Post 308. Italian Families of "gensferreria/ferraria/shirleia/farria........."
Ferdinando of Aragon and Isabella of Castille in the fifteenth century.
Paradoxically enough, as the result of the competition between East and West, the West deserving the greater blame in the mutually hypocritical and treacherous behaviour, the Byzantinian Empire was gradually and relentessly being demolished by Islam, led by the Turkish factions.
The language of Heraldry quickly spread to Italy and reached the British Islands after the conquest of England, by William the Duke of Normandy.
Italy remained politically relatively stable in the North under the control of the Carolingian and Saxon Emperors until the times, in about 1350-1400, when the competition began for dominance in the North between Spain and France, ignited by the Popes who wished to protect their independence from the grasping Emperors who desired to control the Church in the same way the Byzantinian Emperors did, and vice-versa.
The modern solution consisting of the separation between Church and State was then unthinkable in the absence/impossibility of a democratic consensus and religious fanaticism in relation to orthodoxy and theocracy.
Fighting had been inevitable in the South, i.e., Campania( Napoli ), Calabria, Basilicata, Puglie, and Sicily since the end of the Western Roman Empire in ca. 450 AD owing to the presence of the Byzantines there who wished to reclaim the territories of the Western Empire, the imperial title, emblems and insignia having been sent to them, i.e., to Zeno ( 474-491 ), by the last of the Emperors of the West, Augustulus (467-472 ). The Byzantines had to fight the Ostrogoths of King Theodoric (494-526 AD ), the King of Italy, soon replaced by the Longobards, then by the Carolingians then by the Saxon Emperors while, since 750-800 AD Islam had landed in Sicily and Calabria its tenacious, cunning, revengeful, un-assimilable, secretive Saracens, the founders of the MAFIA which was left behind when they were kicked out as a military force by the Normans, as a power that would eventually destroy the isolated aristocracy of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and that of Italy after WWII. This saracenic fifth-column has been lingering on in that Nation, based then on Girifalco ( Calabria), now hopelessly riddled by Mafia organisations, since the days of the French Revolution, and the stupidity of the Americans, who failed to adopt in Europe the wisdom General MacArthur had shown, in relation to Japan, has been spreading its temptacles through the whole of Europe and of the World. Its control depends on the restoration of a close class of aristocrats paradoxically supported by Democracy, denying infiltration to the Mafiosis, legislating against its abuses. The first step would be Legislation requiring any one to provide a true history of one's financial income, on demand. When the Savojas abolished, in 1860, the feuds in Sicily, having previously abolished these under the pressures exerted by Napoleon Bonaparte, who hypocritically destroyed the old aristocracy while creating a new one——-he himself being an aristocrat who sabotaged the results of the French Revolution in collusion with the Archishop of Lyons who was his relative and other aristocratic sympathisers——-a new aristocracy of doubtfull merit, they actually allowed the patiently conniving Mafias to purchase these lands for peanuts, thus decreasing the influence of the Southern Italian Aristocracy and of the Church of Rome, which although not being perfect societies, were better than the political puppets now governing the West to-day. This process was facilitated by the weackness of the accommodating, compromising Savoja Monarchy, the same which passively allowed the rise of Fascism in Italy, the participation of Italy in the WWII as allied of the Nazis and of the Samurai, the betrayal of the Germans, its own annihilation on a narrow margin of votes, a Monarchy without principles, backbone or guts. Since the times of the Plantagenets' feuding with Magna Charta, the wrong type of Masonic Influence, that had distorted the ancient Christian British ideals of truth and justice of the Templars, had arisen out of the English commoners who began to use Parliament against the ancient aristocratic families and the Monarchy itself, destroying the balance of power that alone could assure control of corruption of the Parliament itself and of the common people.
Or are we to assume that the masses are incorruptible?
Just look at France and Greece to-day!
This is what modern politicians and democracies appear to believe.
