Post 232. Beppegrillo is the ultimate pain in the ass!
The same applies to their counterpart, the ' fuckumitic ' Leghisti del Nord o della Padana, who do not trust beppegrillo and vice-versa............( the etenal story of Italian divisions and mutual mistrust is perpetuated. And the cretins accuse me and my family and all Italian migrants abroad, of having defected leaving them in the shits ( la cacca/mierda/merde ) of their own perpetual doing and being.
May You go and get fucked by Mafiosis en el de drio even in Hell! ). Sorry noble lady-readers, if any!
Before the West were to do this there should be a global agreement on the Population-control in places such such as Asia, the Middle-East and Africa, etc.
The everlasting struggles in Sri-lanka, Palestine and the Zulu ( the Ottentot pigmies, not the Zulu are the original dwellers of South Africa ) versus Boers, as an example, would cease were the people involved begin to stabilise their present populations, nay even reduce these.
Send their religious leaders to do forced labour if they disagree! So help us GOd the Spirit! it not?
( Magna Grecia....and Pericles/Temistocles ) in the Gymnasium/Lyceums when probably more interested in what their female colleagues wore under their skirts owing to the repressive sexual preachings of Vatican bent on cretinizing them, emasculating them, in readiness for Mafia rule......................................and the wafflings of yellow-bellies.
Follow the link to read the post:
Article from Beppe er Grillo
( the King of the ' tratturi ' of Abruzzo et Molise).
Italy is a nuclear power in terms of franchising. After the end of the Second World War, we obtained a licence from United States. In our Country, there are American warheads that are ready to be loaded onto a bomber aircraft and dropped on any rogue Country of choice. Over the past five years, this blog has revealed all possible information regarding the nuclear depots at Aviano and Ghedi Torre, which house some 90 nuclear warheads, including aerial photographs of the bases, the type of weapons, services, interviews and documents.
A US Department of Defence report estimates that the destruction potential of these weapons is equivalent to 900 Hiroshima bombs. The report was drafted by Roger Brady, commander of the Air Force in Europa, after a B52 transport aircraft erroneously carrying six atomic warheads flew over the United States. The report highlights: "problems with support structures, the depots' perimiter fences, the lighting, the security systems and the fact that the bases are guarded by young men doing military service with only a few months of training behind them".
A number of years ago, at the Ghedi Torre base, a group of youngsters held an improvised picnic for half an hour before being identified. It was a test to check the security measures and was later documented by a Swiss-Italian television service. Our neighbours have always been concerned by the possibility of a nuclear incident so close to their home. It could happen. The impossible is always waiting to happen. An explosion due to human error or a terrorist attack would wipe Northern Italy and a number of neighbouring Countries off the map. Farewell Padania.
There has been no reaction in Italy, yet for the Pdl and the Pdwithoutanel, who on a weekly basis worry about Iran having nuclear weapons, hosting sufficient nuclear warheads in our Country to wipe out life in Europe should be an issue to be addressed urgently. It's a matter of life and death. Even Time magazine, in a recent article entitled "What to do about Europe's secret nukes" asked the question: "Is Italy capable of delivering a thermonuclear strike?" According to Time Magazine, in the event of war , Italy could gain control of the B61 thermonuclear bombs situated on its territory, this by virtue of an agreement signed during the Cold War Era, .
The presence of nuclear weapons on Italian soil is contrary to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), as well as being anti-history, given that twenty years have passed since the fall of the Berlin Wall. These “Made in the USA” bombs must be sent back to their Country of origin. They may never give up (is it in their interests?), but neither will we.
Links to other postings on this topic:
Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?, dated 6 January 2010
Umberto Garibaldi, the anti-federalist, dated 10 December 2008
Online Referendum for the Dal Molin Base , dated 3 October 2008
Delirium, dated 4 September 2008
Vicenza: The Lega and the truncheons, dated 1 August 2008
Hiroshima is close, dated 22 June 2008
American occupation, Mentana information, dated 22 May 2008
The truth virus, dated 26 April 2008
Red Pill: the Vicenza base, dated 26 January 2007
A Country with limited sovereignty, dated 16 January 2007
Letter to George Bush, dated 13 April 2006
An appeal to the Marines, dated 28 October 2005
USABomber 2: no response, dated 3 March 2005
USABomber, dated 1 March 2005
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