More about Tutankamun.
Mr. Maddi is probably as much a guru of haplogroups as you yourself are Tim and is an R1.............too. I believe he lives in the U.S.A. I believe you two should correspond.
If you remember he is the leader of the Sicily Haplogroup Project, the one which has also got a couple of genetic ADAMs, i.e., haplogroup 'A' !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course, there must have been in Pharaonic times, and remember Tutankamun belonged to the 18th Dynasty, one which had seen lots of border and inter-borders action, and how capable some fellows from the North could be, a great deal of intermarriage with selectively chosen, rare, gifted individuals/specimen from the peoples from the North as, at one stage, when and until the sheckels kept on tingling in the coffers, to pay them, as the gold from the African mines eventually petered/fizzed out, a large Division of the Egyptian Pharaonic Army included mercenaries from the North: Dorians ( Greek barbarians from Central Europe ), Philistines, Mitanni ( Biblical Myriam, Moses=Akhenaten's third wife was a Mitanni Princess ), Hittites, the ubiquitous Shytians ( some authors like even Gardner himself confuse the Celts and Goths from the Caspian sea with the Scythians.................................Whenever in doubt someone became a Scythian. Poor Gibbon also tended to resort to this method as his knowledge of us Barbarians was limited ), some Celts, some Goths, the controversial Hycksos.
Some scholars, like Emmanuel Velakovsky, an Egyptologist who found a double listing of Pharaonic Lines using up about 800 years on the orthodox Pharaonic Chronological Lists, say they were the anscestors of modern Arabs as even David ( or those leaders in Palestine who fought for Israel/Judah, who may have given life to the All-Integrating-Myth
of David, the Biblical-Propaganda-Construct of David ), is said in the Scriptures to have desperately fought the Hycksos when these had been overthrown by the revival/rebellion of the Nubian-Egyptian Pharaos. Joseh of Jacob was related to the Hycksos but who was not related to whom then, in spite of the spurious purity-concerns of the post-exhilic racist Jews with their purity Laws? Sir Laurence Gardner brings this out masterfully and calls the Hycksos 'The Shepperd-Kings ' , and as recent evidence shows orthodox views may be a lot of 'pure crap ', ethically well-meaning of course, I would therefore not dismiss Gardner lightly, neither would I scrap the Scriptures which represent a valuable world-view.
Others ( Romer in "The Testament ", Australian Broadcasting Corporation ) suggest the Hycksos were a Northern race akin to the Philistines, etc. etc. etc.
They were masters of the bow, of horses and of chariot-riding, this pointing to their not being ancient Arabs, but Northern warriors. Of course, they might have used the Arabian tribes of the desert for number and to de-stabilise Egypt prior to their methodical invasion.
Let us remember also, in relation to this issue, about the purity of Pharaonic blood, that the Egyptians, like the Hebrews/Jews even do to-day in relation to the issuing of citizenship/Passport, many ancient Celtic, Frankish ( Salian or Sicambrian divisions or both.......I do not remember ) tribes believed the transmission of the blood of a family occurred through the female, not the male parent. So, all the Pharaons had to do, in case their mother had been a foreigner, i.e., not of the Egyptian-Royal-Line, was to marry a half-sister of Royal blood, with both parents of pure Egyptian descent.
The question is wether Nefertitis, Amenhotep IV=Akenaten=Moses's half-sister was of pure blood as even her father Amenhotep III had been born from a foreign mother, or was the purity of the mother sufficient to purify the offspring of a mixed father?
It appears in fact that the only one having both parents: Egyptians of Royal blood, was the founder of the 18th Dynasty.
I might stand in need of correction though.
My interest in this Pharaonic Dynasty is a religious one and stems from the possibility that Amenhotep IV or Akhenaten may have been the scriptural Moses, the believer in the pure spirituality of the One God.
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