Post 196. Italy and Corruption.
Berlusconi and his cronies do not deserve Pity, Compassion, Consideration or Humanity as they have been behind all public massacres perpetrated by the terrorists of COSA NOSTRA.
In another country, a Minister of the Interior incapable of defending his Prime Minister would have resigned. He is setting off once more in the search for external enemies. The truncheon of the police is by now the symbol of Padania {the Po Valley}. Hit and hit. Students, ALCOA workers, demonstrators in Piazza Fontana just the other day. The Lega of the bullets at 300 lire, of the Italian flag with which you can clean your backside, of the “I have a dream in my heart, burn the tricolore” {national flag} sung at Lugano by four Lega Ministers, of educational games like “Bounce the clandestine” and against violence on the Internet. If millions of Italians go online to say “F… off”
On 8 July 1998 the daily paper “La Padania” asked ten questions about the origin (mafioso?) of Berlusconi’s wealth. Perhaps even “La Padania” was instigating people to hate? Should it then have been closed down by Cicchitto-style P2-ists? The "mafioso of Arcore", (words used by Bossi) is today the master of the Lega who keeps it on a short leash. Maroni knows that in politics nothing is worse than renegades. Of those who have fought, I believe in good faith at the beginning, against the P2 and the mafia to then find themselves the servants of a P2-ist who defines a multiple murderer like Mangano to be “a hero”. Why vote for them? For one of the Centre Right at this point the original is better. The Internet is the bad conscience of the Lega. Anyone can listen to what the Lega leaders were saying a few years ago and can see what they have become today: the doormats of the P2. More Internet, less Lega, it’s arithmetic. Maroni has understood this. In a bit all the Italians will understand it, even above the Po. To help them, download the PDF with the ten questions of “La Padania” to Berlusconi, read them to the Lega people, print them and distribute them everywhere. For those questions the Italians are still waiting for responses. They will never give up (but is it in their interests?). Neither will we. to a corruptor, pimp, P2-ist, friend of the mafia, is it the fault of the Internet that informs them, or the fault of the corruptor, pimp, P2-ist, friend of the mafia?
I do not make it a mystery that my collaboration with Beppe-Grillo and Travaglio, etc. does not go all the way.
I go along with them as the Internet should remain totally free, uncensored and accessible and when they indite the corrupt Italian leaders and their criminal, treacherous, irresponsible practices. The Internet contains lots of crap, excreta and manure ( i.e, sick and distorted pornography, even bestiality, but it is up to the users to discriminate and make responsible choices. It is hard in fact to be a responsible democratic citizen).
Incidentally, even orchids, some exquisite women, grow in, love and need manure.
Besides one cannot really say to have judged or choosen or overcome anything, always with God's Grace of course, if one ignores all the alternatives of harsh real reality.
Even I, the mighty Templar of Melchizedeck
( ah,ja,aj,ja,ach,he,euh,hi,hah........), am struggling in fact daily with the Internet and praying for my right choices, as if all depended on God!
Beppe Grillo and Travaglio and all are like all the waffling Southerners whose anscestors never participated in the struggles of the Italian Risorgimento and in fact we the Northerners had to emancipate them, in one case i Fratelli Bandiera were massacred by the peasants in Cosenza during their landing there, attempting to liberate them. They are against severity and full of their empty southern smiles and pseudo and fake humanitarian feelings which do not mean anything in practice when considered and judged against the background of southern generated MAFIA's exploitations and abuses................of women in particular.
Rome, the Holy City has the largest number of prostitutes and distorted sex-peddlers, in the World. Yet Beppe-Grillo and his various priestly Dons never say or do anything about this plague. It is an unpopular issue. Travaglio was almost apologetic and protective of that Transvestite Governor of Rome! Ma che cazzo fate! These are the plagues which cause all the degenerate morality, false, hypocritical attitudes, endemic corruption in Italy and other Nations etc. right around your very democratic noses and just around the corner! Have you ever asked yourselves you hypocrits who abuse them, were do all these exploited, oppressed, desperate, abused peddlers of flesh come from, what forces caused them to have to sell their flesh for a living? This is why I spoke in the previous Post 195, about a forgotten Beatitude in relation to the wankers who should inherit the Heavens. Beppe-Grillo and Travaglio are masters at rhetoric and sophistry like the Moslems/Saracens/Curds from whom they derive. They are collusive and prone to take overs and infiltrations without any ideal of chivalry and a fair-go. They are better than Mafia but just so. I do not blame the Padani of Lombardy for wanting to burn "Il Tricolore " as it has no Savoja Arms on it, being to-day a symbol of the modern Italian's disrespect for duties, oaths and honour and of MAFIA rule in Italy. They criticise the Police's hard manners, but stern methods are essential in the West to-day, as the fake Democracy that worships Liberty without Duties, generated by the abuses of human rights by the French Revolution and a spurious Enlightenment, can only degenerate as these did, into INJUSTICE and the rise of the MAFIAS. Liberty without Duties equals INJUSTICE and has generated all the corruption with its Berlusconis.
