Post 305. Afghanistan........what a laugh! cholesterol-brained, cocktail and alcohol ( and who knows what other substance ), abused brains, steroids-inflated fornicating dudes, pampered and softened soldiers of the West!
What is needed is no Rules of Engagement, the kicking of all Defence lawyers, yellow-politicians in the ass, and allowing dedicated vocational soldiers to express themselves freely, albeit cruelly as war cannot be nice, in whatever war-style suits their personalities.
Kabul and the Moslems should not be allowed to dictate how fighting is carried out.
Observe and learn from the Pakistani in action-: Massive use of tanks and artillery, let the civilians be buggered
Same goes for the Hindus, Buddha Sidharta's praising Sri-Lankans with the Colgate white smile!
Popularity-seeking is a wasteful illusion, soon becoming a delusion, in War! We are suffering to-day in a delayed way, from the Yiddish/American propaganda excesses directed against the Nazis, the Fascists and the Samurais.
Remember Nagasaki, Iroshima, Dresden, etc.
War is an Art as any other human activity and self-expression cannot be fettered by Rules of Engagement. We need to give freedom to our war-virtuosos, if any still exists among our sodomites.
Terrorize the opponent into surrender!
That is the aim of war else let us present our collective rear-holes for enshaftment by the opponents as our sodomites, of both genders, probably a good 60-plus of our western Nations to-day would gladly do, bloodlessly, inexpensively and voluntarily!
Let us embrace Islam and Sharia Law!
Incidentally, I would have personally no problem as I am naturally disciplined and law-abiding and genetically hate sodomites and Mafiosis.
Moreover Moslems can sense from my rationality, and from my love of kosher and halal pussies, that Allah accepts me as a worshipper as Allah has not confused/addled my brains, and Moslems respect this.
I recently saw two recently-produced films directed by another latter-days Yiddish American, another COHEN, portraying an Egyptian Pharaon's and a Chinese Emperor's Mummy as the would-be destroyers of Freedoms while advocating the end of CHAOS and DISORDERS.
I WONDERED HOW THE TALMUDIC, CRETIN, the producer, WITH HIS CIRCUMCISION, BAR--MITZVAH, SUCKOTS, KOSHER AND HALAL 'PUSSIES ', LIKEWISE FOR FOOD, CAN CHOOSE FREEDOMS WHILE ACCEPTING CHAOS AND DISORDER as an opposer of the Pharao and Emperor. The great liberator and harbinger of freedoms, benevolent tolerator of chaos and disorders ( lawlessness) since being smarter than the Pharao and Emperor, he is somehow enlightened, AND KNOWS HOW TO COMPLEMENT THE TWO OPPOSITES, is, of course portrayed by some American Pinocchio.............freedom-loving alcohol-imbibing, and the rest.......... steroids-beautified and magnified, needing three four heart-bypasses by the age of 50, herpetic all over by 15 ( anyone can get herpes is his and his bambinas' Credo ), undefeatable, womanizer, surrounded by the poverty and chaos and disorder of an Asia and Africa ot the times prior to WWI, in the Golden era of Industrial/Technological Capitalism. These Yiddish American Jews are sick! Stop dreaming you grongos! VERY CONFUSING FOR THE EMPTY-BRAINED MASSES OF THE WEST. BUT THESE HYPOCRITICAL CRETINS WITH THEIR SANCTIMONIOUS LITTLE HATS AND SINAGOGUES, THRIVE TOGETHER WITH THEIR MAFIOSIS COMPARI ON CHAOS AND DISORDER, AND ON ABUSES OF DEMOCRATIC FREEDOMS LIKE RATS IN A SEWER, WITH THEIR STOCK-EXCHANGE---TRICKS AND BUBBLES. THAT IS HOW THEY MAKE THEIR MONEY WHILE SINGING THEIR FAKE PRAISES TO JEHOVAH. IN A WAY THEY DESERVE ISLAM.
Perhaps I should not try to find out how to defeat terrorism.
Of course, these skilled, modern cretins get away with and camoufladge their cretinity by mastering the technical tricks of film production, photography and colour, and let us admit it, the actors of both genders are attractive shit, when young, although riddled with venereals and full with cholesterol! Just look how quickly and badly they age.
Tony Curtiss, Peter O'Toole, etc.
Going back to Afghanistan...........................................................
Helicopters, tanks and armoured vehicles, are by far too expensive even by American-Army perceptions of cost, to risk for destruction by a cheap rocket hand-held by a crazy Taliban who would be assured of Paradise.........the poor sod. Capture him, place the rocket in his arse-hole and blow him, after tattooing him for fail-safe purposes, just in case the rocket malfunctions.
No Rules of Engagement, no prisoners no truce, no quarter.
Afghanistan is in fact littered with charred remains of Russian Armour.
These SLAVS, in spite of their deceptive great looks, are even more stupid then we are. General Patton was right! Who can trust a totally brain-washed Russian?
I bet the way we are operating in the field is to send in our platoons, overloaded, with our fighters encumbered with equipment and ammunition in the morning and bring them back in the evening. That can only cause painful haemorroids as our soldiers age. Aaaahhh.....know as I indulged in 80 pounds haversacks in my trecking youth. A fighter should not be encumbered with heavy packs as this saps his mental capacity. Platoons should have young porters perhaps paid extra money. Perhaps porterage should be on a roster basis.