Since the establishment of the Tudors' Dynasty, Britain began a policy of colonialism and trade that excluded Europe. The previously
mentioned Masonic Influence based in the Anglo-Saxon sphere of
influence was then at work de-stabilizing non Saxon Cultures and Nations, not realizing that their turn was soon going to come to be called onto the scaffolds by other political/cultural Creeds inimical to the West.
European History is one showing how the avoidable competitions between brothers ends-up benefiting our opponents.
But the British Empire appeared then indestructible and God’s favour to be with everything Anglo-Saxon!
And so it has come and it is coming to pass………….Allelujah!
We are now, more than ever before in God’s hands!
Returning now to the main issue of this article.............The sudden abolition of the feuds in Southern Italy was a catastrophe as the peasants did not benefit at all, suddenly finding themselves totally in the hands of cunning, treacherous, relentless, inhumane, criminal exploiters all from the Mafia-Secret-Clans, who had hitherto supplied their overseers on behalf of the aristocrats on whom the Mafiosi overseers had placed the blame for their own planned cruelties and exploitations designed to smooth the way to their taking-over. The aristocrats had in fact gradually been forced by the Mafiosi-Clans, in a hope of appeasement-in- collaboration, to hand over supervision and control to these individuals, in order to avoid the medieval type of violence which they should have brutally and ruthlessly exerted for the sake of the future’s good, as the present is in no way better than the past, since present rulers in Republican Italy, as in all similarly governed Banana Republics, are nothing else but corrupters and irredeemable materialists who make dung of anything they touch or get involved with. The aristocrats were gradually pressurised by Mafiosi, to hand over supervision to them by the exertion of cunning pressures based on terrorism ( kidnappings, mutilations, sabotaging of persons, properties and resources, etc.) exerted at levels below and above the overseer. Foreigners like the British Minister Gladstone, were duped in believing that the exploitations and oppressions resulting in a widespread, sub-human poverty was totally the fault of the aristocracy. Giuseppe de’ Tommasi the Prince of Lampedusa masterfully writes about those times and the Piedmontese’s stupidity and of the always compromising, wavering, machiavellian, hypocritical Savojas in his work “ The Leopard ” and other unfinished writings.
The Savojas are to-day attempting a come-back to a resumption of the Crown of Italy. I believe on the basis of their past historical record, they are not to be trusted and I advocate in fact that all living representatives of the ancient European Monarchies and of the Sacred Roman Empire, if demonstrating any intellectual worth or capacity, including prowess in the military field, their traditional arena of endeavour, to only be allowed participation in a consultative/legislative body working in parallel with Senates and Parliament, never to be returned to their ancient roles as Rulers.
It is in fact their shameful competition for power, dominance, and their stressing of artificiallly emphasized cultural differences ( i.e., spurious nationalisms ) between the people of Europe, that Europe has been blooded through a never-ending series of fratricidal wars for millennia.
So, returning a second time to the main course of this article, at one stage, between 800 and 1000 AD., one had in Sicily and Southern Italy in general, the Germans, the Normans, the Bizantinians and the Saracens fighting one another. The Normans won at the end but soon became dinastically extinct in the same way that had occurred in England. They were replaced by the French Anjovins, then by the Aragonese, who, when Counts of Barcelona, had been together with all the Barons/Counts of the Spanish Marches ( Marcha Hispanica) the liberators of modern Spain from Islam.
The Marcha Hispanica had been a foundation of Charlemagne, designed to balance out the Counts’ military powers.
In the meanwhile, while Spain was being liberated, paradoxically, the Byzantinian Empire was slowly being demolished by Islam led by the Ottoman Turks.
There is no doubt that had not Spain been able to defeat the Turks at the Sea Battle of Lepanto ( the fleet was officially under the command of the natural son of Charles V, however the Doria and Ferreri were participants ), and at the siege of Vienna after the fall of Constantinople, Sicily and Europe would have been invaded and conquered by the Turks
( no……….there was no contribution at all from England who was then busy building its Empire, following the policy inaugurated by the Tudor
Dynasty, the British renegades/miscegenated with the Saxons, of
washing their hands of European affairs ).
