post 298. The Yo-Yo Neo-Neanderthalers from Down-Under-: Autralia.
I am not going to mention Australians of non-European, non Christian origins, so called when no-one exactly knows what being an Australians really means in the scenario of Yo-Yo-type, confused, politics and culture in the vast, parched Continent in which children are brought-up emptied from their ancestral histories and cultures, really unable to understand people with the same ancestral roots, even less so those with ones different from their own.
How does one exercise empathy with such a cultural robot without foundations or roots? Extremely difficult, nay impossible, except through the lower channels of physical and material exchanges.
My brother considers the Supermarket to be the Church and Sanctuary of Australian Culture.
A local, born and bred in Australia, even with average and even a higher education, adds to this the Pub, the Brothel/Night Club/Massage Parlour on a bi-sexual basis and the Sporting Arena.
Western Culture and Civilization has reached to-day, in the climate of global communication and technological access to information, i.e., the Internet.......such a degree of saturation and exposure to criticism and corrections, that it is possible to make a synthesis of World-History so as to make it acceptable and doing justice to all. Read Historical reporting by an American Philosopher of History, i.e., Dr. Kelly L. Ross, Ph. Dr., who, although educated in the U.S.A. ( presumably ) finds a response in me as a reader, educated in a different scenario from his own. He has studied European Scholars of History and Philosophy very closely.
For example, in relation to the last World War, it is possible to show that no one was innocent. There is in fact a growing awareness, that politicians the world-over are incomprehensibly failing to make explicit, that overpopulation and scarcity of resources may be now the trigger of future wars. Population management is in fact highly unpopular with our new aristocracies of wealth becoming richer on the exploitation and abuse of the masses. There is no need in a scenario practicing honest, meaningful reciprocities and mutual respect, consideration and good-will, for cutting out our children from their cultural, traditional inheritances.
A CAVEAT to those mongrels in our midst, who have chosen to be rootless in order to be any and every devil’s servant, tampering with the ancestral roots of others.
Even MAGNA CHARTA protects the inheritance of children and I am sure, oh you perverted mongrels in our midst, that inheritance is not just of material resources but of honour, tradition and culture.
That is sacred ground.
Lay off you mongrels!
In the absence of truth about the sources of conflicts, false aspects of Religion, Culture and Roots become just excuses to justify war and conflict by using farcical versions of higher level ideological motivations, which are therefore being abused. Historical and Ideological Emptiness can in fact predispose human beings to the acceptance of any vile propaganda may suite the times. Improvised, false propaganda can be very damaging in the long run and Western Democracies are suffering from the lies or half-truths of WWII. False propaganda, changes in definitions of what is right and wrong in order to reduce remorse and guilt ( it does not work that way ), cunning ( nothing to do with human intelligence but with animal instinct ) white-washings, false reports about History becomes embedded as the new root in our abused masses, making democracy a dangerous abuser of liberties. On the contrary and paradoxically so, true, reformed, debated and synthesized versions of Religion, Culture and Roots, acceptable in their synthesized continuity with and respect for the Past ( i.e, thou shalt honor thy father and thy mother ), to the whole world of honest people, can reform character and uphold honesty and good will through an understanding of the mistakes made in the Past, resulting from forces of nature and greed, i.e., entropy, scarcity and necessity.
However, please do not believe, oh reader, that you must agree with me to make me happy or just because I make the effort to write as I don't give a damn if you wish to go to and your descendants
The New Testament has existed for 2010 years now and with the Internet-libraries there are no more excuses or plausibilities.
The times of reckoning are here!
I am just doing my duty as a trained theologian, investing my talents for the BIG BOSS as in the famous Parable.
Australian Politics are a series of Yo-Yo game-type decisions, visibly so in their Labour Party Members.
The fundamental flaw of modern politics is the onus on politicians to please majorities which may have become utterly corrupt and degenerate. One continuously sees and hears leaders and caucuses on both sides cry and apologize for having failed to interpret the will of the people. It is not at all a concern for right or wrong, but for the will of the people. It is sickening and concerning me since the time shall come when reversals of policies and attitudes shall be late and History shall have by-passed us.
