Post 198. The Mafia in Milano.
The MAFIA in Milano.
Milan, the moral capital, has become immoral. It’s the capital of drugs and of cement without rock and roll, but with Expo 2015. It’s the European capital of cocaine. You breathe it in the air together with the CO2 to produce more. Even Milan’s rats are regular consumers of cocaine that flows into the sewers. “Mortizia Moratti” knows nothing, sees nothing and hears nothing. Mafia? What’s the Mafia? Someone explain to her, poor soul.
Interview with Gianni Barbacetto
”I am Gianni Barbacetto, a journalist. Among other things, I write for “Il Fatto quotidiano”. Milan has become, in an incontrovertible way, the capital of the ’ndrangheta. That’s said by magistrates who have spent years and years of their lives investigating what is by now the most important criminal organisation in Italy. But Milan, unlike Palermo, Reggio Calabria or Naples, is not a city that is monopolised by a criminal organisation. Milan is an open market. In Milan, there’s the ’ndrangheta, but there are also Cosa Nostra men carrying out activities as well as camorra men.
Milan is the capital of cocaine. A research project carried out by the pharmacologist Mario Negri, has estimated, by analysing the water in Milan’s sewers, that every day, 12 thousand doses of cocaine are consumed in Milan. In Milan every day there are 5 or 6 people taken into hospital for a cocaine overdose. It’s an immense market. The main segment of this market is in the hands of the ’ndrangheta that has set up privileged relationships with the Latin-American producers, and from this enormous cocaine market, loads of money arrives every day. This money can get into the legal flow and pollute the business of this city.
By now, the mafia groups in Milan have arrived at the second or third generations, they continue the old dirty business. In Milan in the last 18 months there have been 5 or 6 mafia murders, not in Palermo, not in Naples. The families of the ’ndrangheta, but also the men of Cosa Nostra and the camorra are continuing their dirty trafficking, basically drug trafficking, they continue to settle their feuds, then however, there’s also legitimate business, this enormous mass of money gained above all from cocaine, is made use of mainly in the construction sector, by now it’s said that there’s no building site in Milan (and in Milan there are so many building sites) in which there’s not the presence of earth moving vehicles, and the trucks of the ’ndrangheta families from Calabria. If you don’t give work to the trucks of the ’ndrangheta, your building site is at risk. Your vehicles could be set alight. They can steal building materials on site. Many entrepreneurs who have surnames from Lombardy, people who are really from Milan, pretend that nothing is happening. They close an eye, even two eyes, and they have by now learned to live side by side with the mafia. They have understood that in order to have a quiet life, here they have to give work to certain families.
In the Milan hinterland, for about 2 or 3 generations, some important families have established themselves. They have surnames that are at the top of the Platì ’ndrangheta in Reggio Calabria and that here however, have established their affairs. There are surnames like Sergi, Trimboli, Papalia, Barbaro that work in Calabria, but by now they have their base in Milan as well. The sector of private construction is amply polluted by the criminal presence, but by now the latest investigations have told us that the ’ndrangheta, has taken a leap. It has managed to even get public contracts, work for example on the construction of the fourth lane on the Milano – Brescia motorway, work for the high speed train, by now there’s also the leap into public construction even on public money, on the public contracts, organised crime has made an entrance.
All that would not be possible without contacts with politics. Organised crime in Milan, even in Milan, has found out how to make close contact with certain politicians, naturally we don’t know whom, however we recognise some signs, some names, for example, we know that the Morabito family, an important ’ndrangheta clan, has organised a great election dinner at the Gianat restaurant in Milan in honour of Alessandro Colucci who is one of the regional councillors in Lombardy.
We know that certain people considered to be close or connected to the ’ndrangheta have had a relationship with Vincenzo Giudice, A city councillor in Milan, who among other things has caused the collapse and the loss of loads of public money by causing the bankruptcy of a public company called Zincare, but in spite of that he was rewarded with the well paid position of president of another public company in the town.
For example, we know that a deputy of the Republic, Francesco De Luca, has had contacts with a Naples family, with the emissaries of a camorra family, the Guida family that operates in Milan. The topic was to “adjust” a trial in the Court of Cassation. He has always defended himself by saying that he said “yes” and then he did nothing.
There are contacts and we probably only find out about the tip of the iceberg of this phenomenon. The families of the ’ndrangheta, of the camorra, of Cosa Nostra have loads of money. They have methods that are very convincing to succeed in penetrating the economy in the north, in Milan, in businesses in the north and they also have the means and the people to infiltrate and open up relationships with politics. The contracts for Expo 2015 will be substantial and they are attractive to everyone, even to organised crime. They would like to sit down at this sumptuous table when it is prepared for the feast.