Incidentally, in those times, Luca Ferreri was the Grand-Admiral of the Navy of Emperor Charles V of Spain. He belonged to the
branch of the Ferrero of Alassio ( Genova ), a breack-away from the branch of the Ferrero of Mondovi’ ( Piedmont ), denominated in 1894, the Ferrero de Gubernatis Ventimiglia. He was the son of Emanuele and Paola Doria, grand-son of Antonio, great-grand son of the head of the branch of Mondovi’, denominated the Ferrero d’Ormea.
A very interesting event connected to this family ( Ferreri of Alassio), that throws light on the origins of the surname Ferreri is the change from Ferreri to Ferrero authorized by a Piedmontese Royal Decree dated 20th December 1894, which also authorized the addition to Ferrero of ‘ de Gubernatis Ventimiglia ’ .
See page 154 of Spreti’s work.
This means that all Ferrero and possibly also Ferrari families in Italy, were originally Ferreri, the variations being adopted for the sake of political loyalties, contrasts and differences.
Another such example is the one of the Ferrero della Marmora ( di Biella) who, owing allegiance to the Savojas whose vassals they were in Piedmont, left a branch that maintained the original surname Ferreri in Milano, Lombardy when the French defeated Ludovico Sforza, called ‘ il Moro ’ and Massimiliano his son, taking possession of the Duchy of Lombardy.
When the Spaniards under Charles V finally defeated the French of King Francis I at the Battle of Ravenna fought on the 11th April 1512, the branch of the Ferreri of Lombardy co-perated with the Spaniards although knights of the branch of their cousins from the Ferrero of Biella ( de la Marmora ) branch were slain on the side of the French at Marignano and Ravenna.
This is another reason why I am writing this work aiming at making all members of “gensferreria/ferraria” aware of our common origins and to urge Europeans to not repeat the errors of the past.
Coat of Arms, titles, honours and wealth were related to the holding of and the responsibility with the management of land and people, which included the administration of Justice and the Defence of territory, in the times when privilege went closely together with duty/
loyalty/honour, everyone had to fit in a rigid hierarchic pyramidal structure of Government known as the Feudal System, within which
mutual ties based on privilege and duty controlled human and even
divine relationships ( i.e., in Theology ). Even the Mafiosis are using this system within their circles, while criticizing it in the name of a corrupt and abused Democracy that allows them the freedom and license to corrupt power. I am not advocating a return to Feudalism you grongoes, but the legislation against abuses of privacy and freedom erring on the side of non-disclosure........aiming at the performance of the duties complementary with their associated freedoms, beginning with a publicly available history on demand, of the wealth and income-sources of every western family and individual.
Anyone trading with the West to be required to supply such
transparency. The Feudal System had become unavoidable due to the failure of the centralized Imperial System, as the result of the rise of nationalism, of the national monarchies and the increasing differentiation and divergence between languages and cultures, favoured by the
Universal ( Constantinian ) Roman Catholic Church and the rising Monarchies, except within the realm of Religion, as the way to weaken the hold of the Empire. Heraldry was born in such a scenario.
Land was available for distribution to the victors in wars and wars were the prerequisite for such distributions as money was very scarce.
Many modern, pacifist readers, ignorant of history and without an understanding of human nature which is bent towards evil by Creation being subjected to the laws of entropy, scarcity and necessity, shall feel critical about the propensity of the ancients to wage frequent wars. My belief is that nothing has changed and that the worsening effects of Global Warming added to a bludgeoning demographic explosion, and the dwindling of basic essential resources as sweet water, shall see much conflict.
Just take as an example the ongoing feud between Islam and Israel which is really one caused by limited resources and the hubris for dominance through, among the many forces that of demographic expansion, which is to-day a criminal intent no matter by whom it may be being indulged in………..i.e., India, Pakistan, Bangla-Desh, Islam, Israel, etc.…………………
Good, reliable, dedicated yet ethical warriors from the
descendents of the ancient families shall be once more in demand in lieu of the various Mafias ( the mongrels) which are now globally oppressing, corrupting and exploiting human kind with their puppet-politicians.