I am grateful for a Social Security, Medical Care and the Age-Pension, of a standard which is perhaps the best and probably unique in the world.
However, as a logical thinker, a student of Civilization, and an honest person, I must be critical.
For example, present forces are compelling Labour to bray like a donkey about an alleged capability to create jobs. Yet I remember the days of Whitlam, Bob Hawke and Keating when the latest Labour's brainwave/policy, called " The Level Carpet Trading ", abolished custom duties protecting our small manufacturers of goods such as condoms ( ha, ah), sanitary tampon ( ha, ah), shoes, knickers, shirts, hats, whatever is used to cloth a human body, on the ground that it was unfair to Asians. I am assuming condoms and tampons are also made in China however I have never seen or used, ga, ag, ga, ag.
The main problem with Asians and Africans is overpopulation and lacking to address this issue is a waste of all other measures adopted by us to our own detriment. Communist China has addressed the issue of population stabilization and I respect this Nation. This is why I tend to be hard with the Uighurs of Turkish and Islamic origins who entered the borders of China without assimilation, who would try to flood China with their clones.
When I travelled to and through Europe on a low budget in 2004, I was constantly apologizing for being clothed from head to toes with Chinese garments and equipment, except for the hearing aids, made in Germany, courtesy of the Australian Taxpayers.................thank thee oh mighty generous Aussies!
My repayment for this generosity consists in telling you the truth as I see it!
And you should love me! Specially your girles ( ah,ah....).
With the irresponsible large intake of unskilled migrants including the illegal ones from the boats, from every God-forsaken Nation in the world that is spilling over with humanity due to irresponsible, unrestrained, criminal and excessive fornication, I don't care if under Papal, Civil, however-sourced Marriage Licences, even our border-line prostitutes are being stressed by the overwhelming competition. Massaging and cooking appear to have become the most popular activities in Australia. This is becoming extremely unhealthy.
On the other side, the Yo-Yo-mentality/syndrone and stupidity is advising dieting and chastity as we are becoming an obese and sodomitic specie ( sorry mates ). Which reminds me of Greece, the cradle of our fallen are the Mighty!............ which is being swamped by African sex workers offering intercourse or whatever else for eight Euros or less for a negotiable time space a go, when the state-regulated tariff is 20 Euros for a maximum of seven minutes ( Greek customers avoid wearing knickers in order to be quicker on the draw and maximize time.........) in order to reduce the escalations of and variations in human fantasies.
No, I am not joking at all!
Privatization was also a brainwave of the Labour Party, of course an idea copied from the British gurus, since there is very little original creativity down under owing to the level-carpet-egalitarian educational system.
The Commonwealth Aircraft Factories at Fisherman's Bends in Port-Melbourne were privatized by Bob Hawke unable or unwilling as he was to discipline the Trade Unions which were making their running impossible with utopian demands heeded by no-one else in the world in the Aircraft Industry.
The glorious Nomad was a botched design ( wrong choice of engine from the start ), the R.A.A.F-Trainer was excessively specified with exceedingly demanding requirements insisted upon by idiotic Defence Department Staff ( i.e., side-by-side seats a one-piece-integral windshield with perfect optics [ God alone knows for what reason ] all over the surface, no one in the world had or has achieved, unnecessary great cruising autonomy, again God alone knows for what purpose. WW II fighters had wind-shields small or in pieces, even the Mustang and Spitfire ). All this overspecifying made the size of the trainer too large and its cross-section too wide, the whole project too expensive. No wonder it could not be brought to completion. There was no way an Engineer could discipline or control a Part-Maker as the latter's contributions depended on whether the latter liked or not the Engineer who was however accountable and responsible for the latter's failure. The Unions ruled and members met every morning before starting time. How many times did I warn about closure but most tradesmen had built a second house during the previous Mirage Fighter's manufacturing and the Boeing projects, and put money in the Bank and could not give a hoot. Aircraft-Part-Makers labelled Aircraft Manufactures had been infiltrated by individuals, mostly of ethnic origins, i.e., Yougoslavs/Macedonians, Greeks, Italians, etc. who through corrupt union officials and the information about interviews supplied by good-looking insiders of the gentle sex, had acquired tickets and jobs while not having the desired skills. At the time of privatization when the reality of a change of management came up, these were finally exposed as not being able to read a Vernier Caliper, a Micrometer and not even a simple Rule There was a request even for the need to learn how to read English, yet Aircraft Manufacturing even for the smallest and simplest part is specified in words as well as in drawings ( blue-print ) for the sake of future modifications. It follows that drawings were Engineer to report on it and to suggest remedial action. It was a total reverse of Total Quality Control. Security was a disgrace and machine-tools disappeared over the fences in spite of the glorious Commonwealth Police. Eventually the Swiss Pilatus was chosen with tandem seats. I see this in the eyes of my acquired insight into Australian Psyche, as typical Australian self-sabotage. I cannot believe that Managers and Politicians were not aware of all this, and the question should be asked as to what is wrong with these people, with you Australians! Australia, locally produced and educated Australians need a mighty SHRINK!
