post 99. Preface to " Collection of 100 Ferrerii/Ferrarii Arms".
I wish first of all to explain what the term gensferreria stands for. The term is in Latin and refers to a Group or Association or Clan of families whose surname has a common semantic origin.
The term was first used with a connotation similar to the one I have reached by independently speculating about the matter, by Messer Besso Ferrero (1520-1584 ), Marquis of Masserano and Crevacuore, ancient feudal lands of the Ferrero of Biella in Piedmont, Italy, who wrote a Poem in latin titled “De Gente Ferreria Encomium ” .
Library Title-: “Bessi Ferrerii Poema ”Publication-: Cremonae: in aedibus Musonii: Ludouic. Britan. Impr. Pridie Mathiae, 1542.Editors-: 1. Britannico, Lodovico.2. Musoni, GiovanniIdentification-: CNCE 40994Locations-: CR0062 Biblioteca statale - CremonaVE0049 Biblioteca nazionale Marciana - Venezia.
Since when looking up Rietstap and Crollalanza, see Bibliography, for Coat of Arms related to my surname, Ferreri, I have been amazed by the similarity of the heraldic design of Arms belonging to families whose surname is close to mine, such as Ferrer, Ferrers, Ferriere, Ferrieres, Ferrari, Ferrero, etc.
I discovered later on during my research that the list of such surnames is much longer due to the changes in spelling that occurred in the British Islands, as the result of the variations and inconsistencies that occur in the English language in the pronunciation of vowels that make the writing of the spoken language a difficult task. This problem was greatly magnified in the ages past by the lack of education even among the wealthy and the powerful.
For example, Verey, Vere, Farr, Fayrey, etc. are English surnames which also have the same origins as the one mentioned above. I decided then to inquire as to whether these families may have had common historical origins, and semantic origin of their surnames. Most genealogists and heraldists shall, when discussing the surnames above listed, mention the latin word for iron which is ferrum and infer from the large number of Coat of Arms related to these surnames using the horse shoe as a Common Charge, about thirty out of one hundred, that the anscestors of these families must have acquired their surnames in virtue of the fact of having been involved in the mining, smelting, working of iron-ore or products.
( Beth-le-hem), ( see “The Fire-stone Project ”,
page 147 ).James inherited the ‘Joseph ’ distinction becoming the Divine Highness (the equivalent of today’s crown prince : Royal Highness ). As such, he was in theNazarene community terms, the Joseph ha Rama-Theo, becoming better known in prophetic transliteration as Joseph [of] Arimathea.Outside the Bible, he was reputed as an artificer in metals– a ho tekton: a ‘master craftsman ’ just like his father, and like Bezaleel, Hiram, and others of the fire-stone tradition. He was recorded as a nobilis decurio (noble decurio ) and, while the Magdalene centers were being established in the South of France, Joseph/James was granted a wealth of tax-free land at Glastonbury in England. A decurio was an overseer of mining estates, and his land-grant was made by King Arviragus, the brother of Caractacus, Pendragon of the Isle ( Pen Draco Insularis). Their dynasty was called the House of Camu-lot ( meaning ‘curved light ’— later romantically corrupted to Camelot ).Joseph’s daughter, Anna, married into the Camu-lot dynasty, whose curved light emblem was a rainbow, and from them a great line of Celtic kings descended. Meanwhile, in Gaul, the priestly House of Jesus and Mary Magdalene became known as the Fisher Kings-ultimately to found the French monarchy [Merovingian dynasty]. It was from the combined scenario that the most romantic of all traditions evolved, for it was said that Mary and Joseph had brought with them the greatest of all treasure : the Holy Grail.”
This digression is necessary as “gensferreria ” has also been involved with the Order of Knight-Templars, since its foundation in 1090 AD. by Sayre Geoffrey de Bouillon, of Merovingian ancestry, in addition to being linked today with metallurgical works. Moreover there is a large number of royal crowns being used in the Crests of many among the italian Arms, which may be pointing to a Desposynic (Davidic ) tradition.
Of course, all these traditions, loyalties, alliances and alignments were to be kept secret since the establishment of Constantinianism in Christianity and, while the Monarchs of Europe, all of Davidic ancestry, betrayed their original missions, “gensferreria ” somehow maintained a minimum of contact with its Templars’ memories, at least through its heraldic symbolism and the Spirit that goes and comes as/from/when/where it pleases IT.While the Templars’ traditions, aims and ethos were painstakingly maintained by the breton/norman Ferrers, as long as their power as Earls of Derby survived the jealousy of the Monarchy, these had to be early abandoned by the French, Italian and Spanish members of “gensferreria ”, owing to their nearness to the sources of Constantinianism. I discuss these issues more fully in my Book “Gens Ferreria/Ferraria ”. However many Templars, among whom Ferrers escaped to Scotland, where King Robert the Bruce founded an Order with a different name but embodying the Templars’ traditions, even obtaining Papal recognition for it. Spain and Portugal also founded Military Monastic Orders which embodied the Templars’ traditions. So did the Prussians with their Teutonic.....................
continued at Post 98.
Note-: Expressions of interest in printing/publishing/purchasing these works are welcome.
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And the relevance for today is?
Thamk you for your challenging question, however I believe you already have your own positive answer. But it is difficult for me to answer your unfocused question without writing an Essay. Could you be more specific? My e-mail address is-:
I could ask you "What is the relevance of Archeology or Heraldry? I could say I love the Middle Ages, Heraldry, the ancient ideals of honour and chivalry. I abhour, I loathe the hypocritical, usurping, revolutionary masses which destroyed without replacement as these are revealing to be themselves more rapacious, cruel and untrustworthy than some of the classes of people they
removed from power. Our democracies are becomuing Mafiacracies. Look at poor Italy, France and all the banana republics. Australia is on its way to become one of these, I am afraid.
Crucify the bastards!
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