Good soldiers cannot be mass-produced. Good soldiers must have a vocation and an hereditary basis and tradition.
Wars being then as now unavoidable, this is the reason why the earliest noble families to make themselves famous were those who went to areas where wars were being waged, such as Flanders in 900 AD, Hastings ( England ) in 1066 AD, the taking of Valencia, by King James of Aragon in 1117 AD., Southern Italy in 900-1000 AD.
So, along the frontiers of Europe where Islam, who began to wage war against everyone in ca. 650 AD, or barbaric tribes, many of which were soon converted by Islam, were present, Heraldry soon became busy recording deeds of valour and sacrifice, assigning honour and resources to encourage and motivate. So, while England, the Pyrenees, Flanders, etc. were hot, North Italy remained relatively stable until 1350……. This is the reason why North Italian Heraldry appears to be on the move later than say in Flanders, Normandie, Brittany, etc. The other reason is that the Emperors had their retinues of court-nobles and preferred to keep Italian ancient houses busy as merchants in relatively independent Cities, paying tribute to the Emperor, thus remaining also out of the grasp of the Church, proudly protecting their newly acquired imperial privileges and freedoms.
But soon Cities began to accept bribes from either sides, switching their alliances and this was the time when their own nobles began to exercise military power as either Guelfs or Ghibellines and to begin to appear on heraldic records.
This is why, for example Breton, Norman, Poitevin de Ferrariis have some of the earliest released Arms, like the ' vairee ' '( a fur silver et
azure ) while fewer Italians can claim such honour and privilege. While there is no doubt the Italians were originally noble also, yet they had been distracted from proving their nobility through war and Heraldry.
Europe was sadly rent by wars between the two factions, that of the German Emperor against that supporting the Church. The great Florentine Poet Dante Alighieri for example, was for the Emperor, belonging to the Guelf-faction.
It is said he was also a secret medieval precursor of the Illuminati of the Renaissance.
St. Francis of Assisi, the son of a merchant from Umbria married to his mother who was from Provence, the land of troubadours and of ' the dolce, cavalleresco stil nuovo ' in Petrarca's poetry, was another typical example of an aspiring nobleman, when, as a young man, he participated as a knight of Assisi in Umbria in the struggle between the Papacy and Empire.
But he was by far too gentle and romantic and for him the experience was devastating and traumatic. God had branded him for God with fire like a heifer was by the owner in the american Prairies.
A policing, mediating, balancing power between Empire and Church, later between Emperor, Monarchies and Church, was supposed to have been provided by the Military Monastic Order of the Templars founded in the Flanders in 1090 AD for the purpose of strengthening the first Crusade, led by its founder Godefrois de Bouillon, under the inspiration and preachings of Saint Bernard de Clairveaux, a nobleman from a Burgundian family, but it gradually became distracted from its covert purpose of policing the escalating ambitions of European Monarchs directed against the Papacy and the Empire, with the accumulation of wealth, required for the exercising of its intended functions, weakened by incompetence and by the infiltrations of seekers of security and status and was disbanded by the collusion of the King of France, Philip the Beautiful of the House of Valois, and his French Puppet-Pope.
The reader should notice that the Order of the Knight-Templars was not the earliest or the only one of its type, but that the first known Military Monastic Order called “De la Encina” was founded in 722 AD in Navarre by Don Garcia Ximenes, about 10 years prior to the Battle of Poitier that saw the defeat of the saracenic invasion of France.
Navarre was in fact never conquered by the Arabs.
Its heraldic device or banner, one of the earliest examples of a
collective heraldic device, was the roughly-cut pole of an oak-tree standing vertically, carrying a Templar cross ( Maltese cross ) at the top, having a fleur-de-lis grafted onto its middle. The symbolism was clearly of the usual sumerian type, later also adopted by the Templars. Six Military Monastic Orders earlier than the Templars’ were founded in the areas straddling the Pyrenees, called the Marcha Hispanica, which had been founded by Charlemagne. Baron Atienza supplies a complete list. As already mentioned, the Order of the Knight-Templars was the only one aimed according to the Burgundian Cistercian Saint, Bernard de Clairveaux at the policing of European Monarchs’ governments, designed to intervene to maintain a balance between Empire and Monarchies, in addition to the original one of being involved in the struggles against Islam.