As a contrast and to corroborate and illustrate what I said about GAF, the festering sores of the Australian shore workers with their Mafia-like Unions had to be disciplined by the Liberals under Howard. Voters appear to forget all these Yo-Yo type events in a Neo-Neanderthaler attitude..............I do not.
And the FARCe goes on!...........
Another version of the Yo-Yo mentality and attitude is differing from others which is automatically considered as a virtue, a sign of freedom and intelligence and creativity. Take 20 Australians at a meeting and one gets 30 different types of solutions. When anything goes wrong the apology is that the failing solution had been adopted unanimously by a group, and therefore no one is to be blamed as all had differed form one another.
Hence the popularity of meetings and caucuses in spite of the divergency of opinions.
Take for example the recent Australian decision by the N.S.W. Premier, a woman, to not concurr with the French decision to outlaw the obscenity, the primitiveness, the hipocrisy of the Islamic total-incarceration-of-a-woman's-face
( is it called a bourka?) which is not mandated by the Q'uran anyway but the fruit of some sadistic desert-Sheik's selfishness and jealousy, after the death of Mohammed. Here we are in the West trying to teach these troglodites, these barbarians from the deserts to confront and measure up to Aristotelian Ethics, to abandon retrogressive ways of thinking about women, and this Australian female imbecile, a liberated woman enjoying all the freedoms of a democratic civilization, of modern civilized thinking............. ready to reverse in a Yo-Yo fashion for the sake of popularity ( votes ) with the opposite, non-western-side, and decides to allow foreigners in our midst who claim to have adopted our system of civilization, our supposedly western, democratic Australian system based on the Westminster-tradition and all the History that produced it, starting 650 years before anything Islamic did. This reminds one of the now obsoleted Imperial British Policy-Making when Great Britain went against anything western in order to remain popular with the people of ITS Empire, now defunct......ALLELUJAH.
This is where the sentence "Treacherous Albion " came from.
It appeared to have paid off in the days of the Empire but not really review your ethical standing Australians, Americans, etc.
In short, some Australians ( so called and a meaningless word in relation to these double-dealers ) among us still maintain that sort of non-co-operating, treacherous attitude toward members of their original civilization (i.e., the French people ), without which they are NOTHING, empty, not be eventually trusted by anyone.
People are not stupid.
The veiling of women in our Country is against our moral, decency-Laws based on mutual trust, self-control and freedom. Full stop!
Moslems shall abide by our Laws in our own Nations, if not just for the sake of our own credibility, respectability, dignity and sovereignety.
Labour Politicians have better mend their Yo-Yo-ways, start on a fresh path of consistency, logic and observance of the great western traditions and ethics, else piss off, go back to the menial tasks from which you undeservedly rose, and to which you are more suited, on the back of the poor workers you have bamboozled, you are bamboozling, disappear from Politics you mongrels!
Study, interpret and sinthesize HISTORY for our modern times, don't sweep History under the carpet. Nothing can be built with a Quantum Jump from the Eureka Stockade as the ground zero!
Stop braying your old worn out cliches!
You yourselves are to-day neo-capitalists with huge Bank Acccounts benefiting from people's miseries and a population's escalation and historical neo-Neanderthalers who are unable to learn from the Past!
So help me God!
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