of Monarchic power, this was carried out in England until ca. 1250 and I say this on the basis of what I found out about the Earls of Derby of the noble House of Ferrers who were Templars since the foundation of the Order, having founded a Cistercian Abbey/Monastery at Merevale in
Staffordshire, through the contributions of Robert Ferrers the 2nd Earl of Derby ( 1101-1163 ).
As an example of unavoidable failure in this respect was Italy where being a Templar Knight and carrying out regulatory functions was extremely difficult owing to the fragmentation of that Nation, that generated a great deal of chaos, illegalities and disorders, impossible to correct and control in the piece-meal-wise way the Templars acted. Moreover much of the disorder was caused by Papal Policies and political interferences.
Note-:The silver and black livery-tincfdtures were later on adopted by the Teutonic Knights.
The first headquarters of the Knights Templar, Al Aqsa Mosque, on Jerusalem's Temple Mount. The Crusaders called it the Temple of Solomon, as it was built on top of the ruins of the original Temple, and it was from this location that the Knights took their name of Templar.
Here are some extracts from Wikipaedia showing how local and
The-Church-of-Rome’s forces would clash about religious issues-:
James I the Conqueror (Catalan: Jaume el Conqueridor, Aragonese: Chaime lo Conqueridor, Spanish: Jaime el Conquistador, Occitan: Jacme lo Conquistaire; 2 February 1208 – 27 July 1276) was the King of Aragon, Count of Barcelona, and Lord of Montpellier from 1213 to 1276.
James was born at Montpellier as the only son of Peter II and Mary, heiress of William VIII of Montpellier and Eudokia Komnene. As a child, James was a pawn in the power politics of Provence, where his father was engaged in struggles helping the Cathar heretics of Albi against the Albigensian Crusaders led by Simon IV de Montfort, Earl of Leicester, who were trying to exterminate them. Peter endeavoured to placate the northern crusaders by arranging a marriage between his son James and Simon's daughter. He entrusted the boy to be educated in Montfort's care in 1211, but was soon forced to take up arms against him, dying at the Battle of Muret on 12 September 1213. Montfort would willingly have used James as a means of extending his own power had not the Aragonese and Catalans appealed to Pope Innocent III, who insisted that Montfort surrender him. James was handed over, at Carcassonne, in May or June 1214, to the papal legate Peter of Benevento.
James was then sent to Monzón, where he was entrusted to the care of William of Montredon, the head of the Knights Templar in Spain and Provence; the regency meanwhile fell to his great uncle Sancho, Count of Roussillon, and his son, the king's cousin, Nuño. The kingdom was given over to confusion until, in 1217, the Templars and some of the more loyal nobles brought the young king to Zaragoza.[2]
Copied from NNDB-:
James I, the Conqueror, King of Aragon, son of Peter II, king of Aragon, and of Mary of Montpellier, whose mother was Eudoxia Comnena, daughter of the emperor Manuel I Comnenus, was born at Montpellier on the 2nd of February 1208. His father, a man of immoral life, was with difficulty persuaded to cohabit with his wife. He endeavored to repudiate her, and she fled to Rome, where she died in April 1213. Peter, whose possessions in Provence entangled him in the wars between the Albigenses and Simon of Montfort, endeavored to placate the northern crusaders by arranging a marriage between his son James and Simon's daughter. In 1211 the boy was entrusted to Montfort's care to be educated, but the aggressions of the crusaders on the princes of the south forced Peter to take up arms against them, and he was slain at Muret on the 12th of September 1213. Montfort would willingly have used James as a means of extending his own power. The Aragonese and Catalans, however, appealed to the pope, who forced Montfort to surrender him in May or June 1214. James was now entrusted to the care of Guillen de Monredon, the head of the Templars in Spain and Provence. The kingdom was given over to confusion until in 1216 the Templars and some of the more loyal nobles brought the young king to Saragossa.
Bachelor of Theology.
Associate Diploma in Electrical Engineering.
Post-Graduate Diploma in Quality Technology.
Languages-: English, Italian written and spoken. French red and spoken. I am retired.
Writing a Book about the Clan of the de Ferrariis from a point of view of the barbarian invasions from the steppe and a parallel study of events involving China and Europe ( the cavalry arm, history of war horses), etc.