Its most evident policing activity was exercised in Britain when the Breton/Norman Barons began the struggles for Magna Charta.
However, the accursed Plantagenets never acquiesced in the acceptance of this document and their political manipulations resulted in the modern distortions and abuses of Democracy by the corrupt western masses, inclusive of all churches.
The West is badly in need of REFORMATION.
Of course, Saint Bernard’s policy was based on the hope and belief a Pope could not be corruptible and become a puppet of a sodomitic King, Philippe Le Beau, and of his utterly corrupt family.
Returning to the Italian noblemen in the towns of Republican Communes with a veneer of democratic government, a classical example being the Florence of the Medici, these had been encouraged by the German Emperors to live as merchants, but were later-on forced to become involved in the wars occurring around them as, an un-armed family would be defenseless and at the mercy of adventurers and mercenary soldiers, the followers of Spanish or French Generals invading Italy, and to acquire lands, castles, Coat of Arms, titles, honours etc. with the same greed, competence and aptitude as their Flemish, Catalan, Aragonese, Norman, British or Breton cousins.
For example...............the family of the Ferreri di Biella who rose from the merchant class, to the level of Marquis and Prince under the Savojas, the latter also rising through History since their beginnings as Counts, to become Dukes and Kings in the 18th-19th centuries.
Incidentally Biella is an ancient Piedmontese town famous for its wool-works at the mouth of the Valley leading up to the ancient Duchies of Aosta and Chablais, around lake Lemann/Geneva, guarding the Pass from Italy to France. The town of Aosta, high up on the valley, was actually built in stone by the Roman Legionaires, in the times of Octavianus Augustus, on a site already occupied by a Roman Camp since the earliest wars against the Helvetii and the Germani, in the times of Mario, Sulla and Caesar.
The Acciaiuoli, originally also called Ferreri, who became later
established in Florence in ca. 1000 AD, became established originally in Brescia
( famous even to-day for the Beretta and Bernardelli Fire-Arms) which is also at the mouth of another Valley at the middle section of the Lombard Pre-Alps. Most of the Italian members of “gensferreria/ferraria ” have in fact Alpine origins and are of mixed Celtic bloods, related to the Helvetic Celtic/Gothic tribes.
The cheap heraldists who naively link the surnames to the Latin word ‘ferrum’ for iron err in so far as iron-metal-working, not even armour-weapon-making were considered worthy of the major institutions of a City-Guild.
The Acciaiuoli were Bankers and Estate Agents in the grand manner of their times, dealing with Castles, Manors, feudal Lands, at the level of Dukes, Princess etc., supplying cash for mortgaged feudal property.
I believe that the change of surname was the result of the
Acciaiuoli wishing to have a totally free hand in the political
scenarios of their times, before any threat by the Kingdom of Castille or that of Aragon, had yet occurred in the North of Italy in competition with France, for dominance in Italy, wishing to give the appearance of their being a family totally independent from and unrelated to any other member of “gensferreria/ferraria”, in Italy. They acted from their stronghold of Florence and in many other towns of Italy, first as the Senescalchs or Agents of the French Anjevin Dynasty in Southern Italy, then when the Aragonese replaced the Anjevins, they purchased the Duchy of Athens ( Morea) in Greece, collaborating with the Catalans and Aragonese already established there, eventually kicking them out as they were causing great damage to those territories. They also had neighbours in Morea ( Greece), i.e., the Dynasty of the Villahardouin, a family of Burgundian origins.
They certainly had commercial dealings with the Templars and the Knights of St. John, those of Malta and of Jerusalem.
Their control of the Duchy of Athens ended with the fall of Constantinople
This may not be true.
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