Greece is in the same way as Italy.
Good leaders with severity and Justice are required to re-establish love of Duties, Honour, Law and Order.
TO HELL! internet less lega.html
dated 17/12/2009,
in relation to Berlusconi’s actual condemnation in the first degree, by the VII Section of the Tribunal of Milano, sentence read by the president of the VII Section Mrs. Francesca Manca, to two years and nine months- enprisonment for corruption and criminal use of Mafia capital.
That affair showed how there was collusion between members of all italian parties including the Socialists and the Christian Democrats, the result of a corruption that goes beyond and through political Credos.
How can one hope to reform the Italian leadership class when they are all born crooks?
This is the present Italian dilemma.
I say, by a radical change through the Restauration of the Savoja Monarchy and a radical change of all the members of the present political class in Italy with a clamping down through Martial Laws on the MAFIA.
The re-introduction of capital punsihment, deportation from ancestral lands ( i.e., exhile to the borders), vconfiscation of funds, removal of civil rights from Mafia bosses and their families for a couple of generations, forbidding entrepreneurial activities, etc. for terrorrist crimes, drugs-related crimes, sexual exploitation, human organs traffiking, treason against society and the nation, etc.
How can one feel any compassion for a person like Berlusconi who has been evading the punishment assigned him by the justiciaries of Italy, making a mockery of all things democratic?
The man deserves being lynched in the streets as an example and a stimulus for reform, or permanent incarceration to forced daily Labour.
Here is the text published by “ La Padana ” when Bossi its leader was still uncorrupted and not a colleague in illegal and criminal manipulations with Berlusconi and the now widespread italian Mafias.
I quote, trasnslating from Italian-:
Extremely serious news are reaching us from Palermo:
Silvio Berlusconi is being investigated for massive recyclings or launderings of funds belonging to COSA NOSTRA.
“La Padana ” is offering the Cavaliere [ how could Berlusconi qualify for the title of Cavaliere of the Italian Republic one wonders ] to deny and erase any suspicion directed toward him. It is just enough that he answers ---- one point at the time, quoting names--- our questions in relation to clarifications regardinng his entrepreneurtial activities. We are asking him, who, where and the reasons why he was supplied at the beginning of his career, over a span of 10 years, the large funds which allowed him, then a relatively young man, 32 years old, without inherited funds, to set up a building industry able to build whole suburbs. We are further asking him to reveal to the Nation this mystery. We also ask him to remove the many curtains hiding the sources of such huge funds and faking the apparent coincidences of so many preferential entrepreneurial assignments. Speak Cavalier, speak now else keep silent for ever. [ “ La Padana ” 8 July 1998 also listing ten questions addressed to Berlusconi by the lombard daily].
We the Italo-Australians ask the local Melbourne paper
"Il Globo "-:
"Che cazzo fate? Perche' non accusate questi Mafiosi?
Siete voi forse, pure dei Mafiosi?"
( tr. By what sort of fornication are you acting? Why don't you accuse/attack the Mafiosi? Are you perchance also Mafiosi? ).
Svegliati oh Italia!
A me' Italiani!
Italo-Australian professional persons, the ............................. etc.
" Ma che cazzo fate? ". Are you aware of what is going on in Italy? Do you read at all, do you think at all, or is your culture bankrupt and relying on the past glories of Italy? Have you ever asked yourselves what being an Italian, in addition to being an Australian, of course, really should mean? Wake up! Or are you just concerned with your double stories, balconied, quadruple- fronted status symbols?
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