The watchfulness relating to organised crime, to infiltrations, above all by the ’ndrangheta , but not just in Milan, should be very high. However, there’s a low level of awareness among the politicians, even Mayor Letizia Moratti, when there’s talk of the mafia in Milan says: “Let’s not exaggerate. You must denigrate the city. This is the city of fashion, of design, of voluntary work and lots of other great things”. That’s all true, but alas, we have to learn to also see the dark side of this city, because otherwise the alternative is that without our noticing it, they will be infiltrating into the economy, into politics and when we take notice, it’ll be too late!” Gianni Barbacetto
And who has made Milano in what it is, according to these Reporters who always leave out the most relevant facts in their sophistical Confessions of half-truths, Italian/Catholic style?
The migrants from the South of Italy and from the Balcanic Nations ( people in North Italy, including my aunt Armida in Rovellasca, Milano, live in a state of terror with triple locks on their doors, citophons etc. I advised them to buy a Beretta pistol and shoot the mongrels ), with their white smiles, their double morality, and their Saracenic, corrupt Carabinieri, supported, aided and encouraged by a corrupt, American-style-Constitution that has not changed since the days of the crazy and biased French Revolution!
And Mafia's bribes!
These modern reporters are generally cowards and effeminate cro-magnon-genitalied ( most of their blood supply is constantly wasted down in their huge genital areas to the detriment of their blood-starved brains and intellectual strength ) individuals, the product of sophistical Universities' educations which make them blabberers of hipocritical, soft, pietous comments about humanity and christian behaviour, critics without solutions, defenders of human rights without duties, condemners of strong action as fascism, extolling the ideals of our Democratic Constitutions without being aware of the abuses of these ideals by the Mafiosis with equally selectively ( they inter-marry) cro-magnon-sized genitals, suffering from their ( the reporters') same intellectual limitations, surrounding us, aiming to infiltrate all levels of Government, electing their ineffective puppets who have no understanding, wisdom or solutions.
What can a leader, elected by these mongrels, do in such a climate of cowardice, criticism and plausibilities?
One needs the cunning of a Lorenzo de' Medici and the pragmatic cruelty of a Cesare Borgia, but Italy, Europe, the West of rincoglioniti/sodomitic footballers/altar-boys does not produce such men any longer.
Most women are throllops!
The Duomo thrown into Berlusconi's face by a desperate and frustrated man is a warning to the Mafia by God Itself.
Consider please that even God has to use a poor bastard from the street as God's tool as there are no men worthy of the name in the West!
I at least, dare to write in unambiguous terms doing no favour to and not sparing anyone !
The North of Italy is becoming asphalted and concreted-in, look at the Mountain of Brunate at Como, and to the Valley facing Como itself, the walls and noblest buildings being grapphited by these goat-herders, while the South of Italy remains wilderness, a no-man-land, where no one dares to invest capital. Look at the miles of grapphities along the Railway-of-the-North in Milano. Even my old College, an ancient patrician building housing l'Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale "G. Feltrinelli "[ I was in the Aeronautical Classes of 1956-57, 1957-1958, but had to retreat from Final Exams because of a threatening nervous breackdown. Also, as a future migrant to Australia an Italian Diploma was practically useless, and Gheddafi's Islamic Nationalism was squeezing us, my brother and parents out of Libya and Australia was our only option. So I had to say good-by to Italy, thanks be to God!] is unrecogniseable since the exodus of the southern migrants to Milano since I left Italy in 1959.
Even ancient, noble, buildings, the heritage from the past, in Como are being grapphited by these Barbarians from the South.
Vergognati spudorata meretrice, volgare Italia odierna!).
Yet everyone knows who the Mafiosis are and where they live and what they are doing.
Lynch the Bastards in the streets, Brasilian-style!
I am not going to buy anything from them!
They can stick their Pizzas, moducci suits, ferrari ball-suspenders, gucci bags, etc...................up their sodomitic asses. Yet, the Mafiosis are also the greatest fools ever! The Master polluters of everything they handle, par excellence. They believe they are going to get away with it because of their double standards whereby they, like the Moslems lock their women up and deal honestly among their Clans. It does not work that way, grongos! Morality and Ethics are a matter of God's Grace, which cannot be bought, not even by the Pope himself or by the Church.
Martin Luther was right in this respect!
Sorry Benedictus XVI!
And if you disagree, I say to Thee " Va' a fan culo! ".
It is time the Churches begin preaching against and excommunicate these Mafiosis. Or are they afraid?
There is no room for fear in the True Church.
So speaks and writes a true Templar not one of those in hiding nursing their chronic fear-induced-diarrhoea and playing with empty rituals that do not signify anything in their hands!
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