I bet that, especially on the plains, as they advance, we leave behind and
along the sides of our advance line Talibans who hide their weapons and go back to their villages to fight again to-morrow.
Hey, grongos, this shall last for-ever and ever!
This is is an illusion and delusion!
A total futile waste!
The Documentary said that the grand Strategy of which our decadent, idiotic millitary are to-day capable, after strenuous and long studies at Duntroon, West-Point and Annapolis ( forget about the French and the Italians, the latter known to bribe the Talibans’ war-lords to not attack their patrols........), is to advance toward the border from some ZERO LINE...............What about your sides, maybe rocky outcrops?
We should have cut-throat mercenaries up there at our sides and rear, looking like Taliban, complete with circumcision, and tattood islamic slogans, delible with a secret formula by Avon Cosmetics.
How stupid can one be?
In addition to suspending all Rules of Engagement and hypocritical pseudo humanitarian concerns, except for a modified Geneva Convention, as our opponents are not legally recognized fighters but at the same level of pirates and spies or anti-social criminals ( Mafiosi ) and civilians should not be where fighting is occurring or has been indicated ( with the use of some mixed-in lies as to the exact area ) to be going to occur, else it is their fault and bad luck and the responsibility of our opponents.
This alone should generate some strange and odd movements perceivable by our cut-throats.
The simple, all-overriding fact is that the Talibans, Hamas, Fatwah and whatever else of the criminal race of slimy people, change their status from fighter to civilian and vice-verca as it suits them. That is not allowed by the Geneva Convention, oh Mohammed.
We might rightfully and justifiably send thousand of our toughest fighters in plain clothes as mercenaries, with total freedom to operate at their whims, to play havoc with the civilian structures in that country, perhaps while we make our presently-futile advances to the borders with regular troops, the aim being to deny any Taliban entry or exit from a village during action. Anyone out there away from the village would have to be a Taliban. At least, tattoo them with an indelible mark( something nice........say a verse of the Q'uran in a distinctive way. But who would want to pass for a Taliban not being one and fake the tattoo? ) so as to mark them for the future.
As regard the Army, I would use helicopters only for resupply,
medical recovery, troop insertion and withdrawal, from safe areas. I would introduce the use of mules for transporting supplies from a safe re-supply area to the front. A rocket wasted on a poor mule would be a military waste. Poor mule! Body-armour the poor thing. Always cheaper than a damned helicopter! This is why the territory should be combed by plain-clothed mercenaries for Talibans hiding at the rear or at the sides of the perimeter of advance, even before the planned advance operation, if not just to locate and identify possible hiding/fortifiable places.
With modern communication equipment there should not be difficulty in supervising all this traffic.
With a PC and a suitable program even I could become a damned General
I am a player of Total War nitwits, you kosher and halal----pussy-chasers.
Platoons should be trebled to say 36 troopers, led by a Major a Captain and three Lieutenants and sub-lieutenants. Twelve Sergeants, a couple Majors. That should make sure no mutiny would eventuate. But were to find all these intelligent people? There should be three artillery groups-: Bazookas, rocket launchers, whatever.......... free to shoot at will ( tactically controlled by the Major and Captain ) and as the fog of war allows.
Of the 36 men, one half at least should be young, sturdy porters lightly armed, loaded with ammunition, trained to take care of mules. The actual fighters should be un-encumbered with the exception of say ten minutes sustained firing. With automatic weapons that is an awfully heavy load of bullets ( 7,500 bullets ).
Ten minutes is not much time.
But 18 times 7,500 is perhaps a lot of bullets if fired wisely with mortar,
Grenades should be of a type that sends a cone of ball-bearings in all directions to the front, angled toward the ground from a given height above the ground.
In addition to the rockets designed to punch holes in concrete and brick---walls or blow up trees etc. such a Platoon would be formidable.
If compelled or required to spend the night out, I would increase the number of the Platoon to assure a good, wide perimeter, against enemy-mortar fired during the night. I would remove excess troops in the morning from the fast strong spearhead, to guard the rears and ensure a helicopter-safe area for resupply.
In addition there would be a reserve carried by the 18 porters lightly armed, I would say that that would be fire power and capability.
The Major and Captain should be equipped with a self-destructible PC programmed to
show every man in the Platoon and affording communication with each man.
Men should be relieved at intervals of time, casualties and wounded retrieved, supplies flowed in by helicopters or vehicles, once the area is made safe.
The bottom line is that the Platoon or Platoons should be kept on the field of action for as long as it is required to destroy or tattooo all captured Talibans. Permanent identification and marking of the opponents with suitable islamic slogans should be the foundation of all anti-terroristic operations, including the IRA ones ( Gaelic tattoos for them).
And kick all objectors, overseas or national ones in their herpetic arses.
Civilians should be told to leave their villages and should be relocated elsewhere in the area marked for operations.
I noticed land mines being dug out from the centre of a village with the villagers looking on and laughing.
How stupid can we be?
Allah must really be addling our poor brains!
If so, then forget about this article and of glorious democracy.
We deserve extinction.
Long live Yiddish Power and Cunning!
La', ila la', ilaa Allah!
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